Q Paper Sav 2018 Set A

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Question Booklet fufdf,-dT orrqr$q fuqrirq

Set Code
, = llkor +d o'rs cRFo c'qcr qfiHr-zore trg
(s,f-o itqrqt-6q & dE
+ Ia
A t-E) .{ AQ

Time Allowedr 2.30 Hours Maximum Marks: 150


1. fhi quenion booklet has Five sections: 1. flT !E{ gR.{fir ii qia elrs t:
Section- A Maths (Q- Nos.1 to,{0) q-e o qFm (lrl*mr ilo)
Section B Science (Q. Nos.,{l 10 651 s.s- g fdf,l{ fir rri,n +r t ss)
Seclion-C So. Science (Q. No\. 66 to 90) soB- rr {. ft-*n fi:+ mrro oo t so)
Section D Hlndi (Q. r'-o\. 91 to Il0) s.s- q ffi (m r+ro sr rl rzo)
Section E Engljsh 1Q \os.l21 ro 150) soe s sffi (rll Fqi6 121 r] 1so)
2. Each of thc si\en i5al queltions carrv 01 mark. 1 15o cal sr qll 01 3rfi tI .roo r+r
There ii no deduarion on [rong answer. qrlifr ron dt 6drff {fi i I

l. {n OUR ant$er shee! $i11 be supplied ro you qrii d sm ti o fuq 3nq+l ffer6 iRr
separatel) br lhe Invigilator to mark the answers. s-d,r t ONIR rflr q*o ft-qr qiiqr r

4. AII question have four aftemarires each. oul of 4. $t !Y{ ii ft'rfl l{S .d t, grti t ro
which only one is correct. You have to choose fi fu'ffl {fr
"R ehn I erq sff fi-aru o)
lhal.onect allemati\e daJken the dppropnari
"no 'I_ Ei -n OMR ffc E Fr4 {- .f, qrd
circle on the given OMR sheet.
For Etafiple :
iq t r,re ot
Question :
r.OO 9?;T

1. @a oo
2. A aB)
@@ ao
from coffection of \our ear]ier marked answer in
5. oriq+J {rc< F'ftT R\ qrd t fu 3 q OMR
OMR by rubbing or i.rat.hing or using white
i f,d ft{ .Tq sd{ ol {.di d fti\ m
fltridwhitener. case of liolation of rhis
q olzi qr s$E rql€l{-fl or sqql,T
instruction, your result mar not be processcd or rfr ot t r ql? {s ff'{:t 01 q'{trnr ft1 srff
you may be declared dlsquahiled in the eram. i ol otn6r cRqq irmr w ronr t qT
3nqo] qtgr n 3rqtT rtifid fuqT wt s.r,trr
6. Roll No., Question Boookler Ser Code and ti
Quenion Boookiet Serial Number should be
6. OMR sa{ trro d fqff,v erir tn to
TER, y$r q7 te ots G uEl q{ frltqa
$itten on the OMR Answer Sheel with the circle
correspondrng to the digits be blackencd wirh
cet q'ri{ tllqTno *6 u6 qqftlfr rH
I\ 9,, s- F1p lTe @E- q-i .c lIJ
Blue/Bleck ball point pen ontl, carefully and

[SAV-2018] set-A age 1of24


Section - A Maths / gr-g - 6 qFrd

What will be the least number, which when {d qrf,q rqqr {qr Etfi ffi ori ffi
doubled will be exactly divisible by 12,18, c{ q6 12, 18, 21 G 30 t f,uldr frqTt$d
21& l0? dt qrc?
(A) 2520 (A) 2520
(B) 630 (B) 630
(c) 196 (c) 196
(D) 1260 (D) 1260
The greatest possible length which can be s+t ce +rTfud aqr{ ftrst um, :m,
used to measure exactly the length 7m, 3m, 85crn, 12m, sscm 6t ErFId 6\ {"i(: qM
85cm. 12m,95cm is qrs$-
(A) 25 cm (A) 25 cm
(B) 15 cn (B) 15 cm
(C) 35 cm (C) 35 cm
(D) 42 cm
(D) 42 cnr
3. Three numberi are in ratio oI -l:4:5 and their
frq {qrit
6r Bryrd 3:4:5 t agm

L.C.M. is 2400. Their H.C.F. is-

sqrq4id 24oo i d srot rr.m
qqrqqd-6 {qr E}rn?
(A) 80 (A) 80
(B) 40 (B) 40
(c) 200 (c) 200
(D) 120 (D) 120
The smallest number which when diminished {6 6i& t EiA rqr fuqt z Edri ci
by 7 is divisible by 12, 16, 18, 2l and 28 is- 12, 16. 18, 21 9 za t fuflfuO e\ UN,
(A) 10r5 q6 s@T i-
(B) 1008 (A) 1015

(c) 11022 (B) 1008

(D) 1032
(c) 11022
(D) 1032
The least number which when divided by 12,
T6 Ef-O t EI& iqf,{r lirt 12. 15. 20 3ih
15, 20 & 54 leaves in each case a remainder
54 t ffisd 6{i qq r}qqa s qlR Eldr
of 8 is-
t miiqt
(A) 504 (A) s04
(B) s44 (B) 544

