English 8 3rd QT 2019ok

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3rd Quarter Reviewer - English 8

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: ___________

I. Spelling Different Vocabulary Words
A. Spell the words that will be dictated by your teacher and compose a sentence using
each of it. Write on the lines provided.
1. _________


2. _________


3. _________


4. _________


5. _________


II. A. Organizing Information Using Graphic Organizers

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A graph which uses small pictures or symbols that are stacked up one after another.
a. pictograph b. line graph c. bar graph
2. It compares two variables represented by the horizontal x-axis that represents measure of time,
and vertical y-axis that represents measures of quantity.
a. pictograph b. line graph c. bar graph
3. It has also its axis. Each is labeled with either a categorical or a numerical variable.
a. pictograph b. line graph c. bar graph
4. It is a special kind of bar graph which is composed of classes – ranges of values with equal
intervals – that are listed at the bottom horizontal axis.
a. histogram b. line graph c. bar graph
5. It is also known as a circle graph which represents the parts of a whole.
a. pictograph b. pie chart c. bar graph
6. It is a diagram or a picture representative for organized set/s of measurements or numerical data
that are related to each other
a. graph b. chart c. diagram
7-12. Read the following.

Number of Dengue Cases in Cavite


510 507 475

Bacoor Dasmarinas General Trias Imus Silang

7. What type of graph is used above?
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pictograph
8. In which place has the highest number of dengue case?
a. Bacoor b. Dasmarinas c. Imus
9. In which place has the lowest number of dengue case?
a. Bacoor b. Dasmarinas c. Silang
10. What is the total number of cases among all cities in Cavite?
a. 3,609 b. 967 c. 1,067
11. What type of nonlinear text is used presenting the information?
a. bar graph b. drawing c. table
12. What is the difference in the number of cases between highest and third highest?
a. 510 b. 967 c. 1,067
B. Sensory Images Used
13. Maria has long, black abundant hair which she usually decorates with pomelo flowers.
a. Sight b. Hearing c. Smell d. touch
14.’’ Then back to his maiden fair the ran; unmindful of the rain; but his feet slipped and he fell down.”
a. Hearing b. Sight c. Smell d. Touch
C. Determining the Tone of the Author
16. “Alas. My brother Sulayman is dead!”
a. Angry b. Happy c. Sad d. Surprised
17. “If only that old woman hadn’t seen him! If only our Chief had not sentenced him to die!”
a. Surprised b. Angry c. Sorrowful d. Regretful

Explaining Figurative Language Used

D. Matching type write the letter of the correct answer
A. B.

_______1. All Thumbs a. To discover

_______2. Hit the jackpot b. Be very lucky or successful
_______3. Wear many faces c. adjust one’s attitude
_______4. Bring to mind d. Blame someone
_______5. Find fault with e. Livelihood
_______6. Have the floor f. In addition
_______7. Half-baked g. Poorly planned and done
_______8. Over and above h. With permission to speak
_______9. Bread and butter i. To recall
_______10. Bring to light j. To have difficulty fixing or clumsy

E. Spell the words that will be dictated. Choose the meaning of the word from Column B and write the
letter of your answer on the line provided before each item.
_______1. ___________________ a. having or showing the qualities of an adult
at an unusually early age
_______2. ___________________ b. a name that someone uses instead of his or
her real name.
_______3. __________________ c. a serious disease that affects the lungs
_______4. ___________________ d. suggesting that something bad is to happen
in the future
_______5. ___________________ e. to be slow or late about doing something
that should be done.
II. Recognizing Propaganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
Identify the propaganda technique described in each of the following items. Choose your answer from
the box and write the letter of your answer on the lines provided.

a. humor c. repetition e. association g. bribery

b. intensity d. testimonial f. bandwagon h. fear or emotion

______1. It is the repetition of the message or sounds within the ad or the repetition the ad several
times within an airtime.
______2. It is the use of the argument that a person should believe or do something because
everybody else does.
______3. It is the used of images that make audience laugh but provides little information about the
product or service.
______4. It is the use of excitement, sadness or fear to influence viewers. It is the opposite of
______5. It is the appearance of an expert, celebrity, or plain folk to sell and support the product.
______6. It is the linking of the product, service or idea with something already like.
______7. It is the used of promos or freebies in order to buy the product.

III. Differentiating Facts from Opinions

Write T if the statement the story “A Crystal Heart” by Aaron Shepard is true and F if it is on the lines
provided before each item.
________1. Mandarin was a powerful government official.
________2. Truong hi gave Mi Buong a crystal tea up.
________3. Mi Nuong felt guilty fro he have done to Tung Chi.
________4. Mi Nuong lived alone in a roof at the tower of the castle.
________5. The villagers found Truong Chi’s body lying on the mat of his hut.
________6. Mi Nuong fell in love with Truong the time he met her in the palace.
________7. Truong Chi was a very strong, handsome, and rich fisherman living in the village.
________8. Through Mi Nuong teardrop on crystal teacup, Truong Chi’s soul was released free from
________9. Mi Nuong got sick because she did not hear Truong Chi’s voice singing at the boat river
________10. It was believed that Truong Chi got sad and weak for he was rejected by Mi Nuong that
his heart turn into crystal.
IV. Expressing Appreciation for the Sensory Images Used
Determine the type of imagery used in each of the following sentences. Write V for visual, A for
auditory, OL for olfactory, G for gustatory, T for tactile, OR for organic, or K for kinesthetic on the line
_______1. The swift jet blows the dust on the runway.
_______2. I love how our new puppy howls when hungry.
_______3. I will never take that bitter medicine syrup ever again.
_______4. He leaves a huge scar in my heart for abandoning me.
_______5. You shall forever crave for that sweet drink with pearl sinkers.

