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29/04/2011 AWNOT-025-AWEG-3.1

29/04/2011 AWNOT-025-AWEG-3.1

A1. This Airworthiness Notice has been issued under the authority vested in DG CAA vide rules 4 of
Civil Aviation Rules 1994.

B1. This Airworthiness Notice prescribes requirements for issue, extension and renewal of Shop
Approvals including NDT Certification. These requirements are in accordance with the
standards laid down in ICAO Annex-1 (Personnel Licensing) to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation. Mandatory clauses are invariably denoted by use of "shall" or "must" whereas
"should" or "may" are used for permissive or recommended clauses. It is implicit in the
requirements expressed qualitatively e.g. acceptable, that Civil Aviation Authority will be
adjudicated in cases where doubt exists.

C1 This Airworthiness Notice is applicable to all maintenance organizations related to aviation


D1.1 SHOP - is defined as a setup which is part of an approved maintenance organization

where PCAA does not issue AME license. Incase the organization does NOT have its
own shop approval system; personal shop approvals will be issued by the Airworthiness
Directorate (Refer latest version of ANO-001-AWXX).
D1.2 APPROVED MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION - is defined as an organization which
has been issued approval by PCAA under rule 25 for the purpose of maintenance of
aircraft, engines and components.
D1.3 MENTOR – Shall be a senior level shop personal having aviation experience in similar
scope of work or have obtained training by OEM / Vendor.
D1.4 MENTEE – Shall be the person who needs training (either theoretical or practical) to
maintain a particular component.


D2.1 Acceptance of application for issue/extension of approval requires that the applicant:-

D2.2 Shall not be less than 21 years of age.

D2.3 Shall hold higher secondary school certificate with science subjects or equivalent
qualification or equivalent technical certificate for issue of class I approval.

D2.4 Shall provide evidence of acceptable experience and approved shop training course or
as an alternate provide evidence of theoretical training by mentor relevant to his
application (i.e. if course has not been developed).

Note1: Organization may elect to follow the existing policy in force in their organization for issue
of class II & III approvals.

Note2: The complete procedures for providing training by the mentor are to be clearly defined in
the Company Exposition Manual duly approved by PCAA.

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D3.1 The applicant shall submit acceptable documentary evidence (ERB–Refer latest version
of Form CAAF-144-AWXX) to substantiate experience claimed.

D3.2 The ERB shall show the applicant's experience that covers a representative selection of
items appropriate to the category / type of equipment applied for. For initial issue,
applicant’s experience shall give details of practical aviation experience obtained during
the last four years. Items and dates in the experience record should be confirmed by the
supervising engineer and authenticated by Manager Engineering or equivalent

D3.3 Four years shop experience requirement uniformly applies to initial issue of approvals in
all sections / all trades which are defined as shops including development engineering
section of the organization. This four years aviation experience requirement is minimum
acceptable requirement and must be fully adhered to. In case of Graduate Engineer
(Bachelor of Engineering) of relevant disciplines, total shop experience of THREE years
will be acceptable.

D3.4 In case of initial issue of approval, total practical aviation experience shall be hands on
shop experience exclusively, whereas in case of extension, type experience shall be
hands-on-shop experience exclusively, of category / type of equipment applied for.
Person deputed in sections of shop other than where practical hand-on-shop experience
is not gained (e.g. Planning Section, Quality Section etc.) shall not be permitted to apply
for initial issue or extension of approval unless the person acquires hands-on-shop
experience of category / type of equipment applied for. Manager Quality section of the
shop shall ensure and issue a certificate of hands-on-shop experience, which is to be
attached with shop approval exam application mentioning the time period for which
applicant has gained practical hands on shop experience on the category / type of
equipment applied for.

D3.5 For applicant deputed in shops other than overhaul shops and where PCAA license
system does not exist e.g. development engineering, shop etc., the experience gained in
such type of shops will be acceptable to PCAA as hands-on-shop experience. However,
they shall have to under go on-job-training of major checks for practical know-how during
type experience for minimum of SIX months. They are required to submit practical
experience of TEN full ‘A check’ and TWO full ‘C checks’ for initial issue and FIVE full ‘A
checks’ and ONE ‘C check’ for extension on related aircraft / equipment in discipline and
category applied for.

D3.6 Practical aviation experience will be counted from the date mentioned in joining report of
applicant (i.e. date of absorption after successful completion of apprenticeship training in
case of apprentices) in the concerned shop of the organization. Applicant shall have to
submit joining report / apprenticeship training certificate for aviation experience
confirmation with application for issue of shop approval.
Note - The experience gained during apprenticeship OJT shall not be counted towards practical aviation

D3.7 Recent type experience is counted from date of acquiring previous approval / rating to
the date of application for current rating. There must be a gap of ONE year for extension
of approval / rating from the date of acquiring previous approval / rating.

