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Shell Global Solutions

ISSUE 1, 2013

Making the most of human capital

How IndianOil maintains its

competitiveness in a challenging climate

Zeeland refinery: Innovative catalysts

keep it on target

Looking into a crystal ball – Does Shell’s

forward thinking guide the future?

Produced by Marketing
and solutions
Mergyla van Uytrecht
Tel: +31 70 447 8007

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In this issue

3 comment 8 focusing on the world’s 13 model hydrocracker

Ed Daniels looks at the skills big challenges performance
shortage in the oil and gas industry The crucial and continuing role of An innovative catalyst and kinetic
chemical engineers modelling help Zeeland refinery
Business stay on target
OF INSIGHT 10 THINKING AT THE MARGINS 16 technical collaboration
Lessons from neuroscience for the The challenges facing IndianOil is the key
way technical consultants interact and the project portfolio designed Upgrading heavy-oil and bitumen-
with customers to maintain its competitiveness derived feeds

6 Sowing the seeds of 12 Responding to demand 18 integrated thinking

strategic success for base oils in Asia Multimillion-dollar capital cost
Shell scenarios: four decades of A Shell and Hyundai Oilbank joint- reductions achieved at natural gas
forward thinking venture base-oil manufacturing plant plant through intelligent design
to significantly boost lubricant supply

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2 impact issue 1, 2013


Ed Daniels
Executive Vice President
Shell projects & technology

Oil and gas companies have to find new

ways to attract people into the industry.

One of the biggest impediments to growth facing our industry is not access to capital,
legislation or socio-economic stability, but a lack of qualified people.
The human capital shortage has steadfastly risen up the oil and gas industry’s agenda in recent
years, and data from the Economist Intelligence Unit confirms how acute the issue has become.1
In its 2011 global survey of senior executives in the oil and gas industry, skills issues came fifth
on the list of barriers to growth. By 2012, the same issue had risen to second and the early
indications are that it will remain one of the top barriers of 2013.
And this issue is not going to go away soon because experienced professionals are retiring
faster than appropriately qualified graduates are joining the industry.
Moreover, the oil and gas sector is particularly vulnerable because the energy challenges that
it faces are unprecedented. It must find ways to meet rising energy demand, open up new
energy frontiers and make the most of existing resources. And it must do so in environmentally
considerate ways. Shell, for instance, currently has about 30 projects under construction
worldwide that are part of a four-year capital spending programme of $120–130 billion. Such
projects call for skilled, creative and dynamic professionals to make them fly.
So what can we do to overcome these skill shortages? First, oil and gas companies have to find
new ways to attract people into the industry. Research by PwC is pertinent here, as it provides some
key insights into what makes an organisation an attractive employer.2 Apparently, it is not primarily
about remuneration; people place greater emphasis on opportunities to grow and to develop. On
this basis, it might be an interesting exercise to evaluate your value proposition for new employees.
How can you become more attractive to the working population than other organisations?
Furthermore, we also need to put measures in place to keep the people we have worked
so hard to employ. Schlumberger Business Consultancy has found that our industry’s people
deficit is concentrated in the mid-career population.3 We cannot solve this problem if we lose
people just as they have accumulated vitally important skills and experience. Well-designed
competency and development frameworks may, therefore, encourage people to stay rather than
to look for opportunities elsewhere – or to leave the industry altogether.
I strongly believe that people development is key to the ongoing success of our industry. What is
References more, I have seen it at first hand. I have worked for Shell for almost 25 years, and it is clear to
“Big Spenders: the outlook for the oil and gas
me that businesses that focus on engaging, connecting and valuing their people achieve better

industry in 2012”, Economist Intelligence Unit

”Managing tomorrow’s people: The future of
2 business results.
work to 2020”, PwC, 2007
Now that our industry’s long-standing skills gap is getting oil companies’ full attention, I hope
”SBC O&G HR Benchmark 2011”,
Schlumberger, 2012 that, together, we will find new ways to attract, retain and develop highly talented people. 3


Neuroscience is helping to enhance the effectiveness of executive coaching. Can it also provide
lessons for the way in which technical consultants interact with refiners? Sally Martin, Vice
President of Commercial Services, Shell Global Solutions, talks to Impact about her thoughts.

ecent advances in neuroscience have doing in the coaching arena is asking Additionally, other research suggests that
illuminated what occurs in the human how we can most effectively help our talent develops from choosing what you
brain as business professionals sort, clients to create their own moments of want to be good at and then repeatedly
prioritise and act on large quantities of insight,” says Porter. practicing it.3 “A key way in which the
information; respond to challenges; and brain changes is through repetition, and
Executive coaching is typically a one-
develop strategies in pressurised situations. positive feedback from others can help
to-one partnership between the coach
Increasingly, executives are leveraging this to sustain deliberate good practice and
and the client. It is very much driven by
science to perform better in their roles.1 improvements. So we are building on
a client’s needs and is often targeted
For instance, Sheena Porter, Director and these principles and creating situations that
to overcome the specific barriers and
Executive Coach of the Oxford Group,2 are designed to help enhance and embed
challenges the client is encountering.
acknowledges that much of the executive our coachees’ learning,” she adds.
coaching that her company delivers is Porter describes one way in which
Sally Martin, Vice President of Commercial
informed by neuroscience. “We do not neuroscience has shaped the way she
Services, Shell Global Solutions, says
claim to be experts in neuroscience: we delivers her coaching. “Research has shown there are compelling parallels between
are business coaches. But because we are that the mental act of focusing attention the one-to-one coaching that an individual
interested in getting the best possible results stabilises the brain circuits,” she explains. executive might receive and the technical
for our clients, some of the recent key “It keeps the brain circuitry open and alive, consultancy that Shell Global Solutions
findings affect what we do,” she says. and creates a good foundation for new delivers. “The advantage of someone
circuitry to develop. The act of focusing coming in from the outside, whether they
“Over the last few years, technologies
such as magnetic resonance imaging creates a chemical change in the brain are a coach or a consultant, is that they
have been able to show us what goes on and a physical one by building foundations see things differently to someone who is
in the brain. We can actually see bursts for new connections or reinforcing and actually in the situation.”
of brain activity just before a moment strengthening existing ones.”
She continues, “When we engage with
of insight – all the lights come on. This Porter’s coaches use a variety of means a refinery management team as they
is when the physical connections, or to create focus, in particular, by helping evaluate their options for, for example,
synapses, are created that enhance our coachees to create personalised scorecards processing a wider range of crude oils
mental processes. So what we have been with clearly defined priority areas. or enhancing their yield of high-value

