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Method statement for rock blasting

1. Introduction and General Information

This method statement provides the detail of the methods, the materials, the equipment and
procedure to the rock blasting activity, including the quality control verification, the
measurement verification and also the safety precaution to be implemented for this work.

Following are the methods by the nature of rock blasting:

a. Controlled Blasting.
Controlled blasting methods are used to control adverse impact such as over-break, reduced
ground vibrations, reduced fractures within remaining rock wall, reduce noise, reduce
dilution / waste of ore etc. The controlling is necessarily done by varying the drilling
parameters and explosive contents.
b. Muffled Blasting.
Fly rock is another important adverse impact of blasting operations, especially when
conducted in a dense or congested area. Muffling or covering of the blast hole is the
common solution to prevent fly rock from damaging structures.
c. Chemical Blasting.
Chemical blasting is breaking or demolition by using non explosive, non-expanding chemical
agent. This requires a very large amount of drilling. This is the safest method used in the
industry and the cost of blasting is four to five times higher than controlled blasting.

2. Materials

The major materials used for rock blasting include ( but are not limited to the following ).

Water Gel / Dynamite ( explosive )

Electric Detonator ( initiative )
Ammonium Nitrate ( explosive )
Barricade Tapes ( Safety or Traffic )
Warning Boards ( Safety of traffic and Safety while Blasting )
Flags ( Safety while Blasting )
Sign Boards ( Controlling of Traffic while Blasting )
Tires, Rubbing Blasting Mats, Gabion Steel nets and etc. ( Muffling for Control Blasting )
Water ( Chemical Blasting and Dust control while drilling Đ
Drill bots , Rods ( Drilling )

3. Equipment / Machinery ( one unit )

The major equipment used for rock blasting include but are not limited to the following:

Backhoe / Loader
Dump trucks
Jack Hammers
Air Compressor
Speakers / Magaphone
Circuit Tester
Tamping Rod

4. Methods and Procedures

Before the commencement of the work, the engineer will be notified of the areas where rocks
are to be blasted. Accordingly, the Engineer will inspect the area for approval before
commencement of the works.
Blasting will be executed in accordance with the existing laws and regulations. Relevant
permission will be obtained from the designated authorities before commencement of work.

a. Prior demonstration and introduction to the neighbors by the safety manager.

b. Flagmen with red and green flags are stationed at both end of the area.
c. 1st warning will alarm by using sire or megaphone to inform all the vehicles and passenger to
stop or get away from the area.
d. Issue 2nd warning 3 minutes before firing.
e. Issue 3rd warning 1 minute before firing to confirm the blasting area and its surrounding is
f. Final check
g. Commence blasting.
h. Confirmed
i. Siren to inform the personnel that all is clear


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