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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Date: February , 2020

Year and Sesction : English 7- Aguinaldo, Mabini
Time Frame: 1hr

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. express one’s beliefs based on material viewed

II. Subject matter

Topic : Inevitable change

Materials : IMS, board, chalk
Reference : English Learners Material pp 460-462

III. Procedure

Checking of attendance
Collecting of assignment

A. Preparation

1. review
The teacher will review the previous lesson about the Verb
The teacher will ask the students the following questions:

 What are the three types of verb?

 What is verb?

2. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students

 Class is it hard to become adult? Why?

3. Setting of Objectives
 The teacher will present the learning objectives to the class.

B. Presentation

A. Activity

 The teacher will show a picture of inevitable changes of weather

and let the students describe the picture.
B. Analysis

 The teacher will ask the student in what way do these changes
help you deal with the complexities in your life?

C. Abstraction:

 The teacher will further explain of what is inevitability change

D. Application

 How these change help you develop and progress as a person

IV. Evaluation

Express one’s beliefs based on material viewed.

TASK 2: Photo Bomb (think-pair-share activity). With a partner, discuss how the
picture presents inevitability of change.

1. What do the sunny and rainy weather symbolize?

2. How do these change affect your daily life?

3. How would you react to the inevitable changes in your life? Cite an examples

4. In what way do these changes help you deal with the complexities of life?

5. Do you consider change as a danger or as an access to broaden your horizon? Why?

V. Assignment

read in advance ‘’The Parable of the Rainbow Color’’


Student teacher

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