730th ROB Reunion Registrations Lists Various 1980-1990s

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WHEN: WHERE: PROGRAM: RESERVATIONS: BY AIR: BY AUTO: BY RAIL: 730th RAILWAY OP! WILMIN ERATING BATTALION » | DELAWARE ) Bap September 23, 24, SHERATON- BRANDYWIN Route 202, 4727 Co Wilmington, Delawa Phone (302) 478-60 25), 1988 E |INN cord Pike re 19803 0 Friday September 23, Sunday September 24: 3:00PM-Ti1l?? fospitalivy Suite, 2795 “Gir ieekend Fegistration Saturday September a: TI;00AM- Business Meeting, Hospitality Suite #219 NO TOUR ANTICIPATE! 6:00PM- Group pic 6:30PM- Cocktails DAT THIS TIME tures in the lobby in Christiana A & B 7:30PM- Elegant Buffet Dinner Dance Sunday September 25: arewells Call the Sheraton- Toll Free # 1:- 80 randywine Inn; - 441) - SERV Philadelphia ee Airport will be most convenient. Arriving from the ast or West on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Exit at-¥24 (Valley Forge), then South on Route #202 to the Sheraton-Bn: andywine Inn. Arriving in Wilming Brandywine Inn fo JUST _A REMINDER: cover postage to ton by Amtrack - Call the Sheraton- free limousine service. (478-6000) Please mail your $2.00 dollars to he address below--also any new names. Sincerely Pasquale Peter Annone, Jr. Chairman 18 Marion Avenue Claymont, Delaware 19703 Phone: (302) 798-5568 65, 00 6 Pebeamepolad 198) . REGISTRATION 1 Ofides 2. O otuhow) Kay Obey fase three Ot.» | e Te Be ad See Oy Oe R20 nritmrO 3S, é ft Los G00 aes ae i 9: Ueenaw oe Se Wplik S. bse 5 66-2 Gbi00 2 Ob (Avnone) Gs: 00 (e AGG ao : Wee Oma yf 3.20 oe OSig2 BER 2 L602 Arent 07 25.00 orf ( OSS Z aso [Bernie QO, G In, WE, Ved De T72 ¢MAS i | Mc de a Rel rng 218 pled ie Sn eee Med z . . ic ee i Zz n.B. Oheable wide Nose pe ee eS} 22 La ay & a Drbeenapele A& 198) REGISTRATION eur Compbaminls Compl ae Veal nee fH fe 1981 Reenen 1 PP aunm 14 M708 BON DS Ss ae 32 CB. whem Av eat BW. Be ge Ss he ye AY cas é dere es 7. Mtl 07 fee 3 Bok eee a 5,00 Ppl. 4 bee mi A Zoe . Jo VR ee ? re phen K. Boake A UY Frank Hepp [20 a (i € ban et / Ua 1-00 LR F iL ie he 2 Mis te is 1B Fou ine 19, Shon s 20 dip art Te a ZI Potemuvich. es 2h TE. Johnson Nee +31 Op Cah ae 24 Chim ji 28 Ro Othe ms Cede, 50, rw, 4. Prrkien fae us be Areoand §. Pande feo 24 Robiragr ) jas ‘a ea Pate Rw ee has rr ae Js 08 de ele ss by 33 Pa Cree (ee 3Y fe Davwiblin eee 35 Chew B boudin be Buco dour CGA A 2h RR Andre a ee Ae mae ey 31\w. TB as 4 a 3 Ho Wrabioy Ffuwrheas 41 ft py gz qr ot 43 Wallin Wee» A Ne Bin 4 4b | CHE. Lee AY a Cres cael a p HeF Bb dil hnsenep Ve Zale nD ale BL ae ee w, eden a” Bull Pures 3h fogs | ay a Se pe Ym Baki 7H | Cm, re ee ere soe tale tested bit ee w ) , Canaan, 6 fe. Prot? f a Be : Q 2450 itu 1.06 1,60 [06 [-0e eek! 0° 1po 2700 J0d 1.00 {,00 pod 2,90 [-0? 1 .0° 1,00 1.40 foo [06 7 rail Lot os S Pt Ge oe Bow d 82) Aee nile 33, (foe Coo Ve ie A 1b Ke Bighi 7 ‘ 78 Ribnew Zo Wir taka Xo BREW 1981 = et ahs - Sse al oj Gerinecslt es af See C REGISTRATION @) | Rk. R. Anderson (2) | P, 0. Anenone a | oe Black, > | K, Biglin / |. B. Bowden (Arrive 13th) _ (a) | R, panay = |B. Cooney Fry Wilke only Q) lp. D. Crum (/) | Pred Faleonieri (Arrive 13th) (2) |R. F. Freeman (2) \C, Hedstrom (2) |W. Henry (a) Herb Hess (2) | Howard Hirschman (2) |B. G, Hinkle (2) \C. Pe Holt ) | Howard Horney \ 2) | George Jordan 2) | Merlin Koch 2 |C, Martin e He By Mason Wo Shou) (2) 4. 3, Mecauliste (A) art Meyer A) | Joe Meyer : (2) | Norman Miller (C1) | Don Mischke No Shows @) |B, B. Morgan “" (A) | H. L, Moyer (Arrive 13th) : : 2 |R. Morphy ae eae ___B, F, Romnei Me Show a i pee G)| i. Ryder * = 3 1) Walt Sandel 2 ee eo = ~ T (2) Walt sigher _P, E, Soot No Shaw) 2 | Robert Spoonhower ry @) c. Stevens 2 sis (A) PLL. Sulsburger 6 Shaul (2)| Mike Uentein 2) Richard Van Aken ee 4 |B. Vorndron Ae a A) 5, B. Waller : a C, D, Willson = = © | A, Workotter p a 2 \R. Dedaitte aac ee -_ “7 ~ 1 oe ay { - : —— : a “ | | | | | | | Placard phew f lismerad 1948 Wnelon (Fa Bh ame boi) 25 Eterm - die 49° [lebet — Asta 16 [ibrueglen -lnanens 7 50 Hare. Bodin 1) Gillan teeth te be Oe 51 Checago — Araneta 79 Pttagra lhdite St Wdretw — TF beimung len, Gennes 34 3 Hew Tes V0 Rmche eae Nena c= ON ge 54. bd. aes F/doehinapehs, Cron 3 5 UL Dyanna a 5% Aigpeecth, Peterman’ 97 st CeveluL - Whee 93 Pewee Helder, FF 57 Pega 7 Bobbing S45 Cee id ela 3F 5, PUdcaghin A, 2 8570 Wag Mliier> 7 59 Uhnelanl — Lites of. 76 Pebeanap Bt Cue eh 6 Sian fictl pecsdal, iden nahi — bP titegne - MedaTaar (2 luo Newer be bidnatle~ Horty 57 (ages ee bs Ltt go HW Chat Uc o¢ ae Se 9 Srbarapeles — PO Crass 65 Hivetp , Wedrfcer Ir Lewkoe Oh ee bgh 64 Pt wape: Mette 93 btn oh we hgh. 67 Veer York. , BC Prepmeere $¢ locke. 