(c) s36 (c) 536

(D) 5,18
(D) 548

ISAV-20181 Set-A a$e2 ot 24

The sum of two integers is '25. If one of d ffi o dm -zs t qfi ro Wt-o
them is 30 then the other is' so t d qrir Wrt6 €tn
(A) 55 (A) 55
(B) 5 (B) s
(c) -55 (c) -5s
(D) None ofthese
1o) fin t ol{ r-€l
7, On subtracting -8 from 0, we get- 7, q-< t -a rcri w rd m< dt n-
(A) -8
(A) -8
(B) 8
(B) 8
(c) 0 (c) 0
(D) None of these
Q) r+i * 6t{ T€t
8. C6) +4-C3)=? 8. (- 6) +4-(-3)=?
(A) -s (A) -5
(B) -1 (B) -1
(c) 1 (c) 1

(D) Norc ofthese (o) fid t oi$ TS

9. The fration which is nor

'5 to
eoual t isl +tc qr ftq I d qrrrn rS tr

40 40
(A) (A)
-50 50
tRr li rB)

l5 -t5
,a, l! (c) t6
rD) I {D}
t5 -l5
10. What will be the number, whose
qr tsr Eq drfr. fus6r F{ 1 t $ir
denominator is 1 and numerator is 12?
4 cicr rz t?
(A) 3 (A) 3

(B) 48 (B) 48

(c) 24 (c) u
(D) 12 (D) 12

ISAV-20181 Set-A age 3 of24

11. The avemge of ten numbers is ?. If each 11. jo scqrcTi 61 ert rd+
3isd 7 t t
Nmber is muttiplied by 12, then the r{qr oJ rz t {"n f}q s]r d +
average of tlrc new set of numbers is- dcoreri or 3*[d $c flr 6Fn?
(A) 19 (B) 1 (A) 19 (ts) 1

(c) 82 (D) 84 (c) 82 (D) 8.1

12. The average of eight numbers is 14. the 12. 3lrd {qrsii ot si}gd qrc t+ t t :rr tr'
average of six of these nurdtels is 16. The
,{-orrn O gffc EI. 6 t .r: ,1 ,

average of the r€mainiog two numbers will r4erc{i or ffsd qI{ cqr dFl?
be- (A) 8

(A) 8 (B) 4

(B) 4 (c) 16

(c) 16 e) .{t tot{ Tdt

(D) None of these 13. qlt-q$ gq scd cd ol ei'so sng dr
3 years ago, lhe average age of husband qm q{d zz etd sff. ostr qd rq q+i
wife and their child was 2? years and that d eltco erg 20 srd e-ft I qR 6t {dqn
of wife and child was 20 yea$. The present rrfi?
ong a'or
age of the husbald is- (A) 35 s]?
(A) 35 yean (B) 40 sLI
(B) 40 yea$ (c) so sId
(C) 50 Yean (D) +i il 6t{ T&
14. u: riqreii ot qtea qI1 s.gs t t ir{i t
@) None of these
14. The average of six numbers is 3.95. The
<l €src{i or eilsf, q{ g.+ t, ({li, 3rq
average of two of them is 3.4, while the
qI ricorsii 6T qtsa qq s.as t n\ ts El
average of the othe{ two is 3.85. What is

the average of the remaining two numbers?

€qreri ot 3tfld crc {qr +fl?
(A) 4.8 (B) 4.',7
(A),1.8 (B) 4.',7
(c) 4.9 (D) 4.6 (c) 4.9 (D) ,1.6
15. A Lihary has an average of 510 visitors on 15. g6 gwoldq ii {trqT{ d ftr 3ri drd
Sundays and 240 on other days. The tri ot 3ilsd risr sro t elt{ l?ffi qq
average numbet of visitors in a month of 30
ftd n 3Iri sd fri 01 3,tsd s-@l zqo
day\ lor a month ctaflinP u ith Sunda) i' -
t d:o ffii d qei n 3{ffi di 41
3ii[d sc{ sqr E).fr. qfA rficI oT carq
(A) 280
fu{ rfuqri 6l?
(B) 2e0 (A) 280
(B) 290
(c) 28s
(c) 285

(D) 295 (D) 295

age 4 of 24
16. If 20% of the total maogo€s arc mttefl and 16. qla ed erqi { zo"z" anq s-t g{ d ft
if the trumber of rctien mangoes is 35, then er.n st gc arrqt d ri.qT :s t, dt q-a
the total number of mangoes vr'ill be- ailqi at qicqT i
(A) 150 (B) r't5 (A) 150 (B) |',ls
(c) l8s (D) 180 (c) 185 (D) 180

17, What precent of6144 is equal to

17. 6144 6T tS{F qr-ierd "5 " 215.76 ,n
::5 t 245.16? q{l{i t?
(A) 5
(A) s
(B) 16 (B) 16

(c) 10
(c) 10

(D) 20
(D) 20

A student has to secure 407c marks to pass- co El, o) vtr dli d iN +oE" nioi
d eflsr{fdr il 3rrR E6 176 ei6 vIkI
He gets i78 marks and fails by 22 marks
ori gt zz 3,-dr rr1ff"f t\ orn t, n\
The maximum marks ate- 3rts'ildq cioi o1 {iqr t
(A) 1000 (A) 1000

(B) 800 (B) 800 I

(c) 5oo (c) s00

(D) 200 (D) 200

19. If x% of y is the same d. -

oI80. fien lhe 3lr-t \ 6T xq,
'5 36 d.4'- rn- ,r .|{iq" }
value of xy is-
d xy o {FI il+t
(A) 400
(A) 400
(B) 320
(B) 320
(c) 64t)
(c) 640
(D) {rn + 6i{ T€i
(D) None of these

of + of 90 = 30% of
dd ? q rqo + 90 oI 307c = 210 4r
?,0. 11 45% '1 30Vo 210,
3o%, dl srard dqr dFft
then unknown number is-

