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Volume 137 Issue 49 Friday, February 14, 2020 www.minnedosatribune.

com 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE Heritage Co-op Feels the

this week
Pinch of Fuel Blockage

Salute to
Minor Hockey

Floor Plan for

New Daycare

Photo by Darryl Holyk

While some Co-op gas bars “ran out of gas” during the recent fuel blockage, Minnedosa’s Heritage Co-op gas bar
continued to serve its customers, although it has been operating on a lower-than-normal fuel supply.

By KAREN MITCHELL Workers illegally blocked tribution to small commu- out of fuel for short periods sue seems to be somewhat
access to and from the nities where Co-op may of time over the weekend, more secure, the labour is-

L ast Thursday, Febru-

ary 6th, Heritage Co-
op addressed potential
CRC, as well as the Feder-
ated Co-operatives Lim-
ited (FCL) Carseland Ter-
be the only fuel sources
available. Heritage Co-
op was also working with
the rural gas bars of Heri-
tage Co-op have been able
to maintain a fuel supply
sue had not been resolved
as of press time. “We need
to see everyone get back to
fuel outages throughout its minal and third-party fuel FCL to replenish its fuel for customers. “Minnedo- the bargaining table in or-
service area. This issue is a terminals near Winnipeg supply sooner than later. sa has been running on der for a deal to be reached
direct result of the labour resulting in a huge supply During the potential fuel very low inventory, and we at the refinery,” said Zar-
disruption that is occur- and demand issue. The outage, Heritage Co-op have been moving fuel to charias. “Most of the illegal
ring at the Co-op Refinery Co-op Refinery Complex introduced daily card pur- the most urgent areas as blockades have been re-
Wheat Kings Complex (CRC) in Sas-
katchewan, where nearly
continues to operate nor-
mally with replacement
chase restrictions on diesel
(300 litres) and gasoline
needed,” explained Zach-
arias. “FCL Distribution,
moved at this time, and we
are doing our best to serve
Read at TCS 700 refinery workers were works, therefore the sup- (100 litres) for its cardlock along with our local Pe- our members in this diffi-

locked out on December ply is there. Heritage Co- customers. troleum people, have been cult time. We continue to
5th after their union (Uni- op received its fuel from On Tuesday, Febru- working hard to restore appreciate the support and
for) issued strike notice. the CRC and affected Win- ary 11th, Lorne Zacharias, inventory levels, and as of understanding of people
The union has walked nipeg terminals. General Manager for Heri- today (Tuesday) we seem in each of our communi-
away from the table re- To address the poten- tage Co-op confirmed that, to be making progress.” ties.”
garding talks on the work- tial fuel outages, Heritage while the Brandon Heri- He added that while
ers pension contributions. Co-op prioritized fuel dis- tage Co-op sites did run the immediate supply is-

Happy Valentine’s Day!

2 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Senior Bombers Wrap Up Season

By KAREN MITCHELL Farmers first game goal, riod with Neepawa scoring second period which was roster for the 2019-20 sea- up the Tiger Hills western
and DARRYL HOLYK the Bombers also scored five consecutive goals for scored by Shane Jury as- son. “We ended up with division.
a goal shot by Ryan Heino the game win, defeating sisted by Wes Lewis and 22 skaters and three goal- “Anyone is capable

A nother year wrapped

up for the Minnedo-
sa Senior Bombers. The
assisted by Dayton Heino
and Michael Birch to tie
the teams at 1-1 in the
the Bombers 8-4.
On Saturday. Febru-
ary 8th, the Farmers came
Curtis Davidson. Neepawa
scored two more goals to
close out the second peri-
ies that made for some
healthy scratches some
nights,” said Cameron. “It
of beating almost anyone
on any given night,” said
Cameron. “This being said,
Bombers faced the Neepa- first period. Minnedosa to Minnedosa for game od in the lead. Period three worked out well having it was still disappointing to
wa Farmers in a best-of- opened the second pe- two. The opening goal on saw the Bombers score two this number of players as have a first-round exit from
five playoffs in the eastern riod on fire with two goals home ice was scored by more goals – one by Shane injuries, work and family the playoffs this year.”
Division of the Tiger Hills in their favour. The first Bomber Derek Cameron Jury and the second by commitments came into As the Senior Bomb-
Hockey League, which by Dayton Heino assisted assisted by Clay Bergeson Michael Birch assisted by play. The one thing our ers close out another sea-
started on Friday, Febru- by Michael Birch and the and Wyatt Rapsky. Neepa- Jon Kowal. Unfortunately, program is really proud son of great hockey, they
ary 7th. Though the desire second by Ryan Heino as- wa scored the second goal, it was not enough as the of is the local flavor. Just are grateful for the support
was there, the ability to sisted by Kelly Stinson and but the Bombers closed Farmers scored three more about all of the guys have they received from fans,
pull off the wins wasn’t. Dayton Heino. Neepawa out the first period in the times winning the best-of- either played their minor sponsors and supporters.
Bombers were defeated in fought back with two goals lead after a goal by Dayton five series with a score of hockey in Minnedosa or all “Thanks should go out
three back-to-back games as well. Michael Birch Heino. During the second 6-3. have some other connec- to all the volunteers who
and saw an end to their closed out the second pe- period, each team scored “We started off our tion to family in the area.” have once again helped
2019-20 season. riod, assisted by Dayton two goals with Minnedo- season in September with Coach Cameron went with every aspect of run-
During the first game, Heino and Ryan Heino sa’s goals coming from a few informal skates in on to explain that the Ti- ning the team on game
on Friday, February 7th, to put the Bombers in the Russ Huyghe assisted by Neepawa,” recalls Bomb- ger Hills Hockey League is days and throughout the
the Bombers travelled to lead. Sadly, things went Shane Jury and Matt Saler ers Coach, Craig Cam- a very competitive league year,” mentioned Cam-
Neepawa. Answering the south during the third pe- and Wes Lewis assisted eron. “After a few exhibi- made up of strong players eron. “A special shout out
by Matt Saler. As with the tion games we had some throughout. The Minnedo- should go to our bus driv-
previous night, the Farm- roster decisions to make sa Bombers were one of er, Patrick Robinson, for
ers swept the third period as we had a lot of interest six teams in the league’s getting us back and forth
TANNER’S CROSSING PLANNING DISTRICT earning four goals for the from many local players.” eastern division along side to our games safely and a
lead and taking the game In addition to numerous the Cartwright Clippers, big thanks to Brock John-
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING win 7-4. veteran Bombers play- MacGregor Wild, Glad- son for helping the players
The following day, ers returning this year, the stone Lakers and Neepawa with all the little details in
On the date and at the time and location described below, a
Sunday, February 9th, team welcomed a number Farmers. There are another the dressing room.”
PUBLIC HEARING will be held to receive representations from any persons
the Bombers returned to of new, young guys to its seven teams which make
who wish to make them in respect to the following matter:
Neepawa for game three.

All Quiet on the Lakefront

The Farmers earned the
BY-LAW NO. 01-DPA-2019
lone goal of period one but
being an amendment to the
the Bombers came back
with the first goal of the
CENTRE, 103 Main Street South,
Minnedosa, Manitoba.
DATE & TIME: Thursday, February 27, 2020 If your
at 10:00 a.m. label
GENERAL INTENT: The intent of By-law No. 01-DPA-2019 reads
is to modify the provisions of the Developement Plan
to: 20/02/29
Re-designate an area of land
It’s time to
renew your
AREA AFFECTED: An area of land generally described as being at the
North West Corner of Junction P.T.H. 16 and 16A, SE Call 867-3816
Quarter Section 34, Township 14, Range 18 W.P.M.
Contact the office of Tanner’s Crossing Planning District Photo by Darryl Holyk
103 Main Street South, Minnedosa
Phone: 204-867-2364 The ice surface is prepared for another
A copy of the above proposal and supporting material maybe inspected at the
ROTARY busy weekend of outdoor hockey and curling
at Minnedosa Lake. The 14th Annual Skate
office location noted above during normal office hours (8:30 to 12:00 and 1:00
to 4:30) Monday to Friday. Copies may be made and extracts taken there from,
upon request. Representations may be made either in person or in writing, at the
BOOK SALE the Lake / Rock the Lake returns this weekend!
Be sure to head out to the lake and support
public hearing. 50+ CENTRE this annual fundraising event being held
Saturday and Sunday.
NOW COLLECTING: gently used books, CD/DVDs,
puzzles and games. (Please no textbooks, encyclopedias,
Buying or selling real estate?
magazines or books in poor condition. Helping you is what we do.™️
Donations can be dropped at Heritage Co-op Grocery and
Minnedosa Library. For large quantity pick up, please call Dave Burgess
Peggy/Tony at 204-867-2113. Sales Representative

The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 3

Town Working With Progress Being Made With

User Groups to Develop
New Rec Governance Valley Life Beginnings
The proposed floorplan for the new Valley Life Beginnings

D iscussions are underway to establish a recreation

governance committee to bring local user groups
together under a main umbrella with a projected out-
Daycare located in the former Minnedosa Medical
Group clinic on 2nd Avenue S.W.