6 rv bgl. te nanefict he Nes 9S Hldegue LO. 67 fetede — Beghr) 76 : 70 Snhecvipetes, Which mee 77 UW fetfheto , Yfery GG 7h feppeto, Coffv "9 Ix 73 PY Klagr ey Hedhhcin i000 79 Colts —Grm| trod | ip 2 ws 4 S o la 1 4 yo In 12> Rocey Mount 1780 Mashing For 1750 Vv dd Jeseph Gero Hevb Cavter RE Annone CA Wilson Tehn Desmond Inetrens Tnez Lic henwalter Den Ridenhour GI.Class Fred Wassen Helmer W. Hancoce Tohn A. Hensgen, 035% Viele R. Seott PL Hant Howard E.Hrvschman Welt Sandel 3.B.Cress Fran Cush Francis © Brehm Demo PHanasoft Ralph Rogers Howard Horney Rey F Oupreg FroSfterRrtner WT Reve Char he Dowden Roy E, Green Havrg ©. Shc Walter H.Hess Frank steqvi lle Gorden C. Gremillre Henry Meyer Rog Mob ley ee E. Waller Mile Uehleln Franc L. Hoppe Maclin Koch SLE Denchen See) Tee moo yes. [S22 nate SS Doren oe cs 4 Eee. Le 798 ae LZ io ee 12 2028 Deredion yee Ree YS ya al Pes Le “2s (ee. ree (2 fee Jee ze B28 fe 31 Themas H. Pycter 39 R.Glen Smith 34 WS. Henry 4e hieyd G Dorse YW Osborn MEGLy rn Uv Norman [é. Phler eesde, is 0 SE Denaticn oa 43 Kenneth R Mighn Po ex 313 LeneMonteruma Amora 1% LP 3. &Chap man & John M. Berar Polrex 02, Freedom, PA, 1So¥a Hb Francis Schoon mater 41 Heney & Alberts 48 Chester Matin 4 Don H. Mischler SW. T. Hen 51 Howard D. Rewevs sy Fred Baleonser/ 3 Del Cvuam S# Hareld Ryder _ 1 SS Eli Sulsberger, Jv. St Labega aire 57 CM, Blace TM. Bevg 51 5.5. M2 Auh FE £0 Paul ES moot pane Shyeyer be dane Uc —abg o3 uw hua C4 LEED CS 6L Clavence J. Lenteer 67 Joseph Gevo [02 DonteFion 2a 128 ce pe ASE Donation es jee 20 Fisyes “" we Pr 1/960 Ree WN Recksrdhid, Le cdarnimlt A Bhaard Blake pared 3|_ I A) Aad gut 3 Ft eae Axgt 12,7977 awe Thay 5, 0788 emma — Ceesjed LE 4 fokod (ileud. pork avng Sao AE ale Eh gevectenn) oo ae eee Let fam ele 2 EE et PS a ae and bt. BOX=£3ES — OFLA Fi eLd uw 19. 5 30/, (ean Dp ac Ze — oclcy Mouth INEe Aagast (5, (980 oe \ Registrations for /480 Med Mes. P-P. Ranoae % f Compliments I eb ¥ 67.00 foomF MS et ¥- | 60,00 oO 31 wi} 7 2 b0.00 d / eee! 000 & Ge iro D ae hw i 4 7 7 4 4 ¥: { a t (se Gved rz RR Andersen, |Charrman 1480 Reanion Carleton House, ReceyMount, VC Aug: /S,16,17,198° cy Ls) DPdranced Fram P.. Panene| Frem 1979 Reunion delleetiin Mailings ¥ Denetians Collection ot Registreties Tete! Receved Mar fing Costs Hespetality Reem - Friday. Fetarday Setturday Evening - Meal, Ban Rental of Shrine Club! Phone calls, Bus, gratuities, otf “Tetel Received Total Expenses Bolance [balance sentt+s Del r Eargosae 1To ° fsb laisse | OP Ca) Se osee Ege . Entertainment, fearleepite Rev misc. eee ores 52018 32 _ 20g SeSGOL um~ Chairman 1461 Reunion Baby shesb2t pIO awe st eno 8g Fred Falconieri Chairman, 1962 Reunion - The Governor Carver Motor Inn Misc, (Tel, calls, gratuties & es 25 Summer Street, Plymouth, Mats., August 13 - 14 & 15, 1982. Advanced from D.D. Crum $787.78 Mailing and donations iY 4109.00 oC oa : | _ Gelllected at registration aes 1943¢00) se Photo Orders —— __ 308.00 ESE Mailing and printing costs 186.14 Hospitality room expense 428.38 Banquet and open bar Ve eee 112132 : Table decorations ae 176.95 = Souvenirs -- Paper Mate Pens 170614 5 Band 10.00 yo = = aoe Photos and mailing a 318,00 a pte.) Total Received fe 2, ee BE. ae Total Expenses Bra 2732. 94 Ballance | $HOK.BH Balance sent to Chuck Hedstrom, eS REGISTRATION 1982 PLYMOUTH, MASS 1 Walter & Margie Sigler 2 charles & Jean Curtis 3 Phillip & Ruth Perkins * aitred & Verna Wortkoetter 5 Howard & Eleanor Hirschman © cise @ Irene Stevens ? R, & Florence Freman © chester & Elsie Martin 9 arnie & Marian Detzler 10 vp, & Mrs. Henry L. Moyer 11 Robert & Alice Soppnhower & 42 Robert & Olga Cooney 2 13 Jack & Helen Waller + 1% Robert & Vivian Anderson «© 15 Milo # Binnic Uchlein Titielele piee te it % 16 Joseph M, Miken & Daughter + 17 Arthur & Marion Schellhase 1 18 Chuck & Evelyn Hedstrom a 19 Dick & Mille Van Aken « 20 Harold & Edie Ryder 2. 