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Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for

Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic
Jeffrey Weber, James Hauschild, Pieta IJzerman-Boon, et al.

PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 2018,

Access the most recent version at doi:10.5731/pdajpst.2018.008722
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

1 Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and

2 Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

3 Authors

4 1. Jeffrey Weber, Pfizer, 7000 Portage Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 USA

5 2. James Hauschild, Johnson & Johnson, 1000 Route 202 South, Building 930, East Raritan, NJ
6 08869 USA
7 3. Pieta IJzerman-Boon, Merck (Merck, Sharp & Dohme outside the US and Canada), P.O. Box
8 20, 5340 BH Oss, The Netherlands
9 4. Ren-Yo Forng, Amgen, One Amgen Center Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799 USA
10 5. Jeff Horsch, Bristol-Myers Squibb, 1 Squibb Dr, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
11 6. Lisa Yan, Shire, 4501 Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90039
12 7. Aditya Prasad, AstraZeneca, 3001 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19114 USA
13 8. Robert ‘Bo’ Henry, Catalent Biologics, 1300 S Patterson Dr, Bloomington, IN 47403 USA
14 9. Marja Claassen, Merck (Merck, Sharp & Dohme outside the US and Canada), P.O. Box 20,
15 5340 BH Oss, The Netherlands
16 10. Philip Villari, Merck (Merck, Sharp & Dohme outside the US and Canada), 770 Sumneytown
17 Pike, Mailstop WP78-210, West Point, PA 19486 USA
18 11. Shebeer Shereefa, Abbvie, 400 Sheridan Rd, North Chicago, IL 60064 USA
19 12. Jane Wyatt, Alexion, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Co. Dublin, Ireland
20 13. Jay S Bolden, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN 46285 USA
21 14. Jean-Thierry Pycke, GSK Vaccines, Av. Fleming 20, 1300 Wavre, Belgium
22 15. Dawood Dassu (corresponding author), Biophorum Operations Group, 5 Westbrook Court,
23 Sharrow Vale Road, Sheffield, S11 8YZ, UK. +447787527067
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

24 Abstract

25 This white paper provides recommendations for quality oversight, manufacturing operations, and

26 industry perspective of regulatory expectations to enable aseptic facilities to move toward real-

27 time and continuous microbiological environmental monitoring and thereby reducing

28 interventions and the future replacement of Grade A settle plates and non-remote active air

29 sampling. The replacement of traditional monitoring with bio-fluorescent particle counting

30 systems provides an improvement in process understanding, product safety, and reduces operator

31 manipulations assuring product quality and real-time process verification. The future state

32 pharmaceutical technology roadmaps include gloveless isolators with real-time and continuous

33 monitoring for aseptic manufacturing.


35 Keywords

36 Rapid Microbiology, Environmental Monitoring, Bio florescent Particle Counters

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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

37 Lay Abstract

38 This white paper advocates the use of an alternative and relatively new method of monitoring the

39 air for contamination in biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. The alternative method is

40 based on a type of instrument the authors refer to as bio-fluorescent particle counters (BFPC).

41 The BFPC method has the advantage of being able to detect airborne microorganisms

42 continuously and with the actual time of detection recorded. The replacement of traditional

43 monitoring with BFPC systems can provide better data which can be used to improve the

44 understanding of contamination risks in complex manufacturing processes, ultimately providing

45 more confidence in product safety. The authors present data showing the suitability of BFPCs.

46 This immediate result is very useful for picking up early any possible contamination and should,

47 therefore, provide a better way to monitor and control the risk of contamination. As traditional

48 monitoring methods require manual manipulation, an additional advantage of BFPC systems is

49 that they can reduce manual manipulations. Elimination of all interventions is a goal in the

50 industry, because, although they are tightly controlled, interventions are an unwanted potential

51 source of contamination.
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

52 Introduction to Bio Fluorescent Particle Counting

53 Pharmaceutical manufacturing requires multiple layers of engineering and process control and

54 monitoring of microorganisms to ensure product quality and patient safety. Aseptic

55 pharmaceutical manufacturing relies on understanding of microbial risks and periodic monitoring

56 to ensure low level bioburden or sterility required in commercial products. Most microbiological

57 tests are indirect measures of product quality, designed to measure process materials and

58 monitoring the surfaces, air and personnel for contamination; rather than direct product testing

59 which consumes the product. Traditional microbial testing has a limited sensitivity due to the

60 sample size (e.g. 20 vials of drug product or 1 cubic meter of air for microbiological testing) and

61 growth-based assays have long incubation periods (3-5 days) and rely on the same techniques

62 developed by Pasteur and Koch more than 100 years ago.

63 This paper provides an overview of the technology, a pathway for implementation, and

64 appropriate responses for positive signals. We will explain the use of a new unit of measure,

65 sample capture, and large data sets to demonstrate monitoring and control of aseptic

66 manufacturing areas. We outline a proposed response for potential false positives (e.g.

67 polymers, electrical noise, etc.) and false negatives (sample capture desiccation), to satisfy

68 quality standards. The goal of the system is to provide improved process knowledge, decreased

69 interventions, and ultimately real-time information for manufacturing areas. Contact plates and

70 surface monitoring are not discussed in this application.

