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eg, No. Tl Teememnane BCACAC 107 Credit Based First Semester B.C.A. Degree Z Examination, October/November 2012 FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (New Syllabus 2012-13 Batch Onwards) me: 3 Hours: ‘Max. Marks : 80 Note : Answer any ten questions from Part ~ A and any one full ‘question from each Unit in Pact B. PART-A |, a) What is CPU ? Mention its subsystems 7 {10x2=20) 'b) What sa bit ? Specify number of bytes in Kilabyte and Gigabyte. ©) Diferentiste RAM from ROM. 6) What ate the 2 types of secondary storage devices ? Give example for each 6) Give any two drawbacks of magnetic tapes. 4) Whatis plotter’? ) What is flowchast 2 1), What is operaling system 7 Give two exampies. 9) Define internet and WWW. J) What is the use of disk defragment utility ? 1) What is modem 2 }) Deine DEMS. PART-B NTT ~1 @ 2) Wirilea note on evolution of computers. |) 1) Expiain the cnaracterstics of third generation computers. +9) Wate the application of computers in education and banking fields. (74543) PTO. BOACAC 107 ‘me 3. a} Whats cache memory’? How they speed up the memory retrieval 'b) Explain various types of RON. ©) Deschibe how the corrmunication between various units ofa take placa. UNIT =I 4, a} Expiain the process of accessing data fram magneto disk. } Wite a note on Bercoda reader and Joystick. °c) Explain the working of MOUSE. 5. a) What is optical disk 7 Explain the reading and writing oper co-ROM. +b) How laser printor works ? Explain. +5) Explain the working of GAT monitor briely. UNIT =i 8. a) Explain any stx symbols used in a flowchart. >) Wat are advantages and disadvantages of machine language ? ©) Explain ine term website, webpage and webserver. 7. a) Expiain any ten criterion for making 2 prograrn language good ) Write @ note on image editors arid dasktop publishing software: ‘UNIT-1V 8. 4) Withthe help of a noat diagram, explain the various components inthe, interface of MS Office Word 2003, 1) Explain three PPT views. 9. a) Explain various parts of my computer window with diagrarn, b) What is meant by formatting ? Give the meaning of any six for ‘commands in ME- Ward -2003, | ©) Wee lags tg tie vat aber lS Apo: fF oye yes po Juenniaiduod oxy pul { VORUAY B Jo udowoxduian 26 904 op MoH “set geen win 24 + 24x + 74% 3 uOpN UEOOG MWe (ey JE! * sorovavoa sepeep Soy 42 20} HEL ON BL UN -wonenbs erejepueumepams ees ‘yg voneace dowd Sy eHm cepcoug ue sseuM ateipdiveg eprauBewe sae -yoppe jeu 2 Jo Aus pure vrs 04 suonouny westoog Petar exp own (© ‘yroug remuenbes 10) weiBee ono ewA 0 voneoncuy (4 eouomennbs __ SByprou 80; sonar ueeODR aA (2 ZL UNSDreYy PUR UUSILIA ale JUN JP” “9l(gy) jouoyennbs fueura pue Goa ain ( e000 woi0i0r sermncheie oem EOE SE =) Su BID __Meugaers'es))uerw09 fe (o=c*01) Nedved “a yea u aun eEe Woy UoRsONE UNE i se ie ain er ee een ‘inne giney 6:5 (spiemuo reer Ei-elog snaeins MeN) ROLLVZINVSHO HALNdHOD ZLOZ ‘AON/WO. ‘uoPeUyWEXA 294680. “Y'O"S JISBWES 1541 Hd POSCH UPSD soLovovo ZL See CUT TTT] ene 50 itn dias Fb tp wah toe "chavactarstc equation. aman, jfisractect by \Wte note on Bidirectional Shift Register. — ©) Explaintne working of 4 bit Binary Fipple Counter. ad es onc oaaee [TT TTTTTT) a ten to atiswer any Ten"quasiions tom Part~ A and ane full = RUCERO Team GREATS Ie ESS SSPART=A © a tie folowing === Yat rt conroles loping stomenis? Give an exec Sasa) -Whal ie fs van ot conve epprtor] Give en exert “A How do you aaess te monibets ofa suc 7 Ge an exami 1 bangin 9) feot Q and est 0 B 1 pute 0 and putchar ) puexe pue Beodhind “xeuAs uum doo| 0} ureidxg x Burdooi Aa iueew siteiAn (9 tere) Onen mrapon ma pees ae un % ae) —__——eptusrourano vammuen—— - se Ad Poaceae etme weparnakaranH7 SeT= SK cy reg No. [TTT TET BCACAC 107 Credit Based First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, ‘October/November 2013 (New Syllabus 2012-13 Batch Onwards) FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3Hours Max. Marks : £0 Note: Answer any ten questions form Part —A and any one full question from each Unit in part ~B. PART-A isthe rate of contro} unit ? {10x2=20) are the characteratice oftourth goneyation of computers ? /) Differentiate between LCD and CRT monitors. 4) Mention any four symbols usedin flowcharts. ) What ate the advantages of machine language ? 1) What is system software ? Give example. |} What isthe use of office button in office 2007 7 4) st the features of word 2007. |) Explain slide sorter view in Power Point, PART-B Z UNIT=1 a) Exolain any five characteristics of a computer in detail ») Explain the classification of computers based on the size and performance. ¢) What s RAM ? Explain various types of RAM. (34545) a note on system bus. + Explain the process of communication between processor and memory. in three types of memories available in the computor system. —_(S4x6) Pro. BCACAC 107 ‘a UNIT = IE 4. a) Write a short note an magnetic tape. 'b) Explain any two input devices. ¢) Explain the working of : 1) Dot matnx printer 1) Plotters. 5. a) Explain hard disk and compact disk. ‘b) Wiite a note on i) OMA if) WOR ‘¢) Write a note on Cathode Ray Tube moniter. UNIT =i 6, a) Explain the program development cycie with diagram. 'b) Write a note on image editors and Database Management Systems. UNIT IV & a) Explain the various parts of My Computer window with diagram. 1b) Whats mail merge ? Explain. ¢) Explain any five bult4n functions in MS Excel 9. a) a) Wit short note on eK 4 oy 8170) 0 x XIN SI BUM (9 tose) (6998) ~°“ozeo) (y (osze)~ pxorhinyy 1X JOXSIGHION SLIEUAN (: 7 01 uP Buen Loscenang wesbep 6010 Mu com een vrei (q oe paakesen — “vepoaeg our POI SHIEUM (BZ =e "Oe mw % Suppom sy umydx3 4 reppe iy sey (e “Gg = INA, 9'¥'0'2 OE =(9'a'w) 4 "vorssauche Bu moos eu) Audis deus » Buss (0 2XPAM = (Z'AX) 4 “orsseudxe Bumoyo} oy nnons oibo1 pue sige, win oy) au, @ EXHAK= ZAK) a (© dan\6 40) wHORTeYY Jo oNpOLY DUB UHaLUW 10 WNg aN OMAR (@ “5 (a9.vevie + (a ot.ale.¥=(a'9'@'y) 4 Auiduays seveimisog pue swewoy Busry (9. Were e's'sy 210 z=(G'9'a was “woissaudke Suymoyo) oy) Aniduus deus 4 Bursry (q “ore8 feSIONIUN S| GNYN eM @nOIg (e “p 8 - Hed Ul wun YoRe wo voRsonb yng LN oo Aue Jomoue Due y - eq wey suoRsenb ua due somsuy + axoy 08: eM xeHy “aa98ie vedjong 9 srerod anton (0 NOUvZINWOHO YEindWoD (1008) =" L008) fy Lon) ~=“KLoo8) @ : {spxemug yoyeg EbZLOe SnquiAS mon) i “wourrdwoD €.2 pues, Bush UojcenaNs Bumojor ou uuOHeG (9 F102 “RONFI99 ‘uoneUTUtERa 90160 “y'O'g soieewieg 4 KAX = XU onord weibelp ue, Buse, (eg 80L QvOVOg a aa 801 vovos CUTTETT TT) ov teu eon COOETITT woe BCACAC 109 it Based First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, Oct/Nov. 2013 (Now Syllabus) (2012-13 Batch Onwards) PROGRAMMING IN C psHous Max. Marks : 60 Note: Answer any ten questions trom Part A and any one tult a @ BCACAC 108 ‘quastion trom each Unit of Part B. UNIT—1V PARTIC, (2x10=20) 9} Design the 4 bit Binary Ripple counter, t's doclaration ? Why fs it ecessary to doclare.a variable 2 ‘the JK Flip Flop with logic diagram and characteristics table, What are the rules for naming an identifier ? register ? Design 4 - bit register. B44) fi and && (i) /and % 9-4) Explain he working of D - Fp Flop using NAND gate. ake 61 Gah ofthe following Assume a = 6, b =~ 2 and b) ‘Design MOD - 6 Synchronous counter using JK Flip Flop. ¢) What are shift ragistar 7 Explain the 4 - bit shift register with block diagram. (645) te entry controlled and exit controlled looping statements. a tare the limitations of using getohar() and scant} functions for reading tgs? I What © a pointer 7 How it is doctared ? "Whats a union ? How it ditfers from structure 2 ‘s9pI0 Burpueasan etn ui s\wautoje Not wesBoid © amu, (0 Siders pup xeiuks Uy oun doo} ann UC (a “ordWwexs yu userBard ® up pe paueioep 8} eure euOSuoWD Om MOK Ue 4 AEB UPS YUM (8 “s (iter) “muawndie un soxseu uy 2 oxKaeup JossenoKd-a:d 5 eu “wed ¢ qwetuntize oun puEwwoD 8 jeLM (9 ‘ice qu uci ¢ swueUaroU ioWHod UY s0}98) ajvOe SHHeUNN ‘Sidusexe Ue uj UoNUNO poy Yq JO WHO} IeuDB Oy: AAD Z PIRYLG SI YEU fe “Sequind FeapuOgL U ayEeUOE O} ureiBord e eyyMA (9 “olds unex urehx3 { 9d00))0 Bunsou Aq ues hok op eum, (a (orgs) Oesoay fa ives (us Yoind (Wore ; 4 Our suonaury Bumayo) jo esodind ou $] yeyAA (0 Pure eeu tH SiZOWAIEIS JONPE) y es pue y pEYSoU UNI (ep -vojturexs qu cia esd] 2 souelBjas Aq pue enqen dq squewindie Oussed Aq wea $1 FUN (q “Q.uipeuyap pue parepep AHF Siequuiel PUB SaIqRUEA eimyonAS mou UEidxe aydurexs puB xBjUAG UUM (2 -@ 0 anon set z pure z Jo onqen Sey & “A jo armen sey x Ss sanfea Ou) BBIO1 } weiBoid & SjuN “Z pum A” 40 anien au) an (p ‘eS Huy SuOKUNY Quyound pue QseUOB UE;EKS fo 2 28}n0 3pOUyau Om 9} o8 MOH, uowealogp pue wawrer0UN arp azRN Of SKeM BION om EquOSEG (a ones Yoee Lede pur weifosd 5 Jo amore aseq ON AND (© *S A AIND (s+ye9) 40UJ0.o4rospunfed 81 soxnoYn yoOyO pue Buns © OSsonas o1 ureBoud w oqunN (9 “SYSMUENO Ue Gunn une\dx3 Z-HORSINOe! S)rEYM fq ureiGoud uj payed "yw Buoy PUP pauujap ‘paxeIDep 9q Hm UmoY UK Z YONOUN POUYEp-s09 SIEM (e “L 'G IPOH X “Lin OUINSSY “9 ~ gt yry=X HoIBSosexe oly siennEnE Gero) ih as dene *enbquuo} ures ota may WE ¢ uOReMUOD Bc onc BIrEWIA (2 SHEIS PUR oRpUIOINE UTe;EEEa J eIqBUBA Jo BdoDs Aq UROL MOA Op YM {0 “SaICurexe um SuoRaUny peuyep sn Jo SeLOBRIEO ony Aue WEIS @ renufs xi suoHoUn Buppuey Bums ino} Aue reid 9 “SB RQWEX LAH SIEDELEUD paen Aucuuioo eu uperdxe pue voRoun; Ogun jo xes ou anne) ‘spiow fey uonereoap pur reu9} eBes01s pommsosse 49 oBenBuero, a1 Aq peyodkine sodki mep yuersyio UES (e “2 ann t=uNn. 801 ovo"0a + nOmaeem a Lyd, | FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (New Syllabus) (2012-43 Baten Onwards) r 3 Hours ‘Max. Marts: 60 ‘Note: Answer any fen questions trom Part and any omv full Peg. No. [ TA) naw BCACAC 107 dit Based First Semester 8.C.A. Degree Examination, Oct/Nov. 2014 ‘question trom each Unit of Pant B. | _ 2} Whatis.a system bus ? Name its thrae fogical units, #) Specify the advantages of secondary storage devices over the primary memory. } 1) Whatis the use of a scanner ? Weite the types of scanners. # What is the purpose of USB port ? 4} Expand OCR and MICR. : 1} Define Celt and Coll address in @ spreadsheet. PART-B Unit=1 4. 9) State and explain any six charactoristics of computers, ») Epiain the applicatons of computers in any five aroas. 4) Wie a nate on Registers, 61544) 4 2) Explain the thrae main subsystems of CPU. 8) White a note on: 1) Super Computers 4) Laptop Computer ©) Explain memory hierarchy with a neat diagram. (+445) »: BCAGAC 107 Ame Unita A. ay Explain different types of Magnetic Disks. 