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Topic Learning No. % No .

o Remember Apply/ Evaluate/ Item/

objectives Hour f / analyz create placement
s Items understand e

Types of Identify the

Objective different types 3 12.5 5 3 1 1 1–5
Test of objective

-Point out the

Planning parts of a
a test and table of
constructi specifications 7 29.1 11 7 2 2 6-16
on of
table of -state the
Specificat merits and
ions. demerits of
preparing a
table of

Construct Give the

ing a important 4 16.67 7 5 2 0 17-23
True- steps in
False planning a test

Discuss the
Multiple rules in
choice constructing 4 16.67 7 3 1 1 24-30
Test various kinds
of tests

Matching Construct
type and made test
Supply items based 3 12.5 5 2 2 1 31-35
type on the table of
Items specification.

Construct self
Essays made test
based on the 3 12.5 5 3 2 0 36 - 40
table of

Total 24 100 40 28 6 6 40
Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________

Year and section: __________ score: ________

I. Identify each question and write the correct answer on the space provided before
the number.

__________1.The one who decide whether an item is a test of knowledge, skill or

application, compression, analysis, synthesis, on a test of ability to evaluate.

__________2.A two way grid with columns for major areas of content and rows for
the major abilities or level of outcomes to be tested.

__________3.The objectives of giving the test must be in line with the program
__________4.The test items as well as the directions should be clearly understood
by the students.
__________5.In constructing a test, each test item should have only one correct
answer that is unanimously acceptable to experts concerned.
__________6.The test items should be distinct from each other.
__________7. The test should include items that measure the content areas and
processes covered in the lesson.
__________8.The items in the test should match the intended learning outcomes.
__________9.More comprehensive yet detailed form of TOS which clearly ensures
that the constructed test truly measures the outcomes of learning.
__________10.Indicates the topics per unit discussed within the 27 hour class
__________11. It is called constructed or free response tests.
__________12. It is considered as fixed response type.
__________13. Ensures that all of the topics are represented in the test and the
questions representing the topics discussed are placed as evidence by the item
__________14.Type of test that requires a fixed response from a set of given choices
__________15.Consists of declarative statement where the examinee is asked to
choose an answer from two given response categories.
__________16.This test consists of questions to which the students respond in one
or more sentences to a specific questions or problems.

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.

_____17.The use of special alternatives such as "none of the above" or all of the
above should be amply.
_____18.Is it okay to break any of the rules in constructing a multiple choice test
when you have a good reason.
_____19.Exceptions may sometimes be emphasized.
_____20.Negative statements may always be used.
_____21.The stem maybe in the form of an indirect questions.
_____22.One of the disadvantages of true or false is that the students can guess the
answer this reducing the reliability.
_____23.More questions can be asked covering a broad range of topics within a long
period of time.
_____24.Items tend to measure relevant understanding.
_____25.The options in multiple choice test should plausible and attractive.
_____26.The alternatives or choices are generally inconsistent with the stem of the
_____ 27. In constructing a True or False test, use of negative statements, especially
double negative test is reliable.
_____28. The ideal number of items in true-false test is 20-25.
_____29. An equal number of true-false statements should provide.
_____30.True or false test is require a very long time to answer.

III. Multiple choices. Encircle the correct answer.

31. Essay test is used on the following conditions,

a. The group is relatively big
b. The test will be revised
c. The preparation time is shorter than the scoring time
d. There is no need to develop skill in written expressions
32. Which of the following is/are true based on prompting objectivity in scoring
essay test?
a. Score the same item in all the test papers before scoring the next item
b. Prepare a key for scoring and ensure consistency and minimize the entry of
additional criteria in scoring
c. Do not look at the names of the students in the test papers to reduce
biases and Halo effects in scoring
d. All of the above
33. Which of the following is/are true on the demerits of essay test.
a. Scoring is objective and highly dependent
b. Essay tests are burdensome to score
c. Constructing ambigous essay question is time consuming and difficult
d. All of the above

39. Which of the following is / are the merits of essay test?

a. Essay test are difficult to prepare
b The test writer is required to defend the wrong answer
c. They can measure students organizational skills better than other types of test
d. All of the above
40. Which of the following is the better written essay test about the First Cry of
Nueva Ecija?
a. Write an essay about the First Cry of Nueva Ecija?
b. Write an essay about the First Cry of Nueva Ecija, whose focus on is on the
main characters.
c. Write an essay about the First Cry of Nueva Ecija whose focus is on the
main characters of the battle and their respective roles
d. None of the above
36. The following are the guidelines in writing completion type/ fill the blank test
a. Avoid over mutilated statements
b. Make sure that each item have two or more correct answer
c. Omissions in incomplete statements should not occur early in the stem
d. None of the above
37. The following are the advantages of using matching type test except;
I. A large number of understanding can be tested in a short period of time
II. The type is efficient as many scorable responses can be placed in a page
III. The items are difficult to score and scores are not reliable
IV. It is efficient as an entire set of responses can be used with a cluster of related
V. It test recognition of simple relationships only
a. III and V only B. I and III only C. I,II, III only
D. III , V, and I only
38. In writing matching type test, the ideal number of items is 10-15, and a
maximum of 20.
a. True b. False c. sometimes true d. sometimes false
39. In writing matching type test, all the premises and responses should place on a
single place.
a. True b. False c. sometimes true d. sometimes
40. In preparing a completion type test items, if a statement is over mutilated the
meaning is likely to get lost and the learners simply tend to guess the answer. How
would you improve the item?
"____is anything that occupies ____ and has ___"?
a. ___ is anything that occupies space
b. Matter is anything that ___ and has ____.
c. ____ is anything that occupies____ and has weight.
d. Anything that occupies space and has weight is called ____.

Prepared by,

Mariel M. Pineda
Answer Key:

1. teacher
2. TOS
3. compatibility
4. comprehensibility
5. accuracy
6. independence
7. comprehensiveness
8. compatibility
9. Two-way TOS
10. One way Tos
11. supply test
12. selective type test
13. TOS
14. Selective type
15. alternative response/ binary choice
16. essay test


17. F
18. F
19. T
20. T
21. F
22. T
23. F
24. F
25. T
26. F
27. F
28. F
29. T
30. T


31. c
32. d
33. d
34. c
35. c
36. B
37. a
38. b
39. a
40. d

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