(A) 80
(A) 80

(B) 120
(B) 120

(c) 90
(c) 90

(D) 60
(D) 60

ISAV-20181 set-A ag€ 5 of 24

21. One side of a rectangular field is 4 meters 21. g6 3rr{rf,r6N tErC o1 r]6 gqr dl qq 4
and its diagonal js 5 meters. The area of the {ter t oen sfld M' o1 oer$ s {rrq
field is- t r i-<n ol Saqa qqr iI'Tr?
(A) 12m'z (e) rztrf frrq
(B) 20 m':
(B) zo E,t {1zr
(C) 15 m'? (c) rs +J fteq

(D) ".6 m'? (D) J5 4.t 4-cr

The tength of rcctaryle is inorcased byi q6 3nq-d of aEd d 60% 4.6rfl ]Tql
604o. By what perce0tage $e width has lo ss+t M 6l fudqT qerqr i f 16
be decreased so thal area of rie reclaogle 3n1ro or ebq?l 3lqffid €
remains unchanged I
tA\ 31 q.
(A) 37 1
2 (B) 60Ec
(B) 607o (C) 757o
(c) '751"
(D) 120./0
(D) t201"
23. furfl 6r qRqIq 82 fi. i ei-t s{+r
23. The perimeter of rectangle is 82 m and its
$:qa +oo q,f fr. t, dI us 3 q-f, ol
area is 400 m2. The breadth of the rectangle
a\gr{ eqr +,fl?
will be- (A) 14 m
(A) 14 m (B) 16 m
(B) 16m (C) 18 m

(C) 18m rD) 12 m

(D) 12 m
qi qrqnrox oR sf + s{Id't dqri

:I of il' fl - € -.rF rE: l. '--r-r- 300

24, The uidth ol a rectanguldr hall rs 4
!-f fi. i i\ orr d rqi dqT +€rg or
length. If the area of the hall is 300 m': then 3rfli sqT drqr?
the difference between ih length and width (A) 3m
is- (B) ,lm
(A) 3m (C) 5m
(B) 4m (D) 15m
(C) 5m ,< g6 3{FkrriFr{
"1u"s ffi qq 80 dl.x
(D) 15m 40 dt. E, T{s E1afl t-*rt cr rn rc
A 5 m wide path is constructed ali along {d
b ffdi dsr wdr A-qI ft-qrTqr d I
the outer edge of rectangular Plot,
or d+Fd 4qr 6ifl?
measuring 80 m x 40 m. The area of the (A) 12oo r{ {feI
path will be- (B) 13oo EIf {l-t
(A) 1200 m' (C) 1350 {rf ftd{
(B) 1300 m2 (D) 4soo Erf iftd{
(C) 1350 m:
(D) 4800 ml

age 6 of 24
lsAV-20181 Set-A

26. Whatis the LCM of23;56 ,Jllll49'! 26. 23, s6 Grtt +s fl agw uT 'me.d er
(A) d.fi?
(A) 310
(B) 103
(B) 103
(c) 320
(c) 320
(D) 203
(D) 203
252 can be expressed
27r 252 6r s'qlq TUITq.s *-
pnmes as-
(A) 2x2x3\l \7
(A) 2x2x3x3x7
(B) 2x3x3x3x7
(B) 2x3x3x3x7
(C) 3x3x3x3x7
(C) 3x3x3x3x7
(D) 2x2x2x3x7
(D) 2x2x2x3x7

28. Which of the lbllowing has the maximum

6. ftqf|fu6 d t s{A 3lfu6 qrso fu-sor
number ofdivisors?

rAi 101
(A) 101

rBr l-6 (B) 116

(c) 99 (c) 99

(D) 182
(D) 182
29. EI ri.qiii 6r srgctd 3 , + t oplr ssot
29. The ratio oi two number! is I i ,l and their 4 it s;r6T dgflq
HCF is ,1. Their LC\Iis- e+rr.d EqI t?
(,{) ll (A) 12
(Br 11
(B\ 24

(c) 16
(c) 16

(D) .18
(D) 48

30. The L.C.\I of two numbers is ,18. The 30. <l riqsTi or agm wrrrd +e t t

numhers are ln the ratio 2 | 3. Then sum of ric+riii or srgvro z , : t, d riqeli ot

the numbers ls-
qirrrd sqr -
t{r il (A) 32

(Br 13 (B) 28
(c) l0 (c) 40
(D) 6: (D) 62

lsAV-20181 Set-A aBe 7 ot 24

31. The sum of two consecutive whole 31. d drnflr {Ef *qrql or rim sa i t dE
oumbers i. 5.1. Ihe smaller numher is- €'cqr ftfr-
(A) 25 (A) 2s

(B) 26 (B) 26

(c) 2e (c) 29

(D) 23 @) 23

12. ff
2x-l x-2
=-+l,then\=" 12- 3rm2x-l x-2 + l. dq x=l
33 33
(A)- 2 (A) 2

(B) 4 (B) 4

(c) 6 (c) 6

(D) 8 (D) 8

33. A number when multiPlied bY 5 is ::. 1iffi €rqr d s t Xw 6{i cr 80 qE

increased by 80. The number is-
sroi i r ricot dtfi -
(A) 1s
(A) 15
(B) 20
(B) 20
(c) 25
(c) 2s
(D) 30
(D) 30 1
J4. fi-fr g@T 6t : qFl sfl q-ql s 10 6q
34, ? of a number is less than the original J
t. d €@r 6tft-
number by 10. The original number ls-
(A) 30
(A) 30
(B) 36
(B) 36

(c) (c) 4s
(D) 60
(D) 60

35. Two supplementary angles differ by 20" 35. d sc{rr otii or artq 20' * I dld
The measure of smaller angle will be- olq d qrc dfi-
(A) 60" (A) 60"

(B) 80" (B) 80"

(c) 100' (c) 100"

(D) 120' @) 120"

age 8 of 24
ISAV-20181 set-A
6. The mtio 2:5 as (ate Perce i& 36. 2 : s d 3qqrf, 6r cfilgrd <1 t-
() 4Ea lL) 4Eo

(B) O.4Eo
(B) 0 4Eo

(c) 40Eo
(c) 40Eo

@) t4% . (D) 147o

7. ?0% of students h a school are boys lf the 37. \rfi {i-flcq I nq" wa a.cd i t errn
number of gids is 240, how matry boys arc
(sfrts\ o1 qt4r zao t iil il.sri d
there in tlle school? {cqr Eqr drff?

