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Usability Testing

Makers 4: Design Sprint

What is
Stampede Makers?
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Bi-monthly design
Makers 4: Design Sprint

The events feature

designers across
different specialties
and industries.
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Like these guys

Makers 4: Design Sprint

And this one:

Makers 4: Design Sprint

But seriously… we want

to help people acquire
technical design skills
and provide insight into
design careers.
Makers 4: Design Sprint

#1 Becoming a

Makers 4: Design Sprint

#2 Design Tools & Dev Handovers

Makers 4: Design Sprint

#3 Product Design
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Usability Testing
Makers 4; Design Sprint

We help teams design

and build products and
services that people
want to use.
Makers 4; Design Sprint

The Netherlands
Makers 4; Design Sprint


The Netherlands

UK Germany

USA Spain

United Arab Emirates

Costa Rica Saudi Arabia


2019 Australia
Makers 4; Design Sprint

Our team is fully

Makers 4; Design Sprint

One more thing.

I also live on an island.
Makers 4; Design Sprint

14 years ago,
I started designing
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Creative Principal Designer
UI Designer
Web designer

Amateur design
Makers 4; Design Sprint

My job as a designer nowadays

Hitting the sweet spot

Might look good but the
Makers 4; Design Sprint

magnitude of effort is pure


Might look good but

does not make
money so cannot pay
your salary how

Might be so
innovative but no one
wants to use it
Makers 4: Design Sprint
10,000 ft

The Big Picture

Integrated view of the entire ecosystem and service offering

1,000 ft

Requirements, briefs, planning, product roadmap, vision

100 ft

User flows, service blueprints, wireframes, wayfinding, navigation,
brand standards and guidelines, visual language

10 ft

Typography, colour, layout, interface design, spacing, animation,

1 ft

Designing at all Levels of Scale

Designing at Scale from Organization Design for Design Org
1 2 3 4 5
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Beginning Awareness Adopting Realising Exceptional

Timing of Initial UX Timing of Initial UX Timing of Initial UX Timing of Initial UX Timing of Initial UX

No UX After coding Mixed: after coding, Prior to coding As part of business

before coding and in and market
parallel with coding requirements

Availability of Resources Availability of Resources Availability of Resources Availability of Resources Availability of Resources

None Visual design Visual, interaction, Visual, interaction, Visual, interaction,

research, lower level research, upper level research, management
management management and executive

Leadership and Culture Leadership and Culture Leadership and Culture Leadership and Culture Leadership and Culture

None None No clear owner, shared Clear owner in upper Clear owner and well
amongst functions management understood and
represented at
executive levels

What is your organisation’s UX Maturity Stage?

Macadamian A UX Maturity Model for Introducing User Experience into the Corporate Culture
Makers 4; Design Sprint

Solving problems at higher scale gets really complex

Missing North Star

Design & technical debt
Misaligned motivations
Fear of the unknown
Strategy—execution gap
Are we solving the right problem?

What if people don’t want to pay for this?

What if our competitor get there first?

What if we’re too early for the market?

Or too late?
What if we run out of runway?

What if we build it and they don’t come?

What if the idea’s great but we fail to execute?

What if we
got it wrong?
Makers 4; Design Sprint

If only there was

a bulletproof way to
solve complex problems
How every complex problem-solving
feels like according to my brain
How might we ensure Coil Inlet
Temperature at PETRONAS refinery plant
remains at its optimum 275C at all times?
How do we convince an entire nation
infamous for reckless drivers and road rage
to start driving safer?
What to eat today?
Makers 4; Design Sprint

“ Lurking beneath every

goal are dangerous
The longer those
assumptions remain
unexamined, the
greater the risk.”
— Jake Knapp, Google Ventures
Makers 4: Design Sprint

The 1:10:100 Rule

The cost of correcting a problem at definition

… at design 10x development 100x

Makers 4; Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

1x Cost of Prevention

10x Cost of Correction

100x Cost of Failure

Makers 4; Design Sprint

Design Sprint?
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Jake Knapp John Zeratsky Braden Kowitz

Makers 4: Design Sprint

Design Sprint is Design Thinking in just 5 days

Makers 4: Design Sprint

How It Works

Design Answers critical business questions in

five days’ time through empathy,
Sprint ideation, prototyping and testing ideas
with real users.
It validates your problem-solving and
solution before you even build it.
Makers 4: Design Sprint

How It Works

Design It is good for...