71 There is a new class of alternative and rapid microbiological methods for monitoring airborne

72 microbes to provide rapid alerts to manufacturing risk. Bio-fluorescence particle counters

73 (BFPC) provide continuous size and quantification of internal biomarkers, allowing for the
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

74 immediate detection and enumeration of airborne microbes in manufacturing areas. Bio-

75 fluorescence particle counting is a novel method that does not have a compendial analog. Auto-

76 fluorescence (also referred to as biological auto fluorescence) is based on laser excitation of the

77 particle and detecting the fluorescence of biological compounds such as nicotinamide adenine

78 dinucleotide (NADH), riboflavin, and dipicolinic acid, these compounds are universal and found

79 in all microorganisms. Current systems sometimes cannot distinguish between viability or

80 similar compounds (e.g. polymers or solvents) that may fluoresce; to distinguish false positive

81 signals from viable cells the use of sample capture onto media or filters can be used (1). The

82 instruments are validated using the same principles as traditional particle counters.

83 The BFPC system does not measure colony forming units (CFU), rather the systems require a

84 new unit of measure that reflects the universal detection method, the auto-fluorescence unit

85 (AFU). The BFPC systems provide instant and continuous AFU monitoring without the need for

86 reagents or incubation. The challenge of correlating the CFU to AFU is daunting as the majority

87 of microorganisms in our environment are not culturable and therefore, undetectable with

88 traditional plate-count methods; however, such comparisons provide understanding of the

89 technology and aid in the definition of control levels for the measured AFU (2,3,4,5). It is

90 unreasonable to expect an exact agreement of the AFU and CFU given that the detection

91 methods are very different. The AFU, based on molecular detection, may result in a higher

92 numerical value (e.g. more sensitive) when directly compared to the CFU, which is dependent on

93 observation of microorganism’s growth. Therefore, AFU counts greater than CFU counts do not

94 mean that the environment is out of control nor does it imply that there is more risk for

95 contamination.
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

96 Opportunities and Challenges of Settle Plates and Active Air Sampling

97 Continuous BFPC monitoring provides the opportunity to reduce operator manipulations of

98 media-based settle plates in critical zones; and thereby reduce the risk of contamination. The

99 pharmaceutical industry has historically relied on settle plates and periodic active air sampling to

100 monitor manufacturing areas; the European Medicinal Agency inspectorate expect the use of

101 settle plates (6). Settle plates and active air sampling have provided acceptable detection

102 controls of microbiological contamination during manufacturing to date; however newer

103 technologies provide the opportunity for real-time and continuous environmental monitoring.

104 Settle plates have fixed exposure times and require operator manipulations in critical zones,

105 when remote sampling is not possible; thereby increasing risk of contamination without

106 improved data quality and aseptic process control.

107 Traditional passive monitoring is performed using Petri dishes containing culture media, which

108 exposed for a given time to collect biological particles which “settle” or deposit on the media and

109 subsequent incubation for colony detection. Settle plate results are expressed in CFU/plate/time.

110 Until now, the strongest support for settle plates is the continuous coverage during

111 manufacturing operations. Typical settle plates are exposed for 4 hours, although it is not

112 unusual to see validations extended to 6 hours to ensure plate viability (e.g. due to desiccation) if

113 used for more than 4 hours (7).

114 Settle plates rely on biological particles “falling” onto the plate; and are positioned according to

115 risk-assessments. Settle plates preferentially select the larger particles due to settling rates

116 compared to smaller particles that may never settle (8). The plates are incubated and the results

117 are retrospectively applied to operations in an all-or-nothing mode that impacts the entire lot with
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

118 very limited temporal information. Settle plates are a potential source of contamination, both

119 through the introduction of growth media in an aseptic area and the operator manipulations in

120 high-risk critical zones. In addition, traditional growth media supports microbial growth less

121 than 0.1% species of bacteria from the of bacteria in the world (9). Several guidelines provide

122 guidance for microbial monitoring and particle counting in isolators, cleanrooms and graded

123 manufacturing areas, including: ISO 14644 standards for cleanroom classification and testing;

124 FDA Guidance for Industry PAT: A Framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical Development;

125 USP <1116> Microbiological Evaluation of Clean Rooms and Other Controlled Environments;

126 and EU Annex I – Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products. The expectation of Annex I for

127 microbial monitoring specifies using 90 mm settle plates and setting the action limit at the

128 detection limit; with limits for Grade A areas is zero (less than 1 CFU) and the Grade B at 5 CFU

129 per four hours settle plate exposure. There is no risk assessment for the establishment of the

130 current environmental limits and manufacturers have developed capabilities to operate within the

131 requirements. Annex I does not mandate the use of settle plates, using the phrase “such as settle

132 plates”, but the use has become a de facto mandatory requirement. Expectations of Agencies and

133 boards of health differ based on current EM practices; there is the potential to harmonize

134 expectations based on BFPC technologies.

135 The microbial active air sampler addresses the deficiencies of settling plates requiring airborne

136 microorganisms to “settle” on the plates by drawing an air volume across an agar plate and

137 impacting or impinging the particles on growth media. Most active air samplers provide periodic

138 coverage as they require process interventions. The design attempts to correct the passive nature

139 of settling plates, unfortunately the technique still relies on microbial growth, limited time-based

140 resolution and operator interventions.

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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

141 The manipulation of settle plates and active air sampler plates in critical zones create risk of

142 contamination. The equipment may also inhibit personnel movement, and is contrary to Annex I

143 which indicates “sampling methods used in operation should not interfere with zone protection.”

