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Medical Contraindications to Implant

Therapy: Part I: Absolute Contraindications

Debby Hwang, DMD,* and Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD†

n order to ensure implant success, In order to ensure implant suc- malignancy, drug abuse, psychiatric

I it is necessary to select patients

who do not have local or systemic
contraindications to therapy. Failure
cess, it is essential to select patients
who do not possess local or systemic
contraindications to therapy. Hence, it
illness, as well as intravenous bisphos-
phonate use. Any of these conditions
bar elective oral surgery, and require
may arise from 3 major etiologies: im- is the purpose of this paper to review judicious monitoring by the physician
paired host healing, disruption of a
the medical diseases that reportedly as well as the dental provider. Non-
weak bone-to-implant interface after
abutment connection, and infection.1 preclude conventional dental implant compliance to the suggested protocol
The intrinsic ability of a patient to treatment. Absolute contraindications may, in the worst possible case, result
retain an implant relies on his or her to implant rehabilitation include in patient mortality. (Implant Dent
health status. Jolly2 described dental recent myocardial infarction and ce- 2006;15:353–360)
care modification with respect to med- rebrovascular accident, valvular pros- Key Words: medical contraindica-
ical risk assessment as defined by the thesis surgery, immunosuppression, tions, dental implants, implant fail-
American Society of Anesthesiolo- bleeding issues, active treatment of ure, smoking, osteoporosis
gists; a summary appears in Table 1.
A retrospective analysis of Veter-
ans Administration registry data dem- son, implant therapy remains elective surgical, that could trigger post-
onstrated that surgical and healing treatment. For any noncompulsory ischemia complications. About 75%
complications, as well as patient med- surgery, there exist certain minimal of patients who had a myocardial in-
ical status (i.e., medical history, Amer- thresholds that cannot be crossed. Ab- farction experience further complica-
ican Society of Anesthesiologists’ solute contraindications will, if ig- tions, often within hours or days after
level, medication history), correlated nored, jeopardize the overall health of the incident, that range from cardio-
with implant failure.3 Smith et al,4 on a patient. Those with uncontrolled or genic shock or “pump failure,” ar-
the other hand, detected no statisti- unknown but suspected metabolic ill- rhythmias (e.g., sinus bradycardia,
cally significant association between nesses necessitate an immediate med- premature ventricular contractions,
compromised medical status with ical consultation prior to dental care. ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fi-
perioperative morbidity or failure of Some of these problems, however, are brillation, asystole), myocardial rup-
implants in 104 patients. These studies self-limiting or treatable, so elective ture, pericarditis, or chronic ischemic
differ in the type of medical conditions oral procedures may be possible in the heart disease, which is progressive
and degree of disease control included future. This manuscript reviews med- heart failure.5 In regard to a cerebro-
in analysis. It is obvious that incongru- ical conditions that categorically pre- vascular accident, or ischemic stroke,
ous reports exist in the dental literature clude implantation and, in some cases,
as to the extent of systemic factor in- 15% of patients die within the first 3
threaten life if unaddressed.
fluence on clinical implant failure; the months.6 Functional recovery occurs
fact that medical status may influence within the first month but may continue
success is not in dispute.
RECENT MYOCARDIAL up to a year following the incident. Dur-
Despite the functional and emo-
INFARCTION OR ing that time, complications arise, in-
tional toll edentulism wreaks on a per- CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT cluding recurrent stroke, rebleeding in
Given an adequate amount of the case of aneurysm, cerebral vaso-
time, ischemia to the heart or the brain spasm, seizures, hydrocephalus, and
*Former resident, Department of Periodontics and Oral
Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann generates necrosis and functional def- hyponatremia.6
Arbor, MI; currently, private practice, Fairfield, CT.
†Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics. Department icits. With intervention and a healing Due to the high risk of complica-
of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. period of roughly 6 –12 months after tions following a myocardial infarc-
preliminary care, patient stability oc- tion or cerebrovascular accident, the
ISSN 1056-6163/06/01504-353
Implant Dentistry curs. In the interim period and for 3– 6 dental provider must wait until prelim-
Volume 15 • Number 4
Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins months after initial stability, it is nec- inary stabilization. The patient may
DOI: 10.1097/ essary to avoid any stress, including pursue elective dental care only if at


