Study of Training and Development in Banking Sector

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Training and development id significant a part of the

human resources management. A well trained work force is the greatest asset of an

Organization. After an employee is selected , the next important task for the
organization is to see that the employee adjusts as quickly as possible on the job and
performs his job efficiently. In order to do so it is essential that the employee is
properly trained and prepared for the tasks that lie ahead.

An organization cannot function effectively when its employees are not

trained well. Lack of training is often the cause of –

1. Poor productivity.
2. Errors and wastage.
3. Unsafe working practices.
4. Dissatisfaction of work.

 Training-

The aim of any training program is to provide instruction and

experience to new employees to help them reach the required level of performance

In their jobs quickly and economically.

 Development-
Employee Development programs are designed to meet specific objectives,
which contribute to both employee and organizational effectiveness. These
includes reviewing organizations objectives , evaluating the organization’s
current designing and implementing development programs and evaluating
the effectiveness of these programs and measuring the impact of training on
participants quality of work life.

Training is a basically the management of learning. The objective of training

and development is to raise the level of performance in one or more aspects. This is
achieved either by providing new knowledge and information relevant to a job or by
teaching new skill or by imbibing an individual with new attitudes , values ,
motivation and other personality characteristics.

According to Edwin Flippo. Training is “ the act of increasing the

knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.”

Goldstein describes the training process as the “ the systematic

acquisition of attitudes concepts , knowledge , roles or skills that result in improved
performance at work.”

Training prepares employees to perform their present job even better.

 History of Training and Development-

Training and development involves improving the effectiveness of organizations

and the individuals and teams within them. Training may be viewed as related to
immediate changes in organizational effectiveness via organized instruction, while
development is related to the progress of longer-term organizational and employee
goals. While training and development technically have differing definitions, the two
are oftentimes used interchangeably and/or together. Training and development has
historically been a topic within applied psychology but has within the last two
decades become closely associated with human resources management, talent
management, human resources development, instructional design, human factors,
and knowledge management

The first training-related article was published in 1918 in the Journal of Applied
Psychology. This article explored an undergraduate curriculum designed for applied
psychologists. World War II influenced the focus of applied psychology research to
be on effectiveness of training programs, particularly in military contexts. By the
1960s and 70s, the field began developing theories and conducting theory-based
research because up until that point, the field had been rooted in trial-and-error
intervention research. This era also brought along the development of new training
methods such as the use of computers, television, case studies, and role playing.

The scope of training and development also expanded to include cross-

cultural training, focus on the development of the individual employee, and the use of
new organization development literature to frame training programs. The 1980s
marked a shift to focus on how employees were receiving and implementing training
programs, and encouraged the collection of data for evaluation purposes, particularly
management training programs. The development piece of training and development
became increasingly popular in the 1980s and 90s, with employees more frequently
being influenced by the concept of "lifelong learning". It was in this decade that
research revealing the impact and importance of fostering a training and development-
positive culture (including management and co-worker) was first conducted. The turn
of the century brought more research in topics such as team-training, for example
cross-training. Cross-training emphasizes training in coworkers' responsibilities
Organizational training and development program are very costly. The benefits of
Training and Development are not only for the organization but also for the
These can be categorized as under-

 Benefits for the Organization

a) Results into higher productivity and improvement profitability by
developing new optimistic outlook towards revenue orientation.

b) Improves Job-knowledge & job-skills at all levels of organization.

c) Uplifts the confidence of the employees to greater heights.

d) Encourages employees to identify them with the overall Organizational


e) Helps build a improved Business culture and corporate image.

f) Fosters legitimacy, faith and sincerity.

g) Improves the magnitude of association among the superior and the


h) Leads to organizational development.

i) Prompts trainers to learn from the trainees.

j) Helps devise accurate course of action for the occupation.

k) Aids in considerate, appreciating and implementing organizational


l) Provides information for upcoming requirements in all areas.

m) Helps the group to enhance their effective managerial and analytical skills.

n) facilitates augmentation and development for promotion from within the

o) Positively affects work output, both quantitative and qualitative.

p) Helps cost fall in various areas like manufacture, people, management,

marketing, sale, etc.

q) Improve labor-management relations.

r) Develops a logic of commitment and accountability to the organization for

becoming more and more competent, educate and efficient.

s) Reduces external consulting expenditure by utilizing proficient in-house


t) Stimulates culture of management by preparation as opposite to

management by emergency.

u) Aids in humanizing organizational communication.

v) Effectively aids in conflict resolutions, thereby preventing consequential

stress, strain and tension.
 Benefits for the Individuals-
a) Develops better managerial and effective analytical skills.
b) Aids in uplifting self-assurance discipline and self control.
c) Enables employees cope up with stress, strain, worry and disagreement
confidently and successfully.
d) Provides valuable guidance for humarizing headship, awareness,
communicate skill and attitudes.
e) Enhances level of job-satisfaction, self-satisfaction and acknowledgment
from all quarters.
f) Helps an employee advance to his own goals while humanizing interactive
g) Meets individual needs of employees.
h) Shows and provides an employee the opportunity for own development
i) Develops the wisdom and practice of self-learning.
j) Helps get rid of panic in attempting a novel task.
 Benefits for personnel and Human relation and policy
a) Improves superiority of communication among groups and individuals.
b) Provides inputs on main beliefs of equivalent opportunities and positive
action existing in the organization.
c) Affects improvement in behavioral skills.
d) Formulate organizational policies, rules and regulations feasible and
e) Builds cohesiveness amongst different groups.
Importance of Training
& Development

Benefits for the Benefits for personel &

Benefits for
Organization individual. Human relation &
policy Implementation.

Higher productivity Develops

of profit. better
managerial Improves superiority of
skill. communication.

Improve labour
management Meets individual
relations. needs of employee. Provide
knowledge about
existing laws.
ETC. Develops the
practice of self-
Improve behavioral

Provides oppotunity
to employees.

 Objectives Of Training and Development-

It is very important to clearly established the training objective. Without clearly

set goals, It is not possible to design a training program and after it has been
implemented , there will be no way of measuring its effectiveness. The training
objectives as far as possible must tangible, variable and measurable.

The Training Objective usually include matters such as-

1) The specific skills and knowledge to be imported along with the attitudes
to be cultivated.
2) The employee who are to be trained.
3) The number of people to be trained and from which unit.
4) The time period within which the training is to be given.
5) The training Budget.
 Needs For Training And Development In Banking Sector-

Training and development needs must be based on the needs of the

employees and not on the basis of what the manager thinks is Important.


Needs Of
Job Training Of Personal
Training &
New Employees. Development.

Current Jobs.
1) Job Training Of New Employees-

A new employee mat not be

capable of fully performing his duties from the very first day that he joins the
Organization They must be trained to acquire the necessary knowledge, Skills and

2) Upgrading Current Jobs-

Employees already working in

the Organization but whose performance is not satisfactory the management identifies
such employees while doing performance appraisals and conduct training programs
for them.

3) Personal Development-

Training for personnel

development is directed at enhancing the long term effectiveness of the employees
and toward giving them development opportunites.

4) Management Development-

As men progress to increasingly

higher management positions their respnosibilities change the executive and human
relation skills required for effective leadership are not acquired by virtue of seniority.
Therefore managers require training in communication, Human relation and
awareness of technological advances.

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