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Safety and efficacy of cryopreserved platelets in

bleeding patients with thrombocytopenia

Sherrill J. Slichter,1,2 Larry J. Dumont,3,4 Jose A. Cancelas,5 MeLinh Jones,1 Terry B. Gernsheimer,2
Zbigniew M. Szczepiorkowski,3 Nancy M. Dunbar,3 Gautham Prakash,3 Stephen Medlin,6 Neeta Rugg,5
Bridget Kinne,6 Victor W. Macdonald,7 Greggory Housler,7 Manoj Valiyaveettil,7 Peter Hmel,8 and
Janet H. Ransom8

BACKGROUND: The short dating period of room he short shelf life of room temperature–stored
temperature–stored platelets (PLTs; 5-7 days) limits their platelets (PLTs; 5–7 days) severely limits the avail-
availability at far-forward combat facilities and at remote ability of PLT transfusion for wounded soldiers at
civilian sites in the United States. PLT cryopreservation forward medical facilities. In response to the
in 6% DMSO and storage for up to 2 years may improve
timely availability for bleeding patients.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A dose escalation ABBREVIATIONS: AE(s) = adverse event(s); AP = apheresis; aPTT =
trial of DMSO-cryopreserved PLTs (CPPs) compared to activated partial thromboplastin time; AT = antithrombin; CNS =
standard liquid-stored PLTs (LSPs) was performed in central nervous system; CPP(s) = cryopreserved platelet(s); DIC =
bleeding patients with thrombocytopenia. Within each of disseminated intravascular coagulation; ECG = electrocardiogram;
four cohorts, six patients received escalating doses of F1+2 = prothrombin fragments 1+2; LSP(s) = liquid-stored platelet(s);
CPP (0.5 unit, 1 unit, and sequential transfusions of MA = maximum amplitude; PT = prothrombin time; TAT = thrombin
2 and 3 units) and one received a LSP transfusion. antithrombin; TEAE(s) = treatment-emergent adverse event(s); TEG =
Patients were monitored for adverse events (AEs), thromboelastography; TGT(s) = thrombin generation test(s).
coagulation markers, PLT responses, and hemostatic From the 1Research Institute, Bloodworks Northwest; and the
efficacy. 2
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington;
RESULTS: Patients with a World Health Organization 3
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and Dartmouth-Hitchcock
bleeding score of 2 or more received from 0.5 to 3 units
Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire; 4Blood Systems
of CPP (n = 24) or 1 unit of LSP (n = 4). There were no
Research Institute, Denver, Colorado; 5Hoxworth Blood Center,
related thrombotic or other serious AEs experienced.
University of Cincinnati; and the 6University of Cincinnati Health
Mild transfusion-related AEs of chills and fever (n = 1),
Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; 7U.S. Army Medical Research and
transient increased respiratory rate (n = 1), DMSO-
Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland; and 8Fast-Track
related skin odor (n = 2), and headache (n = 1) were
Drugs & Biologics, LLC, North Potomac, Maryland.
observed after CPP transfusion. Among CPP recipients
Address reprint requests to: Larry J. Dumont, Blood Systems
14 of 24 (58%) had improved bleeding scores, including
Research Institute, 717 Yosemite Street, Denver, CO 80230; e-mail:
three of seven (43%) patients who had intracerebral
bleeding. CPP posttransfusion PLT increments were
Funding for this research study was provided by contracts
significantly less than those of LSPs; however, days to
W81XWH-15-C-0047 and W81XWH-13-C-016 from the U.S. Army
next transfusion were the same. After transfusion, the
Medical Research and Materiel Command. The views, opinions,
CPP recipients had improvements in some variables of
and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and
thrombin generation tests and thromboelastography.
should not be construed as an official Department of Defense position,
CONCLUSION: Cryopreserved PLT transfusions
policy, or decision unless so designated by other documentation.
appear to be safe and effective when given to bleeding
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02078284.
patients with thrombocytopenia.
Received for publication March 11, 2018; and accepted March
30, 2018.
© 2018 AABB
TRANSFUSION 2018;58;2129–2138

