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Interaction with the teacher Always talks to the teacher in Most of the times talks to the Sometimes talks to the teacher in Hardly ever talks to the teacher in Never talks to the teacher in
English teacher in English English English English

Interaction with other classmatesAlways talks to other classmates Most of the times talks to other Sometimes talks to other Hardly ever talks to other Never talks to other classmates in
Descripción in English classmates in English classmates in English classmates in English English

Participation in class activities Always shows interest to Most of the times shows interest Sometimes shows interest to Hardly ever shows interest to Never shows interest to participate
Descripción participate in class activities to participate in class activities participate in class activities participate in class activities in class activities

Doubts Always asks doubts in English Most of the times asks doubts in Sometimes asks doubts in English Hardly ever asks doubts in English Never asks doubts in English
Descripción English

Class discussions Always contributes to class Most of the times contributes to Sometimes contributes to class Hardly ever contributes to class Never contributes to class
Descripción discussions class discussions discussions discussions discussions

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