21 Murlin & Addy Kock 2 22 PP. & Marie Annone 2, 23 Herb & Bina Hess na 24 John & Mary Bekar zg. 25 Mr, & Mrs, Raymond Hainsey bh 16 FRCOFETHEL Fatcenien Joe Mikan's Granddaughters (2) $75.00 75.00 75-00 = 43.00 (Did not stay for dinner) 75200 75.00 75200 75200 _ 25.00 75.00 75200 75200 75200 75200 75400 75.00 75200 75-00 75400 75400 75200 75.00 75-00 75200 75400 75 098 15.00 (Dinner) | Za 2 SPIRE OTe lel ms fie (Ble dele lee it is fea’ ie ie le ¥ st a Nrtee Lo belc0eack 1978 ~ Recencon Ls ape @ pealad ; Ad ee add aw @ Muon #.theddingspraeeed aura ffuly 4 191% Oper eee 99 QLYVBORVIVWIO YISVg Dy IVS IgVvsVIgaxg QRY_INHIIG SF SYVPSSSSIVFISVZZIsSHsssssssIysss3ygss Seece eee e ees sess Ss & ue = 3 . . SS, Tas . . By oS F $8 TESS EY SOR SE a SHES BESS Ss ~ SSS FSSs SRA SES . Es SROSSOSS SR Ses 3: Q Tbs ~ ~ ot ~ ~ 460 5.00 1.40 1.00 1.00 1,006 L.00 1.00. 100 10d [00 100 1.00 1,40 100 1.00 1-00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,68 1,00 [08 Tie WHEN: WHERE: PROGRAM: BY AIR: BY AUTO: BY RAIL: 730th RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 34th REUNION WILMINGTON ,| DELAWARE August 17, 18, 19, ue SHERATON-BRANDYWINE INN Route 202, 4727 Concord Pike Wilmington, Delaware |19803 Phone (302- 478-6000 Friday, August 17-Surday, August 19, 1979 3:00 p.m.- Ti11 Hospitality--Suites 707 + 708 all weekend registration Saturday, August 18th 11:00 a.m.- Business |Meeting, Hospitality Suite 708 NO TOUR ANTICIPATED AT THIS TIME 6:00 p.m.- Group Pictures in Lobby 6:30 pem.- Cocktails) in Ballroom 7:30 pem.~ Elegant Buffet Dinner Dance Sunday, August 19th Farewells Philadelphia International Airport will be most convenient. Arriving from the a or West on the Pennsylvania Turnpike exit at #24 (Valley Forge), then South on Route 202 to the Sheraton Brandywine Inn. th, use I-95 and exit at #8, Route 202 Brandywine Inn. Arriving in Wilmington by Amtrak- Call the Sheraton- Brandy- wine for free eT service (478-6000) JUST A REMINDER: Please mail your dollar to cover postage to the address below---~also any new names. Sincerely P. P. Annone Jr. Chairman 1979 Reunion 18 Marion Avenue | Claymont, Delaware 19703 Phone: (302)- 798-5568 O ee Z | Wores Ts Be Baap 1979 bheonwirw Der [Ear Soe DISA Astes Muay 7-25- 78, ie Ra Ensley Fasies Aways Dec 1777 3 oie, tee ee, We Away PERgOE 7D. HZ Asia. F0Seo Aassto Away Hei hetit Wet Rice Catcan Has Vex Commine MENTS 6. MRE Seore Cawcuccen |Our ~ untl Go te dlespnor fox Orem ou Lbd, a 2G m4 Ze eee ee? Mthecwee Crs — WW habph key ET (©) Wirnyered, pecaus ee — 1477- | Mails WEL FAR \I97Fe# Donation S- 4 LA Veen Baze , 708 lz. FRep FaccemieRs ¢ 2.00 Bb. Rev. Tounn NA. Hewsenw Zico iC Clarewce Vi ZENKER f.00 lc Vikew Tearr « 7.00 6. cHnrcer SHR YER 7 420 (2. FRawcEs BRowa1 L.20 (6. FRen LIUASSEW / f.00 @ Hagoen Kyzer’ 1.00 0. FL. Svs BER CLR 7.00 |“ Hdgo.Dd Cc. ZreseR 1.00 ve. FosteR LO. Rirver 400 13 Le Rey Doosow v /.0° \% WarreR Gav pec 1.00 “eo flowars D, GoweERIy (Dewarren) S700 ve Roy DoPreyv Z.00 a Heemer W. Hancocic, [.00 7s. RY dameyy (.00 4m GLinTon To GREGERSON - [.o0 2» Morgeiw Kocay (.00 z Warey Suick/ l.oo lex (Mes) Vi Score v l.0o 2s FRANK ZALEw SKI (.00 ley Coregporn tH. Grevews v [.00 zr Roy & Greeny leoo ze. tees ttess/ Loo 272 “Jesse CARR - 2:00 2%. Janes Gareincer- loo 27 Deno Araypasofr (L090 So. “TM, Geac v 1.00 3, GARC WwW, Perers/ lroo ge. Toun Waceee v 1.00 bs, NoRmMan KK. Mucepv (Loo SY, Clireore M, Brack v loo $5, “Joun M. Bexar v leo $6. GL, CREMiLCroN/ 1.00 rovew) 43:00 (997) (cone) | | BT Mu 8. Gentes B8, Atgenr Se Zemarris 51 Tames P CHYAMALEH / do. FRAWK SreGuice/ We AftecViw Banerorr/ (Dewation) ae 8.6. ARH BRUGES) i Beiter G. Hew sda (omarion) WH LAdRedce 0. Vol RexG/ “& FRawwe Coc We, LhLoYo G. DoRseY/ (owarien) 7. BBI1ORE RN + We WwW. PoauWovien « 4%. HEURY L. Moyer 4 se, ExauK M3oHonAK/ SS CE COASL ¥ Hz. =< JOSErH =e Me Hoereee( We. iT LOUGHRENI 4 RE, LICHAN Walrers ks, La Vaca Gaze ( , Cn v /, 00 5a-|/V/. ; ve [, o@ | 3 Neagle — Schone ; 730 Ki R- Be anes Bah Yang Ow) OG Migaladins tog gape falcons — =" SSE SE ogee TTT gs Wagon fettiate 7 eo on a ee Rasnirfy oat #50.00 Left esgecThalfiina YS.93 Zh. Ss GS. oO oe Lampe £.99 [55.96 26.00 Beert Fete 134.90. Nome Joge - 0.