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Vulkan izdavastvo, 2017. paperback. Condition: New. Serbian language, latinica, 20 cm, Domaci
roman, . Urbanog sadrzaja, sa odnosima koji pocivaju na srodstvima, ljubavima, brakovima,
stradanjima i potucanjima Jevreja i Srba, njeni romani prvenstveno obradjuju zivot u gradjanskim
krugovima. Tu se govore razni jezici, tu se rado i cesto putuje, susrecu se bezbrojni ljudi i glavne
zivotne teme nalaze iskljucivo u okvirima porodicnih, drustvenih i intelektualnih dodira. U
preobilju likova i mnostvu epizoda, romani Gordane Kuic neprimetno odrazavaju jedinstvenu
unutrasnju nit...

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Authored by Kuic, Gordana

Released at 2017

Filesize: 6.32 MB

Review s

It in one of the most popular book. I am quite late in start reading this one, but better then never. Once you begin to read the book, it is extremely
difficult to leave it before concluding.
- - C a myl l e La rso n

This book will be worth getting. Better then never, though i am quite late in start reading this one. Its been written in an extremely basic way
which is only right after i finished reading this book through which actually altered me, alter the way i believe.
- - Mr. E n rico Lesch

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