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“The Fall of the House of Usher”

Pre-Reading Activity

Respond to each of the following questions with thoughtful, higher-

level thinking and writing.

1. Creep Show: Poe wrote that he worked out many of his phobias with this story.
Do the same! Imagine the creepiest setting you could ever find yourself in.
Picture it using your “mind’s eye”. Now, what could make this setting even

2. Mental Illness in the 1830s: This story was written in 1839. Think about how
the subject of mental illness was dealt with in the 1800s. What was believed about
mental illness at the time? What did people believe may be the cause? Was it a
treatable illness?

3. Response to Death, 1830s-style: Now think about the rituals of death in the
1830s. How would these rituals differ from what happens after a death in modern
times? (Whose role would it be to prepare body for funeral & burial? Where would
this occur?)

4. Relationship between Twins: The relationship between twins is often said to be

different than that between two siblings of different ages. Do you believe this?
What may be different about this relationship? Why?
5. Define it: Catalepsy. Look up its definition (I like ). Read
through the various definitions. Predict how this condition may find its way into a
Gothic story.

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