(A) 420 (A) 420

(B) 560 (B) 560

(c) 630 (c) 630

(D) 480 (D) 480

38. What percent of 1 day is 36 mitrrrtes? 36 fi-re. 1 fu{ 6r frif,n qfrcm t?

(A) 25% (A) zsEa

(B) 2.5% @) 2.s%

(q 3.6% (c) 3.6%

@\ 0.25Ea @) 0.2s%

39. A ftuit-seller has some apples, He sells 39. w 6d $ qm eE +q tl 40%

+q M o{i d qr< srd qrs 420 ts
40% of them ald still has 420 apples How
t 1 fuS-dr d qrs g-d t-q d {cqT Eqr
mary apptes he had ir all?
(A) 588 (A) 588

(B) 600 (B) 600

(c) 700 (c) 700

Q) 12s (D) 72s

40. A numier ircreasetby 20/o gttes A'The 40. oi{ €cqr 2ovo\6w a2 dorff ttct
trumber is- ric{r t-
(A) 3s (A) 3s

(B) 28 (B) 28

(c) 36 (c) 36

(D) 30 (D) 30

age 9 of 24
ISAV-20181 Set-A
Section - B - Science / tIoG-g-fr€IFI
Day and dght is caused bY- 41. fu{-{rd e}i oi onq B-
(A) Rotation ofthe earth 1A) gefi ot q"ta
@) Revolution of the eanh
rsl Tfi 6r qR-rq"r
(C) Both rotation and revolution of the
(o +{i
Yrfr sr Wtr (d cftfqur
(D) gq{Ef,st$Tfr
(D) None of the above

42. World etrvircnment day is cetebmted otr.

ft{4 qqi-diur R-{s r{rqt stdr t-
(A) 5d June
(A) 5 q{
(B), 5d July 6) s gar{
(C) 5t January (C) 5 qn-dt
(D) 5d December (D) s ftdq1
,li}. Air pollution is caused bY- 13. srg vwur ftrsfr E)-dr t?
(A) Release ofcaftm tlioxitle by anirnals (A) fiq qddi sRr 6r{r cd
enmge drgi t
(B) Smoke rcleased by buming of fuels
(B) gerr d qai qr ffi qrd g!
(C) Smoke released by factories and +
motor vehicles rCr drerii 3lk {Tfui t ffi
(D) All of the above -*dWt
o, svfm wt t
44, If a pafiicle is moving with a constant T6 {q B-S s{d tsr c{ wt6rl qlti
speed along a straight line, we do not t qe € t gs qr d {d 3Trilfud
rcquire a force to- 6{i at 3rE{trdtdr {€i drfr t-
(A) Decrease its momentum (A) {sd {itrr o) oq ori d fuC
(B) Change the direction (B) ftnr f,{di d frc
(C) Increase its speed (c) qrd {.dri d ffrc
(D) Keep it moving with uniform velocity (D) qr&-q nr e.Tffid rei d frc
In plants, gaseous exchaage takes place qM C n-s frhqs drdr i-
through- (A) cs griT
(A) Root
( )w Etsr
(B) Flower
1c) fiu rm
(C) Seed
(D) Stomata 1o1 e)T ra ({u) em

age 10 of 24
lsAv-20181 set-A
How do ants find lheir way?
dl8 o\ ernr ltwr dt qdI dlfl t?
(A) Seeing their ftiends (A) 3{qi +6i o'r tsfi
(B) sm;[ of thetu ftiends G) +tri ot riq t
(C) Touching the tail oftie ftiend! (c) <l€ii at {s qosi t
(D) Feelhg th€ Palh (D) {rd ol T{w 6{d

47. Kaziralga National Park is situated in- 47, orfir]] {r$q sel{ fuq {-q i t?
(A) Uttar Pmdesh
(A) rd{ Jliql

(B) Madhya Pradesh

(B) 4{ trial

(C) Assam
(c) 3ftrq

(D) tlrReIFI
(D) Rajasthan

48. How do tigers mark tieir territory? qrq GIq{r fi, dS ftriR-d fit d?

(A) By diggrng with their feet (A) ti t fiq[r E-rnf,{

(B) By rubbing their body G) sTqrT $0{ {{rc o1

(C) By leaving their hairs etc' 3$i f, 3n{i dss{

(D) By leaving the smell of their Urine
(D) srqi {, *t 'u ot,grt

49. Function of tonglre in mouth is-

49. gE C ft{ 6r {qr 4d i?
(A) AT{ q"Iln
(A) Produces saliva

G) Taste the food

G) qlsr 6T {qrE qiIFI
(c) rirwq al ffir{r
(C) Chew the food

(D) Helps in digestion

tol *wq o1 qqril
5n. fftqffifu6 n t 4t{ srR{r 6r qr$
50. Which of the following is not the way of

rain water harvesting?