come of better efficiency, less overlapping and less vol-

unteer burnout.
The idea was born when Town of Minnedosa Gen-
eral Government Services Committee Councillors Jim
Dowsett, Grant Butler and Mark Blais were reviewing
the grant applications received annual by user groups
requesting funding from the Town. During the review of
these grant applications, they noticed some overlapping,
for example, grant requests from numerous user groups
of the Minnedosa Regional Events Centre grounds to
cover their own grass cutting expenses for their portion
of the MREC property. Another concern discussed was
Minnedosa’s high turn-over of recreation directors.
Local recreation user groups were approached and
a joint meeting was held to introduce the idea of a com-
bined recreation governance committee. This umbrella
committee would be made up of representatives from
each of the user groups involved, however, the individual
boards (soccer, baseball, rugby, hockey, etc.) would re-
main under this main umbrella.
“I don’t think we are re-inventing the wheel here,”
stated Councillor Jim Dowsett. “I understand this is By KAREN MITCHELL fied with how things are the west side of the build- and dryer, rounding out a
something that has been discussed in the past but never moving forward. “Court- ing that will have ample multi purpose facility suit-
got off the ground. We are trying to find a way that we can
take some of the load off of our volunteers without taking T he future of Valley Life
Beginning Inc. Day-
care is looking bright for
ney Muir of Muir Drafting
and Design was great to
deal with and helped us
room for the children to
play and learn with an
abundance of natural
ed for all needs.
Valley Life Beginnings
is still in the process of
over from them. Maybe we can facilitate or have some-
one to do some of their day-to-day stuff so the volunteers 2020. The board of this new to maximize the available light. Adjacent to this area fundraising and welcomes
don’t have to worry about it.” community daycare being space while exceeding the is a kitchen where healthy any and all donations in or-
The user groups currently being considered under established in the former minimum space require- snacks will be prepared as der to see the completion
this new rec governance board include the user groups Minnedosa Medical Clinic ments as set out by the well as a bathroom. At the of this community daycare
of the MREC site, the arena and the Community Confer- on 2nd Avenue S.W., is hard government for childcare rear (north) of the build- project. The board is cur-
ence Centre. The golf and curling clubs who currently at work behind the scenes facilities,” explained Gill ing, there is a staff room rently planning some big
work together sharing the community complex are not and recently released the Smith, Valley Life Begin- which will double as an fundraisers in the months
being considered at this time, but they could certainly be floor plan for the daycare. nings President.  office with room for staff ahead, so watch for more
potential partner groups in the future. The design was created by In the newly drafted lockers and an accessible details to be announced.
In addition to establishing this board, which could Muir Drafting and Design blueprint, the infant room bathroom. The mechanical
include up to 11 people, another part of the discussion of Minnedosa. will be situated at the front room will house a washer
for this new rec governance board is to hire a rec man- At this point, there is (south) of the building and
ager or co-ordinator to oversee and take on some of the no definite start date for will include its own bath-
jobs currently falling on volunteers or the rec director. the construction, however room. The preschool area
the board is very satis- is the large open space on Are you…….
“We hope to re-channel some of the work load so that we
Between the ages of 18 and 29?
don’t have volunteer burnout,” said Dowsett.
Unemployed or underemployed?
The next step is to determine the role of the board
and create terms of reference and expectations from lo- Having difficulty finding or keeping a job?
cal municipal councils (Town of Minnedosa and R.M. Wanting to learn new job search skills to obtain employment?
of Minto-Odanah).“Once those duties are clarified, that
is when we will probably look at hiring a rec manager,” Then Accelerate! (previously Skills for Change) is the program for you!
explained Dowsett. “I think that person should be part- Brought to you by: Yellowhead Regional Employment Skills & Services (YRESS)

and-parcel with developing how this all works.”

So far, other than a few minor hesitations which have Throughout this FREE, 8-day course, you will receive training in:

to be ironed out, feedback from the user groups involved
has been positive. Some would like to see this change Resume / Cover Letter Writing Customer Service
come sooner than later but in reality, the establishment Job Search Techniques Food Handlers Certification

Interview Preparation CPR / First Aid
and roll out of this rec governance will take some time to Employability Skills WHMIS

ensure a smooth transition with no negative disruption

or setbacks within the various user groups. Accelerate!
There is still a great deal of work and planning to be

March 23 – April 16, 2020
done but the establishment of a community recreation
Please contact YRESS to register:
governance committee is looking like a step in the right
133 Main Street S, Minnedosa
204-867-2833 *

DEADLINE Funding Provided By:
The Government of Canada
Tuesday at 12 Noon (47-2)
The Manitoba government
4 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Looking Into the Future


D uring the recent Community Economic De-

velopment training session, participants were
asked to look into the future and brainstorm what
service clubs. Maybe the Minnedosa of 2070 will only
have one large community service club or just rely
on the Minnedosa District Foundation to supply the
required funding for local projects and sponsorships.
I think we will still have our community foundation,
By Darryl Holyk they envisioned Minnedosa being like in 20 years. which will continue to grow and give back more and
This exercise got me thinking, let’s push that line more to our community.
and look forward further into the future. What will Personally, I think one of the biggest changes
Loss of a business owner… Minnedosa look like in 50 years? God willing, I hope most small rural communities may see in the next
The Minnedosa business district lost a long-time to still be around and will be in my early 90s in the 50 years will be their business districts. Minnedosa’s
business owner last weekend when Sharon Gwyer, of Sha- year 2070. As a senior citizen of this community, what business community has certainly seen its share
ron’s Town and Country Insurance and Destinations Plus, changes will this hometown boy have seen in this 90 of changes in the last 50 years and I see even more
passed away. The Tribune joins the community in mourn- plus years? Looking back over the 41 years I have al- ahead. In 2070, will Minnedosa still have two banks,
ing Sharon’s loss and sends condolences to Sharon’s fam- ready lived here, I have already seen a great deal of two hardwares, two gas stations, two insurance agen-
ily and friends. changes in Minnedosa – both good and bad. So, what cies, two grocery stores and a local weekly newspa-
do I expect Minnedosa to be like in 2070? per? Sadly, I don’t think all will survive. Competition
I envision Minnedosa continuing to be a year- for small town businesses, especially privately owned
Lend a helping hand… round destination with recreation and attractions for “mom and pop” operations has long been a struggle.
Former Minnedosan, Alysa Burton and her boy- both local residents and out-of-town visitors. A big While people still travel to large urban centres to
friend, lost their Dauphin home to fire last Thursday. In part of this, especially during the summer months, re- shop at big box stores, I think any small town busi-
addition to the house and contents, a number of beloved volves around our lake. Currently there are issues and ness district’s biggest competition right now is online
pets were also lost in the blaze. A fundraising account has concerns regarding the health and quality of our lake shopping. I was surprised by the large quantity of
been established at Minnedosa Credit Union for anyone and for good reason. Our lake is most likely our great- Amazon parcels that went though our local post of-
wishing to assist the young couple as they start over. Gift est asset and we must work to maintain it as a healthy fice this Christmas season. I would estimate that here,
cards are also welcome and can be dropped off with Lori environment. An unhealthy lake can spell disaster to in Minnedosa alone, hundreds of thousands of dol-
or Paige Crooks. a community. lars were spent through online shopping during the
Minnedosa’s population has not seen any huge Christmas 2019 shopping season. That worries me
40 years ago… jump one way or the other for a number of decades.
Minnedosa has pretty much held its own and will
greatly as I fear for the impact it has on our local busi-
nesses. In 50 years, will people even leave their homes
It is not often that The Minnedosa Tribune has fea-
hopefully continue to do so. As long as we can still to shop? Will a business have any foot traffic? Maybe
tured a non-local story as it’s front page feature, but in
attract young families to live in our community, businesses will have to find ways to offer their prod-
February 1980 a photo of the iconic Prince Edward Hotel
Minnedosa should still have a decent education sys- ucts online with home delivery service?
in Brandon being demolished graced our front page. The
tem and schools, although they may be somewhat While I would like to sit here with my head in the
handsome, six-storey limestone and brick structure was
different, in 50 years. I also envision that we will con- sand and say it can’t happen here and our local busi-
one of the most luxurious hotels on the prairies in its hey-
tinue to have events and attractions such as Fun Fest, nesses will be okay but, I look back 50 or more years
day. With over 100 guest rooms, the majestic hotel closed
Rockin’ the Fields and Skate the Lake, maybe not the for a reality check. Back then, Minnedosa’s neigh-
in 1976, two years before I was born. Although I never had
same entities but something similar. bouring communities such as Franklin, Clanwilliam,
a chance to step foot in this iconic Brandon hotel, it is a
I also predict Minnedosa may see some negative Bethany, Basswood, Newdale and Moore Park all had
building I have admired through photos and stories from
changes in the next five decades. I doubt that we will higher population’s, schools and thriving business
those who had been there. I consider myself fortunate to
still have our own local hospital but hopefully will at districts. Times change and not always for the benefit
have a few Prince Eddy items in my possession, including
least have a nearby regional health care centre closer of a community, its businesses or residents.
a handsome wooden desk which sits in my home office.
than Brandon. I also wonder if we will still have our Nothing would please me more than being in my
Brandon’s historic Prince Edward Hotel was demolished
own personal care facility or will this be phased out 90s, residing just down the street in the Minnedosa
on February 24th, 1980.
leaving our elderly or disabled residents having to re- Personal Care Home and having a young hotshot
locate to a larger centre for assisted living needs? reporter from the 187-year-old Minnedosa Tribune
Tribune Founder I fear that our volunteer base will dwindle – it al- come across this editorial and reach out to me for
ready has from years ago and I see this trend continu- comment on it and me being able to say, “I am genu-
William Gibbens
ing. With that will come the loss of some or our local inely thrilled that I was wrong fifty years ago!”
Born - 1854 at London, England
Died - February 20, 1932
at Cornwall, Ontario

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
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published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
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All contents copyright 2020
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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 5

Honouring Yogini Pat Graham

McBratney. “I thought I’d
never practice again. I was
gutted.” But Trish took
McLennan, who’d also just
completed Yoga Teacher
Training decided to set Ye O l d
inspiration from the grief up a day of Celebration of
and like Olenick, took her Yoga on February 29, 2020,
Yoga Teacher training, and a Saturday.
now also offers regular “It will be for Pat,”
practices in Minnedosa. “I said McLennan. “She left
couldn’t stay away. I need a powerful legacy here.
yoga. It gives me so much Dozens of people practice
and I need to share.” because of her, and she is
After the Dancing Fish in our minds all the time.” 1890 – There was an alarm of fire Tuesday night when
Studio was sold, many of The event will be free, a lighted lamp had been left in the bedroom of two
the yoga teachers moved and come-and-go: talks, children and a curtain took fire. The mother threw a
over to the 50+ Activity yoga practices, and re- quilt over the flames but it caught fire too but with the
Centre to practice. spectful viewing. help of some citizens the fire was extinguished. There
“We like it,” said Mc- “We don’t want there was considerable damage done to the furniture and
Bratney. “It is clean and to be a cost barrier or a bed clothing.
spacious. All of the Danc- time barrier,” she said. “We
ing Fish props are here, have a full schedule, 9am
thanks to Jean, and now until 9pm that includes
1910 – The Palace Theatre Company has engaged
premises in the Pearson Block, adjoining the Union
we even have soft lighting. educational talks as well as
Bank and will put on high class moving picture shows.
Everyone likes it.” yoga practices.”
Nancy McLennan only “We have both halls of
had a few practices with the 50+ Activity Centre for 1920 – According to the Lady Minto Hospital 1919
Pat before other Dancing the whole day, so it can be annual statement, there were 302 patients treated, 36
Fish’s yoga guides started casual.” births and 13 deaths.
Photo submitted
taking over for her. “There is one prob-
SUBMITTED to practice, and many be- “I needed yoga to get lem with yoga though,” she 1940 – A Red Cross shipment from Basswood went
cause of her, became yoga back on track. I took prac- added. “and it’s not just a out this week and included 12 dozen triangular ban-

I t is almost Leap Day.