Table 1. ASA Status and Dental Care Alterations2
Classification Patient Attributes Examples Dental Care Alterations
I ● Healthy None
● Little to no dental anxiety
II ● Mild to moderate Well-controlled diabetes, epilepsy, None
systemic disease asthma, thyroid conditions;
● Is not incapacitating pregnancy; active allergies
● Does not limit activity
● Greater dental anxiety
III ● Severe systemic disease Stable angina; past myocardial Routine care generally possible. Careful
● Is not incapacitating infarction (MI) or cerebrovascular evaluation needed if extensive fixed
● Limits activity accident (CVA) ⬎6 months; prosthetic rehab planned. Avoid
congestive heart failure (CHF) procedures that provoke
immunosuppressed pts. Most
surgery not contraindicated.
IV ● Severe systemic disease Unstable angina; MI or CVA in last Manage only acute disease. Fixed and
● Incapacitating 6 months; severe HTN; severe removable prosthetic rehab may be
● Limits activity CHF or COPD; uncontrolled limited. Surgery exposing bone may
epilepsy, diabetes, thyroid require extensive prep. Will need
conditions much med management prep.
V Moribund (will not survive
with or without operation)
VI Clinically dead patient
maintained for organ

least 6 months have passed since the autograft fall subject to endocarditis, valve loss. Depending on the type of
ischemic incident and he or she ob- as well as regurgitation, stenosis, and valve used (mechanical or bioprosthesis
tains medical clearance. The health degeneration. The prevalence of pros- [porcine]), the patient requires different
care professional must be aware of any thetic valve endocarditis hovers drug regimens (anticoagulants or plasma
anticoagulant or thrombolytic therapy around 1% to 3%, and the greatest risk volume elevators, respectively).7 Any
administered and understand that the occurs within the first 3 months.8 By 6 dental treatment must take such medica-
desire for oral implants does not nec- months, the prosthetic valve endocar- tions into consideration.
essarily justify interruption of a thera- ditis rate drops to 0.4%. Early seeding
peutic international normalized ratio arises because as soon as implantation Bleeding
(INR). takes place, fibrin and platelet thrombi If proper hemostasis cannot occur,
aggregate at the surgical site (sewing elective surgery must not take place.
VALVULAR PROSTHESIS PLACEMENT ring and annulus), attracting microbes A loss of 500 mL of blood requires
Repair of cardiac or vascular de- from intraoperative contamination. volume replacement.9 Uncontrolled
fects with autografts or particular mate- With time, endothelialization pro- hemorrhage stems from a multitude of
rials often become completely encased gresses, sealing the prosthesis off from conditions, including platelet and
in endocardium or endothelium within infective organisms, and, thus, lower- clotting factor disorders, but often
the first month, rendering them rela- ing risk. Staphylococcus epidermidis, originates from drug therapy. Patients
tively impervious to bacterial seeding. other coagulase-negative staphylo- taking oral anticoagulants (e.g., aspi-
Not all materials consistently become cocci, Staphylococcus aureus, and rin, warfarin, clopidogrel, among oth-
fully covered (e.g., polyethylene tereph- fungi cause early onset prosthetic ers) for cardiovascular maladies must
thalate [Dacron威; INVISTA, Wichita, valve endocarditis; bacteria responsi- receive careful supervision of bleeding
KS]), depending on morphology, loca- ble for native-valve endocarditis, time and INR. Little risk of significant
tion, or inherent constitution, and Staphylococcus viridans and its bleeding following dental surgical
possible risks from exposure include en- ␣-hemolytic streptococci brethren, procedures in patients with a pro-
docarditis or endarteritis. Especially lead to late-onset prosthetic valve thrombin time of 1.5–2 times is nor-
prone to microbial infection, pros- endocarditis. mal.10 Fazio and Fang11 suggested an
thetic valves restore function to those With prosthetic valve replace- INR of 2.2 or lower for surgical pro-
with progressive congestive heart fail- ment, stability occurs at least 6 months cedures. The medical literature, how-
ure, systemic emboli, or endocarditis.7 to 1 year after cardiac surgery.7,8 ever, proposes that a patient with an
Three forms of prosthetic valve exist: Avoidance of invasive periodontal INR of 3 or less tolerates invasive oral
bioprostheses, mechanical valves, and procedures is mandatory in order to pre- therapies, including extractions; tran-
homografts or autografts. All but the vent bacteremia and possible subsequent examic acid or epsilon amino caproic