Volume 58, September 2018 TRANSFUSION 2129


military’s need for extended stored PLTs, Dr Robert Valeri, Hitchcock Medical Center (Lebanon, NH); and Hoxworth
working at the Naval Blood Research laboratory in Boston, Blood Center and University Hospital University of Cincin-
developed methods of cryopreserving PLTs utilizing DMSO as a nati (Cincinnati, OH).
cryoprotectant.1 The best evidence of the hemostatic effective-
ness of cryopreserved PLTs (CPPs) was a randomized trial of Study population
standard versus CPPs during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.2 Potential study subjects were hospitalized hematology-
Patients transfused with CPPs required fewer blood products oncology patients more than 17 years of age with thrombo-
and had reduced postoperative blood loss. Dr Charles Schiffer cytopenia because of their underlying disease or its
also used a similar method for cryopreservation of autologous treatment with active World Health Organization (WHO)
PLTs to support the transfusion needs of hematology-oncology Grade 2 or greater bleeding score. Generally, WHO Grade
patients who had developed an alloimmunization response to 2 bleeding is any gross organ system bleeding, WHO Grade
transfused donor PLTs.3–5 However, CPPs have never been 3 bleeding is severe enough to require red blood cell (RBC)
licensed in the United States. transfusion(s), and WHO Grade 4 is life-threatening bleed-
Despite the presence of the DMSO cryoprotectant, freez- ing. Underlying diagnoses eligible for enrollment were as
ing and thawing of PLTs results in a number of changes follows: any type of leukemia, myeloma, myelofibrosis, mye-
related to damage and activation of at least a portion of the lodysplasia, aplastic anemia, hematopoietic or nonhemato-
PLTs including production of PLT microparticles, greater poietic solid tumor, and chemotherapy or radiation
thrombin generation in an in vitro assay system, 25% to 30% therapy–induced marrow aplasia or hypoplasia or any type
loss of PLT content, increased P-selectin expression, and of hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Subjects were
increased expression of phosphatidylserine on the PLT outer excluded if they had evidence of acute or chronic dissemi-
membrane.6,7 The resulting in vitro procoagulant phenotype nated intravascular coagulation (DIC) by clinical laboratory
is a concern when assessing the in vivo safety of CPPs. In a values (D-dimer greater than 8 μg/mL and fibrinogen < 100
recent literature review, we did not find even a single mg/dL), receiving treatment with anti-PLT drugs and/or
reported case of thromboembolic complications after the full anticoagulation therapy, a history or diagnosis of unpro-
transfusion of more than 3000 CPP units to 1334 patients.8 In voked thrombotic events, immune thrombocytopenia,
recent studies of radiolabeled autologous CPPs in 32 healthy thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic uremic
subjects studied in three different laboratories, PLT recover- syndrome, or venoocclusive disease. All patients provided
ies were reduced (33 ± 10%) and the in vivo survivals were written informed consent.
shorter (7.5 ± 1.2 days) compared with fresh PLT-rich
plasma-derived PLTs (63 ± 9% and 8.6 ± 1.1 days) or histori- PLT product sources and manufacturing
cally observed for standard-of-care liquid-stored PLTs.8,9
Cryopreserved PLTs were prepared by the Dartmouth-
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the
Hitchcock Medical Center Transfusion Medicine Research
safety of CPPs in hematology-oncology patients with throm-
Laboratory as described previously.9 Briefly, 27% DMSO
bocytopenia with active bleeding. Secondary objectives were
(Lonza) was aseptically added to apheresis (AP; ≥ 3.0 × 1011
to gather additional in vitro descriptive data of the PLT
PLTs in 165-375 mL of plasma) within 57 hours of collection
products and to obtain preliminary efficacy data.
to a final DMSO concentration of 6% (5.6%-6.7%). AP in 6%
DMSO were concentrated to 20 to 35 mL by centrifugation
MATERIALS AND METHODS in 500 mL ethyl vinyl acetate freezing bags (OriGen Biomed-
ical), placed in a cardboard plasma freezing container, fro-
Study design zen in a chest-type mechanical freezer set at –80 C, and
This trial was a multicenter, open-label, randomized Phase held frozen at not more than –65 C for up to 2 years. CPPs
1 dose escalation study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of were shipped on dry ice in a validated container to Blood-
the Department of Defense’s formulation of CPP after trans- works Northwest and Hoxworth Blood Center as needed.
fusion to actively bleeding patients with thrombocytopenia. Product condition and temperature history for each unit
Four sequential cohorts of patients received escalating were verified before release for transfusion. Each site
doses of CPP transfusions starting with 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 units thawed ABO-matched CPP unit(s) at 37 C for approximately
each given to six patients with an additional patient in each 8 minutes, resuspended the PLTs in 25 mL of sterile saline,
cohort receiving 1 unit of liquid-stored PLTs (LSPs) for a and transfused within 4 hours of thawing on Study Day
total of 28 patients. Patient assignment to test or control 1. Standard-of-care in-process leukoreduced LSPs were AP
PLTs was centrally randomized. Safety and efficacy were in plasma collected using an apheresis system (Trima, Ter-
evaluated for up to 6 days after study PLT transfusions; umo BCT, Inc.) with ACD-A after the manufacturer’s
however, mortality was followed for 30 days. The study was instructions, contained at least 3 × 1011 PLTs, and were irra-
performed at three sites: Bloodworks Northwest and Univer- diated with 25 or 30 Gy and stored at 20 to 24 C for no
sity of Washington Hospital (Seattle, WA); Dartmouth- more than 5 days.

