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Practice in Punctuating Adjective

Guidelines for Punctuating Adjective Clauses

These three guidelines should help you decide when to set off an adjective
clause (also called a relative clause) with commas:

 Adjective clauses beginning with that are never set off from the main
clause with commas.

Food that has turned green in the refrigerator should be thrown away.

 Adjective clauses beginning with who or which should not be set off
with commas if omitting the clause would change the basic meaning of
the sentence.

Students who turn green should be sent to the infirmary.

1. Because we don't mean that all students should be sent to the infirmary,
the adjective clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence. For this
reason, we don't set off the adjective clause with commas.
2. Adjective clauses beginning with who or which should be set off with
commas if omitting the clause would not change the basic meaning of
the sentence.

Last week's pudding, which has turned green in the refrigerator, should be
thrown away.

 Here the which clause provides added but not essential information,
and so we set it off from the rest of the sentence with commas.

Practice in Punctuating Adjective Clauses

In the following sentences, add commas to set off adjective clauses that
provide additional, but not essential, information. Don't add commas if the
adjective clause affects the basic meaning of the sentence. When you're done,
compare your answers with those on page two.
1. Caramel de Lites which are cookies sold by the Girl Scouts contain 70
calories each.
2. These are the times that try men's souls.
3. I refuse to live in any house that Jack built.
4. I left my son at the campus day-care center which is available to all full-
time students with young children.
5. udents who have young children are invited to use the free day-care
6. A physician who smokes and overeats has no right to criticize the
personal habits of her patients.
7. Gus who gave Merdine a bouquet of ragweed has been exiled to the
storm cellar for a week.
8. Professor Legree lost his only umbrella which he has owned for 20 years.
9. Healthy people who refuse to work should not be given government
10. Felix who was once a hunter in the Yukon stunned the roach with one
blow from a newspaper.

Answers to Adjective Clauses Questions

1. Caramel de Lites, which are cookies sold by the Girl Scouts, contain . . ..
2. (no commas)
3. (no commas)
4. . . . day-care center, which is available to all full-time students with
young children.
5. (no commas)
6. (no commas)
7. Gus, who gave Merdine a bouquet of ragweed, has . . ..
8. . . . umbrella, which he has owned for 20 years.
9. (no commas)
10. Felix, who was once a hunter in the Yukon, stunned . . ..

How can I use the expressions of quantity (of

whom, of which, of whose) in adjective or relative
The primary clause identifies some group, mass or collection. The second clause
identifies a subgroup with some distinction.

For example—

There were long lines of people waiting to get in, some of whom were growing very

There was a large selection of fruits on display, some of which appeared over ripe.

Many people were against the new regulations, some of whose jobs would be in

Adjective Clauses With Expressions Of Quantity

Dalam pelajaran terdahulu kita telah mengenal dan belajar Adjective Clauses seperti pada contoh-
contoh kalimat berikut:

 The man WHO came to see us last night has just left for Jakarta.
 This is the house THAT Lutfi told me about.
 I need a book, WHICH can guide me in learning English.
 Fitri, WHOSE mother just visited us, is getting married this month.
WHO, THAT, WHICH, WHOSE dalam kalimat-kalimat di atas sering kita terjemah kan dalam bahasa
Indonesia sebagai YANG--yang datang semalam, yang Lutfi ceritakan kepada saya, yang dapat
menuntun, dan yang ibunya datang.....dan lain sebagainya. Sebenarnya kalimat-kalimat di atas
masing-masing dapat dipecahkan menjadi dua kalimat.
The man WHO came to see us last night has just left for Jakarta. dapat dpecahkan menjadi 2
kalimat berikut:
 The man has just left for Jakarta
 The man came to see us last night
Dari pada menggunakan dua kalimat di atas, sebaiknya kita bisa menggabungkan dua kalimat tadi
menjadi satu kalimat dengan menggunakan kata YANG (who, that, which) menggantikan salah satu
subjek dua kalimat tersebut.

Nah sekarang, marilah kita coba membahas Adjective Clauses yang menggunakan Expression of
quantity dan prepositions berikut:

None of, all of, some of, neither of, either of, both of, half of, a few ofdan lain-lain yang
kemudian diikuti oleh whom, which, dan whose:
 None of whom
 All of which
 both of whom
 One of whose
Perhatikan dua kalimat berikut yang akan kita gabung menjadi satu kalimat dalam Adjective Clause.
 Pitra has 3 children.
 All of Pitra's children are very smart.
Kedua kalimat di atas dapat kita gabung menjadi satu sebagai berikut:
 Pitra has 3 children, all of whom are very smart.
Contoh lain:
 I have a lot of books.
 A few of the books were stolen last week.
Setelah digabung menjadi:
 I have a lot of books, a few of which were stolen last night.
Sudah jelas kan? Nah bagaimana dengan .....of whose? Bagaimana menggunakannya dalam kalimat?
Perhatikan kalimat berikut:
 Fitri is going to invite Lutfi
 All of Lutfi's articles have been published in BBC news.
Setelah digabung menjadi:
 Fitri is going to invite Lutfi, all of whose articles have been published in BBC news.

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