4 impact issue 1, 2013

Unlocking a better understanding of what is
really happening within that business is the first

step to making it more effective.

products, the information we have about executive coaching and the work that we Shell Global Solutions could have
how other refiners have successfully do with our customers.” responded to this request. However, by
responded to similar challenges provides Porter’s objective is to embed learning asking the right questions and assessing
us with a knowledge base of best effectively in a one-to-one situation, and the refiner’s emphasis, Shell Global
practices that the management team might she is always looking out for new ways Solutions identified that capital was a
not have.” in which she can help coachees to major issue. Moreover, further probing
develop new connections in the brain. revealed that the management team was
Martin, in fact, has a special perspective
Martin’s objective is actually very similar. open to unconventional solutions.
on this, as she has been a recipient of
executive coaching and is a manager She is searching for ways to improve As a result, a combined team of the client’s
who coaches her team and a keen the learning that happens when Shell senior personnel and staff from Shell
proponent of talent development. Global Solutions engages with a refinery Global Solutions devised an innovative
management team. solution: an integrated reactor section that
“When I was receiving executive coaching
The neuroscience hypotheses that Porter would squeeze down the capital cost.
with the Oxford Group, the coach did
talks about can, to a certain extent, be The hydrodesulphurisation reactor and the
not get mired down with the intricate and
scaled up to the enterprise level, Martin hydrocracking reactor were combined with
complex details of the challenges that I a common separation, compression and
was grappling with,” she recalls. “Instead, believes. Neuroscience is revealing how
the brain works, which, in turn, is helping fractionation section. Because the customer
she asked very shrewd, objective questions only needed one unit instead of two, the
and, in doing so, helped me to realise individuals to understand themselves
better and to realise what they need to capital cost was significantly lower.
what I needed to do differently to become
do to change their behaviour or their Martin reflects that, in the same way that
more effective. She did not tell me what I
approach. Similarly, when Shell Global it is difficult to see what is happening
needed to do; she helped me to create my
Solutions works with refiners, its subject inside the brain, it can also be difficult
own moments of insight.
matter experts and consultants also seek for a third party to truly understand the
“That is similar to what we do at Shell a deeper level of understanding about refiner’s business situation, pressures
Global Solutions during the scouting and the refinery: how it is performing, what its and objectives. Nevertheless, this is
front-end-development phases of a refinery long-term objectives are, how the external crucial for the relationship to deliver
project,” she continues. “We will work environment is shaping its decisions and value. “Experience shows that when
with the refinery management team to performance, etc. Shell Global Solutions can achieve a
identify and clarify the challenge. We deeper understanding of what is going
“Sometimes a refinery management team
believe that it is crucial that we do this on within the refinery from the point of
knows that it could perform better, but
before beginning to develop technical view of performance and also its aims
does not know exactly how to achieve
solutions. This often leads to ‘light-bulb’ and objectives, this can be as useful to
it,” says Martin. “Unlocking a better
moments whereby a refinery leadership the project as neuroscience can be to an
understanding of what is really happening
team recognises the steps that they can within that business is the first step to executive coach,” Martin concludes.
take to achieve their business objectives making it more effective.” References
more effectively. 1
“SCARF: a brain-based model for collaborating with and
For instance, Shell Global Solutions influencing others”, Rock, D., 2008 (
“We cannot make decisions for our recently engaged with a European files/scarf-neuroleadershiparticle.pdf)

customers, but what we can do is


refiner that was planning to build a mild 3

The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert
shine a light on the things that could be hydrocracker complex to process a mix performance, K. A. Ericsson, N. Charness, R. R. Hoffman and
considered,” she affirms. “My coach led of medium and heavy vacuum gas oil,
P. J. Feltovich (eds), Cambridge University Press (2006)

me towards insights that I just did not see and also to hydrotreat the gas oil from a
because I was so deep in the situation crude distiller. Like many other facilities, For more information contact:
that I lost perspective and objectivity. the refiner planned to achieve this through Sally Martin
So, there are clear parallels between two separate standard designs. 5

Sowing the seeds of

strategic success
Four decades of forward thinking

he future matters. It is hardly more sensitive to uncertainties. The goal In October 1973, the Yom Kippur War
surprising, therefore, that of the scenarios is not to predict the future broke out and the West’s support for
individuals and organisations but to enable policymakers to make well- Israel angered oil-rich Arab states and
spend time contemplating what future informed and better decisions involving triggered an oil embargo. Fuel shortages
events or opportunities will be most the future as a result of having a deeper sparked a global recession and a
significant in shaping the decades grasp of key drivers and uncertainties.” massive stock market crash. The world
ahead. Shell has been using scenario was shocked and the global economy
planning as one technique for trying to The initial steps towards the scenario reeled. But Shell’s decision makers had
make sense of the road ahead for the planning approach were taken in mentally prepared the business for the
past 40 years. During that period, this Shell in the 1960s when a team of worst, having already imagined it. The
discipline has helped the organisation economists, engineers and scientists energy crisis scenario helped Shell
to make better strategic choices. started work on the first scenarios. to weather the storm favourably and
So, is Shell in the business of predicting They looked at how the future might brought financial gains, thanks to the
the future? Not quite, as Jeremy unfold and the impact this could have sale of refineries and installations, or
Bentham, Vice President, Global Business on the organisation. Their first report, decisions not to replace them.
Environment, Royal Dutch Shell plc, issued in 1972, detailed six scenarios, “Shell scenarios work because they
explains, “Scenarios provide lenses that one of which looked at the possibility are neither rigid predictions nor wishful
help us to see future prospects more and consequences of an energy crisis, fantasies,” Bentham says. “They are a
clearly, make richer judgments and be something unheard of at the time. way of understanding how the world

6 impact issue 1, 2013

Four decades on from that first energy crisis
breakthrough, a new generation of scenario
planners is looking to the future and identifying

new uncertainties, challenges and opportunities.