2130 TRANSFUSION Volume 58, September 2018


Methods included spontaneous bleeding rates and severity scores,

Liquid-stored PLTs and CPPs were administered by a single PLT CI and CCI, days to next transfusion, TGT, and TEG.
intravenous (IV) infusion through a central line on Study The study PLTs were characterized in vitro on Study Day
Day 1 followed by approximately 100 mL of saline rinse. 1 by pH, PLT concentration, volume, P-selectin, microparti-
Multiple units of CPP were infused immediately one after cles, phosphatidylserine expression, mean PLT volume, and
the other. Volume differences between the products did not swirling.
allow blinding of randomization assignment to patients or
their medical staff. After a study transfusion, patients were Statistical analyses
followed for evidence of transfusion reactions, thrombotic Descriptive statistics are used to present the study data. Dis-
events, other adverse events (AEs), coagulation-related vari- crete variables are presented as number of observations and
ables, and PLT efficacy endpoints. percentages. Continuous variables are given as means, stan-
Clinical assessments were performed daily at approxi- dard deviations (SDs), median, and range. Coefficients of
mately the same time by a member of the site’s trial staff variation are also presented for all quantitative PLT vari-
and included vital signs; a general physical examination for ables assessed by in vitro assays of a pretransfusion aliquot
evidence of bleeding or thrombotic event; patient or family of the CPP and LSP products. For summary descriptive sta-
member reports of bleeding signs or symptoms; and chart tistics, missing data are represented by counts and were
review for bleeding, thrombotic events, or other treatment- treated as missing at random, and no adjustments were
emergent AEs (TEAEs). All TEAEs were evaluated by the site made. All statistical analyses were performed with computer
investigator for severity (mild, moderate, or severe) and software (SAS, Version 9.2, SAS Institute). A post hoc data
relationship to the study transfusion (related, possibly analysis was done using a mixed-effect analysis of variance
related, or not related). All safety data were reviewed by an (ANOVA) with repeated subject measures and a random
independent medical monitor and a data monitoring com- intercept stratified by product type (Proc Mixed, SAS 9.4).
mittee before escalation to the next higher dose cohort.
Before and after the transfusion on Study Day 1 and on
Study Day 2, patients were tested for coagulation markers RESULTS
including fibrinogen, D-dimer, prothrombin fragments 1+2 Patient recruitment and baseline characteristics
(F1+2), thrombin antithrombin (TAT), antithrombin (AT),
Twenty-eight eligible patients were randomized, received a
prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin
study PLT transfusion, and completed the study over a
time (aPTT), thrombin generation test (TGT; calibrated
period of 21 months (Fig. 1): 39.3% were female and 60.7%
automated thrombogram, Diagnostica Stago, Inc.), and
were male, 75% were Caucasian, and the mean ± SD age was
thromboelastography (TEG; Thrombelastograph 5000, Hae-
51.9 ± 15.8 years (Table 1). One exception to the randomiza-
monetics Corp.). Serum troponin was determined on Study
tion scheme was in Cohort 1 where one patient who was ran-
Day 1 before the infusion and on Day 3. A 12-lead electro-
domly assigned to receive 0.5 units of CPPs was inadvertently
cardiogram (ECG) was performed on Study Day 1 before
transfused with one entire CPP unit. All patients had WHO
the infusion and on Days 2 and 3. Transfusion efficacy was
Grade 2 or greater bleeding at the time of the study PLT
evaluated by assessing spontaneous bleeding and grading
transfusion, and half had severe or life-threatening WHO
based on WHO criteria,10 PLT counts to determine count
Grade 3 (n = 7) or Grade 4 (n = 7) bleeding. Of note is that
increments (CIs) and corrected count increments (CCIs),
16 of 28 patients (57%) were either alloimmunized (human
and the number of days until the next PLT transfusion (days
leukocyte antigen [HLA] panel-reactive antibodies of > 20%;
to next transfusion). On Study Days 1 through 6, patients
n = 7) and/or were otherwise clinically refractory to standard
were assessed for TEAEs, spontaneous bleeding, vital signs,
PLT transfusions (CI < 11 × 109/L after two consecutive
PLT counts, and thrombotic events. A patient was consid-
transfusions; n = 9).11
ered an evaluable subject for safety assessments if he or she
received a study infusion and completed study-related Day
Characteristics of transfused PLTs
3 procedures although the full follow-up period was 6 days.
Forty-two units of CPP were thawed and transfused with a
mean (±SD) PLT content per unit of 2.4 × 1011 ± 0.4 × 1011
Criteria for evaluating transfusion outcomes PLTs (range, 1.8 × 1011-3.4 × 1011) reflecting an expected
Primary safety endpoints included all TEAEs, signs or symp- 20% to 25% decrease in PLT counts after the freeze-thaw pro-
toms of thrombotic events including ECG changes, and cess. The mean storage time of the transfused CPPs at no
changes in the following posttransfusion variables: vital warmer than –65 C was 312 days (range, 89-621 days). The
signs, coagulation (fibrinogen, D-dimer, F1+2, TAT, AT, PT, four LSP units had PLT counts of 3.8 × 1011 ± 0.5 × 1011
and aPTT), chemistry (serum creatinine, lactate dehydroge- PLTs/transfusion (range, 3.3 × 1011-4.3 × 1011) with a storage
nase [LDH], and troponin), and hematology (hematocrit time of 2 to 5 days at 20 to 24 C. All study PLTs had pH 22 C
[Hct], hemoglobin [Hb], and PLT counts). Efficacy endpoints of more than 6.5 before transfusion. CPPs were more