D3.8 The applicant should have completed applicable PCAA approved course(s) from PCAA
approved training centre i.e. Basic course from approved training centre or manufacturer
or vendor as applicable and shop type course from approved training centre or
manufacturer or vendor as applicable (Basic and shop type courses are not required for
class III approvals).

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D3.9 PCAA approved course (Basic/Type) carried out by local or foreign training institutes
shall be valid for 10 years, whereas the training carried out by the manufacture i.e. at the
manufacturing facilities will be valid for 10 years, if applicant has not passed PCAA
written paper. On the expiry of the course, the applicant will have to complete PCAA
approved refresher course to validate his course for an addition period of maximum one

D3.10 For class I approval the examination unit of the organization shall scrutinize the
application and send one copy of application to Airworthiness field office along with list
showing details pertaining to applicant’s name, category and subcategory. The
submission of application to Airworthiness field office shall form the basis for acceptance
of the application for undertaking the basic examination conducted by PCAA.

D3.11 For class II & III approval the examination unit of the organization shall scrutinize the
application. The applicant shall be informed about acceptance or otherwise of his
application and date of examination. In case of rejection of application, the applicant may
file an appeal to Chief Engineer (QA or equivalent section). The copy of acceptance list
shall be sent to PCAA.

D3.12 The applicants in the regards MUST receive to the Examination Unit before the cut-off
date of a particular session. No application should be accepted after the cut-off date.

D3.13 Applicant shall be first examined in basic paper. Subsequent to passing the Basic paper
applicant will appear in shop type paper by the examination unit of the organization, only
if he passes the basic paper.

D3.14 If an applicant fails in the shop type paper in three consecutive attempts then he will
have to pass type course again.

D3.15 Written type examination shall be conducted by Examination Unit of the organization at
such time and place as notified by it under intimation to PCAA.

D3.16 Pass marks for basic & shop type papers for issue of class I approval are 70% (Refer
Annex ‘K’ of AWNOT-35 percentage for details regarding refresher and full course).

D3.17 Applicant shall appear for oral examination within two years of passing basic / shop type
paper as appropriate. If he does not appear in the oral examination during this period he
shall re-appear in type paper as appropriate.

D3.18 PCAA will be notified regarding the formation of oral board for issue of class I approval,
which shall comprise of Chief Engineer QA, Chief Engineer of the respective division
along with Managerial level official of the respective shop as permanent members and a
representative from Airworthiness Directorate as an observer. The Oral Examination
Board shall evaluate the applicant’s performance in Air legislation, basic subjects and
shop type subjects and shall give their recommendations.

D3.19 The venue and schedule of the oral examination will be intimated to the respective field
office well in advance so that a representative from Airworthiness Directorate can be
nominated to participate in the oral examination.

D3.20 An applicant who fails in basic / shop type examination shall not be accepted for re-
examination until additional experience has been obtained and/or further course of study
have been undertaken.

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D3.21 On the recommendations of Oral Examination Board, Chief Engineer QA or equivalent

shall issue / extend the shop approval or call for re-examination as considered

D3.22 An applicant for re-oral exam will individually submit an application to CE (QA) or
equivalent through examination unit of the organization alongwith the current work
schedule relevant to the category applied. The application for re-oral examination must
be submitted ONE month prior to the given date for re-oral exam.

D3.23 If a candidate once disqualify in oral examination, he will only be allowed for second
chance of oral exam after a minimum period of SIX MONTHS, in case oral board
recommends for re-oral.

D3.24 In case the applicant FAILS in the Third attempt, he shall have to undergo written
examination for BASIC or TYPE or BOTH as the case may be as per recommendations
of the oral board.

D3.25 The weak points of the FAILED candidates are required to be mentioned in the “ORAL

D3.26 After completion of oral examinations, a consolidated result will be announced with
copies to HQ Airworthiness Directorate and respective field offices.

D3.27 Training organization is required to develop all shop type courses relevant to issue of
class I approval. Acceptance of work experience in lieu of shop type course should not
be acceptable. Syllabi of all shop type courses developed may be submitted for approval
by PCAA.

D3.28 Maintenance organization shall develop and rationalize the number of class-I approvals
issued. The class I approval issued in each section should be accordingly reduced as far
as practical. The final evaluation, as such shall be submitted to PCAA for approval.