144 USP <1116> states, “environmental monitoring can both increase the risk of contamination and

145 also give false-positive results” and describes the limited value of having operators place settle

146 plates into critical zones. The replacement of settle plates with an isokinetic probe adjacent to

147 critical operations eliminates the need for operators to be able to place and recover settling plates

148 (Figure 1). Bio fluorescent particle counters reduce manipulations in critical zones; simplify the

149 set up for manufacturing and provide continuous monitoring during manufacturing. Any

150 changes to classified manufacturing areas need to be evaluated with smoke studies and

151 appropriate change control.

152 Role of Bio Fluorescence Particle Counter in Manufacturing

153 These recommendations come from the members of the BioPhorum Alternative and Rapid Micro

154 Methods working group. The goal of the working group is to pave the way for best practice

155 implementation of BFPC in routine aseptic manufacturing. Naturally, as each manufacturer is

156 unique, alternative plans may be more appropriate for some.

157 Currently, the BFPC has been used as an investigational tool which enables manufacturers to

158 rapidly locate sources of microbial risk. BFPCs instantly detect cellular components (e.g.

159 NADH) and do not require incubation and growth for detection, thereby providing a unique

160 capability for environmental monitoring and control. The high sensitivity and universal

161 detection may be considered a business burden as signals and new information may require a

162 response; but the benefits for continuous improvement, process knowledge and patient safety
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

163 outweigh this challenge. BFPC systems provide an early warning if there are changes in

164 manufacturing environment as it provides real time data output, enabling faster quality decisions

165 which may reduce a cascade of increasingly serious problems.

166 To mitigate the perceived business risk of higher sensitivity to non-viable or false positive

167 signals; sample capture for identification or discrimination is required for initial equipment

168 validation and recovery studies. A false positive or "false alarm", is a result that indicates a

169 given condition has been fulfilled, when in fact it has not. In the case of BFPC, it has been

170 documented (2, 10) that some polymers and non-viable cells may result in false positive signals.

171 Currently, one vendor offers an integral sample capture based on gelatin filters placed in the air

172 path after the fluorescence detector. There is potential to use commercial off-the-shelf inline

173 liquid impingers or agar plates to capture samples after detection. Due to the discrete nature of

174 microorganisms, it is imperative that the sample capture device filters are placed in series and

175 monitor the same body of air. Aseptic sample capture enables an appropriate response to any

176 AFU signal; to discriminate false positives, viable but non-culturable organisms and culturable

177 microorganisms posing an environmental risk (11). Sample capture may be used for process

178 decisions; therefore, any potential risk for post-sampling contamination should be excluded

179 (Figure 2). Validation studies of microbiological samples at low levels have demonstrated the

180 challenge of performing parallel studies because the microorganism cannot be in two places

181 simultaneously; either within the BFPC or the parallel system. The discrete particle nature of

182 low level contamination and concepts from USP <1116> provide the framework for establishing

183 a frequency and volumetric response during manufacturing. Typically, zero CFUs are observed

184 during manufacturing operations, parallel recoveries in both a BFPC and settle plates are

185 unlikely.
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.


187 Potential Implementation Strategy

188 A stepwise approach for the implementation of BFPC should include evaluation, parallel testing,

189 and full implementation. This approach limits perceived business risk of “unknown” events and

190 demonstrates the current manufacturing areas are in a state-of-control to provide confidence for

191 internal stakeholders. The evaluation period is often in response to an investigation; with the

192 opportunity to perform BFPC testing during non-product manufacturing periods. The data sets

193 should be shared with both engineering and quality control functions to understand the full

194 benefits of the information. Evaluation during non-manufacturing time such as training, water

195 fills and engineering studies provides greater process understanding without product risks.

196 Parallel testing format should have a set timeline or number of samples that will be compared to

197 demonstrate process understanding. The period of parallel testing based on evaluation testing

198 and process complexity can be assessed both within companies and with Agency representatives;

199 this limit speculative discussions (e.g. “what if” questions). Finally, full implementation of

200 BFPC as a method to provide process monitoring and feedback is the goal of the technology.

201 We encourage manufactures to consider the 2004 FDA PAT Initiative that supports the concept

202 of collecting data sets during manufacturing provided the data is NOT used for manufacturing

203 decisions, regardless if the data set is either helpful or detrimental (12). The 2004 FDA PAT

204 guidance states, “…when evaluating experimental online or inline process analyzers during

205 production, it is recommended that risk analysis on the product quality be conducted before

206 installation. This can be accomplished within the facility’s quality system without prior

207 notification to the Agency. Data collected using an experimental tool should be considered
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

208 research data, providing manufacturers the ability to collect data during production with limited

209 risk during evaluation of the new method or parallel testing.”

210 Continuous monitoring provided by BFPC provides assurance against microbial risks of isolator

211 integrity changes and environmental controls during manufacturing. This provides rapid

212 feedback of control of the manufacturing isolator during operations. Greater understanding and

213 practical risk assessments for the contamination of the product can be developed by BFPC.


215 Data Collection and Presentation

216 Data integrity has become a focus area of regulatory Agencies; BFPC systems provide time-

217 stamped and continuous data enabling quality assurance professionals with the ability to

218 determine the source and impact of any process changes. This capability enables segregation of

219 impacted product for evaluation or investigations. This temporal ability enables operators to

220 understand intervention impact and recovery times within manufacturing areas. The balance of

221 too much data versus instrument response needs to be considered; too frequent data can lead to

222 unnecessary reactions to small perturbations, whereas infrequent sampling does not provide

223 process understanding.