Volume 58, September 2018 TRANSFUSION 2131


Fig. 1. Patient disposition. Fifty-nine patients were assessed for eligibility, and 28 were randomly assigned and received a PLT
transfusion. *One patient was randomly assigned to receive 0.5 units of CPPs but inadvertently received 1 unit. This patient’s data were
analyzed with the 1-unit CPP group. There were no early withdrawals.

activated than LSPs showing higher expression of PLT- worsening thrombocytopenia and stroke, and died of car-
associated P-selectin and phosphatidylserine with more PLT diac arrest 6 days after the study transfusion. One patient
microparticles (Fig. 2). developed an abnormal ECG with prolonged QT interval
due to a medication known to prolong the QT interval
Transfusion results (Dasatinib) that resolved after drug discontinuation.
Treatment-emergent AEs considered related to CPP
CI showed a dose response with CPP transfusions from
transfusion occurred in three patients. One patient had mild
1.20 × 109 ± 3.10 × 109 PLTs/L for 0.5-unit to
chills and fever after receiving 1 unit of CPPs, two patients
13.2 × 109 ± 6.38 × 109 PLTs/L for 3-unit transfusions.
had a DMSO skin odor after 0.5 or 3 units of CPPs, and one
When normalized for the number of PLTs transfused, there
patient had a moderate headache the day after a 3-unit CPP
was no difference in CCI for different CPP doses with an
transfusion. One patient had a severe reaction with chills,
average of 3.0 m2/μL per 1011 PLTs (Fig. 3). Both CI and
rigors, wheezing, and tachypnea after a nonstudy PLT trans-
CCI were much greater for LSP transfusions when com-
fusion given 5 days after the patient received 3 units of CPPs.
pared to even a 3-unit transfusion of CPP.
This reaction was not considered related to his prior CPP
Posttransfusion PLT survival is approximated by days
transfusion. There were no TEAEs related to a LSP transfu-
to next transfusion. Consistent with the previously reported
sion (see Table S1 [available as supporting information in the
long life span of radiolabeled autologous CPPs ranging from
online version of this paper] for a full summary of AEs).
6.7 to 8.0 days,8,9 there is no difference in days to next trans-
fusion for CPP and LSP transfusions in spite of the lower CI
with CPPs (Table 2).8,9
Clinical bleeding
AEs Bleeding assessed clinically before and after each patient’s
There were no thrombotic events considered related to study transfusion is summarized in Table 3. By the end of
study PLTs after any study transfusion. Eleven serious AEs Study Day 2, 14 of 24 patients (58%) had improved bleeding
were reported in five patients who received CPPs, and all status after a CPP transfusion, and two of four patients
were considered related to worsening of their underlying (50%) improved after a LSP transfusion.
clinical condition and/or its treatment. Four patients devel- Among the CPP recipients, three patients with WHO