6qr 6{i 6r {F]l {6i fz
(A) A small Pond (A) Ers.c

(B) Water storage for washing animals (B) snar

(C) Borewell (O q)ftr

(D) Pond
(D) dld]il

lsAv-20181 set-A
a$e lt ol24
Whjch one is an example of gravitY?
51. Xdd {d or sflE{or t-
(A) Speed oftrain increases slowly (A) tdIn$ fi stt-sti i-s Eifl
(B) Dried leaffalls down C) {6 trS 6r fii fir.{r
(C) Bullet fired irom the gun (C) {is t {ffi lcnT

(D) Horse Pulling a cart (D) €il.er 1TI'g 6TTiln

\tr e can chanle the Llrecllun ol mollon b, s2. 'qfd 41 ft{lT di +sa sri ti
(A) Reducing friction 1er ufot ar ard'
(B) Increasing force (B) {d {.dls1
(C) Changing the direction of lorcc (q {d 41 i{$T ffid61
(D) sftr {d]o1
(D) Increasing ftiction
s3. srg i i-
53. Air consists of-
(A) d-f,d d-drf,{
(A) OnlY OxYgen

G) d-qa qr{frs{
(B) OnlY Nitrogen
(c) +-qd 6r{r sftfrffirEc
(C) OnlY Ca6or dioxide

p; su{-m eff
Atl the above

wo r- s4. qff{ 6rd of cqr tff t-

54. Machine makes the
(A) 3lrsFl
(A) EasY
(B) tq
(B) Fast
(c) Efunw{fi
(C) Comfortable
(D) sq{ffi €rfi
(D) A11the above
ss. fuqr d amq o\ trqq + ffi t A
55. If we open the lid of a can with a spoon

(A) It is a wedge
,6, qas t
(B) It is a lever 1a r s-<irflo i
(C) It is a slope
(c) 31r{d i
(D) It is a supPort 1p) i6t

age 12 of 24
[5AV-2018] Set-A
56. Which of the following is flot method of f+e tt olc-qr trf,fi 6r dft6T Tfi
propagation? i?
(A) Layering (A) qlq
(B) Transplanting (B) tq{
(C) Grafting (c) {rer dt]rll
(D) Cutting (D) Odrl drrFlr
Which of the following does not give birth
ftq t d otc-sr tr{ (d 61 sq rS
to youtrg orcs?
t-dr t?

(A) Rat
(A) {6r
(B) Bat G) Tqrn<S
(C) Butterfly (c) ffifls
(D) Deer (D) fflur
which of the fouowiog is not foutrd itr 58. otc-ql aeloT cgoii t rS vru urm

animals? t?
(A) ReEo{tuctiotr (A) qvrfi
(B) Photoryuthesis G) c?E{r €{dsur
(C) Respiration (c) {qrFI
(D) Initable response (D) B-fis{
59. Which chancter is cotrlrtro[ in Aog and 59. €Tqt 3li{ tao fus cTd t eqlq ir
elephant? (A) di qrld i {64 d
(A) Both live in forest
(B) +;i qdl ii €A t
(B) Both live iE water
(o +ii d t< qqn t
(C) Both have sioilar iegs

(D) Bottr are liviog creatures

(or di qd'q t
60. Which of the following reduce the spoilage 60. 3rrrq ol &Tfd oj oq 6d d fuC

of grains? ftqtufud i n ot+ svgm t?

(A) High tempemture (Al v-l dlq
(B) HiSh humidity (B) wl(] rfi
(C) Air tight container (c) FsI {Ed fudr
(D) airy container
Q) 64rfl{ fudr
age 13 of 24
[5AV-2018] SerA
61. Which of the following is not an agent
of .61: fiqfrMd d * otc ffq-rd'ln 6T
seed dispersal?
ffifi cdi t?

(A) wind (A) 641

(B) Spray (B) &s-fiiq
(o qd
(C) Water
(D) Animal
(D) sq
62. Eq rrf qrq o) sJ S1 tlgt 6ri t
We blow the hot tea to cool it because-
(A) Brcath is cool

(B) Breath is wam

(A) qf ti6 drfi t
G) 6Jr{dfii
(C) Blow more ail in tea (c) qr<r Esr qrfr t
(D) CO2 cools the tea
(D) co, + alq 6C +ft t
63. fi-s 3ig{i fg aar aftl?
63, Seed germination rcquires-
(A) 64r
(A) An
(B) qrfi
(B) Water

(C) Temperature
(c) q

(D) A1l of the above

(D) sc{-fir

64. What happens to the maximum Part 64. d 6q qrft ffi i, t{6T orfff,dq

water we drink?

(A) Goes out lvith Perspiration (A) c$-{r d {i-ra om t

(B) Goes in digestion (B) qlT{ $ 6rq fidr t
(C) Comes out as urine (c) {, d sq t ft-fmdr t
(D) Goes in blood Q) rff i Tdr qrf,r *
Green leafy vegetables contain a
lot of- 6s. 6fr qRFit qre sd n 4qr q{W qrT

(A) Proteir i qw or*r t?