Folks born on the twen-
ty-ninth of February only
guides too. Her lovely yoga
equipment was saved, and
is still shared in yoga class-
tices there with Jean, and
Heidi (Rae), Ally (Potreb-
ka), and Jane (Higgot). It
problem here in Minnedo-
sa. Something is keeping
men and boys away. The
dages and 118 pairs of socks.

1950 – Junior Red Cross history was made when the

get to celebrate their birth- es to this day. was a beautiful space. It benefits are so great. Why six-to-10-year-old children in Bethany raised $25 for
day every four years. It is a A few months ago, had a real feeling of togeth- don’t they come? ” the Crippled Children Fund.
rip off. But the same holds there was laughter in a lo- erness and acceptance,” The event will accept
true for people whose cal yoga practice when af- she said. “I knew of Pat, donations that will go to- 1960 – Citizens of Basswood are upset after images
loved ones pass away on ter practice, a yogi tried to that she owned The Castle ward “Karma Cards” so of their community appeared on the CBC television
Leap Day. The mourn- clean her mat with Pat’s B&B, and I thought it was that our local Yoga Teach- program, Rural Routes. The purpose of the broadcast
ing seems to evaporate mat mister, which was per- magical when I heard that ers can offer some free was to point out the apparent lack of progress in small
and drift from day today. petually wobbly and only she passed away on Leap classes to Men and Boys rural towns.
Such has been the case worked some-of-the-time. Day.” who want to explore yoga
with beloved Yogini from It was a reminder of the On that day of laughter for their health and well-
after practice, three-and-a ness.
1970 – The grand opening of the new United Church
Minnedosa, Pat Graham. days at Dancing Fish.
Centre was held with Fred Charles cutting the ribbon.
She left her family, friends “I’m not sure why she half years after Pat’s pas- “We know that athletes
and her devoted and dedi- never replaced that spray sage, McLennan suggested and even school children
cated yoga students and bottle,” laughed Jean Ole- that there could be a spe- are beginning to practice 1980 – George Bayes, the young, aggressive chairman
fellow guides on Leap Day nick, one of Pat’s students cial practice, to remember yoga, but deconditioned of the Minnedosa Industrial Commission has ten-
2016. She had a brain tu- and now an Iyengar Yoga Pat, on this coming Leap middle-aged and older dered his resignation after Town Council purchased
mour. She practiced any- Specialist who regularly of- Day. men are staying away. We a new tractor from Wilton Implements of Brandon,
way, and shared her glow fers classes in Minnedosa, “There were some don’t know why, so we will without getting a bid from local dealers, including his
until the end. And then Mexico, and formerly in tears at that suggestion,” have a discussion session own company, Bayes Equipment.
she was gone. Her beau- Rapid City. said McLennan. “A few about that at 5:15 p.m. on
tiful Dancing Fish Yoga Almost all of the peo- people got choked up. the Celebration of Yoga 1990 – Tanner’s Crossing School was a state of or-
Studio stayed active for a ple who practice yoga in There aren’t many people day. We hope some men ganized confusion Monday at 3:30, when for the first
while, but eventually, it too Minnedosa, at some point, in Minnedosa who prac- will answer our question.” time ever, some school buses were cancelled and ar-
moved into new hands. practiced with Pat. tice yoga, that didn’t know “We all feel that Pat rangements made for approximately 200 bus students
Through the years, “I stopped completely and love her.” continues to give, to every- to stay with their in-town storm billet.
her students continued when she died,” said Trish The idea stuck, and one, not just the women.”
2000 – A one car derailment of a westbound train re-
sulted in an 11-hour closure of the CPR line running
through Minnedosa. The car derailed at Wigg’s cross-
Letters to the Editor ing east of town but was not detected immediately and
The Minnedosa Tribune welcomes Letters to the was dragged along for a few miles before coming to
Editor. All letters must include the writers full name, stop just behind the library.
address, and telephone number. Only the writer’s

Dr. Gerard Murray

name will be published; address and phone number

Dr. Derek Papegnies are required for confirmation. Anonymous letters will

not be published. Letters that are deemed libelous,
in bad taste, or describe an incident involving other
OPTOMETRIST 9:00 -5:00
people, will not be published.
The Minnedosa Tribune reserves the right to
edit letters based on taste, legality, clarity, and Monday - Friday
length. Letters to the Editor can be submitted in
129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB person, sent by mail to Box 930, Minnedosa, MB
R0J 1E0, by fax (204) 867-5171, or by email to 418 Mountain Ave. Neepawa, MB
6 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Newdale News Serving Breakfast at TCS

SUBMITTED On February 8th Josie Freeman, Jack Lyburn and SUBMITTED served up by local celebrity
Pedersen of Newdale and Rhett Grieve who won a volunteers, was made pos-

F our members of the

Early Birds club trav-
elled to Hamiota last week
Sean Boles of Strathclair
were selected to partici-
pate in the 2020 Westman
spot in the U-18 Curling
Playoffs recently at Meli-
ta. This will earn them a
F or the third year in a
row, Tanner’s Cross-
ing School hosted a pan-
sible through donations
from Minnedosa and Sun-
rise Credit Unions, RBC
to participate in the Dis- Junior Honour Band that trip to the U-18 Provincial cake breakfast for the Minnedosa branch, Heri-
trict Whist Playoffs. Eileen performed at the Centen- Playoffs which are slated entire schools (staff and tage Co-op Minnedosa,
Bradley, Shirley Pederson, nial Auditorium in Bran- to be held in Minnedosa students) on Friday, Feb- Viterra, Minnedosa Lions,
Ida Bradley and Eva Merry don. Josie plays clarinet in March. We all wish you ruary 7th. Kim’s Quality Foods, Rich-
all finished in the top ten and Sean plays trombone. continued good luck boys. This is one of two ardson Pioneer and Smit-
which means they get to go The performers had a very Dan Jardine took the breakfasts held annually by ty’s Restaurant of Brandon.
on to Oak Lake where the concentrated practise on Sunday service last week. the school and is provided During the recent TCS
North/South Whist play- Friday with conductor We do appreciate the time through generous dona- breakfast, approximately
offs are held later this year. Anna Harrison of Flin Flon he spends with members tions from local businesses 400 people enjoyed a deli-
Well done ladies! followed by a performance of our Church. and community mem- cious, healthy and whole- Photo submitted
Congratulations to Lu- before a very appreciative Our community’s con- bers. The recent breakfast, some morning feast!
cas Pedersen and his rink audience of friends and tinued very best wishes
of Conor Geekie, George family members. What an to Holly Shurvell as she
Ward and Brooks Watson
who went undefeated to
exciting opportunity for
these young musician to
slowly recuperates in the
Health Sciences Centre RMNP Visitor Centre Renewal Project
capture the Zone 10 High have! Also performing that in Winnipeg. We all hope
School curling champi- day were the 2020 West- you’re able to recover and SUBMITTED Canadians to learn more ecosystems in the park to
onship in Shoal Lake on man Senior Honour Band return home soon. about our diverse history. maintain and restore eco-

55+ Bowling P
February 4th. The team and the Brandon Univer- arks Canada has an- The site will be most logical integrity (Good
will now head to the high sity Symphonic Band. A nounced that con- heavily impacted through- Housekeeping).
School Provincials to be wonderful day of music for struction for the renewal out the winter of 2020. As The project involves
held in Beausejour later them!
project at the Riding Moun- this work is weather de- re-designing the visitor
in February. Good luck More congratulations tain National Park Visitor pendant, there is a pos- service reception area to
and good curling down the are in order for Lucas Ped- Centre in Wasagaming sibility that construction better customer service
road! ersen and his rink of Jace
Results will begin this month. The
site has been closed to the
could extend to the spring
of 2020. An alternative
and visitor flow, accom-
modate for a Parks Canada
public since fall 2019, as space will be used to pro- merchandise store, im-
SUBMITTED Parks Canada team mem- vide visitor services and prove accessibility to the
bers made preparations for programming. building and the grounds,

B owlers of the week of

February 10th were
Wray Douglas and Carry
this work. 
The Visitor Centre in
Riding Mountain National
An architectural and
engineering firm was
hired to provide detailed
install new inclusive wash-
room facilities, update the
audiovisual equipment,
Douglas. Park is highly visited and design and construction improve the building to
Other good games a much-loved building in administration services easily host events, repair

THE TOWN OF MINNEDOSA were Ava Harris 153, 157, the heart of Wasagaming. for the renewal of the Visi- and upgrade the roof, and
Jim Clark 197, Debbie Tarn This premier park facil- tor Centre and surround- install geothermal heating
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 222, Carry Douglas 209, ity has not seen any major ing landscape. The key and cooling.
DOG & CAT OWNERS Lisa Smith 195, 175, Bev changes for over 25 years objectives of the project   This work is part of the
Chapski 202, 201, Wray and is in need of revitaliza- include renewing the in- largest infrastructure plan
All dogs and cats within the Town of Minnedosa
Douglas 238, Alan Tarn tion with many elements terpretive exhibits with the in the history of Parks Can-
*** TOmust BE beOUTlicensed
8:00 A.M. *** 212, 218, Vicky Bugg 165, outdated or in need of following themes: Riding ada. These investments in
A certificate of vaccination for rabies must be
17 aNO license is issued
Doug Pettigrew 208, Vivian repair. Parks Canada re- Mountain is Home – to the Parks Canada’s heritage,
2014 Dog & Cat licenses are available at the Cullen 196, Russ Pettigrew ceived funding through Anishinabe (Anishinabe visitor and waterway in-
18 Office
NORTH END GARBAGE 132, 133. the Federal Infrastructure Homeland), to forest and frastructure ensure safe,
Owners of unlicensed Dogs & Cats, Dogs & Cats Investment program to parkland ecosystems (Wil- high-quality and meaning-
running large, as well
FEBRUARY as nuisance
19 SOUTH EASTand vicious
provide upgrades to this derness Home), to park ful experiences for visitors,
animals are subject to GARBAGE
various penalties and
COLLECTION Happy Federal Heritage Building
in order to continue shar-
residents (Home Away
From Home), to genera-
enabling Canadians to dis-
cover nature and connect
charges. A copy of animal control by-law 2478 is
FRIDAY, at the21
FEBRUARY Town Office
by Valentine’s ing the rich and varied tions of visitors (Historic with history all across the
any person during regular hours. heritage of our nation and Home), and Parks Canada country.
Day provide an opportunity for protects and manages the
The Town of Minnedosa
Ê Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune
A Celebration of Yoga for Pat Graham MAIL THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO BOX 930,
6 Practices 3 Talks 9am – 9pm Leap Day – Sat. Feb. 29
Doors 9am – 50+ Activity Centre, 31 Main St. S., Minnedosa MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816
Practice 10 am – Meditation – For Pat: Kim Madill Burgess~South Hall
Local Trading Area: $42.73
Practice 11 am – Yin: Tiffany Green~South Hall (Minnedosa,Bethany, Clanwilliam,
It Helps TALK 12:15 pm How Yoga Helps: Nancy McLennan~North Hall Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Practice 1:30 pm – Flow: Sun Salutations for Pat~South Hall Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,

