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What Is Measurement?

किसी भौकिि राकि िा पररमाण संख्याओं में व्यक्त िरने िो मापन िहा जािा है। मापन मूलिः िुलना
िरने िी एि प्रकिया है । Expresses the result of any physical quantity in numbers is called

Measurement refers to the quantification(मात्रा) of results obtained by using measurement tools.

यह हमें माप उपिरणों िा उपयोग िरिे प्राप्त पररणामों िी मात्रा बिािा है ।

Measurement in MSA.

Data can be attribute or variable.

Inspection refers to comparing the values obtained through measurement with available
references to determine whether a product is acceptable or not.

It compare the values obtained by measurement with available references. it is basically a
process of comparison between standard value and actual value.

What is MSA.
MSA stands for measurement system process.
Study of effect of measurement system on measurement result and assessing their
suitability for Product or process. We control the product or process quality by use of MSA.
MSA िो एि measurement process िे भीिर मौजू द कभन्निा िी मात्रा (amount of variation) कनर्ाा ररि
िरने िे कलए एि प्रयोगात्मि और गकणिीय किकर् िे रूप में पररभाकिि किया गया है । measurement
process में Variation हमारी समग्र प्रकिया पररििा निीलिा में सीर्े योगदान िर सििी है ।

MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of
variation that exists within a measurement process. Variation in the measurement process
can directly contribute to our overall process variability. MSA is used to certify the
measurement system for use by evaluating the system’s accuracy, precision and stability.
• Measurement system is the collection of instruments or gages, standards,
operations, methods, fixtures, software, personnel, environment and assumptions
used to quantify a unit of measure or fix assessment to the feature characteristic
being measured; the complete process used to obtain measurement.
What is a Measurement System?
Measurement system is a measurement process.

Input Process output








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