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Prepared For:

Quazi Tafsirul Islam

Department of Marketing & International Business,
School of Business and Economics
North South University

Prepared By:

Syed Fahimul Haque Golam Safin

ID - 1813406630 ID -
Mahmudul Hassan Fazle Elahe
ID – ID -
Abu Nahid Peyas Omar Faruk
ID - 1812435630 ID -
Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2
Introduction 3
Methodology 3
Background 4
Culture of Interpersonal Relationship 5
Recruitment, Selection Process 6
Training & Development 7
Appraisal Method 8
Incentives & Benefits Offered 10
Recommendations 12
Conclusion 13
References 14

Executive Summary
The report works as an image to metaphrase the HR issues of Robi. The purport of this report is
to delineate the most important variables of human resource management of one of the leading
telecom companies of Bangladesh which is Robi. The key information was gleaned chiefly
through a questionnaire-based interview. Also, some details were derived from previous studies
and articles.

After a brief and introduction of the telecom giant, background information regarding the
company followed. Then how the HR team of robi recruits, human resource to meet their
organization culture, need and strategy, in order to run their workflow sustainably and smoothly.

New hires do come with credible skill sets to deliver performance accordingly. But to cope with
changing technology and sustainable and long-term goals they must be trained in adequate
manner to tackle future challenges and new demand of the workplace. Qualified information on
how training needs are assessed and training programs are set are illustrated.

To ensure continuity of quality performance, proper appraisal and compensation is inevitable. On

what ground and how every performer is rewarded both financially and non-financially are also
present in this report. In addition, other than regular compensation and awards the outliers in
terms of performance are also given awards in the form of incentives and different benefits.


The report looks deep into the practices of human resource management of the second biggest
telecommunication operator of Bangladesh, Robi Axiata Limited. With a pool of 1500
employees in different departments, the challenge of Robi's human resource department is
demanding. Starting from hiring the right people for the right job to ensuring the employee is
performing at his/her full potential and adding value to the company, the work of Robi's HRM
department is compelling and beneficial for the sustainability and the growth of the company.
The focus of the report is how Robi's HR department influences the culture and the work
environment for the employees and handles the recruitment and selection process. It also looks
into the training and development process it applies for its employees and the benefits, incentives
it provides and the appraisal method it uses to assess them.


Both primary and secondary data were used to prepare the term paper. For the primary data, we
went out to conduct an interview with a HR personnel of Robi. The interview was conducted
with Ms. Sameeun Nahar Prethoul who is a Graduate Trainee working at engagement & culture
sector of the Human Resource department. The following interview gave us insight of the how
the practices of the HR department is implemented and why their HR department is one of the
key reason for Robi being one of the fastest growing company of Bangladesh.

The secondary data was collected mainly from their websites and the other news article and
journals published about Robi.

Background of Robi Axiata Limited

One of the key indicators of a country’s strong economic position or developmental progress is
telecommunication sector. Robi is one of the leading corporations in the telco segment of
Bangladesh considering few formalities such as digitalization, innovation, adoption of new
technologies, availability and customer satisfaction. According to BTRC, Robi currently has
around 47 million subscriber as of January 2019. Robi’s strong and open corporate culture,
dynamic and strong framework of operation and good human resource have led them to win
many awards for their performance in different categories. Especially their contribution has
boosted up drastically after the largest and first merger in telco sector with Airtel in late 2016.
After the collaboration, one of the biggest milestones in which they achieved was covering all 64
districts under 4.5G network service. Also, Robi can be touted as a frontrunner in the digital
services and platforms with always serving the consumers with accessible and easy to use tools
to avail services through their websites and apps. In addition to that, Robi has introduced and
supported many unique and digital solutions such as sports hub, Islamic lifestyle app, mobile
based health insurance and instant services app, splash and also Robi 10-minute school. These
wide range of quality services has garnered a lot of attention which translated into subscribers of
Robi after the advent of mobile number portability service. Good management policy and strong
human resource together have helped the company achieve its motto to serve everyone for a
better and with digitally enables lifestyle facilities.