V. Identifying and Using Coordinating Conjunctions and Subordinating Conjunctions

Encircle the coordinating conjunction used in each of the following sentences.
1. My grandfather and grandmother live with us.
2. I must study hard so that I may get good grades.
3. Dan nor Kevin will be present at the party.
4. I really want to play games but I have a class to attend.
5. I need to study hard to look after my younger brother for my mother is doing her weekly
grocery shopping.

VI. Using Appropriate Strategies for Unlocking Unfamiliar Words

Determine which type of context clue is in unlocking the meaning of each underlined word.
Write on the line D for Definition, A for Antonym, S for Synonym, and I for Inference.
1. Miguel was very loquacious. He really loved to talk.
2. It was a frigid winter night; even the lake was frozen solid.
3. We were all very suspicious. We didn’t know who we could trust.
4. The team felt victorious. They know they would never lose again.
5. The ancient Chinese used the abacus, a device with movable beads that can be used as a
6. When the children at the party saw the cake, the balloons and the clown, they were ecstatic.
7. Coyotes have a voracious appetite. They eat insects, lizards, snakes, rabbits, squirrels, grasses
and even fruit.
8. Police officers often must interrogate witnesses, that is, the officers must ask their witnesses
important questions and try to get truthful answers.
9. Sheila spearheaded the new product line. She learned what people were buying. She started the
new advertising campaign. She even designed the webpage for the new logo.
10. Nikola Tesla was an enigmatic figure. His inventions contribute too many of the modern
conveniences that we use to this day. But, he also had visions, thought that he speak with
beings on Mars, and died on pauper.
VII. Using Modals Appropriately
Compose a sentence using correct modal based on key words below. Encircle the modals you used
on the sentence.
1. (asking a favor from your best friend)

2. (asking permission from your teacher)


3. (stating a doubt attending classes)


4. (obliging for your brother to his assignment)


5. (stating uncertainty going to the party)


Affixes: Suffix and Prefix

VIII. Write a prefix or suffix to complete the sentences. Choose your answer in the box.
-less Pre- -er -est
Un- Re- Be- -al
-ful An- il- Ab-

1. The kids were very ____happy when their soccer game was rained out.
2. Mom had to ____heat the oven before she could bake the cake.
3. I had to ____read the question so I could understand it.
4. The firefighter was fear_____ as he ran into the burning house to save the family.
5. We had to _____ware of snakes while we were hiking through the woods.
6. She was the young_____ girl in the whole class.
7. The lights added magic_____ touch to the play.
8. The brown dog was small_____ than the black dog.
9. The farm_____ took the hay into the barn.
10. Our teacher told us to be care_____ with the pottery we made.

IX. Essay
A. Propaganda Techniques
1. How can propaganda techniques used in advertisements affect consumers perception about a
product or service? Give three concrete examples.

B. Explaining How a Selection may be influenced by Culture, History, Environment or Other

Explain the following
1. Why literature was consider as means of connecting to the world?
2. Why culture, history and environment are the factors that affect the author of his writings?

X. Illustration
Propaganda Techniques
A. Draw an advertisement poster using the propaganda technique in each of the following items.

1. humor

2. association

3. bribery
XI. Draw Similarities and Differences of the Selection

The Dove and The Ant by Aesop

One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to
a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she
slipped and fell into the water.
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was
in trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The
ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant
jumped out. She was safe at last.
Just at that time, a hunter nearby was about to throw his net over the dove, hoping to trap it.
Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter
dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

The Lion & the Mouse by Aesop

A Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws. A timid little Mouse came upon him
unexpectedly, and in her fright and haste to get away, ran across the Lion's nose. Roused from his
nap, the Lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny creature to kill her.
"Spare me!" begged the poor Mouse. "Please let me go and some day I will surely repay you."
The Lion was much amused to think that a Mouse could ever help him. But he was generous and
finally let the Mouse go.
Some days later, while stalking his prey in the forest, the Lion was caught in the toils of a hunter's net.
Unable to free himself, he filled the forest with his angry roaring. The Mouse knew the voice and
quickly found the Lion struggling in the net. Running to one of the great ropes that bound him, she
gnawed it until it parted, and soon the Lion was free.
"You laughed when I said I would repay you," said the Mouse. "Now you see that even a Mouse can
help a Lion."


Composing Informative Essay

An informative essay is an academic paper written at high school/college level, which aims to inform the
target audience about the particular object, person, event, or phenomenon. The main purpose is to respond to
the main question through explaining the topic in details.

X. Write an informative essay about world poverty. (Title, Introduction, Body, Conclusion)

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