looks, what forces are at work and how who states, “Scenarios help us to make fall of the Iron Curtain and the war in
we can deal with them. The trick is to think crucial choices in uncertain times as Iraq. The scenarios have also helped the
in terms of trend breaks. You have to think: we grapple with tough energy and wider world to investigate the evolution
what radical changes could there be? environmental issues.” of alternative energy resources such as
That is also the most difficult part; it is not The role of the scenario process in biofuels, shale gas and renewable energy
something people feel comfortable with.” informing business development is an resources, including wind and solar power.
Success during the 1973 oil crisis inexact science but the fingerprints of The future of scenario planning is bright
raised the profile of scenario planning the team and their work can be seen and the demand for future insights is
within Shell and made it an established on numerous decisions. In 2005, the greater than ever. As Bentham explains,
tool for identifying and thinking around scenarios raised the probability of an “Four decades on from that first energy
subsequent global shifts. Scenarios helped alarming gap between global energy crisis breakthrough, a new generation
the organisation to anticipate, adapt and demand and global supplies. For Shell, of scenario planners is looking to the
respond to another oil shock in 1979 and this reinforced the significance of natural future and identifying new uncertainties,
to the decline and eventual collapse of the gas in the company’s energy mix. Later, challenges and opportunities. Like
Soviet Union in the 1980s. In the 1990s, the scenarios highlighted circumstances their predecessors, they are working
growing social and environmental stresses that made sustainable biofuels look to ensure that Shell is not surprised by
were highlighted that helped Shell to like an attractive business opportunity. events as the future unfolds. Their regular
develop a constructive, proactive attitude Consequently, in 2011, Shell responded engagement with leading decision makers
to the threat of climate change. by moving into the production of low- enables business leaders to review vital
carbon bioethanol from Brazilian sugar intelligence and gain insights that will
“For anyone interested in anticipating future
cane and secured commercial benefit help the organisation to survive and thrive,
trends and coping with the sudden changes
from this development. whatever the future may bring.”
that arise,” continues Bentham, “there are
two sides to scenario planning: painting Shell’s “Signals & Signposts scenarios”, The “New Lens Scenarios”, the latest
pictures of the future and imagining our which were published in 2011, predicted report (
reactions to them. Having the capability an era of “volatile transitions” and identified energy/scenarios.html) from the scenario
for looking at trends and predicting events one of the key factors as heightened political planning team, will be reviewed in a
is important, but perhaps the most vital tension in certain parts of world. In early forthcoming issue of Impact.
aspect of Shell scenarios is the analytical 2011, these tensions found expression in the
power that goes into developing effective Arab Spring, when popular revolts toppled
strategies for each contingency. The ability rulers in Egypt and Tunisia, and paved the
to do this in an informed and rigorous way way for political reform and further conflict
is what sets Shell scenarios apart from most that continues today. The scenarios did not
futurologist predictions.” predict the timings of the uprisings, but they
The process of developing scenarios highlighted the conditions that would make
encourages Shell’s leaders to think about them more likely and would fuel resentment:
the possible wider and longer-reaching young populations with huge aspirations
implications of unfolding trends and and low employment opportunities;
potential discontinuities, of which there economic volatility; rising prices for essential
may only be faint signals today. They can goods; and increasing unemployment.
help to deliver better long-term prospects Shell has shared some of its far-reaching
for Shell, the industry and society. Their scenario views with the wider world since For more information contact:
value is underlined by Peter Voser, Chief the 1990s and examined the impact of Mergyla van Uytrecht
Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell plc, momentous developments such as the 7

focusing on the world’s

big challenges
A crucial and continuing role for chemical engineers

here is a consensus among political published in November 2012. In this Daniels explains: “The vistas show solutions
and business leaders that the coming article, Ed Daniels, IChemE Technical Vice that are available now, in the near term or
decades will present a range of President and Executive Vice President on the horizon. These summary diagrams
global social and economic challenges Shell Projects & Technology, talks to are likely to be the subject of animated
that will be both complex and difficult to Impact about the rationale for the report, discussion: they are open to constant
overcome. These challenges will affect its intended readership and how it may revision. Indeed, IChemE recognises that
all the countries in the world and will help to focus discussions on the role of step changes may occur and that each
have implications for almost every aspect chemical engineering. vista could alter dramatically. The rich
of our lives, from food and water to variety of solutions that can be suggested is
energy use and health. The driving forces The report focuses on i) securing sustainable
a compelling illustration of the possibilities
behind these challenges are continuing energy supplies; ii) food and nutrition; iii)
offered by chemical engineering.”
population growth, the emergence of access to clean water; and iv) health and
affluent middle classes in the developing wellbeing: areas where chemical engineers
Planning and innovating
nations and increasing urbanisation. can make a positive impact. At the heart for the long term
of the report, lie four “vistas”: graphics that Taking energy as an example, current
The Institution of Chemical Engineers
capture the current status in these areas. trends in population growth and
(IChemE, has identified
these issues in a report, “Chemical The aim is to offer a snapshot of the urbanisation suggest that, by 2050, the
Engineering Matters”, which was current situation and to provoke debate, as world will need twice the energy it does

8 impact issue 1, 2013

The future may be challenging and unclear, but
it seems certain that chemical engineering will be
central to the delivery of sustainable energy, water,

food and wellbeing in all parts of the world.

