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Lesson Plan No.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the period, the HUMSS11B students will be able to:
a. Define evaluative statement.
b. Formulate evaluative statements about a text read/ viewed.
c. Value the significance of evaluative statements by application to the real world.

II. Subject Matter: Reading and Writing

Topic: Critical Reading as Reasoning: Formulating Evaluative Statements
Evaluative Statements- It is used in giving a sound judgement.
– a judgment that can be backed up or supported by valid reasons or
proofs. It is the writer’s way of explaining why a strength is a strength and a
weakness a weakness based on the evidences gathered.
Power Point Presentation
Short documentary (The Call of the Land: Meet the Next Generation of Farmers)
Vocabulary Test (pre-test and post-test)
Value Focus:
“True courage is a result of reasoning. A brave mind is always impregnable.”
– Jeremy Collier

III. Procedure
A. Activity
1. Pre-activity/ Motivation (20 mins.)
The teacher will let the students watch a short documentary (without subtitles) about
“farming”, with the following instructions;
a. Listen attentively to the documentary.
b. Try to list unfamiliar words registered while watching.
c. No questions must be asked while watching the documentary.
After watching the documentary, the teacher will then let the students answer the
prepared cloze-test (5 items only).
The answered papers will be submitted directly to the teacher.

The teacher will then let the students re-watch the same short documentary
(with subtitles this time). The teacher may pause in between moments for
focus and emphasis on the words found in the subtitles (if the students will
raise any questions).
After watching the documentary, the teacher will then let the students answer the
same cloze-test prepared before (5 items only).
The answered papers will be submitted directly to the teacher for checking and
2. Activity Proper (15 mins.)
The students will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will be assigned a certain
situation based on the documentary. For every situation, each group will be given a
minute to brainstorm. After brainstorming, one to two speakers or representatives
will be allowed to convince the judges by giving their own reasons. After all the
speakers have spoken, the judge will give their judgement based on the speech of the
First Situation:
If you will have your child someday, what will you prefer him or her to be?
Group 1: Farmer
Group 2: Lawyer
Group 3: (The Judge)
Second Situation:
Because of the fast-changing society, everyone is having their own choices according
to their lifestyle. With this, even food choices will be significant. What do you prefer
Group 1: (The Judge)
Group 2: Growing my own vegetables.
Group 3: Buying vegetables from a supermarket.
Third Situation:
You realize one day that you are always burned out of your daily tasks and you
wanted a new scene to change anew. What would you most likely to do?
Group 1: Go to the big city and party all night at the clubs.
Group 2: (The Judge)
Group 3: Go to someplace quiet and relaxing probably the beach or the farm.

B. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions to the students;
a. Did you find any difficulty while doing the activity?
b. How did you come up with those reasons? (to be answered by the participants)
c. How did you make sound judgements? (to be answered by the judges)
After soliciting answers from the students, the teacher will then give a short discussion
about the topic to strengthen the concepts.
C. Abstraction
The teacher will then solicit any questions from the class. If there is none, the
teacher will ask the students to summarize the concepts learned in class.
D. Application
Since there is not enough time to further look into the application of the topic into
reality, the teacher will ask the following questions instead;
a. Will evaluative statements make the world a better place?
b. Do we really need to think twice before we come up with our reasons?
c. How can we use evaluative statements in voicing out our stands in different
E. Evaluation
Read and understand the sentence below. Make your own evaluative statement
and be sure to include necessary proofs and evidences to prove your point.

“Man will never stop looking for his satisfaction.”


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