'b) Explain any two input devices. eo) ‘What is an impact printer ? Explain any two types of impact printers, 5. a) ‘Expiain Hard Disk and Compact Disk. ‘b) What are the differences between LCD and CRT ? ©) Write a note on : i) Barcode Reader fi) Plotters Unit ~ 5. @) Explain the program development cycle with diagram. 'b) List and explain any two types of System Software. ©) Give the limitations of Foweharts. a 7 a) Explain any six features of a good programming language ) Whats a language translator ? Explain its types, ©) Explain the basic intemes terms. Unit—1v 8. a) Explain the components of Powerpoint window. ) Explain the special feuturas of MS-Word. 8) What do you mean by spreadshest ? What ara its features ? 64 8. 8) Explain any five library hunctions of MiS-Excel. ') What is a query in MS-access ? How can query be created using quay ‘wizard and also discuss the steps to run the access query. } Explain the ditferent views provided by MS-Word, 6s Jee) edu cam vowenbo om pur wesdop aime ‘oyge ai uerdg (0 j SIGNER ea pur UseseIp a0) Lae fsge doy cy yp yo Cunpaom oxy une (q ‘sdoy chy yp Buysn soyunca snouosuduks 2 GOW euBiEEg (@ “> “waqunoo axddis Arewa uq ye uBieaq (9 versie wys pevonsaup-ig e ubisoc (q Shr s ues lekia pue wre ep O50) um Buore dos diy Su peop UNI {e -g A= INA "weiBiep soo pu erge Avessoeu ax “Jaxojchyrus oup 1-cr-p ubieog (0 JOPSOP Ou B-OFE UBIBEQ “iepanop oUyOR (q “weIBeP YO0I9 erGeNNS Lue ope GOA 10 SuPpoM oy) UKE (eZ “Sv@0p iy Buistueppe jaune Azure » uisag (9 "OUIOS 4g 104 iforpue voRssaxche UPaIo0R ‘ae LUNA eM J sepKR Rye steUAA (e “9 wun (O+80O+ a+ ila w= WW “Bye svenIUN 61 HON Te, endie (0 BATAX FAKES Hotoun} UB2I00g eyi 10} syraio oo] pUR age YnA ew (a (oh C4 ‘Ob '9) Px pur ee" 'z Og = ("hx WH) fet; Buren uorssecxe Buwroo} aus Aujoung.(@ “yp ANA is "80125 HON Buren HON PUP OX 1uewie;dus, (0. “Obs = 0008) (ut *OOL = 10101) Hueuimcui0® 8.2 UB 6,1 Ou'sn suoRTeNGNs HuPNO}O) Guy UWOLEG, @ Pe + Ak = (A+ x)x yeu enoud weiBep wo, Guise) ee sol ovovod one Corrs) “eidably uesIo0R Jo swasoout aang Aue encid pue aieig (0 Mepoe—o18s) Meus-29ce) (6 -SPOUNe JuBLIOKUED 89; pues 6 BuISn suoRERaNE % JN, “dewunog aid uP setuno9 Snouo.xoUts uoamyog saauazeyn au kue areRs }UnGO aujed() do dua Bursn otsiow yas uy Jo weibep om our 64 ‘dou-dhy ir 10 o4qe uonouaxe oun ew (| Sa1e6 HON Buren urai yore is mic (p ‘UUES OLR FOF OEY URNA MINA Z JeppE Wee S)IEyIK (y ‘O+.8v=4ioVenp eum 6 7 PUR A ox SOIGRHEA AreuIg gone 20} suHOKIW dia MoUs O} BIGELE OMIM Ake Ax + x10 Oddie “eIBB ONY Jo oquiAs onjdesB pue ae) yin *(1.101) jo uawafduioo s 2 pue: a, (e=002) 912) 19 en09 §-8ee0%3 pue GOK alu (e Vite “BUEd Wl 1up) Yow way suonsenb yng uo Aue seensire pu y ie 10 suonsonb uoy Aue somsuy “Ojon og OLEH Mey sno} € : NOLLWZINVOYO YaNdiNOD | {Spiemuo uswe e1-zin2) (snquiks mon) PhOZ “nOrW'I9Q “UonCUIWEXs eexBaq “Yy'g'g sa\SeUIDg yS214 peseg 1 80 OVOVOS Ram COTTE TD) on tou feats (TTT TEE BCACAC 109 Based First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, Oct/Nov. 2014 | (Now Syllabus) (2012 - 2013 Botch Onwards} PROGRAMMING INC ‘pe: 3 Hours Max, Marks : 80 ‘Note: Answer any 10 questions from Pan ~ A and any one fut question from each Unitof Part ~B. PART-A (10x220) |. a) Whats the difference hetwoen character constant and string constant? Give ‘example foreach. '0) What in a varlatlo ? How do you declare a vatiable ? 8} Oalenmine the value of each of the following assume a= 6,b<-2andc>—7: DX= 2asdib+3tc 4H) ¥'= pow (sqrt (9), 3) 9) What is the use of break and continue statements in a program ? +2} What do you mean by scope and lite time of a variable? 