today. At the moment, no one can say policymakers to ensure that the decisions way to policymakers, politicians, non-
exactly where this energy will come from, that affect funding and regulation are governmental organisations and the
but the solution will call for innovation evidence based. It also highlights the general public,” Daniels affirms. “We all
across energy sources, energy use and need for increased public engagement have a role to play in understanding and
the conservation of energy. to overcome the negative and often addressing the issues the report highlights.
Thinking and planning three or four inaccurate public perception of chemistry, Given the scale of the challenges facing
decades ahead can be difficult, Daniels chemicals and chemical engineering. humanity, doing nothing is not an option.”
says. “The challenges we face are long-
Explaining the issues Pivotal in managing risk
term issues. Experience at Shell shows that
One of the key issues that IChemE faces In addition to setting out the four key vistas,
to take a new energy technology from
is determining how the messages from the report describes IChemE’s current
development through commercialisation to
the report and the thoughts of chemical thinking in three fundamental underpinning
the point where it makes a 1% contribution
engineers can best be communicated to areas: safety and risk; education and
to a nation’s energy system requires about
non-technical audiences. training; and research and development.
30 years. This is clearly a much longer
time frame than most national political “This will require effective science The first of these, safety and risk, is of
cycles, so we at IChemE hope that, by communication,” Daniels says. “Our aim particular interest in the current economic
raising awareness, we will encourage a at IChemE, and the responsibility of all climate where organisations are under
more long-term and strategic view. This will professional chemical engineers, is to great pressure to trim costs and squeeze
help governments to formulate plans that deliver concise, accurate information that their assets.
deliver effective solutions more quickly.” non-specialists can understand, discuss and
“Chemical engineering plays a vital role in
act on. We have to find the middle ground
The issues that the report highlights are helping to ensure the safety and integrity of
between the snappy and sometimes
complex. Addressing the potential energy engineering assets,” Daniels says. Industrial
misleading sound bites in a 30-second
shortfall, for example, will require technical accidents in the process industries have
television interview and the grind of a
solutions that work in the highly variable the potential to be severe and to cause
lecture that starts from first principles and
and sometimes extreme conditions in which extensive damage to material assets and
often confuses its non-technical audience.
energy resources are found and developed. possibly injury or loss of life.
Furthermore, there are substantial economic “Most people do not have time to focus “Over recent years, some organisations
challenges and imperfections in the current on these big problems. So, we have to have concentrated their safety efforts on
global energy market, not least that there tailor information to specific audiences; personal safety and minimising the risk
is, as yet, no global price set for carbon provide the necessary information using of personal injury. This is undoubtedly
dioxide trading. This makes it difficult to language that is easily understood; and important, but there must be an equally
manage international carbon trades and then encourage non-specialists in the strong focus on process safety. Process
the targets for emissions. political sphere and the general public safety is fundamental to operations
Daniels stresses that chemical engineers to reflect and make decisions that are as involving high-temperature and high-
must understand the non-technical aspects well informed as possible,” Daniels says. pressure systems, so in this sphere, the
of the challenges. “Many of these issues The future may be challenging and role of the chemical engineer is also
are politically charged. Each government unclear, but it seems certain that chemical vital,” Daniels concludes.
has its own policies and energy resource engineering will be central to the delivery
agenda. The differences are not trivial; of sustainable energy, water, food and
conflicts have been started over disputed wellbeing in all parts of the world.
resource ownership or disagreements on “Chemical Engineering Matters” is aimed
the use of a resource.” at addressing the challenges faced by
Although political decisions will be crucial chemical engineers and focuses on the
to meeting the challenges that have been themes and issues that are of highest
identified, the IChemE remains politically priority and greatest relevance to society.
For more information contact:
neutral. However, the report cites the “We hope the report will inform chemical Nicki Welding
need for greater engagement with engineers but also that it will find its 9


A senior executive from Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IndianOil) talked to Impact about the
challenges facing his business and the project portfolio designed to maintain its competitiveness

ike many other refiners worldwide,
India’s national oil company, IndianOil,
was severely affected by the global
economic downturn. Its competitive
landscape remains extremely challenging.
The principal challenge now is the squeeze
on gross refining margins; these are under
enormous stress because crude prices are
on an upward trend but crack spreads (the
differential between the crude oil price
and the price of the petroleum products
extracted from it) are not.
Moreover, margins are not the only
challenge. The momentum in dieselisation
has meant that IndianOil refineries have
had to find ways to increase the amount of
crude that they can convert into diesel. In
addition, India’s product specifications are
becoming more stringent (specifications
equivalent to Euro IV are being rolled
out in 50 cities by 2015). Meanwhile,
environmental regulations continue to
tighten and outlets for the bottom of the
barrel are shrinking.
When Impact asked Rajkumar Ghosh,
Director of Refineries, IndianOil, about his
strategy for maintaining competitiveness,
he revealed that the organisation has
embarked on an ambitious $10 billion
growth plan for its 10 refineries, which aims
to increase capacity, upgrade the bottom of
the barrel and improve product quality. The mixture of revamps, debottlenecking to consider the gestation period. What
company is also planning several greenfield initiatives and greenfield ventures. “The about the opportunities that you lose
projects, including the new 15-million-tonnes- importance of revamping must never be during the three to four years it takes to
a-year refinery on India’s west coast that it underestimated,” he explains. “Refineries deliver a major project?
announced in late 2012. usually have a lot of untapped potential “This is why I always recommend first
And then there are the mega-projects, which and it is important that we harness this. investigating the capabilities of the
include a $6 billion greenfield refinery and “There is often a tendency to respond existing hardware. Making sure you are
petrochemical complex at Paradip. This to situations with major investments. getting the maximum return from it should
ultra-modern and highly complex facility However, revamps can often be the most be the first consideration, I believe,”
will process 15 million tonnes a year of economical solution. Typically, a revamp Ghosh concludes.
high-sulphur heavy crude oil into high-value costs $276 million for every million of Ghosh cites the example of a
products with zero residue. tonnes of capacity installed, whereas the debottlenecking exercise that increased
But it is significant, Ghosh says, equivalent cost for a greenfield project is the capacity of Panipat refinery by 25% to
that the project portfolio includes a $368 million. In addition, you also have 15 million tonnes a year at the relatively

10 impact issue 1, 2013

Revamps can often be the most economical
solution. Typically, a revamp costs $276 million
for every million of tonnes of capacity installed,
whereas the equivalent cost for a greenfield

project is $368 million.

which will enable the refinery to use Ghosh says that a recent study has
low-quality feedstock components (light identified opportunities for improvement
cycle oil) to produce diesel fuels that that are worth almost $0.9 per barrel
meet the stringent specifications that are across IndianOil’s assets, and the
on the horizon. To help meet emissions company is planning initiatives to
legislation, Shell Global Solutions is enhance maintenance practices, improve
also licensing its third-stage separator energy management and enable its
technology, which typically reduces flue refineries to handle cheaper, but difficult-
gas particulate emissions from fluidised to-process crudes.
catalytic crackers to below 50 mg/Nm3, IndianOil’s refineries are, therefore,
and CANSOLV® flue gas desulphurisation pursuing growth on all fronts: through
technology to recover sulphur dioxide operational improvements and low-
from boiler flue gases. cost revamps, and by installing major
But it is the possibility of unlocking facilities. This approach aligns with the
additional value from existing assets that three-pronged strategy that Shell Global
Ghosh is most passionate about. He is Solutions proposes when refiners are
always keen to explore whether anything planning an investment: the multiplatform
can be done to enable an existing facility Shell Global Solutions Pentagon Model.
to operate safely beyond its original Reflecting on IndianOil’s array of projects
design levels. and initiatives, Ghosh is extremely
The outcome of a research and confident that the company will continue
development initiative between IndianOil’s to enhance its competitiveness.
technologists and Criterion Catalysts & “We have a very strong project portfolio,
Technologies was especially interesting. but what is equally important is the quality
Given the squeeze on margins and also of our people,” he says. “Our people
the refiner’s need to maximise diesel yield, are extremely committed, and they
the two organisations co-operated to have the internal desire to improve. For
develop a new-generation catalyst. instance, we set our individual refineries
Following a detailed programme of work highly challenging targets for metrics
involving laboratory analysis, scaling such as margin, capacity, utilisation,
up trials and pilot plant tests, the new distillate yield and fuel consumption.
low cost of $200 million. Implementing catalyst was installed in IndianOil’s And although these targets have been
state-of-the-art internals, for example, in hydroprocessing reactors. very steep, the refineries usually achieve
the distillation column, the reactors and them. Furthermore, I believe there are
IndianOil expects additional margin still potential improvements in the system
the fluidised catalytic cracking strippers
improvements to come from its plan waiting to be uncovered.”
played a part in this. “Whatever the
to integrate most of its refineries with
facility, we can usually find a way to
petrochemical complexes. This can
squeeze more value from it,” he says.
potentially enhance the economics at
He accepts, though, that there is a limit to both sites because there are often
how much a revamp can achieve for the optimisation opportunities across the
business. Once a plant has reached that refinery–petrochemicals interface. For
For more information contact:
limit, IndianOil always considers adding instance, streams such as hydrocracker Sanjay Lodha
new facilities, such as Paradip. Here, residue can be sent from the refinery Email:
Shell Global Solutions has licensed its to the petrochemical complex’s steam
CANSOLV is a trademark of Cansolv Technologies Inc.,
deep hydrodesulphurisation technology, cracker to make ethylene. a wholly owned subsidiary of Shell Global Solutions. 11