| Whesce Vee 105.64 7 4 ; nt 7 ma\ : 7 j ; 7 rl Z Se NF 9G 7 i : oR: 7 -% 7 a s - ) fe Wye oe PON A BSH BH ~ OATS wR fuck Nobatron mentees OG Monee, leds Reuneon Coola For Records ATG eg Re ea 4798. GA ie ae -/% 00.00 edie ae 148.00 - 97.00 a a lapel I rr ov- Teele .~ oo ae $ 2467. °2-JomL feceiven he ees teary Ze +S —- spy oat la eee a Bs = a es 18.33 ABT. IS FII-76 ae om fo 6 Tal-Expeuses ecainad 24/99, 2 Ta - ifm ee Ae Seater oft sv. Roa ee EP. Onmone_feor 1979- Recencon ees ee $ 4 Phil Perkins | 2 Roy B. Green 4 33 Samuel. B, Cross > 4 Francis ¢, Brohn ' 5 Leroy Dodson 6 RF, Duprey 7 CM. Cross + 8 H,B, Hirschman i 9 Gardner C, Gremillion -~+ + 10 Henry L. Moyer | 11 Viola R, Scott | 12 Clifford Stevens x” 13 Rosco E, Smart 72-4 1% P,P, Annone 2° 45 Dick Conrad (| 16 dim Berg ~ | 17 Harry Slick {18 Vid. Pagani (19 Murlin K, Koch 25 (20 Frank Cush {| 24 Donald ¢, Peters | 22 Ann Me Auliffe \ | 23 Russell Pastine 2h C.D. Wilson 25 John E, Waller 26 Frank-Stegville 27 Milo B, Uchlein 28 RF, Freeman 29 James Cavanaugh 30 Harold Jf Ryder 31 Charlie Shroyer 32 Walter Hess 33 Foster W, Ritner 3h Ray Hainsey 35 Al Wortkoetter 1982 Mailing List + Dome Tans WS NS) NS Ns NS Ns Re ee] = | whe tid = =e erty" 1 N.S. means NO SHOW a --easinet fed tt oes ‘ \ 1 | perl I 1 ' | t= 1 | \ t r i ! pa! 2 et { fi / { 1 ( 1 f ' = Py 1 1 is Lid) ~ 36 Jesse Carr 37 A.E. Schellhase 38 R, Dejaiffe 39 Robert Conney 40 John Bekar 44 Warren Hall 42 Joe Meyer 49Bi11 Henry 4h George I Class 45 Dale Johnson 46 Eadie A, White 47 Norman G, Miller 48 Lloyd G, Dorsey 49 Joseph Gero 50 Ray Kuick 51 Koy 0. Dove 52 Dwight Owens 53 Tom Caffery 54 Don Mischke 55 C.W. Curtis 56 A.J. Falconieri 57 CM, Black 58 Walter Sigler 59 Howard Horney 60 Chester Martin G1A.J, Detzler 62 R.J. Spoonhower 63 RR. Anderson 64 J. Mikans 65 Charles Hedstrom 66 Richard S, Van Aken 67 D.D. crum 6 PAue sce77 Za ose oo NF Ms fs NS vs NS Ns NS NS ne us Ns NS KS ns ns Pf Cape BenQ ees Anni frig gaat 13-F3 Nek We bhe. Buta - Saale If 1 SKanged lim ant lowe Jo an LMing rer Tout, wh ened o ed on Thane on lh on a Oak User cant 7 eh pen av Lollon of AAC nar | rll, at meds Lip pew “ Len ties Ley reli eam off re +4, » 2nhk Ahi Bet of fb Alico wet Sky ce laa fron Pe nuke TH Dertation po é ay (1-18-17 / Ahan Yael, Lid wns Fetleww +P aw ha A ini y The y Yond DAs i (ie de aQ Ut S BD endive Lute _ Ranrene for 178 4 rk te at Doon, O Ahan rely oo mare tt Spl “See_— } : Sage ee oe i) fag ? & Seo Latha Kad 20d aye tydev 2oo o Vervk. A Stet 200 rat Wiken. 02° C fadrenee Wate zoe Tuck trmeruk 200 Fopeck Wath 200 Fearon igh. ao 10% M7 Zoo I on et Zoo > Sehn che Zee (3 Ynerbr Keech 20d 4 Mordor umelen 00 5 by Fukiws 260 16 the Agha 20 A MiipidemMrliy, » 25% 17 wile bebet foo 19 Heras Geytock 2s-2 20 key Ee Bias 2/ Soogh Wnilen to zr len wee BF, Usskibss Lee 27 ALO deo 2F Cunt rod 2b a eA 206 RT @urk 200 | W528 1994 Marty Sort rreney 29. Narebda soe aq nth, 202 Beare Bite TON a. zy Br Geen Row 33 preenies zee BY Wreveky —) 5S Bete 228. 3¢ Br Carretin %2%0 37 Ney meges free BE Aernene peo 34 Wena Kh nDb, Soe 40 dns E Ge foo art thot doo eB i Seo $4 Leo PSAP ene 2079 den Gree) reo 47 Lowwee 20-8 ¥0 Drivbrcsder 20-3 47 ee! so )=of eo ss Places 2-2 Sze Slices ace x3 aes Tt a4, E Deo SE Grherser 2e 5 be 179.00 Or C Go, © PBRe ge eg erggersat@sege stan nginadddd ttt gags o \ a 0° Ghost wea 2 apne, dy tot RE Be tatty Seat — hh 00 2.00 ANH oo 2.00 BSW HLH CVUUL sy PRS Gas oe ® how Ys B'S 095 TI PR WMIFR HHL Q 9S Gg Lae og WEIS DYssgton\ Nise. 7 te 301 .00-hf/ Aye! or Now, Mp. ey Pepalipt Yo 2, KR : - | Lene G Wnrriolf pepet A Dayne head, 16-1 7-—, /FES— 1 Wah Sade 54. 0-1 ad Doody og 9§-00-2. ~ 3 7$-00- 3. + fy 75.00- 2 5 Kew 75+ @0- 2. b =F, Boden Od Z heal $0, 00- |. : a. ts S50. o0-| 75-2 O53. \ a ait 76 000-2 —il 50. @-| Jo 50+ 00-4 Bi § _M WSuo9-1, 14 Pf, 5O.00— 14 eG i / 75 90-2 iy | Qrgu Sct 2 17 Peace ial 2 ic LE B. sv.co-1 14s. 7S. e074 m\r0 : 7b.o0- 2 4/ 2S o0- 2 22 7 ZS. oo-# ~3 4 Jasice-4 a4, 4 FS 00-2 2S | m 5000-8 Mo one 25, oped [09 pple @® 4 4515: x frome hibe a Be Wanda Booliny 48 oR Rado : 44- MIC ae 3575.00 200,50 TUES O-Te pL a hast, gy yt a3 SY. SO Y260, 50 &S4 +60 - SY: 90 bats “99 bet gr of mong bees Bf oe ao REUNION (2) 730th RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 1986 - 41st Anniversary Indianapolis, Indiana WHEN: August 15 and 16, 1986 WHERE: Ramada Inn South 4514 South Brerson Avenue (Interstate 465 at Emerson Avenue Exit #52 - South One Block) Indianapolis, | Indiana 46203 Phone ~ (317)| 787-3344 Friday, August 15 - 3:00 P.M. 