Culture of Interpersonal Relationship

Robi Axiata Ltd has a hierarchy system that is designed as per the following; with the Managing
director (MD) and CEO being at the topmost level and responsible for reporting to the board of
directors. Under the MD and CEO are the Division heads who are the C-Level Officers
consisting of CTO, CFO, and CSO. Executive vice presidents (EVP) are the department heads
who are assigned to report to C-level Officers from each of their designated departments. At
times EVP may be responsible for handling more than one department The Vice President (VP)
reports under the Executive Vice President. Under the supervision of the Vice Presidents are the
General Managers. The General Manager has to oversee specialists.

Robi can be considered for harvesting a strong open-culture where employees are allowed to
follow a semi-formal dress code. Robi's culture ensures bridges to shorten the power gap in the
organization; employees can directly get into contact with the Management Committee regarding
issues thus eliminating communication constraints. Employees are also empowered in taking up
new tasks and responsibilities with programs such as 'Train Yourself' which holds no penalty if
one fails. This is used to boost up employee morale and build confidence in his or her work.
Communication is key, to increase communication engagement as well as keeping them
motivated. Robi also primarily is focused on integrating technology into its culture to provide
stakeholders the best digital experience required to transform into a next-gen digital company. It
is done so by the introduction of smart switches, a fully automated 19th floor designated to the
Managing Committee, digital application for an array of items like parking, food, automated
processes regarding visitation.


Recruitment & Selection Process

Robi Axiata limited has a few recruitment methods. Their primary recruitment procedure is their
Graduate Trainee (GT) Program. This is held only once every year. It is a rigorous selection
process which consists of the following steps:
 CV Shortlisting
 Psychometric test
 Assessment Center
 Initial Interview
 Final Interview

From our primary research, we have got to know that the psychometric test play a key role in the
selection process. Robi values their culture and they only want to recruit candidates who are a
good fit for the organization. As Robi incorporates technology in all their operations, adaptability
is also very important.

Besides this program, they also have External & Internal Hires. For Internal, the sources are
personal recommendations, notice boards, newsletters etc. and for External, the sources are
notices, job centers, press, word of mouth etc. These selections are not as rigorous as their GT
program. It is initiated by the advertisements in their own digital portal. For internal hires, the
employees are eligible to submit their recommendations.

Robi groups their employees into bands. They have a total of 8 bands, A – H. Different
designation requires different set of skills. Whenever a department requires recruitment, it
informs the HR Department. The HR Department gets 60 days to recruit and select a candidate.

Training and Development

Analyzing Training Needs:

Robi Axiata Limited analyses the training need in a well thought out and straightforward
way. They identify the needs of training from performance appraisal and demand from the
employees. They also focus on strategic training to match with the future need. Currently they
arrange training like Artificial Intelligence, Data analysis etc. for their employee.

Designing Training
After knowing the need of training HR of Robi organize the whole training plan. They
organize the training plan in such a way so that it can be effective for employee as well as company.

Developing Training
HR of Robi assembling training contain in an effective way for every individual training.
That’s why they try to ensure online appearance, two way communication in every training
section etc.

Implementation of Training
After finishing the analyzing of training need, designing and developing training, Robi
implements trainings through

1. Effective Lectures: Robi provides some specialize instructor to educate their employees about
that sector. Most of the time instructors are from inside of the company and if there is no
specialize one then they call instructor from outside of the company.

2. Online Training: Every employee of Robi Axiata Limited has an online account which suggest
them some courses that are related to that employee. He or she can access any time and complete
that course through online.

3. On-The –Job Training: Under this employee learn from doing their job. In Robi most use OJT
is job rotation. As the parent company of Robi is Axiata so, any employee of Robi can rotate his
or her job inside of Robi as well as any department of Axiata.

Appraisal Method

Robi is one of Bangladesh's fastest-growing businesses, so it has a very effective appraisal policy
to ensure employees are continuously motivated to work and do their job. This policy aims to
create a structured employee performance agreement and evaluation system that is distinguished
by clearly defined goals and objectives of success and increased employee participation. Robi
allocates all employees with SMART targets and KPIs to help Robi management figure out
workers who need an assessment and need more practice. Information obtained through the
performance assessment process is used for several performance-related activities such as
increment, promotion, performance bonus, training, transfer, etc.