Responding to demand
for base oils in Asia
Complementary strengths bring Shell and Hyundai Oilbank together

hell and Hyundai Oilbank Co. Ltd and entered the oil refining market in 1993. and to compete with production facilities
have started constructing a joint-venture The company has extensive expertise in anywhere in the world. Working with
base-oil manufacturing plant that will areas such as project management and the Shell on this project provides access to
significantly boost the supply of lubricants to operation of world-class refinery facilities. industry-leading catalysts, reactor internals
China and the rest of Asia Pacific. Shell Global Solutions has recognised and process technologies. By drawing on
Having an adequate base-oil supply is strengths in base-oil production technology, our combined expertise in this way, I am
of vital importance to economic health. and the Shell Group has a global confident that we will be able to improve
Base oils are blended with additives to leadership position in lubricants blending the plant’s performance and efficiency.”
produce essential finished products for and marketing, including a network of The decision to increase base-oil supply
the operation of turbines, power stations, 19 lubricant blending plants across Asia. in the region reflects the surging growth
ships and vehicles, among other things. Shell Global Solutions will license the in the developing economies, particularly
technology for the base oil manufacturing China and India. The strong trend towards
Many market observers are predicting
plant and the revamp of the vacuum urbanisation in China has led to higher
modest demand growth for base oils
distillation and hydrocracker units, and incomes and increased consumer spending
throughout Asia Pacific in 2013 and
continuing price volatility due to buoyant provide project and health, safety, security by city residents, with most of the focus on
feedstock gas oil and fuel oil prices. The and environmental assurance. Hyundai housing, household appliances and motor
new plant at Daesan, on the western Oilbank will lead on project execution.” vehicles. This rapid increase in consumption
side of the Korean peninsula in South is expected to increase demand for
Construction work at the Daesan plant
Chungcheong Province and to the south industrial and vehicle lubricants.
started in December 2012 and the new
west of Seoul, is part of the trend for facility should commence operations in the Since the 1990s, there has been a
expanding base-oils capacity within Asia. second half of 2014. Hyundai Oilbank sustained and dramatic increase in the
The plant will have an initial design will operate the plant and hold a 60% number of motor vehicles on China’s roads,
capacity of 650,000 tonnes per year. This stake in the facility; Shell will own the including a tenfold increase in the number
close-to-world-scale plant will mean a large remaining 40%. Daesan will be Shell’s of private cars: from just over 3 million in
and significant boost in base-oil production fourth base-oil manufacturing plant in Asia 1985 to more than 31 million in 2005.
in the region and will benefit from its and join its plants in Singapore, Taiwan This soaring growth has helped to make
proximity to key lubricant markets and and Japan. It is expected that Shell will China the world’s fourth largest producer
excellent links to existing infrastructure. take some of the production from the and third largest consumer of motor vehicles.
Daesan plant for blending and will then The ability of Chinese people to purchase
“Operations at the plant will draw on
market blended products across the region. cars will be a vital growth element for the
the experience and expertise that both
partners can bring to the joint venture,” said According to Dal-ho Kang, Chief Executive automotive lubricant oil market throughout
Gurminder Singh, Downstream Licensing Officer of Hyundai and Shell Base Oil 2013. China is currently playing a
Sales Manager Asia Pacific, Shell Global leading role in raising the demand for cars
Company, “The new plant at Daesan
and, hence, lubricants. For every million
Solutions. “Based in Seoul, Hyundai Oilbank will enable us to meet the growing
cars sold, automotive lubricant demand
is an affiliate of Hyundai Heavy Industries demand for base oils in Asian markets
increases by about 91,000 tonnes.
“We are delighted to be working with
Hyundai Oilbank on this project and see the
development at Daesan as part of a wider
strategy that includes Shell’s plans to build
two more blending plants in China and
Indonesia,” Singh concludes.

For more information contact:

Gurminder Singh

12 impact issue 1, 2013


Model hydrocracker performance

An innovative catalyst and kinetic modelling help Zeeland refinery stay on target

