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Essay Outline Template


A. Hook & Background Information

1. Hook: General background information that grabs attention (reference)

I know that we were supposed to write about two books but I don’t
read a lot so I figured that I would watch the movie again and
compare it to what I remember from the book

2. More specific background information to lead into the thesis (reference)

If I remember right, I read The Shining by Stephen King over the

summer of 1993, right after I completed the eighth grade.

B. Thesis statement

1. Topic

Stephen Kings the Shining Book vs Movie

2. Mapping your key points

I don’t remember much about the book other than The Shining

Is a classic haunted house type story.


A. Body Paragraph 1

1. Topic Sentence

As I watched the movie again the other night it started to jog my

memory of things that were in the book that were different.
2. Supporting Evidence

a. I remember that in the book Jack was a very loving husband

and father.

b. He was also and alcoholic with a really bad temper.

3. Transition sentence

In the movie they never show Jacks loving side only his crazy side,
by doing this it didn’t really show the transition of Jacks possession
by the evil in the hotel.

B. Body Paragraph 2

1. Topic Sentence

Jack was a Fiction author that was struggling with his career.

2. Supporting Ideas

a. Both the book and movie start off with Jack at an interview.

b. The manager that was interviewing Jack was a real jerk in

both the movie and the book.

3. Transition sentence

In the book Jacks son Danny has very powerful psychic abilities, but
in the movie, they weren’t portrayed as strong as in the book.

C. Body Paragraph 3

1. Topic Sentence

Jack is supposed to have a job as a repair man but unlike the book
where it lays out the type of work he does, in the movie it shows
Jack mostly sitting at the typewriter writing.
2. Supporting Ideas

a. In the book the front yard of the hotel had plants that were
shaped like animals that would come to life, but in the movie it
was a maze like setting made of tall hedges.

b. Dick was a character in both the book and movie he was

basically the hero figure.

3. Transition sentence

In the book Dick saves Danny and Wendy Jacks wife and he also
survives, but in the movie even though he still saves Danny and
Wendy he dies.


A. Reiterate thesis statement

The comparison between the book and movie for the most part the movie
captured a lot of the storyline from the book with the exceptions of the few
things I mentioned and maybe a few more that I just don’t remember.

B. New thoughts

Overall if you haven’t read the book or seen the movie I recommend both of
them, but if you decide to take my advice I would watch the movie first so
that when you read the book it will make the book that much more exciting.
Stephen King being my favorite author I have read and seen almost all of his
books and the movies based on them. I would recommend if you are a horror
movie buff to check them out.

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