224 Most commercial systems can provide 10 second increments; but this quickly overwhelms the

225 user with almost 3000 data points per 8-hour shift. Many active air particle counters are capable

226 of flow rates of 28.3 L/min, capturing a cubic meter every 35 minutes. Data points every cubic

227 meter do not provide sufficient resolution to understand intervention impacts in the event of a

228 positive signal. Based on current system evaluations, one-minute samples provide sufficient data
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

229 granularity to maintain process control and meeting the challenges of business risk. A practical

230 approach is one-minute measurements within a rolling cubic meter block, in other words 35

231 consecutive samples lasting 1-minute each, adding up to a sample of 1m3 of air, with AFU data

232 available for each minute. Sufficient resolution is therefore available for process understanding

233 during operator interventions while aligning with the compendial requirement of cubic meters.


235 Grade A Manufacturing Areas, RABS, and Isolators

236 Annex I indicates the purpose of the isolator technology is to minimize the human interventions

237 in process areas, whereas the use of settle plates and non-remote active air sampling plates are

238 direct conflict with this goal. The opportunity to use BFPC in manufacturing isolators and Grade

239 A areas during filling operations when open containers are present reduces high risk activities in

240 critical zones (13). The rapid detection of potential microbial contamination enables the

241 segregation of impacted product as a sub-lot for quarantine without jeopardizing the entire

242 manufacturing lot. Annex I guidance is aligned with the capability of BFPC stating the

243 frequency of monitoring with a suitable sample size that all interventions, transient events and

244 any breach in system integrity would be captured and alarms triggered if the alert limits are

245 exceeded. Agency feedback proposes the same limit of less than one CFU requires that any AFU

246 detected includes sample capture and incubation. We have deliberately taken a conservative

247 approach for the setting of limits; as industry experience with BFPC increases, AFU alert and

248 action limits may be set that are higher than the current action limits at detection limits for

249 traditional methods. Individual company risk assessments, regulatory agreements and predefined

250 quality oversight protocols can enable different risk tolerances based on process capabilities.
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.


252 Data Sets

253 Several pharmaceutical companies provided data sets of which the main objective was to show

254 that the new instrument generates no or few AFU, thereby confirming that the instrument does

255 not introduce counts that affect the state-of-control in classified manufacturing areas, and that the

256 false positive rate is low.

257 Data Set 1 is 10 days of continuous monitoring of Grade A manufacturing area at rest. The goal

258 was evaluation of classified areas without impacting manufacturing capability, no manufacturing

259 activities were conducted during this period. The BFPC system was placed in the manufacturing

260 area and run continuously collecting 402 distinct cubic meters of data, approximately 1 sample

261 every 35 minutes. No inline viable sample collection was performed during this period, due to

262 staffing limitations. Traditional environmental monitoring was used to maintain room

263 classification requirements.

264 Two events with auto fluorescent units (AFU) were observed during the study; more than 99.5%

265 (n=402) of the monitoring had no signal. The first event, with 3 AFU ≥0.5 µm, of which 1 AFU

266 was ≥5.0 µm, was recorded at 21:44 hours. The second event, with 2 AFU ≥5.0 µm, occurred

267 more than two days later at 01:35 (Figure 3a). No readily apparent source of particles was found

268 for the area, as no operators were present. The time-based resolution provided 35 minute

269 continuous AFU updates that is not possible with traditional methods. The need for shorter time

270 resolution data to understand whether an event consisted of a single spike or of multiple smaller

271 signals was identified. The Annex I requirement for viable counts is <1 CFU per cubic meter,
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

272 although it is not known how a partial CFU can be measured other than through estimation of

273 large sample volumes.

274 The active air particle counts, measured by BFPC, showed a maximum count of 5 particles ≥0.5

275 µm per cubic meter, of which 4 were ≥5.0 µm (Figure 3b). This spike coincided with the second

276 AFU event with 2 AFUs ≥5.0 µm, but no assignable cause was identified. The particle numbers

277 were low compared to the Annex I limits of 3250 and 20 particles per cubic meter of ≥0.5 and

278 ≥5.0 µm, respectively.

279 Data Set 2 is the evaluation of BFPC monitoring in a manufacturing restricted access barrier

280 system (RABS) suite during a water fills. The RABS suite was operated during water run for

281 training of personnel and to ensure proper set up and function of equipment.

282 The system was operating at 28.3 litres/min for 8095 minutes or 231 cubic meters. The unit was

283 placed within the RABS below a set of operator gloves, Figure 4. The unit was operated

284 continuously and was used to evaluate one-minute counts. The data collection scheme was to

285 provide sufficient resolution to identify sources of variation and also to provide data sets that are

286 comparable to historical values. Sample capture capability was not used due to staffing

287 limitations; additional concerns about aseptic methods for the handling the filters was not

288 evaluated.

289 The viable count measured by BFPC for the suite measured 5 AFU during operations in the area

290 (Figure 5a). The data set provided an opportunity to understand the impact of operator activities

291 and to use the process flow chart described earlier (Figure 2) to provide quality oversight. Using

292 information from log books and card access information; all the AFUs and high particle counts
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

293 (Figures 5a & 5b) had readily assignable causes (mopping operations or cleaning/set-up). The

294 activities of mopping and set-up were not performed during filling or when product was exposed.

