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Defining Relative Clauses

1. Which word goes in the space?

The mountain ____ we climbed yesterday was the highest mountain in Britain!




2. In which sentence can you delete who?

The man who lives next to me is nearly eighty.

The man who I saw on the bus is my neighbour.

The man who cleans my windows has gone into hospital.

3. In which sentence can you NOT delete that?

I’ve lost the magazine that I was reading.

A photocopier is a machine that makes copies of pages.
The film that we saw yesterday was brilliant.

4. What CANNOT go in the space?

Julie looked after the injured bird ___ she found in the garden.

(No word is needed here)


5. Rewrite these sentences:

Greg bought a camera yesterday.
The camera doesn’t work.

The camera that Greg bought yesterday doesn’t work.

Greg, who bought a camera yesterday, doesn’t work.
The camera who Greg bought yesterday doesn’t work.
6. What CAN’T you write in the space?
Last week I bought a watch ___ was half price.

(no word is needed here)

7. Rewrite these sentences.

I met a man at a meeting last week.
The man was at the party.

I met the man, which was at the meeting last week, at the party.
The man who I met at the party last week was at the meeting.
The man I met at the meeting last week was at the party.

8. Complete the sentence.

That’s the shop ___ I bought my wedding ring.

(No word is needed here)

9. Complete the sentence.

There’s the woman ___ I met last week.

(no word is needed here)

10. Which sentence needs the word who?

Is that the woman ___ lives next door to your grandmother?

Is that the woman ___ you work with?
Is that the woman ___ Dan was talking about?

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