D3.29 Examination unit of the maintenance organization in-coordination with the training
organization and the relevant shop manager shall develop data bank of questions of type
paper for class I regarding each approval. The data bank shall be up-dated every year
under intimation to PCAA. Data bank shall not contain less than 300 multiple choice
questions for each shop approval.

D3.30 Course outline for class I basic paper is the same as per AWNOT-035-AWXX.

D3.31 The applicant for class-I approval shall satisfy at the time of application for issue /
renewal of approval that he/she does not suffer from any disability likely to affect his / her
professional duties. This will be in accordance with the requirements as laid down in the
ANO. Applicant shall have to submit a copy of the medical card with application for
issue/renewal of approval. The same requirements for medical fitness stand applicable
as are required for AME’s.

D3.32 If privileges of any of the approval held by the approval holder are not exercised during
the preceding four years, the approval holder shall have to go through refresher course
and one week OJT on the type of equipment, the privileges of which have not been
exercised. This will be ensured by manager Quality Assurance or equivalent section of
the shop and verified by Quality Control section or equivalent section of the maintenance
organization at the time of renewal of approval.

D3.33 Class I shop approvals will be renewed after every two years by Quality Control section
or equivalent section of the maintenance organization. The renewal will be subject to
exercising the privileges of the endorsements held by the approval holder and
completion of refresher course as and when applicable.

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D3.34 For class I approval, type paper will comprise 60% multiple choice questions (minimum),
each question carrying two marks and 40% subjective/descriptive questions (minimum),
each question carrying two marks.

D3.35 Maintenance organization shall develop the system for maintaining secrecy of the
questions data bank.

D3.36 No unscheduled exam shall be conducted without prior written approval from PCAA.
Formal request shall be submitted to appropriate Airworthiness field office.

D3.37 All transfers from shop to maintenance and vice versa as per company requirements will
be notified to PCAA for the purpose of assessment of Maintenance experience / shop
experience for issue of AME License / approval as and when required.

D3.38 Shop approvals where system has been bypassed regarding course requirements /
experience requirements and other applicable requirements as defined in this
Airworthiness Notice, penal action may be initiated which may call for cancellation of the
qualification obtained.

D3.39 Willful submission of incorrect information pertaining to applicant’s qualification and

experience requirements is likely to debar the applicant from appearing in any
examination by PCAA or maintenance organization for a period of one year / penal
action as contained in CAR 1994.


D4.1 Qualification of NDT personnel shall be based on International standard i.e. BS EN

4179 / ASNT Certification for Non Destructive Testing.

D4.2 Qualification levels of NDT personnel shall be limited to:

D4.2.1 Level 1 – Operative (Technician / Officer Engineering)

D4.2.2 Level 2 – Supervisor (Aircraft Engineer)

D4.3 Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be carried out or checked by Certifying Staff holding
appropriate Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Approval. Chief Engineer (Quality
Assurance) of PCAA approved organization shall approve detailed procedure of training,
qualification and Authorization, based on European NDT Standard of EN 4179 /
American ASNT Certification.


D4.4.1 Candidates of Level 1 / 2 shall complete adequate training to become familiar

with principles / practices of applicable test techniques and organizational
procedures. Classroom training shall be provided by the organization,
supplemented by practical training. NDT Personnel shall be trained for issuance
of certification of Level 1 & Level 2.

D4.4.2 Competence assessment of NDT Personnel shall be ensured to perform the

specialized tasks. Such evaluation shall be made on the basis of a written
examination and results shall be recorded.

D4.4.3 Non Destructive Testing (NDT) shall be performed in accordance with

documents e.g. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Manuals, Standard Practices
Manuals, Service Letters, etc. Personnel not performing Non Destructive Testing

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(NDT) for a continued period of more than six months must be re-qualified on
that particular technique. Revalidation of NDT Authorization shall be based on
assessment. Re-qualification shall be required every three years and validation
of NDT Authorization shall be based on annual vision test.



E1.1 AME Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

E1.2 ASNT American Society of Non-destructive Testing
E1.3 AWNOT Airworthiness Notice
E1.4 BS British Standards
E1.5 CAR Civil Aviation Rules
E1.6 ERB Experience Record Book
E1.7 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
E1.8 NDT Non Destructive Testing
E1.9 OJT On Job Training
E1.10 PCAA Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority
E1.11 PT Penetrant Testing




E3.1 BS EN 4179


This Airworthiness Notice shall be implemented with effect from 29th April, 2011 and repeals /
cancels / supersedes AWNOT-025-AWXX-3.0 dated 10th August, 2010.

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