Sprint ● When kicking off a new and risky

feature or product
● When solving problems with an
existing product
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Impact of Design Sprint IRL

● A Fortune 500 Company got a clear
answer to a difficult enterprise problem in a
How It Works
five-day Design Sprint. It would’ve otherwise
taken them over six months.
Design ● A telematics company increased user

Sprint acquisition and retention by several folds

after a three-day Design Sprint.

● It prevented a tech company from

continuing to transplant foreign solutions
that confused and alienated local
consumers. They started looking at
localisation instead.
Makers 4: Design Sprint

How It Works

kinds of

From What kinds of problems can you solve with a Design Sprint? By Jill Starret
Makers 4: Design Sprint

What’s the process like?

Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Surely it takes longer than 5 days!

Actually it doesn’t have to (thanks Pareto!)
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Research Solutioning Test, Analyse,

Understanding the problem or
opportunity, its users and context.
Defining a desired goal and crafting
a solution and prototype based on Iterate
research. Typically tested in a Test the prototype with real users.
sprint. Outcomes analysis conducted to
give recommendations and plan
Surveys & Solution Sketches iterations.
Questionnaires Storyboard
Ethnography Study Usability Testing
Observations Developer Handover
Golden Circle Analytics
User Flow
Business Model Canvas A/B Testing
Interaction Design
User Persona Heatmap
Empathy Map
Customer Journey
Journey Map
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Research Solutioning Test, Analyse,

Understanding the problem or
opportunity, its users and context.
Defining a desired goal and crafting
a solution and prototype based on Iterate
research. Typically tested in a Test the prototype with real users.
sprint. Outcomes analysis conducted to
give recommendations and plan
Surveys & Solution Sketches iterations.
Questionnaires Storyboard
Ethnography Study Usability Testing
Observations Developer Handover
Golden Circle Analytics
User Flow
Business Model Canvas A/B Testing
Interaction Design
User Persona Heatmap
Empathy Map
Customer Journey
Journey Map
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Design Sprint

Imagine the gift of knowing

before committing to something
● You greatly increase the chances ● Limited time forces people to go for
of making something people want practical, do-able solution (🥰DEV)

● You immediately reduce doubt ● “Eh we’re in the same team rupanya!”
and uncertainty —unifying factor and clear sense of
● Low investment, high reward for
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

How to run a
Design Sprint
All of these methods have been adapted and tested by Stampede team, so help us, God
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Just Enough Research


Get to know the user
Setting the right
conditions for Sprint Team

Assemble your Sprint team

Send welcome note
Makers 4: Design Sprint

“Who is our user?”

— Every single stakeholder at some point of their life. True story.
Job you love
Makers 4: Design Sprint

User Persona

What do you
know about the
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

User Persona

See the world

through your
user’s lens
Makers 4: Design Sprint

But don’t stop at assumption. Validate!

UX Workshop
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Assembling the Sprint Team

“Who should join?”

“Dev no need kot”
— Every single designer at some point of their life. Also true story.

Makers 4: Design Sprint

Assembling the Sprint Team

“Dev, you want to join?”

— Every single developer when first asked to join.
Source: being married to one
Community Support

CEO (Decider)
Designer CTO


Head of Product
Makers 4: Design Sprint
“A great team is made up of people
who have the attitude that
it is better to learn something new
than to be right”
— Bill Buxton
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint


Interview the Experts

Set long-term goal
Understanding Define Sprint question

The Problem Afternoon

Map the Problem

Identify opportunities
Target specific problem
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Interviewing the Experts, setting long-term goal and defining sprint questions
Makers 4: Design Sprint

● Start with the user’s first

Journey Map step or entry point into
your product experience
Step-by-step ● Add each step in the
playthrough of journey until the user’s
what the user goal has been reached
● Highlight pain points
experiences along the journey
● One journey map for one
user persona
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

“It’s easy. We just need to...”

