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LAB NO.: 1 DATE: 20/9/19



Lecturer: Pn. Roslizah binti Ali

Demonstrator: Nur Zakirah binti Zainuddin, Kho Sin Hui

Date of Submission: 27/9/19 Group No.: D

Name: Ahmad Izzul Fakri bin Jimi

Matric: 197708

Name: Muhammad Ikmal bin Muhammad Fadhil

Matric: 195824

1. To create, program and compile Verilog HDL design using Quartus II simulation
2. To familiarize with the functionality of the Altera DE2 board.
3. To configure, interface and program the Altera DE2 board.

The DE2 series has consistently been at the forefront of educational development boards by
distinguishing itself with an abundance of interfaces to accommodate various application

The DE2-115 is designed to support a wide range of experiments. It combines a variety of

logic and I/O devices onto a single printed-circuit board and allows you to configure and
control these devices to create different applications. The logic devices on the DE2-115 are an
FPGA (a programmable logic device) and several memory components (SDRAM, SRAM,
and flash RAM). The I/O devices on the DE2-115 are a small LCD display, numerous LEDs
(lights), and switches. In addition, the DE2-115 has connections to a variety of external I/O
devices, including PS/2 keyboard, USB mouse, VGA monitor, camera, microphone, speaker,
Ethernet, RS-232 (serial port), Secure Digital card and IrDA (infrared).
Introduction to Quartus II

1. The Quartus II software was started

2. The following Quartus II interactive tutorial video was viewed

Module 1: Quartus II overview

Module 2: Create a design

A. Altera DE2 Board

1. The “DE2 System” CD was obtained with the board.

2. The following information was viewed

A. A brief overview of the board from DE2_Introduction_box.pdf

B. The user manual from DE2_user_manual folder

C. Pin assignments from DE2_lab_exercises\DE2_pin_assignments.cs.

B. Programming DE2 Board

1. The following Quartus II interactive tutorial video was viewed

2. A new project was created

3. The DE2 board pin assignments information was imported from

DE2_lab_exercises\DE2_pin_assignments.csv into the project

4. A new Verilog HDL file was created and the following code was used:

// Simple module that connects the SW switches to the LEDR lights

module Lab_1a (SW, LEDR);

input [3:0] SW; // toggle switches

output [3:0] LEDR; // red LEDs

assign LEDR[0] = SW[0];

assign LEDR[1] = SW[1];

assign LEDR[2] = SW[2];

assign LEDR[3] = SW[3];


5. The host PC and the DE2 board was connected using the USB provided

6. The code was compiled and the DE2 board was programmed

The coding for Exercise 3

The coding for Exercise 4

1. On Exercise 1, when SW0 is toggled on the Altera DE2 board, LEDR0 light up. When
SW1 is toggled, LEDR1 lights up and it goes on until SW3.

2. For Exercise 2, all the switches (SW1-SW17) was assigned to all the LEDs (LEDR0-
LEDR17). All the LEDs light up in sequence to the number of switches. All 4 push
buttons (KEY0-KEY3) controls all the LEDG (LEDG0-LEDG3) but the LEDGs
function differently compared to the LEDRs. For example, when KEY0 is pushed,
LEDG0 turns off.

3. Th switches (SW0-SW13) were assigned to HEX0 and HEX1. The switches control
each segment in the two 7-segment display individually. Several numeric characters
were displayed such as ‘1’ and ‘0’.
4. On Example 4, we only used SW0, SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4 to control four 7
segment display to display ‘HELO’. Each switch turned on a few segments in the four
7-segment display.

5. Based on Exercise 5, SW0 and SW1 were controlling LEDR0 based on the XOR truth
table. For example, A is SW0 while B is SW1 also addressed as inputs. The output, X
is LEDR0. When A and B is 0, X is 0. When SW0 and SW1 is not toggled, LEDR0
does not light up. Means that ‘0’ is off and ‘1’ is on.

All the inputs and outputs were assigned accordingly thus getting the expected result on the
board. All the LEDs, switches and 7-segment displays were working efficiently. No error was
found while doing this lab.

In this lab, we have learned how to create, program and compile Verilog HDL design using
Quartus II simulation software. Other that that, we also familiarize with the functionality of
the Altera DE2 board. The important is we have configure, interface and program the Altera
DE2 board in this lab.

The aims of the experiment were achieved. We have learn a great deal about the features of
the Altera DE2 Board and also the Quartus II software and how both the hardware and
software can correlate and create various outputs.



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