Abstract B. Inggris

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The proportion of moringa and cassava leaves on the chemical and sensory

properties of chicken nugget

Sutrisno Adi Prayitno dan 2Andi Rahman Rahim

Food Technology Department, Agriculture Faculty, Gresik Muhammadiyah University.
Jl. Sumatra No 101 East Java, Indonesia 61121
Aquaculture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Gresik Muhammadiyah University.
Jl. Sumatra No 101 East Java, Indonesia 61121
correspondence: sutrisnoadi2007@gmail.com

The various types of chicken product have the potential for good nutrition because of the
presence of protein an amino acid in chicken meat. The chicken meat can be processed into
nuget as a healthy food. For example by adding natural ingridients that contain a lot of high
nutrients such as those found in moringa and cassava leaves. moringa and cassava leaves are
not utilized in many rural areas. As if its only disposed as waste. However, many nutritional
component are found in these leaves. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze
the chemical paramaters of the nuget chicken product that fortified by moringa (Moringa
oleifera) and cassava leaves (Manihot utilissima). In the sensory evaluation, to determine the
best treatmen by using the effectiveness test. While the chemical parameters be done by
laboratory analysis. The research design by using a completely randomized design with a 5%
confidence level. Thee result showed in the sensory evaluation the best treatmen of nuget
product was the proportion of cassava and moringa leaves by 50:50%, with result value being
0.68. In the chemical analisys shows the best treatment is also in the ratio of 50:50%. The
chemical parameters such as protein 10.16, Vitamin C 118.80, Calcium 112,30 mg, Crude
fiber is 9.40%. The additon of Moringa and cassava leaves has an influence in the chemical
parameters in the (protein, rough fiber, calcium) in the that chicken nugget.

Key words: Moringa, cassava leaves, chicken meat, nugget, sensory, chemical properties.

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