oped sepsis; one case was classified as life-threatening and Grade 3 or 4 bleeding had remarkable clinical improve-
three cases were related to the patients’ deaths. Of these ments after a CPP transfusion. One patient with Grade
three fatal cases, one patient who received 0.5 units of CPPs 4 central nervous system (CNS) bleeding had altered mental
died 30 days later of septic shock; one patient who received status, occasional garbled or slurred speech, photophobia,
1 unit of CPPs developed a worsening lung infection, adult and headache and was not ambulatory. After receipt of
respiratory distress syndrome, and worsening sepsis that 1 unit of CPPs, all neurologic symptoms resolved within
resulted in death 10 days after study transfusion; and one 24 hours, repeat cranial computerized tomography scan at
patient who received 3 units of CPPs developed sepsis, with 24 hours showed no progression of the hematoma, and the

2132 TRANSFUSION Volume 58, September 2018

TABLE 1. Patient demographics and medical diagnosis*
All patients
Characteristic 0.5-unit CPP (n = 5) 1-unit CPP (n = 7) 2-unit CPP (n = 6) 3-unit CPP (n = 6) LSP (n = 4) (n = 28)
Female 4 (80.0) 2 (28.6) 3 (50.0) 1 (16.7) 1 (25.0) 11 (39.3)
Male 1 (20.0) 5 (71.4) 3 (50.0) 5 (83.3) 3 (75.0) 17 (60.7)
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1 (25.0) 1 (3.6)
Black or African American 1 (14.3) 1 (16.7) 2 (7.1)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 1 (16.7) 1 (3.6)
Not available 1 (16.7) 1 (3.6)
Other 1 (20) 1 (25.0) 2 (7.1)
White 4 (80) 6 (85.7) 4 (66.7) 5 (83.3) 2 (50) 21 (75.0)
Not Hispanic or Latino 5 (100) 7 (100) 5 (83.3) 6 (100.0) 4 (100) 27 (96.4)
Not available 1 (16.7) 1 (3.6)
Age (year) 46 ± 17.3δ 57.7 ± 18.6 52.3 ± 15.8 53.3 ± 13 46.3 ± 16.2 51.9 ± 15.8
(28-65) (20-71) (33-75) (30-64) (27-62) (20-75)
Height (cm) 171 ± 2.77 172 ± 8.55 176 ± 11.7 180 ± 11.6 177 ± 13.4 175.2 ± 10
(168-175) (161-185) (161-193) (160-193) (160-190) (160-193)
Weight (kg) 91.4 ± 15.3 87.2 ± 23.9 87.7 ± 28.3 97.8 ± 16.4 81.1 ± 11.4 89.5 ± 20.1
(72.6-111.9) (61.6-119.2) (53.5-127) (76.6-113) (70.8-97.5) (53.5-127)
AML 3 (1 PBSC) 2 1
ALL 2 (1 cord) 2 (1 PBSC) 1 CAR-T
Myelofibrosis 2 (1 cord, 1 PBSC)
Myeloma 1 (autoPBSC)
ANLL 3 (1 PBSC, 1 BMT) 3 (1 PBSC) 2 (1 PBSC, 1 autoPBSC) 2 (1 PBSC)
Aplastic anemia 1
* Data are reported as number (%), mean ± SD (range), or number (number transplanted).
ALL = acute lymphocytic leukemia; AML = acute myelogenous leukemia; ANLL = acute nonlymphocytic leukemia; autoPBSC = autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant; BMT = allogeneic
bone marrow transplant; CAR-T = CAR-T cell infusion; CML = chronic myelogenous leukemia; cord = cord blood allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplant; NHL = non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma; PBSC = allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant.