Chakra TALK 2:45 pm Manifest & Liberate Trish Mcbratney~North Hall Mountain Road and Neepawa)

Practice 4 pm – Release, Dynamic Stretch: Gail Nykoliation~South Hall Other Manitoba

Guy TALK 5:15 pm Where are the Men and Boys? Discussion ~North Hall locations: $49.87
Practice 6:30 pm Kirtan Voice Music ~South Hall
Practice 8:00 pm. Yoga Nidra: Erin Alexander Closing dedication
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
Free – Come-and-go – All Welcome PROVINCE:
Wear loose or yoga clothing. Dress in Layers. Bring a yoga mat and water.
Online subscriptions $35.00
Chairs for respectful viewing will be available for people who are hesitant but interested. POSTAL CODE:
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 7

Nine Rinks Compete in Ladies Bonspiel

Photos submitted
A Event winners: Lead Mandy Johnston, B Event winners: Lead Pam Goethals, C Event winner: Lead Chantelle Parrott,
Second Kayla Hunter, Third Michelle Bryden Second Loretta Crowe, Third Noreen Second Triss Parrott, Third Ashley Demontigny
and Skip Darla Hanke. Johnston and Skip Janice Moffat. and Skip Morghan Wark.

By KAREN MITCHELL bonspiel. Friday night was included Darla Hanke as fat, Third Noreen Johnston, montigny, Second Triss conditions courtesy of Ja-
pajama night and Saturday Skip, Michelle Brydon as Second Loretta Crowe and Parrott and Lead Chantelle mie Stone and delicious

N ine curling teams

spent last weekend
in Minnedosa having a
included a banquet and
live music.
After all the games
Third, Kayla Hunter as Sec-
ond and Mandy Johnston
as Lead.
Lead Pam Goethais.
The Minnedosa Phar-
macy “C” Event saw the
As usual, the Ladies
Bonspiel enjoyed great ice
meals catered by Missy

great time at the annual were played the Minnedo- In the Heritage Co-op Becky Gray team of Erick-
Ladies Bonspiel. Held sa Credit Union “A” Event “B” Event, the Moffat rink son defeated by the home-
from Friday, February 7th saw the Hanke rink from from Deloraine defeated town Wark team. Team
to Sunday, February 9th, Neepawa defeat Donna the Laura Lamb team of players in this winning rink
each team was guaranteed Dowsett’s team from Brandon. The winning rink included Skip Morghan
three games during the Minnedosa. The winners included Skip Janice Mof- Wark, Third Ashleigh De-

Invitation to Attend

SANDY LAKE NEWS Public Presentation

Rolling River School Division
2020-2021 Proposed Budget
By DIANE BACHEWICH and family, all of Winni- Mark and Susan Usick who rands with George.
peg. became grandparents for The Cross Stitch Work- 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 4th, 2020
I t’s nice to see Robert Le-
wandoski home from his
hospital stay.
It’s nice to see Helen
Caird back from her south-
ern holiday. She has the
the second time recently.
A baby boy was born to
daughter Amanda and Co-
shop under the direction
of Darlene Porter is doing
well with the ladies excited
Division Administration Office
Sympathy is extended Congregate Meal program lin Lawson. to display their projects. 36 Armitage Avenue
to the Coulson family on back underway every Sympathy is extended Minnedosa, MB
the passing of Glen Coul-
son of Saskatoon at the age
Tuesday at the Sandy Lake
Drop In Centre.
to D.J. on the passing of
husband Curtis Harlow. TRIBUNE
of 63. Glen was the only
son of the late Peter and
Word has been re-
ceived of the passing of
George Rush had his
friend from Vancouver vis-
PRINTING chamber member
Joyce Coulson. Collin Hardy, age 72, of iting here for a week and 867-3816
Attending Elsie Winnipeg. Collin was was busy doing a few er- of the month
Kristalovich’s funeral ser- the son of Ann Harding Minnedosa Chamber of
vice from out of town in- (Kristalovich), formerly of Commerce
cluded Keith, Margie and Sandy Lake. thanks this business for its’ contribution to
Milers Kristalovich of Cal- Frances Richcoon of the business community
gary, Marilyn Tryhuk of Winnipeg visited with her February 2020
Montreal, Steffie Kristalov- sister-in-law Vicky Rich- Minnedosa Auto Wreckers
ich of Campbell River, BC, coon at the Sandy Lake
Nick Kristalovich of Keno- PCH. Accompanied by
ra, ON, Lawrence and Bev- Lillian Richcoon of Shoal 36 Main Street, Erickson, MB
erley Kristalovich of Tyn-
dall, MB, and Steve Tryhuk
Lake, they also visited Barb
and Karen Kristalovich Congratulations to
• General Dentistry
• Crowns & Bridges
• Implants & Dentures
• Stabilize Loose Dentures
• Pediatric Dentistry Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce recognizes Minnedosa
• Whitening & Cosmetic Procedures Auto Wreckers as its February Member of the Month and
SPRAY FOAM • Restorative & Root Canal Therapy thanks this business for being part of our community.
BLOWN IN ATTIC INSULATION Located at 27-14-18W on Highway #16 southwest of
VACUUM INSULATION REMOVAL Minnedosa, the business is owned by Pat and Diane Ritchie.
COATINGS AND LININGS Serving the community for many years Pat started working at the auto wreckers in 1979 when it was
For more information call: Direct Billing for Insurance Companies owned by Helen Bannerman and Arla Gowing and then went on
Same Day Emergency Care to purchase the business from them in 1993. Minnedosa Auto
204-867-7264 or 204-212-0232 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wreckers is open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call
Email: (4-ALT-TFN) 204-867-3877.
8 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

We proudly support hockey

in our community!
Congratulations to all of
our local hockey stars!
Town Of Minnedosa

Minnedosa Minor Hockey thanks all of

our volunteer coaches and managers
for making hockey possible
for all of our kids!
Craig Atkinson Trevor Martin
Stefan Brock Trevor McQuaid
Kent Brown Robert Melvin
Glen Burgess Terrace Miko
Ty Burton Ken Morrice
Jeremy Butler Lauren Pentecost
Tara Delgaty Matt Pentecost
Ryan Galbraith Julie Pomehichuk
Ryan Graham Morgan Proven
Elin Klym Steve Richmond
Jay Klym Matt Saler
Matthew Kroeker Kelly Stinson
Michael Lamb Clayton Soltys
Nathalie Lemoing Chad Sulik

Minnedosa HIP Photo by Jennifer Workman

Trent Madill
Lynn Martin
Shawn Turchinski
Mike WIlman
Back Row: Julie Pomehichuk, Stefan Brock, Ryan Graham, Glen Burgess, Morgan Proven
Middle Row: Kai Pentecost, Blake Lewandoski, Luke Jordan, Lucas Sharpe, Alexandre Theroux, Cain Burgess,
Carter Vaughan, Nate Ewasiuk, Ryder Bruce
Front Row: Nash Pomehichuk, Jackson Geekie, Carson Brown, Charles Theroux, Linden Luhowy, Kayne Graham,
Jack Proven, Soren Brock, Finnley Huyghe


The Minnedosa

204-867-3816 Since 1883

Proud to
Minnedosa Novice Bombers
Photo by Jennifer Workman
Back Row: Lauren Pentecost, Ryan Graham, Kelly Stinson, Matt Saler
Middle Row: Emerson Pentecost, Steven Hume, Travis Lamb, Preslee Stinson
Front Row: Clara Saler, Morgan Madill, Mason Graham, Connor Martin, Hayden Brown
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 9

It’s been a long
hard season, but
every time you
play, you know
a little more
than you did last

Minnedosa Atom Jets Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row: Jeremy Butler, Ryan Galbraith, Ken Morrice, Elin Klym (missing: Jay Klym)
Middle Row: Carter Wark, Winona Hall, Aiden McGorman, Liam McVey, Reid Klym
Front Row: Easton Trotz, Brody Marnock, Reese Trotz, Scott Magnusson, Kade Butler

We support
Minor Hockey

Service Centre
Minnedosa Atom Bombers & PJay’s Automotive
Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row: Trent Madill, Robert Melvin, Shawn Turchinski

Middle Row: Ethan Turchinski, Trace Ewasiuk, William Melvin, Marek McKay, Rylan Westwood
Front Row: Zach Baron, Grant Gerard, Riley Madill, Tucker Hampton, Lincoln Kolesar

n ’t
Yo u c he
If ake t
t t

You can’t play our game!