“Wait, Macha”
— Don’t fall into the Solution trap
Makers 4: Design Sprint

● Every step on the journey

Pain → Opportunity map has pain points
Pain is ● Every pain is an

everywhere. opportunity in disguise

Coming up with
And where there

opportunities is hard, but

is pain, there is there’s a shortcut

Opportunity. ● It’s easier to imagine pain

points instead. Let’s start
v e t he
i m p ro c h
: a r
HMW nce of se
relev results?

ial searc
is not re h result
Makers 4: Design Sprint

ents don’t
PAIN: Pati
kno w h ow to
term in e the best
d e
in tm ent time

PAIN: Patient is
confused and
unsure of which
trial to take

al search
result is
not relev
Makers 4: Design Sprint

lp patients
HMW: he
e best
choose th
p o intm e nt time?

HMW: provide
information to help
patient make trial

HMW: im
prove th
relevanc e
e of searc
results? h
Makers 4: Design Sprint

lp patients
HMW: he
e best
choose th
p o intm e nt time?

HMW: provide
information to help
patient make trial

HMW: im
prove th
relevanc e
e of searc
results? h
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

lp patients
HMW: he
e best
choose th
p o intm e nt time?

HMW: provide
information to help
patient make trial

HMW: im
prove th
relevanc e
e of searc
results? h
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint


Lightning Demo
Divide or Swarm

4-Step Sketch
Recruit users for Friday
Lightning Demo Capturing ideas for Inspiration Wall
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Sketching Solutions
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint


Art gallery
WEDNESDAY Make heatmaps

Decide on a Supervote

solution Afternoon

Make storyboard
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Art Museum
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Heatmap &
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Make your
These will be a
sequence of screens
your users when
interacting with the
Storyboard: Simplified
Storyboard: The Whole Shebang
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint


Choose the tools

THURSDAY Divide and conquer

Prototype the Prototype

solution Afternoon

Write interview script
Do trial-run
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Tools to fake it

Simple Does It Overachiever Designers

Powerpoint Keynote Sketch Invision Figma

Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Final Touches

Organise and
stitch your
prototype into
one coherent
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

This is it, guys!

Makers 4: Design Sprint


Setup the Interview Room

Setup Observation Room
Setup video stream
Test the
prototype All Day

Interview 5 users
Take note
Seek patterns
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Usability testing
is magical and
and cheap too!
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Wait, just 5 users?!

Makers 4: Design Sprint

Setting up the prototype

Interview Room Observation Room
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Observation Room

Note-taking Setting up hardware and video stream

Makers 4: Design Sprint

“Interview Room” “Observation Room”

Things I Know to be True

Watch his facial expression

Watch user’s actions

Things I Know to be True

Things I Know your findings
to be True to discover patterns
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Patterns emerging from Usability Testing

Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint

Debrief by asking “How did we do?”

💀 😅 💯
An efficient failure A flawed success An epic win!
The prototypes didn’t hit the mark, Some ideas met your user’s The concept met your user’s needs;
but you learned something (or needs, but not all of them. You they were able to complete tasks
many things) and saved your team learned something and can now easily and engaged with all the
four to six months of work building iterate and test again. features you mapped out. You are
the wrong product. You might ready to implement!
want to run a follow-up Sprint.
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint
Makers 4: Design Sprint


● Problems evolve and get increasingly complex

● Problem-solving is riddled by uncertainty and risk

● Design sprint is a phenomenal bridge between

strategy and execution

● It validate risky ideas before they get built, giving

teams focus and confident execution
Makers 4: Design Sprint

“ Courage is more
important than
—Debbie Millman
Thank you! Shaza Hakim


Stampede Makers

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