Volume 58, September 2018 TRANSFUSION 2133


Fig. 2. Transfused PLT characteristics. Displayed are the percentages of PLTs in the unit (□, CPP units; ▪, LSP units) expressing P-selectin,
phosphatidylserine, and the percentage of microparticles. Also given are the number of PLTs/unit × 1011. The data are given as the mean ± 1 SD.

Fig. 3. Posttransfusion PLT responses. PLT CI (□) is the difference in posttransfusion minus pretransfusion patient PLT counts. CCI ( ) ▪
is the CI normalized for patient body surface area and the number of PLTs transfused; that is, CCI = (PLT increment [103/μL] × body
surface area/m2)/number of PLTs transfused × 1011. Data are given as the mean ± 1 SD.

patient was discharged from the hospital 5 days after only one dose daily up to Study Day 3 and no complaints of
transfusion. headaches at the outpatient visit on Study Day 4. It was
Another patient with Grade 4 CNS bleeding based on concluded based on improvements in the severity and fre-
computerized tomography scan and confirmed by magnetic quency of his headaches and decreased need for high-dose
resonance image had intermittent headaches that worsened acetaminophen that CNS bleeding had probably resolved.
with coughing. The headaches were controlled with four Furthermore, he was released from the hospital 2 days after
doses of acetaminophen the day before the study transfu- the CPP transfusion.
sion. There were mild intermittent episodes of headache Another patient with WHO Grade 3 bleeding based on
after study transfusion and reduction of acetaminophen to a hemothorax that required RBC transfusions had no chest

2134 TRANSFUSION Volume 58, September 2018


TABLE 2. Days to next PLT transfusion

CPP units LSP
Parameter 0.5 1 2 3 1
Number of observations 5 6* 5* 5* 3*
Median (days) 1 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.3
Range 0-1 1-2 0-2 1-3 1-2
* One patient in each of these groups did not have any additional PLT transfusions.

TABLE 3. Improvements in posttransfusion bleeding

Pretransfusion WHO bleeding grade
Transfusion dose Grade 2* Grade 3* Grade 4* Total
0.5-unit CPP 1/1 (100%) 2/4 (50%) 3/5 (60%)
1-unit CPP 2/4 (50%) 1/1 (100%) 1/2 (50%) 4/7 (57%)
2-unit CPP 2/3 (66%) 1/1 (100%) 1/2 (50%) 4/6 (66%)
3-unit CPP 2/3 (66%) 1/3 (33%) 3/6 (50%)
Total 7/11 (64%) 4/6 (66%) 3/7 (43%) 14/24 (58%)

1-unit LSP 1/3 (33%) 1/1 (100%) 2/4 (50%)

* Overall, in 14 of 24 (58.3%) CPP-transfused patients, bleeding improved including three of seven (43%) patients with CNS bleeding.