4) Differentiate i++ and ++ i with example. |) Uistthe categories of user defined functions. ) What isa fle ? List an advantage of a tle, PART—8 UNIT <1 2.4} What are identifiers ? wnto the naming rules of identifiers. ) Ust and explain arithmetic and relational operators in C with exemple. ©) Explain the formatted output function with ts syntaxand example. (S84) Pro, BEACAC 109 es ‘Mm 8. a) Write and explain the structure ofa C program, +) List and explain he fundamental data types in © 2 ©) Whats type conversion 7 Explain dierent types of type conversion, UNT=1) 4. a) What is a loop ? Explain any two looping stataments wit its example. +b) Explain the switch statoment with syntax and example, ©) Wie a program to reverse a givon number and check for painctom. 5 @) Explain diferent forms ot statement with sutable examples, ») Explain break and continue with sukable example code, ©) Write a program to input numbers into an array and dtsplay them in descending order. . UNIT — i 6. a) List and explain any four string functions with syntaxss and examples, ) Explain any two categories of user defined functions ©) What is Recursion 2 Wite a program to find the factorial of a number vig recursion, 7, a) Explain the following in C with sultable examples, ’) Registor variables ‘) Local variables 'b) What isa tunction ? Write the general form of User-cetined function. Guo example. ©) Slate the purposes of gets(, getchar() and puts() with syntax and example € 8019p SN 30 Aupeioeds eu 51 SUM : ‘80dKi om awiEN ¢ Bojnep aBeI0%S rapUoNDE s FEIN teepes) bepricoee ‘s “S1BjuNd edun-LoU pue pedua srENUBIEYIG ( aad fit ‘SueIndUs0O uoHBIOUAS UNO; Jo sonSLEIDEMYD Oy) a1e YUNA { : Opuyd) pue Qruud ( (oz=2x0) Mopeorumaui0d ws jue yodu rio Moh Guymenioy ta uosmjog ysinbunaic ( “eumonaS Ut spjay yg Jo BBSN oL_ UEKI (Q y-1uve seiiiedg Sete en noon sosssocidaws jo sodks om) Aue uIerdxa 2 songoanp sossaooidoad aie eyM (© 3 uo Aue PUR y — Led WOy suo_seNd ua} Aue 2omMSUY : e1ON (e+prs) ‘SIdUIEXS tay oy BStquoKo Jo Sopow uaIoyp ip UNEKCS fo 08: wey oeHy sion g # “IdUeXs yy uo;sseucke eRgod ure (¢ Seumaning paISON (a ADOTONHOAL NOMVANOANI JO STVLNAWYaNNS ‘( ‘samonas jo Aeury (e (sauovee tty of doug) al = Bupaoyoy ou € S108 sequeseqpequsnoy ‘uogeujwoxy pureidg (ey 2ei620 “YO soIseWlas Is44 paseg Ypsig AI— LINN $03 OvovoR SIMEON LoL ovovoa aaa Ceo on Bots @CACAC 107 2. 4) Explain any five characteristice of eamputers in dtl, ) White @ note on evalution of computers. ©} Werte spplications of computers in education and banking field. {8+749) 5. a) Explain hard disk and compact disk. ) Write a note on Barcode reader and joystick. ©} How does laser printer work ? Explain 6. a) Explain any five symbols used in a flowchart. ) Uist and explain any two types of system software. ©) Explain diferent types of language tansiators. 7. @} Expiain the Program Development Life Cycle with diagrarn. ) Explain the basic internet terms. (8065) UNIT—IV 8. 8) With the help of aneat diagram explain vevious components m the user iterface ‘of MS Oftics ond 2003. ‘Explain the cimaponents of Power Point Window. (1048) % @) Explain any five fitrary functions of M-Excel, ‘of cteating tables in MS-Word 2003. 7 How can query be created using query ‘ Gedv8) Reg. No. [ TEE) BCACAC 108 ‘Credit Based | Semester 8.0.4. Degree Examination, Nov/Dec. 2015 (Common to Ail Batches) COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Tine: 8 Hours ‘Max. Marks 80 ‘Note: Answer any tan questions from Pact — A and one full question from each Unit of Part B. PART-A a) Find the 1's and2's complements ofthe binary number 1010101, 5) Deine byte and nibble, ©) Wite Excess- and binary equivalent of (45). 