efinery operators can increase the hydrocracker catalyst system. Criterion
margins by processing lower-quality offers a detailed and in-depth technical
feedstocks to produce high-value service to help the refinery overcome
products, but, for this approach to these operational challenges. This service
succeed, operators must optimise the includes operating data evaluations, special
performance of their hydrocracking units. studies and process-related advice. A
The principal challenge is to balance key tool for supporting these activities is a
the cost and the quality of a feedstock hydrocracking kinetic model that is used to
against the effects it will have on the simulate hydrocracker catalyst performance.
hydrocracker’s catalyst system. The Zeeland refinery has a turnaround every
ultimate aim is to improve refinery margins five years, and the hydrocracker operates
while using the catalyst fill effectively and on the basis of an optimised 19-month
prolonging the cycle as much as possible. turnaround to fit this schedule. The
Managing this requires a clear 19-month turnaround means having two
understanding of the hydrocracker and intermediate catalyst change-outs in the
how it will operate during each cycle. five-year period. Running this way calls
The catalyst choice and the selection of for close monitoring of the operation and
reactor internals influence the efficiency regular evaluation of the hydrocracker
of any hydrocracking process. The catalyst unit’s data to ensure that its performance
usage has to be managed to derive the is in line with the operational targets. higher activity catalyst and the new reactor
best performance in terms of activity and The focus for the hydrocracker unit at internals, no additional catalyst change-
stability, while the right choice of internals this facility is on improving throughput, out was necessary when the throughput
promotes efficient distribution of gas and achieving the desired cycle length and increased, and this has enabled Zeeland
liquids within the reactor. managing the quality of the products refinery to keep its original catalyst change-
from a variable feedstock. out scheme.
Zeeland refinery in the Netherlands is a
joint venture between Total and LUKOIL. Throughput at Zeeland refinery has A key part of maintaining the change-
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies (Criterion) increased significantly in past years and this out scheme has been developing a
has provided hydrocracking catalysts to has been achieved not by upgrading the new pretreatment catalyst specifically
the hydrocracker for almost 15 years and hydrocracker, but by increasing the activity for heavier and dirtier feedstocks. This
has gained a clear understanding of the of the catalyst and installing Shell Global involved making the demand for more
process challenges it faces in balancing Solutions reactor internals in the pretreatment active and stable catalysts a focus of the
feedstock quality and the performance of reactor. Thanks to the combination of research and development process within 13

The catalyst choice and the selection of
reactor internals influence the efficiency

of any hydrocracking process.

Criterion and close technical collaboration combination of features is essential unit performance and product quality. Too
with the research and development when processing heavier, more-metal- much nitrogen or other catalyst poison
groups in the Shell technology centres contaminated feeds. in the VGO has a detrimental effect on
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and According to Cees Koopman, Senior catalyst activity and selectivity.
Houston, USA. Process Engineer at Zeeland refinery, “The The cycle length for a hydrocracker is
In its last cycle, Zeeland refinery used drive at the Zeeland refinery is to operate usually determined by the pretreatment
Criterion’s newest pretreatment catalyst, the hydrocracker unit so that it uses every catalyst’s deactivation rate, which
CENTERA® DN-3620, and was one drop of activity from the Criterion catalyst. depends, in turn, on the feed quality
of the first clients to do so. This catalyst Our determination to get the best from and the process operating conditions.
was developed specifically for heavier the unit has made it possible to increase The feed to the hydrocracker at Zeeland
feedstocks and illustrates how closely margins consistently during a period of refinery is a combined stream of hot VGO
research and development is connected global economic downturn. The key to this from the crude and vacuum distillation
to the market. has been a clear understanding of what is units, and imported VGO. Very poor
DN-3620 is a Type 2 NiMo alumina happening in the unit.” quality VGO substantially reduces the
catalyst based on the latest CENTERA Feedstock composition and variability cycle length, so it is vital to check the
technology platform. Criterion applied are two of the main factors affecting VGO’s quality before using it. In the
nanotechnology methods, a detailed hydrocracker performance. The crude worst case, an unplanned change-out
understanding of metal–support unit at Zeeland refinery does not produce may be required, which would mean
interactions and the impact of particle size sufficient vacuum gas oil (VGO) to supply an additional 10-day shutdown, a fresh
and pore-size distribution on performance the hydrocracker, so the operators bring catalyst charge and loss of production.
to create a high-activity catalyst with in VGO from the open market. The quality Theo Visser, Senior Technologist
outstanding stability (Figure 1). This of the imported VGO is a key factor in Hydroprocessing, Shell Global Solutions,
says, “During the cycle before the
application of CENTERA DN-3620, the
deactivation rate for the pretreatment
Normalised weighted average bed temperature, ºC

CENTINEL GOLD DN-3300 catalyst at Zeeland refinery increased
440 CENTERA DN-3620
significantly. Criterion compared the
conditions in the hydrocracker with
those in earlier cycles and examined
parameters such as feed properties and
process conditions to determine why.”



360 Figure 1: The stability of CENTERA DN-3620

compared with the previous catalyst by reference
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
to the weighted average bed temperature. The
data from this commercial application shows that
Days on-stream
DN-3620 is twice as stable as CENTINEL GOLD
DN-3300, itself a market leader.

14 impact issue 1, 2013

The study, which included analyses of testing projects from Shell’s research and Criterion’s catalyst expertise and
imported VGO samples, resulted in several and development groups, and industrial understanding of technical issues.”
key recommendations for operating the experience from more than 30 years. It is Koopman adds.
hydrocracker unit at Zeeland refinery: regularly updated.” When it became clear that the new
a) Systematically analyse imported feeds to The kinetic model provides information on catalyst would enable the Zeeland
check for a high Conradson carbon ratio vital factors about the process, including refinery unit to reach its run target with
and asphaltene and nitrogen content. activity to spare, the operators were
how a particular feedstock will affect the
b) Analyse and set limits for the hot activity and stability of the catalyst; the able to run the vacuum distillation unit
VGO colour targeting a normal likely yield structure; and the predicted harder and yield a heavier VGO feed
specification of ASTM Colour 4 for all product properties. This is a very powerful for the hydrocracker or to adjust the
feedstocks processed on the vacuum tool when a refinery is running on a wide specifications for the imported VGOs.
distillation unit, as this indicates minimal This has helped to increase the refinery’s
variety of imported feeds.
asphaltene entrainment. margins significantly.
c) Investigate inconsistency in feed As Visser points out, results from the model
The performance of CENTERA DN-3620
Conradson carbon ratio values. require expert interpretation. “No matter
at Zeeland refinery emphasises the need
how sophisticated the model is, we have
d) Make minor operational adjustments for catalysts with high stability as well
to remember that it is a model. The results
to reduce the negative effect of poor- as high activity; catalyst activity is only
must be interpreted by hydrocracking
quality feeds on catalyst activity. valuable for as long as it is retained.
experts who know the customer’s
One of the most important tools for By combining a catalyst that offered
operation in detail. Balancing feedstock,
analysing hydrocracker unit performance high activity and stability with a strong
product properties and cycle length to
is the Shell Global Solutions kinetic technical support programme from
meet a customer’s need is a challenge
hydrocracking model HyStar. This Criterion, the Zeeland refinery operators
where we can deliver added value.” were able to overcome the specific
powerful tool estimates how a specific
catalyst package for a particular At Zeeland refinery, the model helped to challenges they faced and to optimise
hydrocracker will perform in terms of reveal the key issues behind the increased their operations.
activity, stability, product yields and deactivation rate and enabled the operators
properties. The software uses information to establish a new workflow to prevent the
about the specific design feedstock and issue from recurring.
the operating conditions at the refinery to “The success of this monitoring and
deliver a solution tailored to that facility. modelling approach relies on a technical
“The model describes the kinetic behaviour collaboration that combines the wealth For more information contact:
of a wide range of pretreatment and of knowledge that the Zeeland refinery Theo Visser
hydrocracking catalysts,” Visser explains. operators have of the unit and how it
“The model is based on numerous catalyst operates with Shell Global Solutions CENTERA is a Criterion Catalysts & Technologies trademark. 15

