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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N.

Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

A. What was the task assigned to you? At which office? And what was the objective
of the task assigned by the office?

- I was assigned to file the Daily Abstract Reports (DARs) of the cashier from the
months September to November. The cashier is under the Accounting department
and the group reported to sir Arnel Jaming. The Daily Abstract Report is prepared to
show the transactions made with the cashier at a given date. This is then filed to a
folder having the latest DAR shown at the front. This is done to provide hard copies
of the DARs that is in line with the Government’s mandate of full accountability of the

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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

B. How do you think is the effect of the task assigned to you to the overall operation
of the office to which you were deployed?

- The Daily Abstract Reports show the daily collections made by the cashier from its
transactions. This will then be used as a reference when journalizing the entries for
collections. T he said report is essential since it is an evidence needed by the office to
justify the collections made by the cashier. Failure to prepare this will hold the officer
assigned as accountable.

C. Were the objectives of the project met? In what way?

- Yes. The primary objective of the project is to immerse us, students who are taking
the Government Accounting course, in what really happens in an accounting office of
a government institution which is RTU. The group saw in firsthand what is written in
the GAM the procedures conducted, as well as the reports prepared so full
accountability is maintained.

D. What is the effect of this immersion project on you in terms of your chosen career

- Serving the Government as an accountant is truly fulfilling for someone who is

willing to be of service to the people. Now we know why Ma’am VM always mention
the word “Accountability’’ to the class because this word should be fully embedded to
the Government to fully serve its purpose of serving the country.

E. What would you recommend in improving the project?

- Just like what standard costing is to management accounting, knowledge and the
ability to use Microsoft Excel is a sine qua non in working in an accounting office, it is
indispensable. Ma’am VM is not wrong regarding her recommendation that the class
should undertake a course on Microsoft Excel. If this is achieved, the project will be
more useful and efficient and will render the students more prepared to immerse
themselves in the vast world of accounting.

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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office


A. What was the task assigned to you? At which office? And what was the
objective of the task assigned by the office?

-Our group was deployed in accounting office under the supervision of Mr.
Arnel Jaming. We were assigned different tasks such as filing, filing out the
general ledger, segregating disbursement vouchers and data encoding. I was
assigned in data encoding of disbursement voucher. Looking at it is like “can I
do this job assigned to me?” but when sir Jaming instructed and guided me on
doing the task it’s a good start. I done my task as easy as sir Jaming said. I
learned a lot especially in Microsoft Excel and the data I encoded is needed
for the year-end liquidation.

B. How do you think is the effect of the task assigned to you to the overall
operation of the office to which you were deployed?

-Encoding of disbursement voucher is important for them to have a record for

their year-end liquidation and failure to do this is such a big mess since they
don’t have a data that is easy to look at because it is prepared by category or
in sequence.

C. Were the objectives of the project met? In what way?

-Yes it was met because we get to apply our learning’s from our previous
accounting subjects.

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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

D. What is the effect of this immersion project on you in terms of your chosen
career path?

- Because of this immersion project, I am now interested in government

accounting and hoping to work in the government.

E. What would you recommend in improving the project?

- I enjoyed my task so it would be good if we hav3 more than 4 hours of duty,

and we will be able to learn more if we have more time.

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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

A. What was the task assigned to you? At which office? And what was the
objective of the task assigned by the office?

-Our group was deployed in accounting office under the supervision of Mr.
Jaming. We were assigned different tasks such as filing, filling out the general
ledger, segregating disbursement vouchers and data encoding. Me in
particular was assigned first to do the segregation of disbursement vouchers, I
encountered disbursement vouchers for various purposes such as payment for
supplies purchased, multi-purpose fund and funds for provident loans. It was
an easy task because there's two of us working so we finished it immediately.
After that, I was assigned to fill out the general ledger. My task is to record the
vouchers in the journal entry voucher record. While doing that I encountered
again the disbursement vouchers that we previously segregated. And I also
get to see familiar entries that we previously tackled in government accounting
such as the application of taxes due to BIR, NCAs received and additional
NCAs for various purposes but mainly for the hiring of employees for various

B. How do you think is the effect of the task assigned to you to the overall
operation of the office to which you were deployed?

- The Journal Entry Voucher Record's purpose is for reference, since it has the
transactions for different dates and control numbers of transactions. Failure to
prepare this will have an impact when tracing of transactions and supporting
details will be needed.

C. Were the objectives of the project met? In what way?

- I believe that the objectives are met because we get to apply some pf our
learning’s while doing clerical accounting works and we were exposed to the
basic applications of government accounting.

D. What is the effect of this immersion project on you in terms of your chosen
career path?

- I am now interested in government accounting and hoping to work as

government accountant because of this immersion project.

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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

E. What would you recommend in improving the project?

- I would like to recommend additional hours because we were not able to do

much with only 4hrs of duty.


A. What was the task assigned to you? At which office? And what was the
objective of the task assigned by the office?

-I was first assigned under Mr. Arnel Jaming for general ledger filing. Its
objective is for reference and checking the disbursement vouchers for any
error or duplication. After that, I was assigned to encode the debit accounts of
the MDS checks, and record the check numbers and the dates of the
transactions. from the month of January to December. The office were I was
assigned is in the accounting office under Mr. Patrick Ocol

B. How do you think is the effect of the task assigned to you to the overall
operation of the office to which you were deployed?
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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

-I was first assigned first to fill out the general ledger; its purpose is for
reference and support documents. My second task is encoding debit accounts
for MDS checks which will then be used for bank reconciliation.

C. Were the objectives of the project met? In what way

-I believe that the objectives are met because we got to apply what we learned
on our accounting subjects and we were immersed in government accounting.

D. What is the effect of this immersion project on you in terms of your chosen
career path?

-The project's impact on me is that I am now more interested in government

accounting and hoping for employment under government accounting offices.

E. What would you recommend in improving the project?

-Since we only have 4 hours, we felt guilty for not being able to finish enough
workloads. So I would like to recommend more work hours.

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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office


A. What was the task assigned to you? At which office? And what was the
objective of the task assigned by the office?

-The task that was assigned to me in the Accounting office was, first is to
segregate the disbursement vouchers according to the classification of
funds, and second was to encode the check number, debited amount, and
the date of the multi-purpose check issued in 2017.

B. How do you think is the effect of the task assigned to you to the overall
operation of the office to which you were deployed?

- I learned that having this immersion, we are able to experience the actual
environment on the field, we are able to help them to lessen their
workloads and we are able to help to organize the documents needed in
their office.

C. Were the objectives of the project met? In what way

- The objective was to finish the given task as instructed. Doing these
tasks, I was able to see the actual disbursement voucher used in an
educational institution that is part of not for profit organization. I was able to
identify the parts of a disbursement voucher that was discussed by the
discussants during our government accounting class. I was able to see
also the actual document of the list of the checks released in 2017 and
where it is located.

D. What is the effect of this immersion project on you in terms of your chosen
career path?

- I was able to finish the first task given where we just segregate the
disbursement voucher by their type of funds. But on the second task, I wasn't
able to fulfill the objective because of lack of time. This immersion project
gives me an idea on how the government accounting is important. It gave me
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Narrative report of the Group led by Felman N. Tayag II assigned at the Accounting Office

hint on what does the actual field in an educational institution looks like. It
gives me idea on what to field to choose on accounting.

E. What would you recommend in improving the project?

- The immersion project gives the accountancy student a brief insight of the
not for profit organization. It must be continued to be part of the project of
the accountancy students who’s taking up the Government Accounting
subject so they can have an idea or they see the actual field of one of the
part of government institution.


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