9) Draw venn dlagratn for xy + x2, (2x10320) 'h) What s combinatianat iogic citcuit ? Draw the block diagram, |) Whats magnitude comparator ? |) What is multiplexer ? Why is it called data selector ? 'k) Whats fp flop 7 Write charactoristic tahle of D-Aipiop. 4) Dotine characteristic table and excitation table, “eiges nna aig enum 6! pur BEG aisEG IY 2K +2/x+2AX = J UOROUN, YeejODE wowed (a 1 eld pena Sep oa nop ue (St "Piel “Zt “tt ON + (@'2 y8'0)Z =a" a Vid ezuNY (eG “ZRF AREA WS ‘Uorssaxcixe LeAI6 103 wusopreus jo jonpoud puw uUeRIUL Yo WINS eu SpANA (9 “se6. CNN ‘po Suen 98 + (G0 + alv= (0 ‘O's ‘y)4 uonoun eeroOg oun ewer (ey ‘uojenbs aysuoqoerey9 het 1089'S 721 OX #i0'0'a Vis Due aigel SsueIeZeyo ay aM “doudiy ir 19 BuByom ow uiBIdx3 (0 ‘s) ‘woyeseidre Bumnouos on Auckurs ‘dewey Suey (© 'y ~vawwnoo aiddu yep Bubisag (q (s*9¢g)-ojdurexo ve Suen uonenbe ews ue Weston errs ‘ejaei aps uRideg (6 “6 fen “doudy Sy P9400; jo Bupiom aun urEiag (0 ~S@P09 WORDBYEP JOLIE LO SHOU e AMUN (9 “dowdy 4p Buisn sowunod ne-e ubjs8q (q *av10n)-"e001) {etsts) uresBeyp yeu ® UWA UreYSxg ¢ JoreBes yrus BEY (e 2 *SPoMeUruaWie;duuco $.2 puB s,. BuIEN uoRDeGNs GukKOHO) UNO} (9 Aman y ) = usgi8) °X)= wage) orsianuce Buamonoy ota usoyrags (© -¢ -SomqeeA OM 20} sui0;0918 ,ueBioWEg exoid puE sig (9 “axidynw x7 jo Buppom aug wimg (0 ‘vopoep 8 x ¢ 40 Buppom oxy ured (q (gto+s) “wrestle 9/601 @y Yen Joppe yey jo Gunyom exp uraicng (e 9) i-wun ‘osze-z008 "owt Tuawiercuioo 3.0; pur 3.g Bursn YoRoengne BunwoHOs ou8 UMOLIOG (a miovovoa e ‘MAE Reg. No, BCACAC 109 Credit Based First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November/December 2015 29 Hours Max. Marks : 60 ‘Note: Answer any 10 questions from Part A and any one full ‘question trom each Unit of Part B. PART-A (2x10220) "1. @) What's type conversion ? Name the two types of conversion, ) Wrte the equivalent while locp for the given for loop fonli=13)<= 53 hes) printed", Jo1), ©) Dilferentiate between variabia and symbolic name, What isthe use of break andl continue statement when Used within the looping ‘slatornents ? ©) White the°C” expression for the folowing D2e8a says a i) z=a9 +684 400 1) Whats entry controied toop 2 Give example, {9} What do you mean by scope and thetime ot variables 7 4) Distinguish between fscanft) and scinig functions. i) Wote @ note on built in functions used to find the length of a sting. |B Whatis the difference berwoon getet) and getchar() function ? | 0 Name the 2 modes of opening ale | What is structure data type in G ? Mention one major ditference between ‘Staucture ad Unions. Pro, PART ~8, unt 2 a) What are.coristanle? How are they claasitiod!? Give uxamplestoceach 2) Wire @ ne onthe olawing operatortvpe with an example 0 binary 4) sizooi) Depube the various tundamentale data types in'C 4) putehatd and pent) functions 1) and Se specications, UNIT 5. a) Explain swich stslomont wth syntax and example. +) Difereniatswiieand do.. while bops inc 6) Explan temary operator wih syntar and example. uNT=t0 am aon and ste varaips wih examples, i any furchatacteturcton mat examples. pla iy value anc cally retsronce with suave examples ©) Exrlain how stipgs.are dalaroandinidatzed, OND ¢ SeITPYeR Je1u/ON @zyeMIUI DUR are}Jep NOK op MoH J seAUIOd w SYeUNA (0 “oinionas Jo shee pue amonys paysau ure (q ‘eIduvex Yk YORL}SP PIO 1 JO uo} fe10UeE orn ENED 2 prow UG e SITE (© | ‘ve siequioll pue SeIqeen ainjonite Moy ueKdxe