Appraisal policy of Robi

-Consult with the employees at the beginning of the year to determine the KPIs of the year

-Inform employees company's expected performance in each quarter

-Goal setting on a quarterly and yearly basis

-Provide employees with feedback on how well they are doing near the midpoint of the
performance rating period and, if necessary, update the quarterly targets

-Evaluate employees officially at the end of each performance rating period

Appraisal Methods

 Rating committees for the appraisal of entry-level employees. Entry-level employees are
rated by their immediate supervisor and also three or four other supervisors.
 360 Degree Feedback for the appraisal of mid and top-level employees. To appraise
them, they are evaluated by their superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and existing
customers and eventually vendors.

Techniques for appraising performance

 The Graphic Rating Scale is used to assess the performance

 Appraisal Interviews are conducted twice a year, mid-year and year-end. It's an open
discussion interview between line managers and employees that is also known as the
discussion regarding performance

Incentives & Benefits

Robi provides a wide range of incentives to keep its employees motivated. Various kinds
of incentives are provided for employees in different positions in the hierarchy. Some of
the incentives are-

 Performance-based bonus- A performance-based bonus is given to employee

fulfilling a range of criteria. Criteria include reaching targets and how much value
the employee added to the company. They are also evaluated based on how they
collaborated with their subordinates and supervisors.
 Salary Increment- Every year, salary is incremented depending upon performance
and other key factors. Even if nothing is considered, the salary is incremented
based on a predetermined percentage.
 Job Loyalty- A sum of money is given to employees who stay in the company for
a long period as a reward of loyalty.
 Festival bonuses
 Paid Holidays


 Working environment- The working environment of Robi is appealing with a

range of benefits provided for its employees. A daycare center, a subsided
cafeteria and a gaming zone inside their headquarter situated in Gulshan.
 Transportation services- They have designated cars and chauffeurs which the
employees can avail for transportation means for work purposes.
 Other benefits- Provident funds, Annual leave, Medical leave, Maternity leave,
Paternity leave, and Severance packages.

Implications of strategic human resource management
SHRM works as a relationship between strategic plan of an organization and the human resource
of that organization. It’s a process through which the goal of the organization is broken down
into smaller pieces according to the segment of the human resource to achieve that goal within a
specific time period. Some of the steps that it follows are setting a proper goal, estimating the
capacity of the human resource of your own organization, assessing the training needs if there is
any requisite for the benefit of the future tasks, also evaluation analyzing and follow up are the
final but very important steps. So, in order to gain insights about Robi’s strategic human resource
management, we went to robi HQ to have a clear picture in this regard.

In reply what we got to know that before the beginning of the year a clear goal is set by the MD
and top officials of robi for each department. Then those goals are divided into smaller targets in
comparison of the whole goal itself for the groups and teams of the departments. Then a few
assessments are done to analyze the training requirement of the employees so nullify the
possibility of future performance deficits. Furthermore, targets are assigned to the groups in a
clear and specific manner. A few KPI’s and criteria are set to evaluate the team’s performance to
keep everyone in check of their contribution.


Although all conspicuous aspects of this corporate giant looked in good form and seems to be
perfect. However, one recommendation that we would like to give is:

According to the interview, Robi provides day care service in the office compound for the babies
of employees. They can also introduce elder care which will complement the day care also. By
doing so, employee are going to be stress free when they are in the office for their babies as well
as the elder person in their home.

Robi can give paternity leave for the father of a new born child also. As it also the right of father
to stay with his new born baby and his wife during this kind of period. By doing that, employees
will be more loyal toward the company.

As Robi has a strict hiring process which does not include inters entering into the company directly.
Company can give interns a chance based on their performance during the period of interning time.
If Robi do that then they can have such employees who already know the Culture. It also motivates
the interns to perform well so that they can secure their job and also beneficial for the company.

There can be many reasons plying on which an organization can reach one of the top tiers in their
line of operation as a form of corporation. Good management of the elements of human resource
can surely be one of the resounding factors of them. No doubt in the telco sector, robi has
managed to retain a very satisfactory and optimal position. Certainly, we believe, adherence to
good management and HR policy has led to robi’s rise to its current position. The essence of the
whole report does translate into elucidation of how the aspects of HR work and operate.


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