'til ? All Weekend Registration Hospitality - White River Parke Room Saturday, August 16 - 10:00 A.M. Business Meeting - White River Parke Room Coffee, Doughnuts and Rolls will be served 12:00 Noon ‘Trip to the newly renovated Indianapolis Union Station. |(27 Restaurants and 47 Shops) We will leave the Motel at Noon and be back at the Motel around 4:00 P.M. There will be a $4.00 fee for this trip above the cost of registration. (This fee |is for the chartering of bus.) We need to know how many are planning to take this a trip so will you let me know if you want to be in- cluded a month or six weeks before the reunion? Group Picture to be taken on the Patio or Ballroom Cocktails |- White River Parke Room Buffet Dinner - Central Park North/South Ballroom ‘til Midnight + Dancing featuring the Bluetones Central Parke North/South Ballroom HOTEL RATES: Single (1 person) - - - - - - $40.00 plus 10% Tax Double (2 people) - - - - ~ - $43.00 plus 10% Tax King (1 person or 2 people) - $41.00 plus 10% Tax NOTE: THIS IS THE ONLY mailing. Please keep these dates in mind and get your reserva- tion in by the deadline on the enclosed reservation card. Be sure to stamp card. REMINDER: To keep your name on the MAILING LIST, please send $2.00 to me. SEE YOU IN AUGUST IN INDIANAPOLIS! Sincerely, D.| D. Crum, Chairman oO 1986 Reunion, 730th ROB P.| 0. Box 116 Stilesville, IN 46180 Phone - (317) 539-6358 E INDIANAPOLIS IS LOCATED ALMOST IN THE CENTER OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND IS SERVED BY MOST AIRLINES, BUS LINES AND AMTRACK By Rail...A train leaves Chicago at 6:25 p.m. daily and arrives in Indianapolis around 10:45 p.m. on A train departs Indianapolis each morning at 7:00 a.m. and arrives in Chicago at_11:20 a.m. By Air....Most major airlines put down at Indianapolis International Airport just 15 minutes from Ramada Inn South By Auto...(See map below) Ramada Inn South is located south and east of downtown at 1-465 and Emerson Avenue-Beech Grove Exit #52 East....... ++-Take Interstate 70 West to I-465 South to Exit #52 go south on Emerson Avenue One Block Take I-465 to Exit #52 go south on Emerson Avenue One Block ++Take Interstate 70 to 1-465 South to Exit #52 go south on Emerson Avenue One Block Northwest & Northeast...Take I-465 to Exit #52 go south on Emerson Avenue One Block If you have any difficulty on arriving in the area, call (317) 787-3344 and ask for me. w ‘chicago taranette N19 som ooo -INDIANAPOLIS Y Both 148 At . he Chama Bain, A : 00S ak Slee de se PL ae Seas ey = nthe i a 20 4) Row Dupuy S00 ea dh 2 2.00 pe le | hee drank Cush A 2.00 Bs Medd 2 2.00 Grade eden A 2.00 a fay \n kaw A fe 200 pn il TO ut z oe 2.00 SO = a A | 2.00 a epee NN aie oa S| 4E Atetlheen WV Lov 16 ss 3 op. 4 ee Nn 7.7 ca 18) pet Waker / a a. ee earl | WN ee. ppt a ; Boeck A ood ze yf €, freer/ oe ee 24 B78, & 1g a 23| Erne. ee Ae oe AR 4p dhe, oe el Se Sd EY Sonal Ns Soe eae . 26 | Ded oan aw ere 0d 2 2 oe ote 2.00 2,00 2-90 2.00 2, We A 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 2:08 2,00 $00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 i020 2-00 220 2,40 2100 Z2,00 a CO 7304 Inailong Duk 1486 54, Wm. 2.00 eG a 2.08 A SG : Z.00 +23 1 da Aebacts Joo = WwW 2-08 22° a Gp ie 2 R-60 ie ee dog ry is Rese R.0-0 Coma 22 aes ie Di lak naga a 6o bY &m Caz x00 64| Cheatin atu big 76 a a tag Clays ae he. HK 2.06 Dat 2 7 Orton Dron 2.00 ai Masrnees €. Cavanagh 2.02 1b) Jom Fi 2.00 ~ 7) peo : 2.00 2B d Uwe 2.00 v £0.68 : 1986 Saas AUG ae Pa Shes pts ls Aibieyelbed. JIEZ gee * “7g VISE ‘$a.a0 - 7 “FOO -/ ot Sia: Se oe qhOer m0 ! “7508 rte ee fae” f qses Ez “aS Oop FAS O01 Y pa. 07 VIE. 00% “RF, 0d * vy 2 a 95" 2 A asl, gy 1 ea op OM hype gb = eee wins Dane octal tat) zi = aorta op 9 acne CB £ ao wor Mi re) cs ye /20-EL) aera, 7 ec ee a ae ee Reversp eae. op SL SOT / tt [se he ce me oF br zw D. D. Crum, Chairman, 1966 Reunion - Ramada August 15 and 16, 1986, Receipts: Inn = South, Indianapolis, Indiana ~ Advanced from Chuck Hedstrom = - = =---4------------ -- 854,00 Mailing list and Donations -- ---~--4->~-+-+~--+------- 244,00 Registration = -=-----~-----~ wry cece eens -- = - 2,320.00 Pictures -----~----------- qr teeter cee => > 258,00 Trolley Ride to Union Station- -~----4-------- Expenses: Mailing, Printing and Envelopes- - - - ---|~------------- 152.06 Band for Dance ~--------------| seer ree eee --- 400.00 Banquet- ~ - = ------ se ese enn e ett tte ee 1,371.53 Breakfast at Meeting (rolls, and coffee) - -|-------------- 146,89 Key Chains and Pens- = - ~ ~ were tere eee wet eee 25418 Pictures (including mailing labels, large envelopes, and poster board to protect pictures)~ -~------|-----~- wae 248.88 Trolley Ride to Union Station- - ------|------ see --- 138,00 Hospitality Room Food (includes plates, nspkins, cups, forks, ete.)= == 150.27 Hospitality Room Liquor (includes beer, wine, soft drinks and mixers)=- - 312.32 Mise. (Phone calls, parking, gratuties, etc.)----------+---- 40,00 $3,194.13 Total Received -------------- -]--------- - - = = ~ $3,832.00 Total Expenses - - - ----------+--;----------- ~~ 3419413 Balances = ~--~----------- weep ccce tte ete $$ 637.87 Balance sent to Chet Martin, 1987 Chairman. OR eae eee eee eee eee = = + menteber cog ee ee ee ee eee <= = acaktenol tre a re wn nee naesssext Soe ote see es wee ee cones REUNION 730th RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 1987 - 42hd Anniversary Lexington, Kentucky WHEN: September| 18 and 19, 1987 (Notice date change from August tb September) _ WHERE: Lexington| Hilton Inn 1438 Stanton Way Lexington} Ky. 40511 Friday, Sept. 18 - 3:00 P.M. 'till ? All Weekend Registration Hospitality - Fasig-Tipton Church411 Rooms Saturday, Sept. 19 - 10:00 A.M. Businegs Meeting - Fasig-Tipton and Churchill Rooms 12:00 Noon-3:00 Kentucky Horse Park 4.00 pér person Dining |room, movie, walking tour, museum tour, Carriage rides are available at an ~ extra charge. ~ 6:00 P.M. Group Picture to be taken on the Patio or Ballroom 6:30 P.M. Cocktaills - Fasig-Tipton and Churchi[ll Rooms 7:30 P.M. Buffet Pinner - Keeneland Ballroom 9:00 P.M. Midnight - Dancing featuring the Polytonbs - Keeneland Ballroom HOTEL RATES: Single (1 person) ~ - - - - $48|plus 10.25% Tax Double (2 people) - - - - - $48|plus 10.25% Tax NOTE: THIS IS THE ONLY mailing. Please keep|these dates in mind and get your reservation in by the deadline on|the enclosed reservation form. If you wish to play golf, make note of|it on your reservation form. REMINDER: To keep your name on the MAILING LIST, please send $2.00 to me. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER IN LEXINGTON Sincerely, “ Chester Aen a — 1987 Retinion, 730th ROB Route 3} Box 265 Stanton] Kentucky 40380 (606) 643-4760 TRANSPORTATION TO LEXINGTON By Air....Lexington is served by Delta, Piedmont, U.S. Air, United, Comair, and Eastern Metro Express. om By Rail...The surrounding cities are served by Amtrak: Maysville, which is located 65 miles north from Lexington. Also, Ashland, which is located 122 miles east from Lexington. And Cincinnati, which, is located 81 miles north from Lexington. By Car....(See map below) The Hilton is conveniently located at the I-75 and 1-64 exit 115. If you have any difficulty on arriving in the area, telephone the Lexington Hilton at (606) 259-1311. REUNTON 730th RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 1983 - 38th ANNIVERSARY FT. WAYNE, | INDIANA WHEN: August 12, 13, 14, 1983 WHERE: Sheraton Inn 1-69 and 3 highways PROGRAN: Friday, August 12 - 3:00|P.M. ‘til 2? ATI Weekend Registration |- Hospitality Room 164 Saturday, August 13 T1z00 A.M. ~ Business Meeting - Hospitality Room 164 No tour is planned - you will be free to shop, swim or do whatever you wish. 6:00 P.M. - Group Pictur 6:30 P.M. - Cocktails 7:30 P.M. - Buffet Dinner 9:00 P.M. ‘til 12:00 Midnight - Dance to the music of Trac-IV Sunday, August 14 | Farewells NOTE: This is the one and only mailing, so please read the Brochure carefully and note the di require a deposit. There will be a limousine for prearranged, or avail for persons flying in. JUST A REMINDER: .