(A) ct.&{
(B) Carbohydrate

(C) Fat
(B) 6r-ffi"
(c) 4flT
(D) Vitamins
(D) ffi(
age 14 of 24
ISAV-20181 Set-A
Unive[tity 66. dqR 6l cerq
qrqrfrq Mflrds
Which was the first Resideotial
atc ,n?
of the wo d?
(A) qri( firsfrsrdq
(A) Nalanda UniversitY
(B) f{fiqfrrdr ffi
(B) VikamshilaUniversity
(C) Mithila University
(q frMdr frrqffslfrq
(D) i{lq &rqtrqrdq
(D) Magadh UniversitY
67. qrr4F 'qErft' d sq€rs
t}rc birthplace of Bhagwan
61, ln which district
'Mahavir' is situated? t irufui( t?
(A) Saran (A) sr{q
@) Siwan (B) ffqr{
(C) Vaishali (c) tcra
(D) GaYa (D) Tlqr
birthplace in 6E. F{6n fu-€ i fr@ W 6r sq {effi
6E. Which Sikh Curu has his t?
(A) $ rhtr< fii6
(A) Guru Govind Singh
(B) Ts cr{fi .
(B) Guru Nanak (Cl $ irs{ {q
tC, Guru Adun De! rDt rrd trl {6rg{
(D) Guru Teg Bahadur
6e. frrq; s+i #qr aPlr {'sl +d W
69. Where is the largest and
highest Buddha 6d 3l-dfu6 i?
SmPa of the world situated? (A) illr{2r
(A) Samath G) +IrEr
(B) Bodhgaya (c) qRrsrfi
(C) Vamnasi (D) Otll'(ql
lD) KesariYa
70. fid qk{ 66i 3flqfuid t?
the WalerTemple sirualed?
?0, Where i5
(A) crdrgt
(A) PawaPuri
(B) Motihari G) dfrErt
(C) SamastiPur (c) {qdgi
(D) Nawada (D) {qffl
govemed a" rX, w d-< gr6R 6l {nrt
71. The province which is directly r€ rra e-
and controlted by Cenual Covemmenl
l:' **q \q fuia"r drot i,
(A) d-q {rRrd cdYr
known as_
(A) Union Territory G) {lq
(c) q6lflR
(D) qrq qql{d
(C) Metro CitY
(D) Gram Panchayat
age 15 of 24
ISAV-20181 set-A

?2. Who had started the ''Young India' 72, "qIr $f}ql' qliffi qfufir d qtort
fttqri tlt?
(A) Jawabarlal Nebru i.A) ,,raEraFI i8s
(B) ffi 1a-6rt dH
@) Ras Bihari Bose
(C) Arvind Ghosh (c.) 3Rfu< q\s
(D) Mahama Gandhi 1P1 q5161 ffi
Which is known as 'local govemment'?
'*16q {.4R" fug oer dlnl tl
(A) State Govemment (A) {lel s.*Fn
(B) Gram Panchayat and MuniciPal @) Trq riqFla rq 'rT
s r{rrq
Corporation (c) dq q{fiR
Central Govemment
e) {{ttati€
q1 pnry oo of rr{
None ofthese
14. qsqT rr{ ft{rq
'14. lvhcB was the Patna Municipal Corporation
(A) 1947 (A) 1S47
(B) 1950 (B) 1950
(c) 1952 (c) 1e52
(D) I960 (D) 1e60
Twin' is qdc' d 5q n
I 75. 'fhe planet known as the 'Ear1h's
75. {6 TE ii-Q 'gefi of g-q-qr

(A) Jupitar qrfl qldr t-

(A) {6sft
I (B) Satum
G) {rft
(C) Venus (c) I|fi
(D1 MercurY
Q) $r
76. Which is the 'Third nearest plaoet' to the 76. Ed * 'fi's{r II{t Tsfffi qrdr Td

stu? ot{ t?
(A) Jupitar (A){6sfr
(B) Earth G) Yd
(C) Satum
(c) {rii
(D) Nlercury
tDi qq
The total number of longitudes is-
?rn+ R4rcil o1 qd qr-qn d-
(A) 360
(A) 360 (B) 180
(B) 180 (c) 90
(c) 90 (D) 120
(D) r2Q
78. n-umq<qr$erronnMt-m
78. The Full moon daY is called-
t, sS ssr 6fl qtil tz
(A) Poomima (A) {Ftqr
(B) AmavasYa (B) 3Fflir€n
(C) Paush (c) frs
(D) None ofthese
(D) flit ot{ Tff
age 16 of 24
ISAV 2018lset A
79. q{ 6T go 4fiF{ aqT+ d Y&n 4i
79. How much approximate time does Earth
take to complete one revolution round
dal{{ fditrfl q{q cl'lnl 6r
the sun?
(A) 320 days (A) 320 l(i
(B) 365 daYS (B) 365 lcr
(C) 730 daYs (c) {i{
(D) 180 daYS (D) 180 fF
80, Wlich is the smallest planet oI the Solar 80. {irqrsd 6r sdfr E\cr qE a)c-q t?
System? (A) drrd r€
(A) Mars
c) E{sft T6
(B) Jupitar
(c) ffi q6
(C) Saturn
(D) gq T6
(D) MercurY
81. fi€N k{rr aq mrqr 'nor t?
When is the "Bihar Divas" celebratedl
81. (A) 01 qd
(A) l" March
(B) 22 q'li
(B) 22"d March (c) 10 sTfd
(C) 10d' April (D) 22 3Itrd
(D) 22"d.\pn1
82. 1ffi d qsrq {9qia oYq '??
Who was the first President of India? (A) d. qs. lllliqtqi
(A) Dr. S. Radha tuishnan (B) d. {r$q qqrE
(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (c) 4.rq rifrs d
(C) Neelam Sanjeev ReddY ii6d rqur
Q) 3rR.
(D) R.Venl(at Raman
83. (ftrqr or ll{d {sr qg idr 6d drrdr
Where is the Asia's Biggest Cattle Fair i?
held? (A) m{g{
(A) Sonpur
(B) Erdg{
(B) HaiiPur