Minnedosa Peewee 11’s Photo by Jennifer Workman

Brian Horner Trucking
Back Row: Chad Sulik, Terrace Miko, Matthew Kroeker, Clayton Soltys
Middle Row: Jordon Edwards, Avery Huntinghawk, Seth Sulik, Myles Beatty, Kaius Kroeker 204-867-7182
Front Row: Erica Miko, Jager Atkinson, Parker Soltys, Sean Smith, Colton McCaughan Missing: Jordon Chief
10 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Minnedosa Multi-purpose
Echo and Teen 4-H Report
By TORYN DMYTRIW together in the high school, it is full of items that come By WILLIAM MELVIN details to follow.
in handy in your day to day life along with pamphlets Members who attend-

A fter a lovely two weeks off for Christmas break (one

week in December and one week in January) we
came back to school on January 6th, 2020. We jumped
provided by SERC. The group is very proud of the lock-
er and happy that it is being used. Students please re-
member if you need a product check the locker to see if
T he meeting was held
on February 3rd. 4-H
pledge and motto were
ed the Wheat Kings game
on January 24th had a great
time. Swim and Talk was
right back into the regular routine of five periods a day it is available in there. read by all members. The held on January 19th at the
with lots of work getting done, especially since exams Student council has been very busy through the secretary and treasurer’s Sportsplex and it was lots
were at the end of the month. month of January with a spirit week that included a reports were read by ex- of fun. Next meeting will
Exams started for grade 12 on January 21, and textbook toss, crazy sock day, and a candy bag sale. ecutive members. be March 2nd at MCI.
for grades nine through 11 on Friday, January 24th to There was no school due to the weather on the Thurs- Reminder of impor-
Thursday, January 30th. Congratulations MCI on fin- day of that week postponing the fake injury day and tant dates: Kenton Bon-
ishing your first semester of this school year.
ECO Clubs garden tower is flourishing, and the
moving the school wide Kahoot. Student council also
put together an elf hat hunt to get everybody back into
spiel – February 17th, Club
Communication Night –
Bridge Club
plants being grown off of it have been harvested and
used in our school canteen in the delicious meals they
the school spirit.
In sports, it is the season of basketball and curling.
February 21st, Zone One
Communications - March Results
serve everyday. As a student I appreciate the brightness The curling teams went to Gladstone for a bonspiel on 1st in Minnedosa. Area
that the tower provides, it really lights up the hallway February 7th and played well. Unfortunately, the boys Communications - March 1st- Judy McFadden /
and shines some happiness into the day as all the co- and girls’ teams did not win the zone championship, 27th in Hamiota. Tubing at Val St. John
lourful plants grow. however, they played well and had a lot of fun. Thanks, MacGregor for our club -
In the month of January C.H.A.N.G.E came up with Mr. Gugin, for managing the teams. This year, there is March 8th, Making cookies 2nd - Tied - Barrie
the idea to have a bake sale which was held on Febru- a girl’s junior/senior varsity basketball team as well as for community members - Brooking / Wilf Taylor
ary 6th. They will also be holding a food drive where a junior varsity boys and senior varsity boy’s basketball March 22nd. Achievement and Wilma Jones /
they will be challenging the school to bring in non- team. They have built a lot of skill this season and look will take place on April Lois Campbell
perishables and fill boxes for the food bank. There will forward to zone playoffs in March. 16th. Fun and Recognition
also be some exciting rewards for the number of boxes That’s the news from January at Minnedosa Col- Day will be held in Rapid 3rd - Carol Lonsdale /
filled. legiate Institute. Happy February everyone and stayed City on April 25th. More Lois Phillips
The much-anticipated health locker has been put tuned for next months MCI Echo.

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $25 minimum order)
FEBRUARY 14TH - FEBRUARY 20TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water


Little Debbie Pasteries assorted ..........269-459g ....... $2.29 Lean Cuisine assorted .........................230-285g ...... $2.49
CL Leaf Tuna White Solid/Flake.............................................170g ...............$2.69 Stouffers Meat Lasagna/Meat Loaf ................................ 263-286g ............. $2.49
Campbell RTE Soup ............................................................. 540ml ...............$2.59 GG VS Vegetables assorted .....................................................500g ............. $2.79
Classico Sauce assorted ................................................410-650ml ...............$2.99 MM Five Aive/Fruitopia Frozen Juice Mixes ...................... 295ml ............. $1.49
Snuggle Fresh Spring Blossom ............................................. 1.47lt ...............$4.99 Popsicle Revello/Tropical assorted..................................... 720ml ............. $5.99
Purex Liquid detergent assorted ................... 2lt ....... $4.99 McCain Hashbrowns Diced/RB Straight Cut Fries ...............900g ............. $2.29
Carnation Hot Chocolate or Nesquick Syrup assorted450g-710ml ............$4.99 Hungry Man Dinners assorted ....................................... 397-455g ............. $3.99
Doritos or Ruffles assorted .........................255g ....... $3.29 Pizza Pops assorted ....................................400g ...... $2.59

Kellogg Rice Krispies Bars assorted ............................... 160-176g ...............$2.59
Dare Breton or Vinta Crackers assorted ........................ 150-250g ...............$2.59
Glad Bags Blue Large/Garbage Container Size ............... 30-50ea ...............$9.99
Lysol Disinfectant Wipes Spring Waterfall ............................35ea ...............$2.79
PC Max Bath Tissue/Paper Towel .................................. 12ea/6ea ...............$6.99
PC Cereal Crispy Rice/Frosted Flakes............................ 640-650g ...............$3.69
PC Cereal Corn Flakes/Crunchy Cranberry Almond .. 478-680g ...............$3.69 Chicken Leg Fresh ............................................. $1.79/lb
Tim Hortons Original/Dark Roast Coffee ..............................300g ...............$7.49 Pork Shoulder Blade Steaks or Roast ...................................................... $2.69/lb
Leclerc Celebration cookies assorted ........................... 240-350g ...............$2.99 Boneless Blade Beef Roast ...................................................................... $4.69/lb
Motts Fruitsations assorted ............................................ 104-111g ...............$2.49 Striploin Beef Steaks ................................................................................. $6.49/lb
Sugar In The Raw .....................................................................500g ...............$2.99 Schneiders Regular Wieners ...................................................375g ............. $3.99
Crisco Shortening Vegetable/Golden .............454g ....... $2.49 Ziggy’s Roast Beef .................................................................................$1.99/100g

Robin Hood Flour All Purpose/Whole Wheat .....2.5kg ....... $4.99
Brunswick Sardines assorted............................................ 92-106g ...............$1.59
KD Cup Original ........................................................................58g ...............$1.49
French’s Mustard Squeeze/Dijon .................................325-400ml ...............$2.49
Whiskas Dry Meaty Selections .................................................2kg ...............$8.99
Whiskas Temptations assorted .................................................85g ...............$1.99 Raspberries or Strawberries............................................... 6oz-1lb ............. $3.99
Pedigree Healthy Vitality ......................................................... 8Kg .............$19.99 FM Russet Potatoes ................................. 10lb ...... $3.99
Cesar Dog Food Entrée assorted ............................................100g ...............$1.19 Whole Pineapple ........................................................................................... $3.89
Kraft Singles assorted .................................410g ....... $3.69 Lettuce Iceberg .............................................................................................. $2.50
Armstrong Bar Cheddar Marble/Medium ............................700g ...............$9.49 English Cucumber ......................................................................................... $1.99
PC 100% Orange Juice ........................................................... 1.75lt ...............$3.49 Royal Gala Apples ....................................................................................... 1.49/lb
PC Baby Spinach......................................................................142g ............. $3.49

OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK •
*WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 11

Celebrating I Love to Read Month

head with new bits of in- in short-term memory  re- causes stress levels to rise, they can be quite pricey.
formation, and you never call as well as stabilizing and  lowers our productiv- For low-budget reading
know when it might come moods. ity. When you read a book, entertainment, check for
in handy down the road. all of your attention is fo- bargain priced books at
The more knowledge you Stronger Analytical cused on the story—the yard sales, thrift shops and
have, the better-equipped Thinking Skills - Have rest of the world just falls book sales. You can visit
you are to tackle the chal- you ever read an amazing away, and you can im- your local library and bask
lenges you may face. mystery novel, and solved merse yourself in every in the glory of the countless
the mystery in your mind fine detail you’re absorb- books available there for
Vocabulary Expan- before finishing the book? ing. free. Libraries have books
sion - This goes with the If so, you were able to put on every subject imagin-
above topic: the more critical and analytical Tranquility - In ad- able, and since they rotate
you read, the more words thinking to work by taking dition to the relaxation their stock and constantly
you gain exposure to, and note of all the details pro- that accompanies reading get new books, you’ll never
they’ll inevitably make vided and sorting them out a good book, it’s possible run out of reading materi-
their way into your every- to determine “whodunnit”. that the subject you read als.
day vocabulary.  Being ar- about can bring about im- There is a reading
ticulate and well-spoken Improved Focus and mense inner peace and genre for every literate
is a great benefit in any Concentration - In our in- tranquility. Reading  spiri- person on the planet, and
profession, and knowing ternet-crazed world, atten- tual texts  can lower blood whether your interest is
that you can speak with tion is drawn in a million pressure and bring about classical literature, poetry,
self-confidence can be an different directions at once an immense sense of calm, fashion magazines, biog-
enormous boost to your as we multi-task through while  reading self-help raphies, religious texts,
self-esteem. every day. In a single five- books  has been shown young adult books, self-
minute span, the average to help people suffering help guides, street lit, or
Photo submitted Better Writing Skills person will divide their from certain mood disor- romance novels, there’s
- Exposure to published, time between working on a ders  and mild mental ill- something out there to
On Tuesday, February 4th, Kindergarten to well-written work has a task, checking their email, nesses. capture your curiosity and
Grade Six students at Tanner’s Crossing School positive effect on your own chatting with a couple of imagination. Step away
were treated to a visit by some celebrity readers writing, as observing the people, keeping an eye on Free Entertainment - from your computer for a
as part of the school’s events for I Love to Read writing styles of other au- social media, monitoring Though many of us like to little while, crack open a
month. Brandon Wheat Kings players, Johnny thors will invariably influ- their smartphone, and in- buy books so we can an- book, and replenish your
Lambos and Chad Nychuk (pictured)spent time ence your own work. teracting with co-workers. notate them and dog-ear soul for a little while.
This type of behaviour pages for future reference,
reading and visiting with the students.
Memory Improve-
ment - When you read a
By KAREN MITCHELL keep it strong and healthy, book, you have to remem-
so the phrase “use it or lose ber an assortment of char-

I Love to Read Month is

a celebration held each
year during the month
it” is particularly apt when
it comes to your mind. 
acters, their backgrounds,
ambitions, history, and nu-
ances, as well as the vari-
of February, to  encour- Stress Reduc- ous arcs and sub-plots that
age reading, writing, and tion - No matter how weave their way through
sharing in the joy of lit- much  stress  you have at every story. That’s a fair bit
eracy.  This year’s I Love work, in your personal re- to remember, but brains
to Read Month theme is lationships, or countless are marvellous things
“Books for a Better World.” other issues faced in daily and can remember these
This theme encourages life, it all just slips away things with relative ease.
readers to start taking when you lose yourself in a Amazingly enough,  every
steps towards creating a great story. new memory you create
better world for everyone. forges new synapses (brain
There are several ben- Knowledge - Every- pathways)and strengthens
efits to reading and from a thing you read fills your existing ones, which assists
young age most can recall
snuggling up to a parent,
family member of friend,
listening to wonderful sto-
ries being read. The expe-
rience is magical and every
child should experience
that throughout their lives.
The following are some
benefits to reading or be-
ing read to:

Mental Stimulation
- Studies have shown that
staying mentally stimulat-
ed can slow the progress of Saturday, February 22nd
(or possibly even prevent) vs. Prince Albert
at 7:30 p.m.
Alzheimer’s and Demen-
tia, since keeping your
brain active and engaged KIDS FAMILY NIGHT
prevents it from losing
power. Just like any other
muscle in the body, the
For tickets call 204-726-3555 or visit
brain requires exercise to
12 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Play Hockey!