Technical Collaboration is the key

Upgrading heavy-oil and bitumen-derived feeds

rowing global demand for oil, capabilities in several refining process units, examples illustrate some of the challenges
reduced conventional oil supply, particularly the hydroprocessing assets. The associated with processing these crudes
increased competition and tighter magnitude of the impact depends on the and the solutions that we have developed
environmental controls are driving some oil feed being processed, the flexibility of the to mitigate them.”
producers to modify their production sites facility and the ability to offset the increased
Improved guard catalyst for
to process synthetic crude oils, including processing requirements.
arsenic removal
extra-heavy and bitumen-derived crudes. Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
Processing such feedstocks presents many Some petroleum resources, including
(Criterion) has collaborated with refinery
challenges: their nature and the associated Athabasca bitumen, contain high
operators to develop customised catalyst
technical and operational issues can levels of arsenic, which is a catalyst
systems and operating practices to
greatly complicate hydroprocessing. poison that leads to significant loss
improve days on-stream, generate higher
in hydrodesulphurisation (HDS) and
In Canada, a major source of synthetic yields and facilitate the processing of
more challenging feeds. hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) activity and
crude, refined products originate from
a shift of the reactor axial temperature
extra heavy crudes (i.e., Cold Lake) and Hydroprocessing of bitumen-derived profile owing to reduced hydrogenation
oil sands (i.e., Athabasca bitumen). But crude oils can be challenging, as Kevin activity in the arsenic-poisoned top layers.
there is global potential for this type of Carlson, Business Development Manager,
production. Energy consulting firm IHS Criterion, explains. “Difficulties arise Consequently, protecting catalysts from
CERA predicts that oil sands production owing to the high concentrations of arsenic poisoning became a priority,
will grow from 1.7 million barrels a day sulphur, nitrogen, aromatics, asphaltene as Max Ovchinnikov, Senior Scientist,
in 2012 to 3.2 million barrels a day in and arsenic, and of metals such as nickel Shell Global Solutions, explains, “The
2020. It also says that markets outside and vanadium that are detrimental to development of high-performance
North America, particularly in Asia, catalyst performance. Asphaltenes can hydrotreating catalysts enabled the
hold potential for refining this additional foul process equipment and lead to processing of difficult crudes and prompted
production from oil sands; China, for unexpected pressure drops, and arsenic refiners and catalyst suppliers to look for
example, is expected to nearly double will rapidly deactivate catalysts even at dedicated arsenic abatement solutions
its current refining capacity of 10 million very low concentrations. to protect the main catalyst beds and
barrels a day by 2030. catalysts in post-treatment reactors from
“Through technical collaborations with
arsenic poisoning. Criterion addressed this
Many facilities have increased their use upgrader and refinery operators, we
challenge by launching several dedicated
of heavy-oil and bitumen-derived feeds have learned how refineries can develop
in order to maximise asset utilisation arsenic guard catalysts with high HDS and
bitumen-derived feedstock processing
and facility margins. This often requires HDN activities.”
capabilities with minimal adaptation and
increased processing and technology investment,” he continues. “The following

16 impact issue 1, 2013

Through technical collaborations with upgrader
and refinery operators we have learned how
refineries can develop bitumen-derived feedstock
processing capabilities with minimal adaptation

and investment.

Ovchinnikov points to a joint research and opening maximises cetane improvement automated process control and sampling.
development programme between Criterion per unit of hydrogen consumption. This significantly accelerates catalyst
and a North American refiner to develop a n conversion through mild hydrocracking development compared with conventional
new guard catalyst for managing arsenic (distillate, vacuum gas oil and residue) testing techniques. Leads generated with
in naphtha–kerosene feed blends derived to minimise lower-value fuel yields, the high-throughput equipment were
from oil sands. “This technical collaboration increase heavy oil processing capacity confirmed by conventional-scale pilot
resulted in MaxTrap[As]syn catalyst,” he and improve product quality and plant testing.”
says. “This exhibits a 70% improvement margins; and Applying technology improvements such
in volumetric arsenic uptake capacity n shape-selective paraffin cracking and as CENTERA DN-3651 requires a holistic
compared with the previous generation isomerisation to improve distillate cold joint approach to ensure that the operator
while providing over 50% better utilisation flow properties. gains full benefits from the technology
of nickel for arsenic capture and better The available technologies enable the with respect to site-specific constraints
and more stable HDS and HDN activity, hydrogen utilisation/volume expansion and objectives. In this example, Criterion
as evidenced by pilot plant testing using achieved to be tailored to specific utilised a collaborative approach with the
100% coker naphtha feedstock. The first customer to improve catalyst performance
refiners’ capabilities and objectives.
and facilitate processing of a more
commercial deployment of MaxTrap[As]syn
Increased capability with difficult oil-sands-derived feedstock.
catalyst occurred in early 2013.”
bitumen-derived feeds
After extensive collaborative testing, the
Low-cost hydrogen makes FCC feed pretreatment (FCC PT) units customer decided to use the CENTERA
high-value products often process bitumen-derived feeds. DN‑3651 catalyst as part of its next
The costs of natural gas fuel and Catalysts that operate in this service must catalyst change-out along with an optimised
hydrogen production have dropped have optimised sulphur, nitrogen and demetallisation catalyst package.
significantly over the past decade. Using aromatic saturation performance to drive
“Many refiners have chosen to upgrade
low-cost hydrogen for heavy crude the FCC unit’s economic performance
their capabilities in processing difficult-
processing can increase liquid volume and be able to operate stably in an
to-treat feeds. Making the right decisions
yields and boost the production of higher- environment with significant levels of
about this kind of move requires good
contaminants such as nickel, vanadium,
value products. understanding and modelling of the
silicon, sodium, arsenic and asphaltenes.
Advances in catalyst technology facility, and strong knowledge of the
CENTERA® catalyst DN-3651 combines sources and processing requirements
employed during the global clean
the proven stability and contaminant- of the available crudes. With the
fuels initiatives have led to many
tolerance features of ASCENT DN‑3551, continuing development and increased
hydroprocessing units having underutilised
an established NiMo FCC PT catalyst, availability of such feeds, this knowledge
capabilities. This offers the opportunity
with unique CENTERA active site needs to be continuously updated to
for drop-in solutions during a catalyst
architecture. This combination offers minimise operational surprises. Ongoing
change-out. Working in close technical step-out performance in HDS, HDN and research and development and technical
collaboration with plant operators, aromatics saturation along with high collaboration will be invaluable in this
Criterion can provide additional reactor catalyst stability in FCC PT applications. process,” Carlson concludes.
volume to enable further hydrogen
A significant aspect of the CENTERA
utilisation upgrades and extend days-on-
DN-3651 development programme is that
stream. Examples of the benefits include:
the catalyst was developed specifically
n aromatic saturation to enable density for FCC PT applications utilising high-
upgrades, smoke point improvements, throughput experimentation while targeting
feed difficulty capability, and fluidised improvements in challenging synthetic
catalytic cracking (FCC) yield gains; feeds. This sort of work helps to expedite For more information contact:
n selective
ring opening to further Kevin Carlson
the testing process, as Carlson explains. Email:
improve density and volume swell while “The high-throughput reactor system makes
improving diesel cetane. Selective ring use of multiple tubular flow reactors with CENTERA is a Criterion Catalysts & Technologies trademark. 17