tube drainage for 6 hours (a fourfold decrease in his total the online version of this paper). Mean changes from base-
chest drainage from the previous day) immediately after line on the day after the study transfusion were small and
receiving 2 units of CPPs. No patient had bleeding worsen insignificant (p > 0.05). As thrombin is formed, TAT
after receiving a study PLT transfusion. Interestingly, there increases are expected as part of the in vivo coagulation con-
was no evidence of a dose response based on bleeding trol mechanisms. Mean TAT levels were above the laboratory
reduction and the number of CPP units transfused. reference range before the study PLT transfusion. TAT
increased after study PLT transfusion in the 1-unit CPP group
Clinical laboratory assessments (p < 0.05) and the 3-unit CPP group (p > 0.10) but decreased
in the 2-unit CPP and LSP study groups (Table S7, available
PT, aPTT, fibrinogen, and D-dimer
as supporting information in the online version of this
All patients entered into this study had evidence of coagulo-
paper). TAT levels were highly variable in the study patients.
pathy of disease and/or its treatment; PT and aPTT clotting
As with D-dimer, F1+2 was frequently elevated in the study
times were increased, D-dimers were elevated, and fibrino-
subjects before the first study PLT transfusion (Table S8, avail-
gen was reduced in some patients; however, DIC was ruled
able as supporting information in the online version of this
out in all patients. Mean levels of PT and aPTT tended to be
paper). Mean and median F1+2 changes from baseline were
above the upper limit of normal but generally stable over
highly variable between patients (SD up to 821 pmol/L for Day
the course of the study (Table S2 and S3, respectively, avail-
2 data for the 0.5-unit CPP group). In this study, we observed
able as supporting information in the online version of this
that the levels of F1+2 and TAT were correlated (r = 0.863,
paper). Fibrinogen, an acute-phase reactant, was elevated in
p < 0.0001). After CPP transfusions, there was a consistent
most study subjects, but remained stable throughout the
increase in both F1+2 and TAT, although this only reached sig-
study period, therefore presenting no evidence of a signifi-
nificance in the 1-unit CPP dose cohort and did not show a
cant consumptive process such as DIC (Table S4, available
dose–response relationship. AT levels were not consistently cor-
as supporting information in the online version of this
related with F1+2 or TAT concentrations across all patients.
paper). D-dimer, a fibrin breakdown product, was also ele-
With the small LSP cohort (n = 4), there were no significant
vated in these patients consistent with an active breakdown
changes in either F1+2 or TAT after transfusion.
of fibrin. D-dimer was stable over the course of the study
with only small changes observed (Table S5, available as
supporting information in the online version of this paper). Other clinical laboratory tests
Other clinical laboratory outcomes of creatinine, troponin,
AT, TAT, and F1+2 LDH, Hct, and Hb are shown in Tables S9 through S13
Median levels of AT tended to be toward or below the low (available as supporting information in the online version of
end of the normal ranges in all patients before the study PLT this paper). There were no clinically relevant changes in any
transfusion (Table S6, available as supporting information in of these assays from baseline values.

Volume 58, September 2018 TRANSFUSION 2135


Fig. 4. Differences in TGT test variables before to after transfusion. Height of the bars represents the mean ± 1 SD. Data were analyzed
using a mixed-effect ANOVA with repeated subject measures and a random intercept stratified by product type (Proc Mixed, SAS 9.4).
Overall, the pre- to posttransfusion effects for peak thrombin were significant for 2- and 3-unit CPP transfusions (p = 0.005 and
p = 0.002, respectively), and time to peak was close to significantly shortened (p = 0.058) for 3-unit transfusions. ( ) Day 1, before
transfusion; ( ) Day 1, after transfusion; ( ) Day 2.

Ex vivo PLT function tests TEG

TGTs Patients generally had reduced response to kaolin activation
Patients generally had reduced to absent in vitro throm- before transfusion as indicated by extended R-time, reduced
bin generation in the TGT assay pretransfusion; extended angle, and reduced maximum amplitude (MA; Fig. 5 and
lag time, reduced peak thrombin, and extended time to Table S15, available as supporting information in the online
peak (Fig. 4 and Table S14, available as supporting infor- version of this paper). Very little to no lysis at 30 minutes
mation in the online version of this paper). Endogenous was observed before transfusion, after transfusion, or on
thrombin potential was not consistently reported since Day 2. Improvements were generally observed in the TEG
the end of reactions did not always converge permitting variables in response to CPP transfusions (reduced R-time,
an area integration of the data. One set of curves for one increased angle, and increased MA), although these effects
patient who received 1 unit of CPPs is shown to illustrate did not always persist through the next day.
the in vitro thrombin generation response before transfu- Overall, the pre- to posttransfusion effect for R-time
sion, after transfusion, and the day after transfusion (Day was significant for 0.5- and 1-unit CPP transfusions
2; Fig. S1, available as supporting information in the (p < 0.05). MA increased after transfusion, reaching signifi-
online version of this paper). Overall, the pre- to post- cance for 3-unit transfusions and was similar to the increase
transfusion effect for peak thrombin were significant for observed with LSP 1-unit transfusions. MA was generally
2- and 3-unit CPP transfusions (p < 0.005), and time to maintained through Day 2 observations. For 1-unit LSP
peak tended to be shortened for 3-unit transfusions transfusions, no significant effects were seen in this small
(p = 0.06). For 1-unit LSP transfusions, no significant cohort (n = 4) for any TEG variables except for MA that was
effects were seen in this small cohort (n = 4) for any TGT significantly increased after transfusion (p = 0.01).
variables before to after transfusion. The thrombin gener-
ation response, while partially corrected after transfusion,
does not approach those observed in healthy controls DISCUSSION
using test conditions of a PLT concentration of approxi- We report the results of a dose escalation safety and efficacy
mately 100 × 109 PLTs/L per test in PLT-rich plasma study comparing 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 units of CPPs given sequen-
(data not shown). tially to 1 unit of LSPs in bleeding hematology-oncology

