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Nama : Kurnia Mega Lestari

Nim : 06101381722047
Prodi : Pendidikan kimia (Kelas palembang)

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Soal :

1. Tulis nama, kelas, nama sekolah pada lembar jawaban yang sudah tersedia
2. Jawaban ditulis dengan rapih dan mudahdibaca
3. Semua soal dan bagiannya wajibdijawab dalam waktu 30 menit
4. Tidak diperkenankan melihat atau mencontek jawaban peserta lain
5. Tidak diperbolehkan mencoret-coret lembarsoal

Soal Uraian
Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini!

1. Different substances have different levels of acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale which
ranged from 0 to 14 is used to indicate the degree of acidity and alkalinity of substances. The pH
values for daily common substances are shown in Diagram 1

(a) State the formula of ions that enable the substances to show its acidic and alkaline

Answer :

Acidic. :Electrolyte in car battery , vinegar , tomato .

Alkaline: Baking soda , Drain cleaner

(b) How does the ions that you have stated in (a) affect pH value of the substances?
Answer :

Judging from the acidity level where acids will have a pH of 0-6 while pH 7 is neutral and pH 8-14
is alkaline

[2 marks]

Diagram 2

(i) Based on the situation in Diagram 2, which substance in Diagram 2 you would
suggest the student to solve the problem?
Give reason for your answer.

Answer :
Spill handling procedures in general are:

1. Recognize spills / identification of spilled material and know safe handling techniques.
2. Ensure the use of personal protective equipment (especially gloves, eye / face protection and
respiratory protection if necessary).
3. Prevent spills from spreading and stop sources of spills if it is safe to do so.
4. Handle (in place) the right way.

In general, the process carried out is neutralization. Neutralization can use bases (soda ash /
lime) for acidic spills and acetic acid solutions for basic spills. The most common materials used
for emergencies in the event of a spill are sand, soil, sodium carbonate and lime.

[2 marks]
(ii) The student found there was a piece of magnesium ribbon on the floor that
started dissolving and fizzing as the acid ran over it.
Explain the observation.

Answer :
When magnesium metal is dissolved, it will react exothermicly with most acids such as
hydrochloric acid (HCl), producing metal chloride and hydrogen gas, similar to the reaction of HCl
with aluminum, zinc, and many other metals.

[2 marks]

2. Lim Seng was playing in the playground with his friends. While playing suddenly a bee
came and stung his hand. He went to home and told his mother. She apply substance Y
that was found in the bathroom on Lim Seng hand. Suggest substance Y that his mother
applied on his hand. Explain your answer.

Answer :
Y compound is toothpaste. Toothpaste is used as a medicine for us if stung by bees. Because
toothpaste creates tingling-like effects, toothpaste can be a good natural remedy for reducing pain
such as burning and swelling in the skin. Besides toothpaste is also able to neutralize toxins from
bee stings.

[3 marks]


Shell of the snail is made of compound X. Compound X is an ionic compound which can
react with dilute hydrochloric acid.
Based on the information given,
Write a chemical equation for the reaction.
State the observation
Give a chemical test to identify the gas produced.

a. Reaction
Fe + 2HCl encer → FeCl₂ + H₂


c. Gas produce
the gas produced is hydrogen gas H₂

[4 marks]


Diagram 3
Diagram 3 shows the observation when chicken egg is immersed in solution X.
Suggest solution X which can be easily found in the kitchen and explain the
observation. Write a chemical equation to show the reaction.

Answer :

[4 marks]
John pours hot water into a glass bottle. Then, he puts the bottle into a refrigerator.
After two hours, he discovered that the bottle is cracked. Explain the situation based
on the properties of glass.
Answer :

The glass bottle broke due to freezing water that occurred in the freezer. Water is a substance
that is unique when frozen. If in general other materials such as glass shrink their molecules when
frozen. In contrast to water, when it freezes the water molecules get bigger and cause great
pressure on the glass bottle, so the glass bottle is broken.

In addition, because there is a drastic difference in temperature with the temperature in the
refrigerator with the temperature outside the room.

For example, a glass filled with hot water will break if put into the refrigerator because of a drastic
temperature difference.

[6 marks]

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