295 Continuous monitoring during mopping operations demonstrated the activity was not a large

296 source of AFU and non-viable particles. Continuous monitoring enables more accurate risk

297 assessments by understanding the particle loads created by staff operations (e.g. mopping and

298 set-up).

299 Data Set 3: The evaluation looked at the environment inside a sterility test isolator held under

300 positive pressure using room air intake with no activity (at rest). This study was performed to

301 understand the data sets generated and whether one minute increments (28.3 l/min flow rate)

302 provided sufficient process knowledge. Three different sets of data were collected over 24, 48,

303 and 96 hours, respectively. Figure 6 shows the placement of the isokinetic sampling probe in the

304 floor of the isolator. The tubing from the bottom of the probe is connected to a ball valve to

305 separate the BFPC from the isolator during the VHP decontamination process. The BFPC is

306 mounted below the isolator and the location of the instrument below the deck limits the

307 opportunity for the use of the gelatin sample capture filter. The close proximity to the floor

308 presents a high risk for sample cross-contamination during the manipulation of the sample

309 capture device.

310 There was a single AFU observed during the 96-hour run, for which no assignable cause was

311 found. The single AFU was first detected as a particle (≥ 0.5 µ) by the BFPC certified particle

312 counter upstream of the laser induced fluorescence AFU detection step (Figure 7). The isolator

313 was not in use (at rest) and there were no operations in the area. One would expect no sources of

314 AFU while monitoring a VHP decontaminated isolator at rest.

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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.


316 Data Set 4: The BFPC evaluation in a Grade A biosafety cabinet was used to perform simulated

317 sterility testing activities to understand real-time AFUs detection and to compare colony forming

318 units (CFU) on the gelatin filter to traditional viable active air sampling methods (Figure 8). A

319 commercial viable active air sampler was configured to collect one 40-minute sample.

320 Additionally, the study compared the BFPC detection of particles to a commercial off-the-shelf

321 non-viable particle counter. The BFPC and traditional non-viable active air particle counters

322 were configured for continuous, one minute, samples. All equipment had the same flow rate of

323 28.3 l/min (1 ft3/min).


325 Sampling was performed inside the biosafety cabinet with the BFPC and active particle counter

326 isokinetic probes, and the sampling head of the viable active air sampler, placed within close

327 proximity of each other. The gelatin filter was installed in the BFPC and parallel sampling was

328 initiated on all instruments.


330 Simulated sterility testing activities were performed during the sampling to create dynamic

331 conditions. Parallel testing of BFPC, viable active air sampling, and particle counter sampling

332 were performed for 40 minutes to provide simultaneous monitoring. The gelatin filter was

333 aseptically transferred to a tryptic soy agar plate and the viable active air samples were incubated

334 as per standard procedure for environmental monitoring samples collected during routine sterility

335 testing.

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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

337 Sampling was conducted from 15:03 to 15:43. Simulated sterility test preparation activities were

338 performed from 15:20 to 15:30. In addition, a simulated Sterility Test execution was performed

339 from 15:31 to 15:35. The spraying of 70% IPA occurred at the beginning of the simulated test

340 execution to attempt particle generation during the study.

341 Comparison to Traditional Viable Active Air Sampler: Neither the BFPC nor the viable active air

342 sampler detected any airborne viable contamination. Therefore, no comparison could be made

343 between the colonies recovered on the gelatin filter to those on the active air plate since no

344 colonies were present on either plate.


346 Comparison to Active Air Particle Counter: The BFPC detected one particle ≥ 0.5 µm in size at

347 15:31, at the time of the spraying of 70% IPA which occurred during the simulation; no other

348 particles were detected by either system.

349 The results of this study demonstrated the BFPC is not prone to false positive viable counts; and

350 the BFPC appeared to be able to distinguish between viable and non-viable particles during the

351 alcohol spraying.

352 Summary of Data Sets: The four sets of data representing more than twenty days of continuous

353 monitoring in Grade A areas provide confidence that the BFPC systems have low particle and

354 AFU counts in these areas, which are in line with the current state-of-control for pharmaceutical

355 manufacturing. The data sets demonstrated commercial systems are robust and can operate in

356 current manufacturing environments. The data demonstrates the value knowing the precise time

357 of events and enables understanding of the impact of activities in manufacturing areas; one

358 minute data points provide resolution to identify potential sources of particles. Finally, the
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

359 BFPC based systems may provide active feedback for process understanding – potentially a

360 major step forward in process control.

361 Grade B/C/D areas

362 Grade B/C/D areas have less stringent controls and limits because the risk to the product and

363 patient is determined to be lower. The settle plate microbiological limits during operation for

364 Grade B/C/D are 5, 50, and 100 CFU per 4 hours respectively. The active air sample limits per

365 cubic meter are twice the settle plate limits. The BFPC systems provide both viable and non-

366 viable data simultaneously while enabling the rapid response to shifts in the environment. The

367 current limits for viable counts suffer from averaging during manufacturing, it has been

368 demonstrated that transient events (e.g. door openings, personnel entering) may be an order of

369 magnitude higher than the average during operation, but the length of sampling time prevents

370 accurate time resolved understanding and interpretation. Lower grade areas may provide

371 opportunities for parallel testing that is non-zero compared to Grade A manufacturing and

372 thereby demonstrating statistical comparison to traditional methods. This paper will not discuss

373 the use and impact of BFPC in Grade B/C/D areas, this will be the topic of a future paper.