(C) (c) qiffi{


(D) None of these e) flitoUr€i

84. Which is the oificial language of Bihar? 84. ftfl{ ftt {o q$ sqr t?
(A) 3iifr
(A) English
(B) ft-<1
(B) Hindi
(c) sBqr
(C) Oriva (D) fidrtl
(D) Bihari
age 17 af 24
ISAV-20181 Set-A
85. 1i6r{ 6r {qdq cefi qqr t?
85, What is the stale bird of Bihar?
(A) 6{f,i
(A) Pigeon
(B) drdr
(B) Parrot
(C) Sparrow (O riltqr
(D) Bulbul (D) gdgg

86. Kunwar Singh was the king of' so. {-o* Ris od d rrw e}?

(A) €+tgs
(A) Hamirpur
(B) {Rvr
(B) SaraD
(C) IagdishPur
(c) qarff'{xq

(D) Hajipur (D) 6rsg{

87. Where was the earliest capital
of Magadh? 87. q{q q;t qrrFro {ffirHl f,d '?n?

(A) Patliputra (A) qlzids,

(B) ffi
(B) Vaishali
(C) lrsr'fd
(C) Rajagriha
(D) Chanpa (D) ?4r

88. The total number of the Memheis in ftfl fuirq s'.iT t s(si o1 qa ric<l

Legislative Assembly of Bihar is-

(A) 183
(A) 183
(B) 220
LBt 220
(c) 243
(c) 243
(D) 2s0
(D) zso
89. k6R t qq.6d of {icqr frtd* *?
What is the number of divisions in
(A) 7
(A) 7
(B) 8
(B) 8
(c) 9
(c) e
rDr l0 Q) 10

\ ho was rhe fir.t \Loman Chief Mioister

ol fid{ 01 qr$ qkdr 5q-i* dr{ 'qfr?

Bihar? (A) frqfa E-ddl ?q-dffi

(A) Sucheta IkiPlani
G) qrqFrfr
(B) MaYavati (c) ffiseff
(C) Rabri Devi
(D) {qidot{{fi
(D) None of these

age 18 of 24
lsAv'2o18lSet A
Section - D :E!di
9s. erq-S qrq rrqm C oYq-xr
q( eqn
91. otl nr g.r fio t?
(A) 6fa - idr drdr i?
(A) {6q(
G) rror - rrtqr (B) sffq(
(q - gE-Rr
3rirfl (c) tfte<r q<
(D) rT qfi - nlfuol ror Erii q<
qlq-el egdfi-Fq aw t rgm d r. q.r e+ ol effi] fitr6 ? -
{ff,fl t? (A) 6lar Srq
(A) -Ilqr Gi .nartddq
ret Ed tci dqBdoi-at
(c) 4tEr3ii rnr owi t dq fuqor
io) qrar3il 100. +r1 F {fu r, .r,so a t- te dr
tsifud rr<l d otro qarcr - (A) sl
+i ftTqff t s{6r t I (B) d-d
(A) 3rqrffi (c) {lil
G) 6n1 (D) 3lld
(c) l]r<F 1n1. ftffifua q 4 ,fl, .diea rld fl alrq
lDr 6{sT
ffi us t?
(e) irrq
s,l. orl.l o crg€F 'Td-{rq '}
(A) ?Tq (B) qlq qT EFll
(B) Sld rct tr qf eIfi t
(C) E: Ol { 'n{'n
(I)) 3{rd ro2. q6ffR {qrq . s flor t
es. M-ssot it +q fu siqrq $ r;r ffi
(B) qQIqtIs
i< t? (c) €d-ql
(A) €dtmrs
tot ffa ara qmi
6) fte++ ar+o ro3. rl$ld' q rsq -
(c) c{{EEr6 (A) 3{d
ar qfuqmfi in1 srTfu
e6. 6qp1g'q 4 .6.r{ iirdrr qa-{rq rtr
(A) t
(D) d

ro4.t{d t oic sr srcq eId t

(B) gq ilt
tqri Rnro uet Pi d t

(c) {q{i isi eq rqrq € orii. r

(D) 3rq i qt o-?+ 3{+6

'-i \-; rI@' 6 '

97. qqltl Or srel i- iol q *+ o1 o-src or ra (t

(A) €elq ro5. ga r< t -
(A) s6F{
G) fu6R (B) strqrs
(c) Tfi-{dT (c) ssEr q
Ol Frqi"r (D) srql{I

age t9 of 24
ISAV-20181 Set-A
114. 'f,<' fu€ q{ or qd i?
106. f,ltr' +tc-{l {a{ i? (A) 1i{.
(A) Tfqfi (B) 5sf,qFl
(B) ffqqc
(C) {g'{if{ (c) ftrq
,o, rd lfr ffi
or * ,1o d"1J* *
ro:.fr,r 115. H ; q .,, qa-?o -'+ oro ffi
'" ' i'
,=i. P, Tdl,i qr". 'F "",l sqi {42,t litt a}?
(A) {{fiq (A) d dl
(B) v6q4{ (s) qR s\
(c) E{'rq (c) dq €)
,n, tr6-{if{-qd{itl
,nr. #*'m, m. *' o-ff t ..rt qqr
tor d< d
116, 3rqaq folq atzs
itllql e'11/
6EA t?
(A) sd (A) {i.{
G) oqrl (B) *ir6{
(c) ani tci irrq
tlt rjq{|{ ! tol ritrt
,oq. ;ooF# d Tra 'rBrdq arua 'rd-+q fi'q+1 q+cr t?
t? q{Fd qRs trtq qR tTrt t