aiduiexe pire xewke my) (0 ‘Seldurexe oigeuns yim sennoesp sossaooidand omy Aue wrecxg fe ‘PazEIUL PUR RazE;DeD ai SBUNIS Moy Ud (9 orurexe oasis ta eousujes Ka yeo pus anjeA Aa eo Ueda (a ‘Soidexa ui avonoun)se}aeveua ano} Aue UKE (© 1 ‘seidurere uy serqeuen ones Ue on ewoME UTE (> “SuoHRUN| pauisD-.25n jo Saucon omy fue ueRICg («4 oid ue 9”) -UOROUN; 7 LH} ALAE aNYA L UOROUN| BS) 1EUIA (© -@ f—1INO ‘diwexo Due eUAS UM JOReiodo KieUier LIm;E {9 ’ 2.4 800 Ss op pur ail menLaIguG (4 “odiUexe nue xeIUs yin wowerts eS URE (eG “Sidwexa wim wowares 1 jo suao) uOLayID ey uIEIOXg (o Jardulexaue en ¢ au audio ye fesse jevoauowp © e2veuUy ue BieR09P NOK op Moy { Keuve euoRNEUND ouO E 5 IEYM, (G “BAICLUIEX® ojqeuns un scco}10 BunsaU Lo mou w omy) (© “> n= iN, “SuoMeoyoEds-se% pure jo, (1) ‘svogouny (nud pur (jreyoind () usamaqusmbuisig (2 “seid /oreiedo anew jo eouspepeid pve Yossaidse yo uonEnens uci (q ‘orduwexe yan uonauny (yuPos au ued (ee 0, 4) sedA] BIE SteewiepUny snOUeA oN! BeneaG (9 Dyson Gr ‘pug (1 + sfdusexe UE Uw od so1z48d0 Buoyo) Bur UG Si0U w OMA (a “1oP810) saidwexo ono 4 pewese> Aayl ale MoH é swwelsuOD ave IRINA (© @ 4 uNn a-Lava ‘mn * 601 0¥v9¥08 feono [TITTY] RMON BCACAC 107 Credit Based First Semester B.C.A, Degree Examination, Oct/Nov. 2016 (Common to All Batches) FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY “me 3 Hous ‘Max. Marks : 80 ‘Note: Answer any ten questions from Pait ~ A and any one full ‘question frameach Unit in Pant —B, PART~A (10x2=20) 1. a} List eny four characteristics of second generation computers ) te RAM from ROM, 9) What are the advantages of transistors over vacuum tubes ? 4} What are the twometnods of accessing data from sacondetry storage devices? e) Expand OCR and MICR. 4) What is a memory stick ? |) What are the use of header anl footers in word processing ? ) ite a note on “Query'with reanect to database 1) Whats word weap ? PART-B UNIT=1 (G+545) ©) Write a note on super computer and Laptop computer. Pro, BEACAC 107 aN UNIT nole on barcode reader and Joystick. Ge 5, a) an impact printer ? Explain any two types of impect printer. (Ge5i ) Exolain the working of mouse. uN in 8. a} Explain Bve characteristics of a good program, i Whatis an operating systern ? Explen three uncons atthe operating system. 6) Explain the two service providers by the internet. 7. 8} Explain the differant types of language translators, 51545) ») Explain the stops needed to develop a decision table. ©) Explain the five syrnbols used in flowchart. uvirtiy 8. a) Explain the five features of Microsoft Office Word 2007. (64545) ) Ustthe data types usedin MS Access along with their description. 1) Explain spreacshsetinterface, 9. @) Explain the features of Powor Point 1585) ») Briefly explain five mathematical function in workshest with example, ©) Explain any two methods of creating tables in MS-Word. ) “yaxejduinus +. 9 Sunuom aur uieidxa, (0 “seUONUOD ePOS E-sSa0Ky 1 ADE Ubjseq (q “Buppom si ulerdheg 2 Joppe-nry e siieuM (eo. own, ) “786 fessoNUN & Si HON TUN Andie ( wo seus Joronpaud pue wie} Jo wns Se OW +9= (0 "8 “Wd YOHOUN, ow ssexb (Q ZATAX + AX = 4 UOROUNY UBRI0Og 84 205 yoyo 980; puB aIgerANA oY OMIA fe °S rea) “ope ysvenun 881 GNYNT@A Onor, (0 “(+9 0+ a+) (a+¥)-z4 ZAK+.ZAK 73 HO swweuieidoo ey) puis (q (rel 215 8'9'S ‘ZL OZ 9 (P'9-q Is ‘vorssaxdxa payee aun 40) #no}9 oFBOy etn ME2p pul UOWSsescXe SUMO) aun Ayidwts dew-y Burs (2 py u-nen ) “Baga6ie uesioog io sejeinisod inoy Ave eras (9 HG) = 8a) = He) = agra vanuo Buymoyos eu woped (q “OLOLL Oto! tr LOL LOLOL FSPOYJeW