374 Regulatory Perception

375 Bio Fluorescent Particle Counting is a novel technology less than a decade old; there is little

376 regulatory guidance on the application of the system. Both the Agency inspectorate and

377 pharmaceutical manufacturers are conservative based on the role of pharmaceutical products and

378 patient safety. The hesitation to fully implement the systems is based on industry opinion that
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

379 the settle plates and active air samplers provide continuous coverage and large historical data sets

380 require extensive parallel studies to eliminate these process interventions.

381 There is no conventional analog for BFPC and the group has developed a framework of potential

382 questions and responses about the system.

383 • What about suitability (verification) testing of BFPC systems? The BFPC systems are

384 compliant with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for

385 particle counters with an additional fluorescence detector to measure auto fluorescence

386 (14, 15). The BFPC systems are ISO compliant particle counter with fluorescence

387 detectors and appropriate validation methods. Periodic system checks are performed with

388 the BFPC the same as current active air particle counters. The use of actual bacteria to

389 verify the AFU detector response in aseptic manufacturing areas; creates an unacceptable

390 risk. Commercial fluorescent beads have been developed and the National Institute of

391 Standards and Technology (NIST) has evaluated a standard reference material that can be

392 used to demonstrate the system performance. NIST supports the development of a stable,

393 consistent and well-characterized standard reference material (SRM) that can be used as a

394 surrogate for microbial samples.

395 • How will you respond to AFU counts? The conservative approach is to react AFU the

396 same as CFU in aseptic manufacturing. There is an expectation for sample capture to

397 provide incubation and potential identification of any AFU counts. The challenge of

398 stressed or viable but not culturable (VBNC) microorganisms is a valid concern; we

399 would suggest that manufacturers perform reasonable attempts to culture and identify

400 sources of AFU, at least during initial system set-up. Additionally, it would be prudent
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

401 that open product that may have been exposed during the AFU event would be segregated

402 for evaluation rather than discarding the product†.

403 • Can we separate the viable and non-viable AFU counts? No, the technology uses

404 biological auto fluorescence to identify NADH and other biological indicators. These

405 indicators are also present in stressed and intact dead cells. Due to the risk, sample

406 capture and incubation of AFU counts is required for potential confirmation.

407 • What are the action and alert levels suggested for Grade A and Isolators? The BFPC

408 system will maintain the same non-viable particle counts and use a limit of no more than

409 1 AFU per cubic meter. Any AFU counts require sample capture and incubation of

410 gelatin filter for potential identification of AFU counts. The initial approach will be that

411 one AFU is equivalent to one CFU, unless a readily assigned cause can be made (e.g.

412 cleaning operations, validated interventions). This conservative approach provides

413 alignment to Annex I limits and ensures that appropriate manufacturing controls are

414 established.


416 • What is the regulatory requirement for implementing BFPC? Environmental monitoring

417 is an inspectional rather than registration change for manufacturing. The challenge for

418 companies implementing BFPC will be demonstrating process control. Additionally,

419 education of the inspectorate and collaboration across the industry provides the best

420 approach to improved EM systems.


As per conversations between Jeffery Webber and a FDA scientist.
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

422 • Does the guidance in Annex I section 18: “…such as settle plates, volumetric air and

423 surface sampling”, allow for BFPC to be implemented in manufacturing? There is no

424 official response from the agencies as to the role of this technology; settle plates are

425 historically accepted and have a comfort level for inspectors. The improved process

426 knowledge for the continuous monitoring with no required interventions should satisfy

427 the intent of aseptic EM; ensuring a state-of-control during manufacturing.


429 • How does improved process control aid the inspectorate during audits? The systems

430 provide improved data integrity with time-based information and allow the inspectorate

431 to accurately evaluate the impact of operator manipulations in critical zones. With rapid

432 detection, the operator training evaluations may be enhanced. Ultimately, reduced

433 interactions with fewer personnel in the classified areas enables improved controls over

434 the aseptic areas and provides the inspectorate an overview of the activities, impacts, and

435 state of control during manufacturing.


437 Business Benefits

438 Many companies purchase a BFPC system during the course of an investigation to rapidly

439 identify the source of contamination. This is a non-compendial role of the system to provide a

440 “microbial sniffer” role that can be used the locate point sources of contamination. The system

441 can also be used to evaluate room recovery after shutdown or maintenance operations. The

442 financial benefits of being able to ensure microbial corrective and preventative actions (CAPA)
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

443 are clear; enabling companies to return to manufacturing rapidly and confidently. One company

444 estimates the BFPC systems enable 6 additional manufacturing days capacity annually due to

445 closing investigation quicker and being able to release manufacturing areas faster to production.

446 The cost of the instruments ($50K to 85K USD) may seem high for traditional microbial testing;

447 the insight and process knowledge is transformational for investigation understanding.

448 Previously, investigations would rely on operator memory and training logs to try and identify

449 sources of contamination. The automation and continuous nature of BFPC testing has

450 demonstrated that data integrity and reduced operator interactions support human error reduction

451 initiatives; based on the data in this paper we are able to show the time and activities occurring

452 during operations provide clear benefits over traditional methods.

