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94300 Kota SamarahanSarawak
KNS4673 Integrated Design Project 2

WEEKLY SLOTS (SEM 2 - 2019/2020)

Thursday – 10.00 am to 12.00 noon (Graphic Lab, Civil) & Friday – 8.00 am to 10.00 am (BP5, CTF1)

Week Date Detailed Design Talk/Activities Representative

30/01/20 (Thu) Introduction to Detailed Design 1
1 IDP Coordinators
31/01/20 (Fri) Introduction to Detailed Design 2
06/02/20 (Thu) Detailed Design: Discussion 1 IDP Coordinators
07/02/20 (Fri) Group Discussion 1 IDP Students
Road: Dr Zamri Bujang
13/02/20 (Thu) Troubleshoot 1: Road Design & Traffic Design
3 Traffic: Dr Mohamad Raduan Kabit
14/02/20 (Fri) Troubleshoot 2: Water Reticulation Design Cik Hasmida Hamza
20/02/20 (Thu) Troubleshoot 3: Drainage Design Dr Charles Bong Hin Joo
21/02/20 (Fri) Talk 1: Preparations for a Professional Presentation A.P. Dr Mohammad Ibrahim Safawi Mohammad Zain
27/02/20 (Thu) Troubleshoot 4: Sewerage Design Dr Jethro Henry Adam / Ir. Dr Leonard Lim Lik Pueh
28/02/20 (Fri) Presentation 1: Progress of Works (W1-W4) IDP Coordinators
Geotechnical: Dr Alsidqi Hasan
05/03/20 (Thu) Troubleshoot 5: Geotechnical Design & Foundation Design
Foundation: Ir. Dr Norazzlina M.Sa’don
RC: Ir. Dr Abdul Razak Abdul Karim
06/03/20 (Fri) Troubleshoot 6: RC Design & Steel Design
Steel: Prof Dr Md Abdul Mannan
12/03/20 (Thu) Troubleshoot 7: Project Management Ir. Dr Ting Sim Nee / Dr Lee Yee Yong
13/03/20 (Fri) Presentation 2: Progress of Works (W5-W6) IDP Coordinators
SEMESTER BREAK (16/03/2020 – 22/03/2020)

Prepared by: Ir. Dr Norazzlina M.Sa’don & Ir. Dr Abdul Razak Abdul Karim Page 1 of 2
94300 Kota SamarahanSarawak
KNS4673 Integrated Design Project 2

Ir. Hj. Zawawi Hj. Embong

26/03/20 (Thu) Panel Industry 1: Civil Works
8 Sarahill Consulting Sdn. Bhd.
27/03/20 (Fri) Group Discussion 2 IDP Students
Ir. Kenny Thian Boon Khuin
02/04/20 (Thu) Panel Industry 2: Structural Works
9 Director WACIS Engineering Consultant
03/04/20 (Fri) Group Discussion 3 IDP Students
Ir. Chung Chow Pin
09/04/20 (Thu) Panel Industry 3: BQ and Tender Documents
10 Director of Alam Suria Equity Sdn. Bhd.
10/04/20 (Fri) Public Holiday: Good Friday
16/04/20 (Thu) Presentation 3: Progress of Works (W7-W10)
11 IDP Coordinators
17/04/20 (Fri) Presentation 4: Progress of Works (W7-W10)
All Lecturers & Invited Industry Evaluator Panel (IEP)
1) Ir. Hj. Zawawi Hj. Embong - Sarahill Consulting Sdn.
22/04/20 (Wed) Oral Presentation for Detailed Design Report (15%) 2) Ir. Kenny Thian Boon Khuin - WACIS Engineering
12 Consultant
3) Ir. Chung Chow Pin - Alam Suria Equity Sdn. Bhd.
4) Ir. Wenndy Sebli - SPNB Sarawak
23/04/20 (Thu)
24/04/20 (Fri) Finalizing Detailed Design Report IDP Students
30/04/20 (Thu)
01/05/20 (Fri) Public Holiday – Labour Day
07/05/20 (Thu) Public Holiday – Wesak Day
08/05/20 (Fri) Technical Essay Writing Test (15%) IDP Coordinators
Submission of Detailed Design Report @ 12 noon, FK
15 11/05//20 (Mon) IDP Students
General Office Level 2 (Pn Rokilah)

Prepared by: Ir. Dr Norazzlina M.Sa’don & Ir. Dr Abdul Razak Abdul Karim Page 2 of 2

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