2136 TRANSFUSION Volume 58, September 2018


Fig. 5. Differences in TEG test variables before to after transfusion. Height of the bars represents the mean ± 1 SD. Data were analyzed
using a mixed-effect ANOVA with repeated subject measures and a random intercept stratified by product type (Proc Mixed, SAS 9.4).
Overall, the before to after transfusion effect for R-time was significant for 0.5-unit CPP (p = 0.048) and close to significant for 1-unit
CPP (p = 0.052) transfusions. MA increased after transfusion, reaching significance (p = 0.021) for 3-unit CPP transfusions, and was
similar to the increase observed with LSP 1-unit transfusions that was also significant (p = 0.011) after transfusion. MA is the maximum
strength or stiffness of the developed clot. R-time is the reaction time and reflects initial fibrin formation. ( ) Day 1, before transfusion;
( ) Day 1, after transfusion; ( ) Day 2.

patients with thrombocytopenia. There were four cohorts Furthermore, bleeding improvements were unrelated to
with six patients per cohort given escalating doses of CPP CPP dose (Table 3).
and one patient per cohort given LSP. Patients were fol- As expected in this clinically ill patient population,
lowed for 6 days after their study transfusions. coagulation tests demonstrated an overall hypercoagulable
The primary endpoint was safety with the biggest con- state as is known for patients with malignancies,12 most
cern being the development of a thromboembolic event as especially, low AT, elevated TAT, elevated F1+2, and ele-
CPPs are highly activated and contain increased numbers of vated D-dimer. In spite of the status of these patients before
microparticles compared with LSPs (Fig. 2). There were no transfusion as indicated by this panel of hemostasis
thromboembolic events related to any study PLT transfusion markers, they were actively bleeding with abnormalities
(24 CPP recipients) consistent with an exhaustive literature observable in sensitive global TGT and TEG coagulation
review of prior CPP transfusions without a single reported tests. The coagulation markers D-dimer, fibrinogen, PT, and
thromboembolic event.8 There were four mild transfusion- PTT were generally stable or had only small changes after
related AEs that were considered related to a CPP transfu- CPP PLT transfusions, consistent with the finding that there
sion; that is, one patient had mild chills and fever, two had was no clinical evidence of thrombosis in study patients
DMSO-related skin odor, and one had a moderate headache after a study PLT transfusion despite being in a pretransfu-
the day after transfusion. sion hypercoagulable state.
The PLT CI in patients receiving CPPs increased in a These preliminary data suggest that TGT and TEG
dose–response manner, but remained much less than LSP responses are diminished as a component of an overall coa-
CI even with a 3-CPP-unit transfusion. In spite of these poor gulopathy of disease and/or its treatment with a reduced
CIs in 16 of 28 (57%) patients who were clinically refractory capacity to generate thrombin. Transfusion of CPP at least
to standard-of-care PLT transfusions and were actively partially corrects these outcomes in a dose-dependent man-
bleeding, 14 of 24 (58%) patients receiving CPP had their ner, and this effect can be observed for 24 hours posttrans-
bleeding improve after transfusion including three of seven fusion. TGT and TEG responses are confounded by PLT
(43%) patients with WHO Grade 4 CNS bleeding. count and other clinical factors such as uremia and

Volume 58, September 2018 TRANSFUSION 2137


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The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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1. Valeri CR, Feingold H, Marchionni LD. A simple method for Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
freezing human platelets using 6 percent dimethylsulfoxide online version of this article.
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2. Khuri SF, Healey N, MacGregor H, et al. Comparison of the Tables S1–S15: Supporting Information.
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2138 TRANSFUSION Volume 58, September 2018

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