-00 to me. LET'S MAKE THIS A BIG TURNOUT IN FT. Wh P.S. Hope to see everyone in August. To keep your name on ifferent weekend rates, and all do available free for shopping, and ability on arrival at Baer Field the MAILING LIST, please forward YNE. Sincerely, Charles V. Hedstrom Chairman, 1983 Reunion 401 Edgeknol1 Lane Ft. Wayne, IN 46816 1990 Deceased menbers of the past year. |1981-1982 1 Carl W. Gohs, March 17, 1982 2 Guy Ruckman, June 4, 1981 3 Dominic Curra, September 14,1981 “4, Joseph NoAuliffe September 17, 1981 5Arnold C, Towers, October 1981 6 Samuel Lee Rotz 1981 7 Lee Sharpe 1981 8Major A. L. Hunt, May 1982 QHerbert Horstman, May 23, 1981 © talph Caged far CSAS we Fae pswicd oimimol € xodmedvet ett intel soseot 4 Ss ae WS> Shathe 75%6 The by Prmoreto Coe Sapo Drank J Dsl, | Mourad, Horney. L, MAberd rie Lalli) | El E. Rrbenaord wo BZ, Hel, - 87 4/IP7 os Weiter Lik d Louk Csnere, CE 8.00 bleh, Warr Beg ; gm 200 BD rt Frcneias Paw wee, COerle B, bghe), Uennth b, eam Pages, hath y 30.00 Gat, Irate b chs) Charba/ Meee, ML Obtedge )fawh, semuy | Condlh Binal Beclowr, ae * dtty, £00 tab pits tllhind be ° Lt Bad 6,0 Buen, th, rg on Blot #, ate Hew ed | Michman) Kewad oan Mublcd Ae ee Qe ae a" te pe oo oe ae a" a” a" an je 2° ale a bo o Dhe ney Chaho ceoth, Mw trl? Stiquelle), tranhs taller, ig Whew, C2. Wasar nw , Ped Uc klein, Thlo Bendy , Richards Bch lthare, ihe ‘Vathuthy 7, ds ectotaia, 20: | ndirsen, Lobert [illery Nermare | Lobt,, Hau \BadJG, Weuwarde Mptlicg Fee Tlavne Lenakeor? Lenk, Charnes. Pee Mahe, ee eaes Anes Mark, Cheskev Bee Meg Av, Nor 2e MCA bf 7 aw Ee yh “Alp, Dnborne. (Seat iwLitined)) 4,00 Crurravtel) Mel oudljau Gradeic Dtrew) 14.2? Cai 0) os 3° ORS ac! a0 Ryde, Wareld noes Boner eater t/, ee gle, thet 2° ie ee De ae 20 ge OS ae 2% co ce 2° ae ae | Tame Bor Wecahes, Richard Ven Chhkband Peach, Sarhnacl- Et Ka : 6.8. We lly dmart, R Nedshrenv, Charley re nw ses “Wade Stn fa Black , ‘C 7”). Ruse, Log M, | Cure a Pale leheore? *¥Y 00 20° 10,° 1, °° 2° Tes hig a 2. 6a 2.2 a. 00 a °° Qe gee 26 acc 20e 2.8 2° 268 ee 2. 60 00, °° 2. 00 2 60 4.00 egal LET Aar* Rene DB Creme A Wer threthr Hee Buudy Roy E. Yreere Charbes Ws bart) R cor hewn hid deg, gle LHD. Bye ¢ Chealey Mantew 10 Xedkuk Qidooow In Mermary NM Wh lal bt, 3 Lekurd) Cniiehee V4, QMlbcmd Hewc 15. Sehmacl MN Steeto Wo. Frank Cok "1 Raymond be 18, We GB, Me Le 4 Murbiw Kaede Lb. ewrard Fa, 4) BB. MMergar 4a Lb p dhe BRE Smart 44 bhurke U Wedttiene 2 Lhude Bode 4 ES 1 ee Sr Lraghtew / a 3 4 5, 6 7. eo ~ Oy ys ; & SAL PL! bs Wabep pps YE Dh LRG Freemar 495,08 29 haderk bi 2 75. °° =~ 36/0, ibe 2 25, Bl, Neward, fushnaw 2 2568 32| OCP Renone a IG? 33 Bars Carel 2 25 °° FH Qrare Ohunevieh) 2 PHO? S Duby databagn 2 [Bighia guslo) 50° 7 Qn reg?) 4 RY. hewere 4 Sf, °° 4 echard> Gone 6 ele Ai tale digit xe 4, Hertd Ryde ge 5 LW. bart ge 6 Chotr Mat ge 1 Obert Qudrscow ao ¥ Nevmaew Ihblhv gf” a Rul Lhd. oe 1. Bechind> hh be ae Ne rank (uch ge ~ Mle Uckbse gn 3 Merlio Peete Ke 4 BB Merger? ge & Cefp Mavens gr kL RE dImat Je 12. Ct, Wed theorn gr Wo Jena) Brughirao se EAR Drre Be wa KI. Frente rn 2 Rokk low ney ge Bw OM, Blah! g" B Meward Wiskmar a” ~m #AOP. Rune Ke 2 Bars Carroll x” %, few Cruneiohd Bre J Ph Bee Vf” Sa apart nf Chostiv Martens, yark Keamcro of 75000 , G fpr ain a Doattahiews Mine Loin, Reding bu He! eT 7 fro Od Cue 4 637,97 Coat 150, OO eo 74 00 ; ; 2495.00 Octinw 2/6. 00 Lith Sromme * 3592 87 Iphing ati Slapopay Eneelopen) — * 70.00 Yandl foc oe ee 450, 00 pede 14 66. 65 Bee it ot 2 adiasd och 25. 99 210: 65 eee Cneledel anal ) 26,00 oor i, auk ‘ 179, 50 d ay vu, Leen), Ass. OF eV, Jn e hud Matton aia 55.05 Ss 7293187 Yam and Phstustey rp Neaplah Ay Qe and Cowles Bally, TBacngut Compl rrety of Maney ent Zo GO Annee 1o/'5/97 %851,0° i ; ei “ ' . a i 7 a 7 4 : i : : ; i 7 cS ' . ee : “ i : i } 2 4 ' ; 7 a cen ae, Warren Daveu entre WAfve he Reeny Herseac Horseman Apune Wier Tous £& WALLER Heney Cc. Kau Pao Sackaarnds Avan Gout Coseru yas Bet Gpdinraond (Gea) KA 2-(¢- 88 Ite 6-8) Denese Cee. 9-15-87 P2258 5-27-88 byes Oo 1-12-88 s 2. Sei Manice a ss Anus Cone Dowarr Pues ones Ross Crear Davis Bown T Helen eX ee Cuaces ha Roe Rex Norris Aouw M: Cenar Rasmessen MauiwG ior 19&8 ~ | NAME Dowarien Nea elite 2c FRAN2I TTR See 6) LUD T. Devine an al Fravas C. Broum au = ecb el sania C7Sitery) Vt be ae Maker. oe 69 | frank D- Nelson y Z.00 bb Sanes M. Bere We 7 | FL Subs Bence rR 4 100 bs Urs Bova M. Massive 47 Loo 6 Stgeues She sona ¥ Zee yO) fRep WASSen vie Zi00 7(| Wsenecr ¥ (8.00 L060 4 Pau €. Leo®ire Ve Sie leis Cn eeoRD Brack V | | Z.o0 es Ss. TloAR DY Vv ose 4 Ppor £. SMoor _ Yo F60. APs & ocep—d Gero ee 2.00 _ 51] La Vaca Bazee | # Fou6 | Zoe St BD. Wire os 2.00 53 RE ARnBre wen es | I ECAR GG) Ft! OZ.ass “ Z.00 eer a Soe rea deez 00 S86 | Heasrnemt s 2500 Ai batten gree (ape) Yo [2.00 _ ee Ae | Z.00 § Dik Beaoy Una if — BEG STRATION | — gear tee Ze 19aS | Ses Grain ines 2 Pee Fie 7s, Miguel S20 hie wW eos | |reo 2 = s te ALG. Roos 20 3 ee 1: Z- ~ ~ BO ete eM yeillie 2 Mpegs. 