I (A) at * q-, oq n6 attrd I t

I (B) ft-s (A) go€Krq
I (c) q6
(D) 6{ G) a&q <tq
lI't": fu{ €q1* 6l u'drflq l? (c) {iEIs
'ogfiR (D) l-{rq
ts) 4dtrKq us. Eqr{ o\ ft{i 6{rqr?

icl er<E .'-m 111 od'i<

tol f,{nsq' 4l G) +{sre
,,t. .i" mli 'i sl'' # {1 qur (c) rrs{ff
(A) 'lidr ,nr 3laFfl qr?
(B) dtd fr ,rq. J'#; "ia-t*
nr 'rq 6d e3r
(c) 5sq (,q) t+ er*.a tast
tDt <rff
';{"-f'h-'"- t +, nn' F a* i ts) tt 3IiA tast
I12. (c) ts eita tssr
(A) it ,nr 1S 3{trd 189',1
(B) sF
'GVa qr'i rrq+ qqmrr {l 'Fl liFrtr
(c) fr-{
(D) I!: srq fuql rrqr er?
ol rrdt ot gFui d (A) 1e28
t tr. fttilcit lil{6d1
flqr oir a snqll (B) 1927
rer qq dt. lttfi (c) 1e30
inr ql tfi.'s +'c{ (D) 1s25
i.i -* e* ",o
toi rftar iff
age 20 of 24
Section - E- Engllshl cqos--s.-:-9fiTfi

121. In the story 'Day Dream' the husband was 126. ln the story "Ihe Crow', die ion u'as

ptanning to buy -
(A) 30 year old
(B) 35 year old
(A) A Holse
(B) A Goat (D) .15 year old
(C) A Sheep
127. Does he have . .. ... ... ... .....money to
(D) A Cow
122. I-o Tluee Uttle Pigs fie second litrJe pig
(A) many
built his house out of -
(B) any
(A) bricks (C) none
(B) mud (D) indeed
(C) shaw 128. Today I saw ...... .........European in the

(D) sticks market.

(A) an
123. In 'Three Little Pigs' the fiIst litde pig built
(B) a
his house out of-
(C) fie
(A) bdck (D) no
(Br mud 129. Mr. Muk:herjee was.. .........honest man'
(C) stoaw (A) an

(D) sricls (B) a

'Three Little Pigsi the thid little pig (C) the

124. In
(D) no
built his house out of - 130, ..............youngestof themis verysman'
(A) bricks
(A) a
(B) mud (B) an
(C) straw (C) the

(D) sticks (D) that

131. One who is not generous with his money
125. h the smry 'The Crow', tte father was -
(A) 70 year old (A) kind
@) 80 Year old @) strong
(C) 90 Year old (C) stingy
(D) 60 year old (D) cruel

age 21of 24
ISAV 20181 Set'A
- 137. He fell down while he was -
132. Something that is tasty is
(A) walk
(A) desirous
(B) walking
(B) delicious
(C) walks
(C) dangerous (D) walked
138. The conect combination
of alphab€ts to lill
(D) delirious
in the following blanks is -
wotd -
133. Choose the conectly spelt 'st__i-n'
(A) sparow (A) ato
(B) oat
(B) sparrow
(C) toa
(C) spaarow
(D) ota
to fill in
(D) spparow 139. The right combination of alphabets
the following blanks is -
134. Choose the rightly spelt
word -
-P -
c-- r'
(A) nuisance
(A) toes
(B) niusance (B) stoe
(C) seto
(C) nuisanse
(D) tose
(D) nuiscence alphabets to fill in
140. The dght combination of

135. Choose the conect spelling

- the foltowing blanks is -
(A) cutains -h,v - -u -'
(A) aeboir
(B) cunens
(B) beaior
(C) curtans (C) oirbae
(D) riboae
(D) curtons
with fixed
141. Otre word for looking at someone
136. Neverjump off a vehicle
eyes rc -
(A) run (A) crazy
(B) runs (B) gazing
(C) running (C) grazing
(D) ran (D) looking

[SAV-20181 S€t-A
142. Complete the collocation for 'slow and 146. when queen bee is lost the other bees -

(A) fasr (A) go to search their queen bee

(B) steady
(C) huny (B) stop their work
(D) running
143. Complete the collocalion for'hue and.... .. (c) get very busy

(A) laugh
(D) get very angy
(B) weep
(C) cry 147. Bees build ...........for their honey.
(D) sing
1rg,'lrritation' means (A) house

(A) happiness (B) cells

(B) laughter (C) hive

(C) sadness
(D) annoyance (D) wax

145. 'Tattered' means - 1,18. Bees are generally -

(A) old and fine (A) very angry

(B) old and useful
(C) old and tom
(B) very clever

(D) old and shining (C) very lazy

Direction (Q.146.150) :- Read the passage

(D) very crazy
carefully and answer the Questions.
149. Bees use.........in their defense -
Bees live in a house that is called hive.
of bees: workers,
(A) sweet honey
There are three kinds

drones. and queens. Only one queen bee (B) painful sting

can h\e in each hive. If she is lost or dead,

(C) worker bees
the other bees will stop their wo*. Bees are

*ise and bus) little cfeatures. They all

(D) queen bee

join togefter !o build cells of wax for their 150. Worker bees are usuallY -

honey. Each bee ules its prcper place and

(A) lazy
does its own Rork inside the hive. lt is not
safe fo. children to hatdle bees Bees have
(B) crazy

a painful stitg that they use in their (C) busy

defense - (D) easy

age 23 of 24
ISAV-20181 Set-A
9pace tor Rough Work

[5AV-2018] Set-A age 24 of 24

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