Sims & Company


Minnedosa Peewee 12’s Photo by Jennifer Workman

The ice rink is like a Back: Row: Ty Burton, Mike Lamb

second world where Middle Row: Dane Wahoski, Zach Lamb, Remy Lemoing, Dylan Ewasiuk, Nickolai Brazeau,
Noah Cornish, Grady Burton, Hudson Boyd
nothing else matters. Front Row: Matthew Toews, Kalem Noordenbos, Steven Tomlinson, Colby Pentecost, Roland Boles-McKay, Quentin MacDonald

Four Seasons Repair


Life is simple
eat . sleep . play
Minnedosa Bantam
Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row: Mike Wilman, Tara Delgaty, Adam Bailey, Adrian Delgaty, Samuel Wilson,
Harry Cornish, Rowin Richmond, Ozy Atkinson, Craig Atkinson, Steve Richmond
Front Row: Jackson Bachewich, Jaden Trotz, Blair Hunter, Jake Wilman, Keagan Gaywish, Lachlan Christopher, Fred Hrycak


Good Players
Inspire Themselves
Great Players
Inspire Others

Minnedosa Chancellors Photo Submitted

Back Row: Al Trotz (coach), Ken Morrice (coach), Owen Riffel, Luke Gugin, Victor Lamb, Malik McKay,
Modi Masawasicuna, Ashton Burton, Graham Bailey, Konlyn Nemetchek, Erik Barrett, Austin Taylor,
Blair Desiatnyk, Ternell Luhowy (coach), Lawrence Parrott (coach)
Front Row: Tanner Hanson, Luke Parrott, Carter Hedley, Lucas Beatty, Kaleb Kramer, Liam Bachewich, Bryden McFarlane,
204-867-3946 Owen Kingdon, Daylan Hunter
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 13



EOS Wildcats HIP Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row (L-R): Winnie Amyotte, Ernest Shingoose, Eric Bjornson, Ian Shannacappo, Serena Amyotte
Middle Row: Konyn Amyotte, Silas Shingoose, Tatum Shannacappo, Creeson Brightnose
Front Row: Logan McLaughlin, Paisley Shannacappo, Jack Bjornson

O s
SH ore

EOS Wildcats Novice Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row (L-R): Back: Craig Atkinson, Tyler Kaktins, Dave Porter 204-867-3145
Middle Row: Nolan Edwards, Lennox Lavallee, Collin Beatty, Kalla Porter, Mila Kaktins
Front Row: Abigail Sulik, Becks Atkinson, Paxton Hall, Noah Durand, Chayse Shannacappo
Missing: Cooper Soltys

You miss 100%

of the shots you
never take
EOS Wildcats Atoms Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row (L-R): Greg Griffiths, Brad Hall

Middle Row: Hannah Robson, Javiery Kirkness, Wyatt Amyotte, Hudson Hall, Soleil Kaktins
Front Row: Tao Kroeker, Rohen Boyd, Jake Griffiths, Noah Andreychuk, Konlin Amyotte
14 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Winning or losing isn’t

what counts.
Learning to lose with grace
also makes a winner.
Rural Municipality
of Minto - Odanah

Rapid City Dragons 13 & Under Photo by Jodi Hrymak

Back Row (L-R): Josh Hume, Hunter King Paul Ziesmann (Coach), Elijah Allers, Noah Fulford, Seth Hromnichuk,
Alex Longworth, Nathan Hromnichuk, Anthony Worth, Kelly Fulford (Coach), Faith Burtnick, Alicia Fulford (Manager)
Middle Row: Bethany Kolesar, Ethan Fulford, Sheldon Rempel, Connor Quennelle
Front Row: Gavin Rempel, Ethan King

Serving the communities of

Minnedosa, Brandon, Wawanesa,
Erickson, Sandy Lake, Strathclair & Rivers

Rapid City Dragons 17 & Under Photo by Jodi Hrymak

Back Row (L-R): Greg Paddock (Coach), Andrew Hamm, Emma Austin, Judah Paddock, Caleb Paddock, Simon Krahn,
Noah Paddock, Nathan Pollichuk, Adam Gabrielle, Carter McCorrister, Kaenen Mitton,
204.759.3313 Chelsea Hutchings, Steve Hamm (Coach)
Front Row: Drayson Gardner, Aiden Cornell, Bradley Goertzen, Tristan Peters, Bethan Reynolds
Toll Free 844.877.7767
#7 � 515 4th Avenue
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB

to all teams!

Yellowhead U18 Female Chiefs Photo by Jennifer Workman

Back Row: Levi Derkatch, Callie Maguire, Kora Tibbatts, Ameron Laliberte, Kate-Leigh Heapy, Darbi Poole, Louise Fergusson
Middle Row: Jim Barscello (Manager), Emmalie Thompson, Kasey Fouillard, Joie Simon, Madison Barteaux,
Lauren Michta, Josie Nichols, Mya Kubrakovich, Mallory Fouillard (Strength and Conditioning Coordinator)
Front Row: Sidney McMullan, Jaida Chartrand, Rachel Charles (Assistant Coach), Jena Barscello, Derek Tibbatts (Head Coach),
Toni Koshowski, Sadie Quane Missing: assistant coach Bill Brown
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 15


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: BATTERIES FOR EVERY- Ground level 4 plex Have you been denied Booking for February
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. THING. Automotive, farm, suite  available to rent March Canada Pension Plan Disabil- and March  Interior painting.
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BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ine, motorcycle, golf carts, sq/ft, 2 bedroom, Full Laun- Claims Advocacy Clinic can tasks MINOR REPAIRS and 
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, phones, tools, radios, com- dry (washer, dryer), stove, help. Call 1-877-793-3222 vis- MAINTENANCE inside your
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 puters etc. Reconditioned, fridge, microwave, dishwash- it our website or home! Fix-it jobs. High qual-
BY FAX 204-867-5171 obsolete and hard-to-find er, Air Conditioning, 30 x 40 email ity painting. Terry’s Home
batteries. SOLAR equipment. fenced in backyard with shed. Enrichment Maintenance.
The Battery Man. Winnipeg. Call or text (204) 210-2910 for T.H.E.M. cell: 204-868-8088 or
1.877.775.8271 www.battery- more details. (47-3) x Replacement? email: (48-4) x Other medical
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to conditions causing
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delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa Manitoba history books: ing. For Rent April 1st in or DRESSING? NOTICES
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advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be The Disability Tax
“Horndean Heritage” and 2 bedroom, 1/2 duplex, 5 ap- Credit allows for
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third “History of Brandon General pliances, great for seniors. The Minnedosa Tribune
$2,500 yearly tax
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Hospital”. All hardcover and $1,080/month plus utilities, credit and $20,000
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For as little as $189.00 + GST, Simple word ads starting at membership do not make
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All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. Catch them looking at YOUR Power Builder conditions, please consult
Pat Graham. Leap Day. Feb-
material in our 48 Weekly Advertising the Association’s Blanket Ad-
Deadlines Community Newspapers.
ruary 29th. 50+ Activity Cen-
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Classified advertisements must be submitted no later Call this newspaper NOW or and-go. 9 a.m - .9 p.m. 10 a.m. website at
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followed by Dance Music by • The ads blanket the
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McSherry Auctions
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9:30. Evening will conclude
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MCNA’s 48 Manitoba
community A GOT
Estate & Moving
Feb15th @ 10 AM &
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• Very cost effective D YOUR
Feb 22nd @ 10 AM Minnedosa Multi-pur-
means of getting
your message out to V ATTENTION?
Yard * Recreation * Tools * Misc
Antiques * Furniture * Household *
REDUCED 63 Center
pose and Teen Communica-
tion Night. February 21st at
the widest possible
audience E Book this
Spring Gun Auction
Sat March 28th @ 9:30 AM
Street Erickson, MB. 1,100 6:30 p.m. at the Ukrainian
Hall. x
Contact this newspaper R space for
Vintage Service Station
sq. ft. home built in 1987 on
a corner lot. 3 bedrooms – 2
NOW or MCNA at
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Sat April 4th @ 10 AM
up, 1 down, 2 bathrooms – 1
up, 1 down, finished base-
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Consignments Welcome! ment, air conditioning, Cen- S 204-867-3816
Call For Free Consultations tral vac, central air, double at-
on 2020 Farm Sales!
for more
tached garage. Reduced from
(204) 467-1858 or
(204) 886-7027
$165,000 – $150,000. Call 204-
636-7800. (49-2) x
16 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune



Sealed, written tenders for the property situate in the RM of Elton and described
below will be received by:
110-11th Street
Brandon, Manitoba R7A 4J4 Heritage Co-op
Attention: Patrick D. Sullivan is presently inviting applications for
PARCEL ONE: NW ¼ 24-12-19
PARCEL TWO: Pt. NW ¼ 14-12-19
PARCEL THREE: NE ¼ 14-12-19
CONDITIONS OF TENDER For our Agro Department located in Minnedosa, MB
1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the Duties to include, but not limited to, delivery of ammonia, dry and liquid fertilizer
property and not on any representations made by or on behalf of the Vendor. and assisting in other areas of the Agro as needed.
2. Tenders must be received on or before 4:00 p.m., on February 21, 2020.
3. Tenders must be accompanied by a $1,000.00 deposit cheque payable to Applicants must possess the following:
Meighen, Haddad LLP. Deposits accompanying unacceptable bids will be  Excellent customer service skills
refunded.  Highly motivated
 Previous agriculture experience an asset
4. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.  Valid Class 1 or Class 3 driver’s license
5. Parcels may be sold individually or as a package.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE To become a member of our team, please submit your cover letter and resume to:
1. The closing of any purchase and sale resulting from an accepted tender will
take place on the 1st day of April, 2020, which will be the closing date.
2. The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an Mail to: Box 1050, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
Attention: Annette Haywood, Human Resources Manager
agreement covering terms and conditions of sale.
3. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be Or apply in person at our Minnedosa Agro located at 100 Heritage Way in Minnedosa,
paid within 30 days from the date of notification of tender acceptance or MB
evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions
acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid
within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated
4. Possession will be provided to the Purchaser as of the closing date.
5. The successful bidder will be responsible for real property taxes commencing
January 1, 2020.
For further information contact Meighen Haddad LLP at 204-727-8461
(48-2) (48-2)