Multimillion-dollar capital cost reductions achieved at natural
gas plant through intelligent design

as plant operators can unlock using methyl diethanolamine. The resultant commonly used do not absorb them.
substantial value by designing acid gas for routing to the sulphur recovery Consequently, these organic sulphur
the acid gas removal unit and units would contain approximately species slip to the incinerator, thereby
the sulphur recovery unit as an integrated 34 mol% hydrogen sulphide, 600 ppm increasing the sulphur dioxide emissions.
block, says Matthijs de Oude, Manager BTEX and hundreds of parts per million of Sulfinol-M’s formulation (methyl
Design Integration – Gas Processing, carbon disulphide and mercaptans. diethanolamine, Sulfolane and water)
Shell Global Solutions, in an interview enables it to be used for selective and
“However,” says de Oude, “because the
with Impact. non‑selective removal of hydrogen sulphide
hydrogen sulphide content of the acid
De Oude explains that the industry is gas in the reaction furnace was relatively in the presence of carbon dioxide,
increasingly developing natural gas fields low, the temperatures were insufficient for depending on the process conditions.
containing contaminants such as benzene, BTEX destruction.” In the non-selective main absorber,
toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX), the Sulfinol-M absorbs the hydrogen
He continues, “To overcome this, the
and organic sulphur compounds such sulphide, carbon dioxide and trace
owner had considered several options,
as carbonyl sulphide, carbon disulphide sulphur components, with the treated gas
including high-pressure steam preheating
and mercaptans. The implications for of the acid gas, indirect fired heating of coming from the top of the absorber.
gas plants are profound, as they require the combustion air, natural gas co-firing In the selective enrichment section, rich
ever-more-sophisticated gas processing and installing a carbon bed for BTEX solvent coming from the bottom of the
technologies to bring the product up to removal. Unfortunately none of the options main absorber via a hydrocarbon flash
pipeline specifications. provided the cost-effective, simple-to- vessel is heated and flashed at reduced
Moreover, the quality of the acid gas operate and sustainable solution required.” pressure. The carbon-dioxide-rich flash
challenges the sulphur recovery unit, vapour flows to the enrichment absorber
To enhance the content of hydrogen where lean Sulfinol-M solvent preferentially
which sits downstream of the acid gas sulphide in the acid gas, Shell Global
removal unit. absorbs hydrogen sulphide and some
Solutions and Jacobs Comprimo (an trace sulphur components. The enrichment
There is often the tendency to source these authorised licensor of Sulfinol® technology) absorber overhead vapour is routed to
units independently, but de Oude says that proposed using its patented, integrated, the incinerator, while the rich solvent from
there is substantial value to uncover when hot-flash-enrichment gas-treating scheme, the enrichment absorber is combined with
the design considers the impact that the acid which uses Sulfinol-M. the flashed solvent from the hot flash and
gas removal unit can have on the sulphur Acid gas enrichment processes are used routed to the common regenerator.
recovery unit. He cites the example of a to increase the acid gas’s hydrogen The acid gas, therefore, flows from the
plant that was being designed to process sulphide concentration and alleviate the Sulfinol-M regenerator to the sulphur
67 MNm3/d of non-associated gas. The problems associated with a lean acid gas recovery unit, and this has increased the
raw natural gas contained substantial feed to the sulphur recovery unit. With a concentration of the hydrogen sulphide in
concentrations of carbon dioxide, hydrogen conventional acid gas enrichment unit, the acid gas to the sulphur recovery unit
sulphide, heavy hydrocarbons and organic it is impossible to achieve high sulphur from 34 to 62 mol%.
sulphur compounds. recovery when carbonyl sulphide, carbon
“This improved the acid gas quality so
The original design of the reference plant disulphide and mercaptans are present
much that it was possible to reduce the
had four parallel acid gas removal units because the selective treating solvents
size of the sulphur plant by about 30%,”

says de Oude. “At the same time, we
This improved the acid gas quality so could also eliminate the need to install a
much that it was possible to reduce the dedicated BTEX removal unit. In addition,

size of the sulphur plant by about 30%. the overall plant sulphur recovery improved

18 impact issue 1, 2013

owing to the lower sulphur species level in We have numerous examples of how
the flash gas routed to the incinerator.” we can unlock substantial value by

Furthermore, cost calculations revealed providing integrated designs.
that this approach could cut the capital
expenditure by up to $67 million per
acid gas removal unit or sulphur recovery
unit train.
“Of course, every plant is different,” de
Oude concludes, “but we have numerous
examples of how we can unlock
substantial value by providing integrated
designs. We can usually find opportunities
to integrate units in order to optimise a
plant’s performance and cut the required
capital expenditure; it is just a matter of
knowing where to look.”

For more information contact:

Matthijs de Oude

Sulfinol is a Shell trademark. 19

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