WaWE!GUWI0S 8 Z PUB s,, BuIsN YORDeAGNS Buymayo| OW WoPed (© -¢ tpvo+a) “sejgeueA om Jo; sweIDeY S,ueBIOVIEG shold pue are. (0 ON) = (2) = 22) = 8Harwog) : uorssenuoD Buono; Buy ttoped (q eroe-o1es) (n — Mogze~sane) (1 ~ SpoLAaUs WrOwEyEhuoD €.O} PUR s\6 BursN suORORAGNS Bumojo} ou uUo}ed (eZ i nun a Luvs SPENCE LE ce 801 OvovoR ore ‘weiGeD ees (0 ‘sae aias ( sewed Lseaicnynus st ¥eUNN (4 Leeppwaga sien ‘yrsiBax ug yo wsBep yoorg eu ona ¢ Jo;siGaH e st OUM. fh “9k WIN su OWA 2 OWDENGNEE YEU e St TEN My ’ ‘don dia we Jo eae UoneuaK® owns LAX * 4x JO 18 Bur AINA 2 MileDp jo Bidiound sHBUNA zh fx 30} we iBp UuoA oun awuNA (@ “x= Ace x ieut anole “0108. HON 0 foaufs udes® pu¥ uoRun) gesaebe Sip orm (9, “01401 Jowewertuos sz pub s,: on pULs (a (oe=ex01) Haze) 19 spo0 g-ss00xg pue agg etn aM (© void “a Peg 1 wun] Yowe wy voysenb {ny 2u0 uw pute y — yc Woy SuoRSEND tay AUB emsuy : ON 08 Suey) xen) ino seu NOLLWSINYOUO HainaNoD (saunieg te 04 uoun0D) 910% sequuenonyi990190 ‘uoneUjWEXy (Sei9q -y'0'g JeIsoUIeS IS14 Poseg YROLD, 801 9vovoE CUT ET TT). ey sey ‘A a oe BCACAC 108 7a) Explain the working of BCD adder with block diagram, by) ‘What is Magnitude Comparator ? Design a 1-bit Magnitude Comparator. ©) Beplain the worleng of x8 Decoder. (or445) ‘Unit iv 8. a) Explain the working of basic RS flip-Rop using NOR gate. ©). Design 3 it binary counter using Jk fp flop. ¢) What is a shitt fegister ? Expiain with a neat diagram. (54545) 9 a) Explain the working of basic JK flip-top. ') Design a mod & counter using T tip-top. 51555) ’ é rose. COTE TEEN SER TEA BCACAC 109 Credit Based First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, Oct/Nov. 2016 Time -3 Hours: (Common to All Batches) PROGRAMMING IN C ax. Marks - 86 ‘Note: Answer any ten questions thom Pat — A ancl answer one full question from each Unit of Part - 8. PART A, (102220) 4. a) What ate commants ? How fo write comments in © ? Array ? Wma Cstalemontodectare an integs: ray atsizn 100. cto todo the folowing 7 How to declare a pointer variable in ©? file access modes with their purpose, frye) “9, 01 S1ewwod uo 210U'B awUAK (9. ‘axduiexe ejgeuNs yjas Seingonas paisou urea (a “suognigagns oioew yo suo} wasoyp saidurexo yin urea (eG treats) ‘SnNDeuip LoISN/ou) ery {y soxerade jo ozs (1 +: Soiduraxo ym Bumoyo} exp une (9 foe, at ‘SuOROUNY paroles e1y BuYAo}Oy URI (q. ‘oKGvEXD pul KEIUAS Lan LORKUEP einjonAS UNIdra Z emIanns slIeuM (ee Amen (grate) giclee ayes Yiln oNoUN, ¥ O} shee Burssed UIE (9 “9 Ui suoRoUTy peuyap-sa5n Jo sovoBerES OM Aue ured (a ¢ SBuuis ndui pur sBuis expen oUe xe oI MOH Z GUNS SIEM (EL sot ovovad # ETN (Gser19)_“iduiexe ages yim souatase: hq eo pu anyon Aq yea umd (0 “ajduuexa pue cAUAS yyA UORUYEP UORDE} UIE; (q “yoke sajdurexe uum suonouny Buypuey Buyis aay Aue ureldxe Ue Isr] (eg = xun, ‘oidueXe YD UaLaLES QOS (yy “odo Ym juawerES year {| sured (9 “exdurex@ Pye xeqLAS yumm doo 40) ureydea (9 “ejduexe oyqenns pure xe\uAs qu seppe|u esta uieidxa (e °s igs) ‘ojdurexo pue xeyuks tm juaWOIRYS ona op UNDIEbes (9 “Aeue jeuosueunp auo Gurzyenin pue Buubj2ep jo spain oy umes (q “oyduexe pure xEIUAS ym LEUIOIDIS LOMNS LIEK (Cy Women (sty) wewareys indine peweuuoy Guisn suequinu eos pue sBuins Guguud UeRxy (0 - pidurexs pue xe Ks wm Sugnono) aug. uIeId (a. 90 sedhyerep emowepunjeup URI (ee fars#e) “Ui Suoyesodo onounaure yo Aunneioosse oule eouepdoeid ures (0 ‘O.uLarTenene siojtodo euoHeya) pue oUnsEisse juesO)Np UyEicxo pues (a wresBdid 9 10 soumdd, ou uRNg (ez tan, Soave CHESTER =

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