453 The primary goal for continuous microbiological monitoring is improved process understanding

454 and reduction of operator interventions for the use of settle and active air sampling. The BFPC

455 systems provide improved sensitivity and rate of response to changes in the manufacturing

456 environment. The cost of settle plates is around $1 each; the complete cost of labor, testing,

457 reading, and quality oversight increases the costs to $6 to $10 per plate; several sites reported

458 more than 500,000 EM plates annually. Settle plates and environmental monitoring are highly

459 manual and subjective testing relying on training and documentation to provide meaningful

460 information. Current settle and active air sampling plates are replaced on average every 4 hours;

461 the benefit is reduction of half the EM plates. Additional opportunities for the reduction through

462 reduced settle and active air sampling frequencies using gelatin agar plates are validated for 9-

463 hour continuous sampling; this would cut the number of plates by at least half in the

464 microbiological laboratory.

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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.


466 Conclusions

467 Bio fluorescent particle counting provides continuous, sensitive, real-time incisive environmental

468 monitoring enabling reduced process interventions, reduced personnel in critical zones, improved

469 process knowledge and assurance of product quality. The systems have demonstrated the ability

470 to detect low level changes in aseptic manufacturing areas and are ideal for classified

471 manufacturing areas. The systems provide insights into operator interventions and provide rapid

472 information of manufacturing areas supporting product quality and patient safety. The transition

473 from settle plates to BFPC will require characterization of current environmental state-of-control

474 during operations and alignment of regulatory guidance for the classification of manufacturing

475 areas when using new technologies.

476 The data sets and review of BFPC technology provide an introduction for the implementation

477 and use of the technology in aseptic manufacturing. We have evaluated a new unit of measure,

478 sample capture, and large data sets to demonstrate monitoring and control of aseptic

479 manufacturing areas. The goal is to provide improved process knowledge, decreased operator

480 interventions and ultimately real-time information for aseptic manufacturing areas. Finally, the

481 technology is required to support the future manufacturing technology roadmap that may include

482 gloveless isolators and smaller scale manufacturing whilst providing sufficient data to assure

483 patient safety.


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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

486 Acknowledgements

487 We thank Constanze Reinhard of Lonza, a valued team member, who sadly passed away in 2017,

488 for her contribution to the development of the ideas in the paper. Many improvements were

489 suggested by many subject matter experts who reviewed the manuscript. Any remaining errors

490 are our own and should not tarnish the reputations of these reviewers.

491 The work was facilitated BioPhorum which has become an open and trusted environment where

492 senior leaders of the biopharma industry come together to openly share and discuss the emerging

493 trends and challenges facing their industry. BioPhorum currently comprises more than 50

494 member companies and 2000 subject matter experts in six forums: Drug Substance, The

495 Development Group, Fill Finish, The Technology Roadmap, BioPhorum IT Group, and

496 BioPhorum Supply Partners. More information can be found at

497 Conflicts of Interest Declaration

498 The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

500 References

501 1. Gaigalas AK, Choquette S, Zhang Y-Z. Measurement of Scattering and Absorption
502 Cross Section of Dyed Microspheres, Journal of Research of the National Institute of
503 Standards and Technology, Vol 118 (2013)
504 2. Hill et al., “Real-time Measurement of Fluorescence Spectra from Single Airborne
505 Biological Particles”, Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology, 3, 221–239 (1999)
506 3. Staley JT, Konopka A, “Measurement of in situ activities of nonphotosynthetic
507 microorganisms in aquatic and terrestrial habitats.” Annu Rev Microbiol.;39:321-46
508 (1985).
509 4. Muller, M., and Davey, H. Recent Advances in the Analysis of Individual Microbial
510 Cells. Cytometry, A, 83-85 (2009)
511 5. Oliver, J.D. Recent findings on the viable but nonculturable state in pathogenic bacteria.
512 FEMS Microbiol. Rev., 34:415-425 (2010)
513 6. EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice Medicinal Products for Human and
514 Veterinary Use, Annex I Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products, 25 Nov (2008).
515 7. Andon, BM, “Active air vs. passive air (settle plate) monitoring in routine environmental
516 monitoring programs.” PDA J Pharm Sci Technol. 60(6):350-5 Nov-Dec (2006).
517 8. Buddemeyer, Julie, “Selecting an Active Air Sampling Methodology”. Controlled
518 Environments Magazine (July 1, 2005), retrieved from
520 9. Cundell, Tony, “The limitation of the Colony Forming Unit in Microbiology”. Eu Pharm
521 Rev. Vol 20, Issue 8, 11-13 (2015).
522 10. Heinz Langhals et al, “High performance recycling of polymers by means of their
523 fluorescence liftetimes”. Dept of Chemistry, LUM University of Munich, Munich,
524 Germany. August 2014 (365 nm excitation)
525 11. Eaton, T, Davenport, C, Whyte, W. Airborne microbial monitoring in an operational
526 cleanroom using an instantaneous detection system and high efficiency microbiological
527 samplers. Eur. J. Parenter. Pharm. Sci., 17(2),61-69 (2012).
Downloaded from on February 28, 2019

MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

528 12. Guidance for Industry PAT – A Framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical Development,
529 Manufacturing and Quality Assurance. US Dept. of Health and Human Services, FDA,
530 Sept 2004.
531 13. Akers, J & Agalloco, J. “Clean Rooms, RABS and Isolators: Validation and Monitoring
532 in the Diverse World of Aseptic Processing”. American Pharmaceutical Review. May 11
533 (2011).
534 14. International Organization for Standardization [ISO 21501-4] Determination of Particle
535 Size Distribution – Single Particle Light Interaction Methods, Part 4: Light Scattering
536 Airborne Particle Counter for Clean Spaces (2007).
537 15. International Organization for Standardization [ISO 14644-1] Cleanrooms and
538 Associated Controlled Environments, Part 1: Classification of Air Cleanliness by Particle
539 Concentration (2015).
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

