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Types of Propaganda

Directions: Use the definitions and basic examples given to determine what you already
know about the basic types of advertising propaganda. Fill in the “Info I know” and “My
example” sections using items and products that you have observed in use. (Do not just
think of television ads. Think about magazines, radio jingles, billboards, etc.)

Definition Basic Example Info I know My Example

Bandwagon: To join in because Verizon Wireless
others are doing so and their growing
Assertion: A statement “The best part of
presented as a fact, waking up is
although it is not Folgers in your
necessarily true. cup.”
Card stacking: Only presenting “Nytol will help
information that is you get your
positive Zzz’s”. (They do
not tell side
Glittering The use of words Any ad that uses
Generalities: that have positive words like “safety,
connotations security, or
Lesser of Two Their idea is the “Subway
Evils: least offensive sandwiches have
option less calories than
Burger King’s”
Name Calling: Use of negative See any political
language to campaign
describe an enemy
Pinpointing the Simplify a subject, Wartime ads- such
Enemy: by presenting one as the “War on
common enemy Terror” or the
“Hunt for Bin
Plain folks: To reflect the Billboards for
needs and desires Cracker Barrel that
of the “common discuss the “home”
person” and “relaxing”
Testimonial: An attempt to “Look who we’ve
connect famous got our Hanes on
people with a now.” (Michael
product Jordan, Kevin
Bacon, Matthew
Perry, Christina
Transfer: Linking one idea “Choosy Mom’s
to another choose JIF”-
linking peanut
butter with good
Types of Propaganda Activity

Directions: Look through a magazine and/or newspaper and try to find an example of
each type of propaganda as it is being used. Once you have found an example of each,
focus on a completely different product. Find a product that you would really like to
purchase. You may choose anything, within reason, that you currently want to buy.
Remove, by cutting or tearing the page out, that item from the source. Glue or tape that
advertisement onto the bottom of the page. Underneath or on the back of this paper, make
a list of reasons that you would like to buy this product. Then, answer the following
questions as well:
A. How do you know the information in the ad is true?
B. Why might ads not always tell the truth?
C. How can you find out whether ads are true or not before you buy a product?
D. If you were in charge of the advertising for this product, how would you
market your item? (Which type of propaganda would you use and in what

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