Sealed, written tenders for the property situate in the RM of Minto-Odanah and
described below will be received by:
MEIGHEN, HADDAD LLP Position: Permanent, Full Time – Habitat Conservation Specialist
110-11th Street Location: Minnedosa/Shoal Lake
Brandon, Manitoba R7A 4J4 Start date: April 1, 2020
Attention: Patrick D. Sullivan The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) is seeking a self-
PARCEL ONE: Pt. NW 1/4 6-13-18
motivated and outgoing individual to join our program delivery team. The
PARCEL TWO: Pt. SE 1/4 6-13-18
PARCEL THREE: SW 1/4 6-13-18 individual will deliver a range of conservation programs with private
landowners and manage local MHHC properties in the Minnedosa/Shoal Lake
1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the
property and not on any representations made by or on behalf of the Vendor. Reporting to the Field Manager, the incumbent will join the program delivery
2. Tenders must be received on or before 4:00 p.m., on February 21, 2020. team to meet annual conservation objectives and represent MHHC. The office
3. Tenders must be accompanied by a $1,000.00 deposit cheque payable to location will be in a rural setting, with some flexibility based on the successful
Meighen, Haddad LLP. Deposits accompanying unacceptable bids will be candidate.
4. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Essential Qualifications:
5. Parcels may be sold individually or as a package. • Post-secondary education, preferably in the ecology, environmental
science, wildlife management, land and water management or
1. The closing of any purchase and sale resulting from an accepted tender will agricultural disciplines
take place on the 1st day of April, 2020, which will be the closing date. • Two years of experience delivering conservation or land stewardship
2. The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an programs with agriculture producers
agreement covering terms and conditions of sale. • Knowledge of current agriculture and conservation trends, issues and
3. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be organizations in Manitoba
paid within 30 days from the date of notification of tender acceptance or • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Power point,
evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions Excel, Teams, SharePoint)
acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid • Experience or training in ArcMap 10.6 and Arc Online
within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated • Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communications skills
damages and not as a penalty.
4. Possession will be provided to the Purchaser as of the closing date.
• Excellent organizational, problem solving and time management skills
5. The successful bidder will be responsible for real property taxes commencing • Highly motivated and capable of working independently but also within
January 1, 2020. a team
For further information contact Meighen Haddad LLP at 204-727-8461 • High level of attention to detail and coordinate multiple projects at one
• Written and oral fluency in English
• Valid Class 5 drivers license and a suitable vehicle for travel

It’s not a thing Asset Qualifications:

• On-farm Experience with livestock and equipment
• Knowledge and understanding of the Stewart and Kantrud Wetland

of the past!
Classification System
• Experience with Global Positioning Systems
Buy and Sell • Knowledge of the Minnedosa/Shoal Lake Pothole Region
• Experience with interpreting Land Titles
• Experience working or living in rural Manitoba
If you are reading this ad
we have just proven that
Treasure in the • Experience operating all-terrain vehicles
Please forward your resume and cover letter, which must include salary
newspaper advertising Classifieds! expectations, by 4:30 p.m. February 21st, 2020 to:
Diana Perez – Executive Assistant
still works! Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation


The Minnedosa 200-1765 Sargent Winnipeg MB R3H 0C6

Email: Subject: Habitat Conservation Specialist
The Minnedosa Tribune Since 1883 We thank you for your interest, however only those candidates selected for an
interview will be contacted.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 17

Care Tips For Your
invites applications for the position of
invites applications for an
Hockey Equipment
Rolling River First Nation WORKER – Rolling River Head Office By KAREN MITCHELL and then put it through a
Reporting to the Alternate Care Supervisor, the worker will be responsible for regular wash cycle.
Reporting to the Abinoojiiyeg Naa Da Maa Gewin Supervisor as a member of the
performing a variety of duties within the Alternate Care Unit. This position is based out
of the Head Office located in Rolling River First Nation.
Duties will include:
agency’s abuse team, the worker shares responsibility for;
• The investigation of all child abuse referrals/allegations received by the agency
I f you know a hockey
player, you will all to well
know the definite stank
Drying equipment –
It is ok to put your socks,
jock, jersey and under
• Foster home recruitment and development • Intakes and referrals
• Working with the agency’s Child Abuse committee that wafts from a hockey layer into the dryer. The
• Foster home orientation
• Establishing and maintaining positive working relationships with the various bag after a game. It is an easiest way to dry out all
• Foster Parent training, workshops, and education
• Repatriation (intake) parties involved in a multidisciplinary approach undeniable smell that is your gear after you have
• Foster Parent Newsletter • The development and implementation of prevention and educational programs hard to forget and hard to put it through the wash
• Identify and develop a network of Alternative Care resources, both regular and in the communities served by WRCFS clear from the nasal. As is to simply leave it out to
specialized QUALIFICATIONS: much as this is a definite dry and point a fan at it. If
• Network and support to foster homes • BSW with at least 2 years related experience preferably in First Nations Child and part of the game, there are your hockey equipment
Qualifications: Family Services. An equivalent combination of training and experience will be
considered ways to help prevent or at still feels wet after going
• BSW with at least two years related experience preferably in First Nations Child least delay the “funk”. through the drier you can
& Family Services. An equivalent combination of training and experience may • Must have a commitment to First Nations Child & Family Services and
be considered. community based planning and service delivery Stink Prevention – move it around a bit to re-
• Must have a strong commitment to community-based service delivery • Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential. Create a layer: Put a layer balance the load or if it’s
• Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills • The ability to speak Ojibway will be considered a definite asset between you and your still sopping wet after the
• Must have demonstrated interpersonal skills • Must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and within a multi-
disciplinary approach hockey gear. This absorbs wash cycle, run it through
• Must be able to work as part of a team a lot of sweat and helps it the spin cycle one more
• Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and First Nations aspirations • Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Office
are essential. The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a Criminal Record check that includes
evaporate. This layer also time before drying it.
• The ability to speak Ojibway would be considered an asset a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry check, Prior Contact check and Driver’s helps stop any dead skin, Getting the smell out
• Good administrative and organizational skills Abstract prior to the commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid driver’s grease, etc. to getting onto of Skates – Once the smell
• Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Office license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of your gear (bacteria will is set in it’s hard to remove
• Be familiar with the Structured Decision-Making Assessment tools, Intake employment. feed on that stuff ). it completely. However,
Module & CFSIS is essential
SALARY: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial pay Stink Prevention – there are ways to prevent
The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record check that scale. Air your stuff out: Airing the smell. Remove the in-
includes a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry check, Prior Contact check Please submit resumes and a cover letter to;
and Driver’s Abstract prior to commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid out equipment is one of soles after each game or
Norine Mason, B.A., BSW, RSW
driver’s license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of Abinoojiiyeg Naa Da Maa Gewin Supervisor the most important steps. practice and let them dry
employment. West Region Child & Family Services Inc. Hang up anything that can out completely. Taking the
SALARY: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial pay Box 280 be hung, making sure it has insoles out helps get all the
scale. Erickson, MB R0J 0P0 room to dry. If it can’t be moisture out. Taking out
Please submit resumes and a cover letter to; Fax: (204) 636-6158
hung up, lay it out so it has the insoles also helps keep
Marie Lavallee, BSW, RSW DEADLINE: this position will remain open until filled a chance to dry completely your rivets from rusting.
Alternate Care / Gaa Gii Kweng Program Supervisor
West Region Child & Family Services, Inc. We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. before the next time you There are a lot of dif-
Box 280 wear it. ferent items you can pur-
Erickson, Manitoba R0J 0P0 Getting the smell out chase that will allow you to
Fax: (204) 622-5248 of equipment, once it’s hang your equipment up,
IN MEMORIAM already there - After a however you don’t have
We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. while it seems your hock- to spend the money. If you
In Loving Memory of  ey equipment will start to have enough space, just lay
smell no matter what you out your equipment and
May 26th, 1945 – February 8th, 2017
do. You can put most of hang wherever you can
The Minnedosa Recreation Commission is gearing your equipment into the until everything is com-
You can shed tears that she is gone
up for a busy summer season. We are looking for personable and Or you can smile because she has lived washing machine. If your pletely dry. Try placing a
caring staff for our seasonal job openings. You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back hockey equipment really sheet of fabric softener in
If you enjoy working with children in a fast paced environment, Or you can open your eyes and see all she left stinks, rinse it first buy fill- your hockey bag as well,
we may have a summer job for you! Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her ing the washing machine, this will aid in the smell.
The Minnedosa Recreation Commission is accepting Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday letting it soak, draining it,
resumes for anticipated summer positions as You can remember her and only that she’s gone
Day Camp Co-ordinator Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
( start as early as May, full time until end of August), You can cry and close you mind, be empty and turn your back

All applicants must:

in Minnedosa, MB.
Or you can do what she’d want
“open your eyes”
• be willing to spend the summer engaging people of all ages in a ‘’love’’
variety of sports and activities “and go on”
• exercise good judgement, communication and work effectively with
the public Forever missed always remembered
• be available to work Canada Day Celebration in Minnedosa Your family.
• be mature and responsible x
• have or be willing to take First/Aid & CPR Level 3
In Loving Memory of a
• be 16 years of age before or on June 30th, 2020
special friend
Please submit your cover letter and resume before March 3rd to: DAVID,
Minnedosa & District Recreation Commission who passed away
Attn: Alexis Kuby February 15th, 2019
PO Box 1259
Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
Fax: (204) 867.2250
A year has passed since
you were here, WE DO IT ALL!
Email: Treasured memories
keep you near.
Social Tickets, Raffle Tickets,
Fax: 204-867-3171 Business Cards, Receipt Books,
Interviews will take place beginning March 9th, 2020
Keep an eye out for Summer Camp Counselor Sadly missed and forever remembered Posters, Colour Copying and more
Positions and Kayak Club Positions! Orville and Shirley

18 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune


Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657

Independently Owned Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
and Operated Broker Realtor


Parish Backhoe
. Well maintained 2+1 bedroom 1 - Renovated 2 bath home 2 bedroom/ Certified as a Total Electric Gold . Two plus acres - 2 +1 bedroom 2 bath home, most
bath bungalow
. Features central air, updated
ensuite home on a quiet street.
- Features large eat in kitchen with open
Medalion Home this 2 bedroom
1 1/2 bath home is located on a
windows triple pane

. Insulated sunroom that is heated by a pellet stove

George Allard, FCGA* GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
Gateway Street
windows on main floor counter to living room. corner lot & features a good sized
kitchen, L shaped dining room/
& electric fireplace.