541 List of tables and Figures

543 Figure 1. Replacement of standard settle plates with active bio fluorescent particle counting
545 Figure 2. Flowchart for the response to AFU signals captured during manufacturing. The
546 establishment of quality oversight response needs be developed prior to implementation.
548 Figure 3a. 10 days (402 cubic meters) of bio-fluorescent particle counting in an aseptic
549 manufacturing facility. The Annex I limit is <1 CFU per cubic meter. The graph illustrates a
550 total of 5 AFU over the course of 402 measurements. Each tick mark on the horizontal axis
551 represents one cubic meter.
553 Figure 3b. 10 days (402 cubic meters) of BFPC continuous active air particle counting in an
554 aseptic manufacturing facility. The Annex I limits are 3250 particles per cubic meter of ≥0.5 µm
555 and 20 particles per cubic meter of ≥5.0 µm. Each tick mark on the horizontal axis represents
556 one cubic meter.
558 Figure 4. Placement of the instrument within the RABS.
560 Figure 5a. 5.6 days (231 cubic meters) of bio-fluorescent particle counting in an aseptic
561 manufacturing facility. The Annex I limit is <1 CFU per cubic meter. The graph illustrates a
562 total of 5 AFU over the course of 8095 minutes, 28.3 liters per minute. The following assignable
563 actions were performed during events: A – mopping in the manufacturing suite, B,C,D –
564 cleaning operations and set-up, E – unknown. Each tick mark on the horizontal axis represents
565 one cubic meter.
567 Figure 5b. 5.6 days (231 cubic meters) of BFPC continuous active air particle counting in an
568 aseptic manufacturing facility. The Annex I limits are 3250 particles per cubic meter of ≥0.5 µm
569 and 20 particles per cubic meter of ≥5.0 µm. Each tick mark on the horizontal axis represents
570 one cubic meter.
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MS ID#: PDA/2018/008722
Title: Continuous Microbiological Environmental Monitoring for Process Understanding and Reduced Interventions in Aseptic Manufacturing.

572 Figure 6. Location of the isokinetic sampling probe in the sterility test isolator floor. The ball
573 valve is to separate the isolator from the BFPC system for VHP decontamination. The BFPC is
574 placed below deck and therefore sampling capture was not used.
576 Figure 7. BFPC continuous active air particle counting for 24, 48, and 96 hours (41, 82, 164
577 cubic meters) in a sterility testing isolator at rest. Each tick mark on the horizontal axis
578 represents one cubic meter.
580 Figure 8. Data in the biosafety cabinet with bio-fluorescent particle counter and traditional
581 active air particle counter.
583 Table 1. Summary of the 4 different data sets.


BFPC system Traditional Assignable Summary

Data Location Data set
Monitoring Environmental cause? comments
set period

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Particles AFU Particles CFU

1 Grade A - 10 days ≥0.5 µm: 5 AFU No data 0 CFU No assignable Data resolution of 1

At Rest continuous max 5/m3 collected. (Settle cause was found: m3 insufficient to
of which
monitoring. plates) evaluate source of
≥5.0 µm: 3 ≥5.0 No personnel in
AFUs, 1 minute
402 m3 max 4/m3 µm the
resolution would be
(sequential) manufacturing
No required.

capture 0 CFU measured

on with traditional

gelatin methods

1 (4)

2 Grade A - 5.6 days ≥0.5 µm: 5 AFU No data 0 CFU - 1 AFU were Continuous

Restricted continuous max collected (Settle mopping monitoring gives

of which
Access monitoring. 1890/m3 plates) activities more insight in
0 ≥5.0
Barrier - 3 AFU and particle loads created
≥5.0 µm:

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231 m3 µm
Systems max particle by staff operations.
max 159/m3
(RABS) No counts were
(only once
sample cleaning/set-up
Water Run above the
capture - 1 unassigned:
Annex I
on no operations,
limit of
gelatin no product
filter. exposed

3 Sterility 24, 48 and 96 Total 24, 48, No data were collected No assignable System is reliable

Testing hours (max/m3): 96 hr: with traditional cause was found. and provides

Isolator - At continuous 0, 0, 1 methods. continuous coverage.

≥0.5 µm:

2 (4)
Rest monitoring. 24 hr: 333 AFU The low counts

(33) provide confidence

41, 82, 164 No
48 hr: 1591 that the sterility
m3 sample
(98) isolator is properly
96 hr: 439 assembled.

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≥5.0 µm: filter.

24 hr: 11 (3)

48 hr: 2 (1)

96 hr: 3 (1)

4 Sterility 40 minute ≥0.5 µm: 0 AFU 0 0 CFU 1 Particle was Low AFU and

Testing continuous 1 (Particle (Viable measured at the particle counts in line

monitoring. Counter) Active Air time of alcohol with the high level of
Grade A ≥5.0 µm: filter:
Sampler) spraying. control in a biosafety
Biosafety 1.13 m3 0 0 CFU

3 (4)
BFPC system not

prone to false


BFPC system

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seemed to correctly

identify 1 particle as

non-viable during

alcohol spray.


4 (4)
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