0 oe _ [720 3. HR. Mer. RE _ AmneRcree ‘ |75.00 # Me.+ fing GZ.Qacs Hse 0 Si BBs uwnes $0.60 % a C Heosmni edie SSE alle eredled| ‘ 50.00 8. pau Akan ; 75.60 he Goonies) ee SAI nd al Prins | (Oi, 7 Cae Sess 75.08 — fe oie Siccer oe. = 25-08 Seas) WA Binoy | 75.00 &. Mite De saw Oe i ih Titel en Crees Seoven os (5. amy) « () poodle 1 abe) wee Ve pecs | eevee oealt seen (7. Boa. Spovenee SSpecmenmesact | | wee (8. tee Mee. lesa. mis GA. wins G. SI SUSHOD) er: Mener Werrrwecae 77.08 f+ Wile Vodwens eee be Mee e1RO. Tiat AtsGRAW. es ss me Bee Maes. Honea AY ver Ve 2 Une He. Dee De Laon | 74-0 ° ZH. Mortiw Kock — 75.00 3 fe {ee PreruRs_S e T = - ony ~~ ovl Be Wusre 8.00 5 ae “L, RAY Aguseosrere S00 = = quctere 84 4. B.Revve, 2 a 28706 a4 &. tessrrem 8.00 aise a Kee 8.00 _ovb- hea Cocwed 8.00 ov] Che Grey G00 6 VB. Dich hone B.d0 oe. Mike VeSror ES a ° Xb. Qhiteane Sreveos 8.00} sie 3A frank Oya 8.00 Vows oe ot (A fob Stoopus wer 8.00 = Be ose ee RSH MAA __ 3.00 | o If. Wis Velrelvg Brod i 0 WIS Girt nveeed Es 8.00 a vb Hagin RYeR SOLO 6 M17. ec £ Adm 800 <0 YB: Mopey Poou 8.00 : is 29 alt ChesTea MAatio 3 61g0 __ 279 Vienne: Szor Kis wiez 1 8,00 Zz A. Sass) s ie 2a Z aL: - 3 FN al a3 s i : > ee ee | made ae _Wnihen'g oe Veg ees EGSe ee /¥%o S a ce = tel Fs)23 ain co . x TERED EO SPRUE SRR a fags fas Fy VAL io MM. For Mathigy - (990 - (Reunien te PG ol cy sae QD |h-f. a= Loar 5 Wo ae ae i = S hs fis tw RSIRS' ial gs TPVIV VIB Liar Cuck Shhh mete = . Mo eee o" Webra thy Nencoch- flevrembee WS 3 Lemboughen- Cet ee T9P9 ~/990- Reenter ate coe sd 1999 f-1972 Page (8) at Morey Sas% Li #3, oO s-/ “40.00 TH 4250.00 Fancher patio Shee ie Morkes Kohno 2 Prine. Mt, Alley foc 46M ) Mie? B. VERE /M | 24 ARE Wn 0b es LO Bi VERLEIM 774 LAKE WH? ume RM ————— Roert Spoon OLDER, \H® Loesé Marin Séezed DL predores Road Beats (ber. Yee \SM OM: Bhack- 1610 W Elem Peltibreg fa bb7e2— Voau se OE. I Da ih ain Soya ae ee 3/7 Lgith, [th aiwtenr, CA.\73727 4 PRANWONe IB MAaw Ave ORG eur, Dee 197? Sellyn Coeregicr SU13 Dulurn &. Lropcaro , Trp aa {aaa 1 ChanlesW. Cantis 9 (4- ABE Ave. desl BARDEN To, Ebu 3426 9-200 2 “ | ie RebatM Coomé so Chestnut AYA | Clarendow Hills phe Lasley F (it , y ~ 200 Heth Ravin oo EL Wey 200 ek wee Teo 2eo 200 200 Seo 240 span I Nur t 992 Wakes Hoot Kibo Mad aicren Rewne- SEs Jorchunanr, AA Hot Devalene it 200 Zee de od seo 200 208 zoo woo 220 2e0 Lee 2os Boo 2000 Js 60 200d ) Lead ee adeng 7 3, A. 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Deetz — c f-08 8) Rloy-F= Duprey— |e 5-20- WY Lerag- Dodson — Vie foeertt- ees c peoa 2 apd < &- Henig oe Qeop- eH iegse Car t pone Fl agen! — Ee DW iigbe tad le Decor Francig-C- Brohm— 2 Be R y Moy. 93 eben Foust 7 E oe 1099 odeae Mack 1998 Fen +3 o Untseee 730 Revryon- Expenges Re ce ved-“os-o0 2bALEeGig/er 0. Stamps: --— ---4 70.90 aA | SOs 3) 8 (i) a - 157-50. U,/7 = [0« oO oe YO. 0¢ {0.00 A0- 00 20.00 Yd» 00 ae (Oe 40.08 G0 0g CZ) 40-00 le2o MUO UE HME) WN 7724 LAKE Woop Bett fer- SHEEP LAME Olle bHes4 Qheahie Sh Koy er Je 0 fre Sfeehie BlLVv? Fert weywe IND LOSE Ve ee ee eae eee Knit, Oh 4Yo eo. Tope Alr | 2as W Commenabink WZ Lowel Tp 46556 heler? 1 Caaréy Ss Chestnal Gee. Clan tor fife Tee Col Xe Bre ORL PRE ious /L26Vo AMAR ow ¥ 2 CG fabegyy, vem PE, Sm att 703s While Ge. Baru ung ; Qn Gite Awan E. HiRseHMAN 66 CovntayfonesT pr FT WAINE (N 4686/2 -1470 dalr Sra hen 22 PRL (ost p- Aootsntle Le LLltY) ere xu WwW Aorth. Copnob On, Lides-2132, CARR[es W, CuRTrs AGM- 7470 ST: We 57 BRADEN BY Fh. 34209 SS es oer 2, ' Qheiel SES" veo! Ce Subsber ger (Titer) Ao a eee OE ee Fae A Aleods pjatd, Difco YE7 OF

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