Onanole, MB
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
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- Mudroom/laundry leads to attached . The attached double car garage offers access to the
living room, mostly newer windows,
step 2017, cold storage insulated, heated oversized single
composite siding, shingles 2016,
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204-848-7413 ●All types of excavation●
. Outside you will find 2 decks and
storage shed on the open lot
car garage.
- Newly built deck at front door & a larger
single garage with GDO, finished
basement with potential for 2 more
. Non insulated 42’x78’ (‘96)machine shed with
electric 24’x13’ overhead door, 2 storage sheds
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
Residential Certified in waste
one at back door.
& a greenhouse
bedrooms as seller is upgrading
- Beautifully designed deck with pergola windows to be egress compliant. . Lily gardens, above ground flower beds, holding 9-515 4th Ave. water management
and hottub. MLS#1712871 $109,900 Shoal Lake, MB Call: Ian
tank & well. The well services 2 other nearby
MLS#1911282 $149,900
MLS#1908672 $166,900 $99,500 $89,500
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Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie Dauphin Office -
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Phone: 204-638-3005
“Living in your Fax: 204-638-5817
Community” *Denotes Professional Corporation

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MÊ GijsbersÊ
Chartered Professional DEMOLITION BILL HOPKINS
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Ê 213Ê Ê 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê
Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ

204 - 6TH AVE. N.W. 33 - 3RD AVE. S.W. LOT 1, PLAN 56056
Minnedosa - 867-3853
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
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- Extensive renovations and - Close to downtown - Overlooks Little
Saskatchewan River Valley 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
huge yard. • Specializing in water & sewer 204-867-0260
$80,000 MLS #1907381 installation & repair
$174,900 MLS #202003033 $92,900 MLS #1925569 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. • All types of
Suite A • Basements, Demolition
• Snow removal
110 Main Street South • Gravel, Topsoil
• Sales of septic tanks
Kirk 867-0180
204 867-5550 ● Roofing ● Decks
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing
● Renovations ● Repairs


204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544
Enterprises Ltd.
- 678 sq. ft. year round cottage - 1/4 section south of Erickson - 65’ x 130’ Refridgeration
Air Conditioning,
- Nicely treed ● AC
- Built in 2013, septic tank - 1,500 sq. ft. home built in 1-204-867-2558 Heating & Electrical
and well 1999 - Gentle slope down to water
- 2 lots totaling 205’ lakefront - Numerous, quality buildings
30 Years
MLS #1930975
Ex perience!!
$220,900 MLS #1916868 $669,900 MLS #1901111 M&M
Considering listing your Property?
AUTO BODY Bus : 867-3950
All Auto Body Repairs Fa x: 867-2340
Call me today for great service at great rates!
Ph: 867-2083
5 Main St. North
Liz Burton Painting Jon Kowal

Toll Free 844.877.7767 Specializing in Book Farm
#7 � 515 4th Avenue This Spot Solar
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB New Builds
for Fairmount Solar and Electrics Call us today for your
only For All Your Electrical Needs electrical needs
$8.29 204-874-2360 204-281-3394
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, February 14, 2020 19


Custom WAHOSKI St. Alphonsus

Fertilizer MECHANICAL LTD. Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
Call today to book your Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
spring floating needs! HEATING  
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
GAS FITTING ● Yard Clean Up
Darvin - 204-868-5869
Glen Burgess Robert - 204-867-7113 AIR CONDITIONING SEPTIC Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
Electrician 204-867-3121

204-868-5211 204-476-5185
Septic Service People Helping People
- Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
Potable water Heating
Book this spot (48-4) HILLSIDE delivery.
Phone (204) 857-6100
Fax (204) 857-8389
Ventilation/Air quality
Air Conditioning
GRAIN Plumbing & Heating Book your portable
$5.52/week toilets.
HAULING Erle Jury & Family
Kitchen Equipment
Call 204-867 3816 Ty Burton Commercial Gas Fitter

204-868-5358 867-2416 Commercial & Residential

Brian Horner Cell: 867-7558
service specialist

Grain & Fertilizer Cleaning Services

Kent Brown

Sewage Service - Commercial LEONA’S

Plumbing & Heating Studio Of Image
Home: 867-3272
• Construction • JIM BEAUMONT
MAIN OFFICE Cell: 210-0818 Family Hair Care
5” AND 6” continuous 476-2483 •Eminence Facials
eavestrough Owner/OperatorÊÊÊ & Product
Siding Roofing 204-867-7182 PLUMBING & HEATING Cell: 476-6591 • Pedicures & LCN Nails
Soffit Fascia Russ Huyghe • Spray Tanning
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam 204-868-6376 Dennis: 476-2766 • Piercing
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation INSURANCE CONSTRUCTION • Eyelash Extensions
Cody Huyghe 23 Hour Service
Fire Retardent Coating
204-867-3738 204-210-0502 204-867-2287
Drivers Licenses, Autopac 204-868-6886 Book Ê
General Insurance We nowÊ offer Ventures Inc.
Cheri McTavish – Broker
867-3946 Plumbing & Heating UNDER NEW
Spot Call us today for your carpet
Gas Fitting
& upholstery cleaning needs.
LEGAL ph: 867-2084 for (204)476-0002
Minnedosa cell: 867-0346
Credit Union
Alexander only Garbage Bin Rentals

Brad Ross Jackson $13.88 LEAN
Roll Off Bins
Terry McLenehan Law Office A.D.A.M. per
Susan Glasgow B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S Anxiety Disorders
Debbie Strelczik
Minnedosa, MB
of Manitoba ● 204-848-0097
204-848-0097 Rob’s
204-867-6360 204-848-0400
Small EnginE REpaiR &
Chris Ridgen
Support Group SELF-HELP ● 204-848-0400 YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
Donna Dowsett
Meetings are held at • Mowing & Trimming
204-867-6361 Burgess Law
Kim Butler
204-867-6352 Office
Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of
the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Drug Problem? •

Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Nicole Loewen For more info call:
204-867-6369 • Handyman Services
Alayna McTavish
51 Main Street S Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550
Anonymous can help • Alum & Stainless Welding
Meetings every
204-867-6354 Minnedosa • Reasonable Rates
Trisha Paterson Apparel & Promotions
Joanne Clarke
ALCOHOLICS Tuesday & 204-867-2378 204-720-5934
Gaylene Johnson ANONYMOUS Saturday at 7 p.m.
If you like to drink and can
204-867-6357 at Calvary Temple,
Crissy Kowal
204-867-6374 SIMS & COMPA N Y
That's your business
If you want to stop and can't 221 Hamilton Street, Waterpals
Kathryn Yanchycki L a w O ffi c e That's our business. Neepawa, MB Potable Water Delivery
Fax Norman H. Sims, Q.C. P.O. Box 36 Minnedosa and area
204-867-6391 or 867-3966 Health Inspected
E-mail 7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h
Alanon - 210-0433
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717
Alateen - 867-5121 No Job is too small!!!
867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
20 Friday, February 14, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Erickson 4-H Beef Club Report

sa Vet Clinic. Paterson took home the can go on to Zone Com-
The Club made a do- Junior category trophy, munications which are be-
nation to the Minnedosa Meredith Erven took the ing held in Minnedosa on
Personal Care Home in Intermediate trophy, Han- Sunday, March 1st in the
memory of Helen Woy- na Popp took the Senior high school, everyone is
chyshyn, to honour the Speech trophy with Rylee invited to attend.
many years of support she Paterson in second place Once the speeches
has given to the Club. We and Leah Gunnarson/ were done, the Erickson
presented the Erickson Brooklyn Hedley took the Legion treated everyone in
Legion with donation of Senior Two-person Visual attendance to a delicious
almost $600 which was Presentation trophy. The meal of pulled pork, hot
one per cent of the sale top two from each category dogs and lots of dainties.
proceeds from of our 2019

Cadurcis News
Steer Auction.
We had seven speech-
es and one two-person
visual presentation dur-
ing our Communication
Night. Topics included By DorEEn trott
the Invictus Games, the

Importance of Bees, Cover e have received the sad word of the sudden, unex-
Crops, the Winnipeg Gen- pected passing of my cousin, Elaine McQueen of
Photo submitted eral Strike of 1919, the im- Neepawa on February 5th. On February 6th we received
Back Row (L-R): Meredith Erven, Leah Gunnarson, Hanna Popp, Rachel portance of Ag in the Ca- word of the passing of a Trott cousin, Marjorie Pochard of
Chemerika.  Front Row (L-R): Val Soltys, Easton Paterson, Eden Pearson, nadian Economy, Future Midlands, Michigan.
Shayla Woychyshyn, Rylee Paterson, Brooklyn Hedley and Larry Syslak. Farmers of America Expo, Garnet Rose of Arden visited last week with Malcolm
Mental Health and Climate and Shirley Rose.
Change. Our judges were Sympathy to the McManus family on the passing of
By Easton PatErson Legion. tal Bull sale in Neepawa Tyler Katkins from Ditch Sharon Gwyer.
At the meeting our on March 14th. We are Lake and Andrew Dobson Cheryl and Stephen Olive and family visited on Sat-
O n Sunday, February
9th we had our Febru-
ary meeting which was fol-
Club committed to a joint
fundraiser with the Rapid
City Beef Club where we
also trying to come up with
ideas for our year-end field
trip. Our next weigh day
from Onanole. Terry Woy-
chyshyn Sr. was the time
urday with Clayton and Margaret Wareham. Cole and
Cara remained with Grandpa and Grandma for the week-
keeper and our President, end.
lowed by our Communica- will be selling pies at the will be held on Saturday, Hanna Popp, was the em- Sunday visitors with Jim and Nancy Greer were Ken
tions Night at the Erickson Rancher’s Select Simmen- March 7th at the Minnedo- cee for the night. Easton and Irene Phillips of Brandon.


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