acid may be used to treat residual cludes surgery, but the clinician must potential of bone decrease. The posterior
hemorrhage.12 If for some reason, the realize that less than 400 cells/mm3 mandible in particular experiences os-
INR must be kept higher, elective im- increases infection risk, especially teoradionecrosis simply because it often
plant treatment is inappropriate. from Candida. In these cases, broad- lies adjacent to the radiation source. Ad-
A lack of platelets due to infec- spectrum antibiotic coverage is sug- ditionally, it is less vascular, and con-
tion, idiopathic thrombocytopenia gested. In addition, the lower the tains less and larger trabeculae. Most
purpura, radiation therapy, myelosup- CD4⫹:CD8 ratio, which normally ap- studies that involve implant placement
pression, and leukemia may lead to proximates 2.0, the more immuno- in irradiated bone reflect this.18
bleeding issues during or after surgery compromised the patient.14 Cytotoxic anticancer drugs induce
as well. The normal platelet count has rapid granulocytopenia, followed by
a wide range, between 100,000 and thrombocytopenia. Myelosuppression
500,000/mm3. Mild thrombocytope- ACTIVE CANCER THERAPY occurs often from a multiple drug regi-
nia, or 50,000 –100,000/mm3, may While needed to destroy rapidly men. In addition to bone marrow toxic-
produce abnormal postoperative dividing malignant cells, both ionizing ity and immunosuppression, anticancer
bleeding. Levels below 50,000/mm3 radiation and chemotherapy disrupt agents cause gastrointestinal toxicity
lead to major postsurgical bleeding; host defense mechanisms and hemato- and skin reactions. This leads to infec-
spontaneous bleeding of mucous poiesis. Because the patient on such tion, hemorrhage, mucositis, and pain.
membranes occurs below 20,000 cells/ regimens cannot mount an appropriate Thus, active use of such medications may
mm3.13 Such patients often require response to wounding from surgery, contraindicate implant rehabilitation. A
transfusion before surgery. implantation is prohibited. The total very limited number of investigations
For most dental patients, the he- dose of ionizing radiation for cancer have been conducted on chemotherapeutic
matocrit is crucial to outpatient care treatment ranges from 50 to 80 Gy. effects on implant survival. Case reports
only when values drop to roughly 60% This is given in fractions of 1–10 Gy on subjects with dental implants who
of low normal range. Patients who are per week in order to maximize death then undergo cancer chemotherapy show
to undergo sedation or general anes- of neoplastic cells and minimize injury conflicting, though mostly adverse, re-
thesia require hemoglobin and hemat- to host cells. Four stages of biological sults.19–21
ocrit values within about 75% to 80% interactions occur with radiation.16
of normal.14 Ultimately, cell death occurs from ne-
crosis and apoptosis, both p53- PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS
Immunosuppression mediated and otherwise. Bone loses In a patient unable to comprehend
The ability to rally an adequate osteocytes and undergoes osteoclastic and anticipate dental treatment logi-
immune response is crucial to wound and non-osteoclastic resorption.17 In cally, it is best not to place implants.
healing. Oral surgery is typically con- addition, cell injury fails to regress Often, mental illnesses are undiag-
traindicated when the total white after termination of radiotherapy; in nosed or unreported. Blomberg 22
blood count falls below 1500 –3000 fact, it compounds. Past the first 6 identified several conditions as incon-
cells/mm3, as the patient becomes sus- months post-radiation (in which bone- gruous with implant placement. These
ceptible to infection and compromised healing capacity may rebound some- include psychotic disorders (e.g.,
repair or regeneration.15 Despite a total what), less net vascularity exists and schizophrenia), severe character disor-
white blood count within normal range more fibrosis occurs; a hypovascular, ders (hysteroid and borderline person-
(5000 –10,000 cells/mm3), a grossly hypoxic, and hypocellular state pre- alities), dysmorphophobia, cerebral
abnormal absolute neutrophil count, dominates.16 In 3% to 35% of patients lesions, and presenile dementia, as
which includes polymorphonuclear who undergo head and neck radiation, well as alcohol and drug abuse. There
neutrophils and bands, renders the pa- spontaneous and traumatic osteoradio- exist no biological reasons for patients
tient unable to combat an immediate necrosis ensues.16 with most of the above disorders to
antigenic challenge. A normal abso- Overall, the tissues and systems of lose implants (at least none that have
lute neutrophil count level lies be- the periodontium have intermediate been determined), but various case
tween 3500 and 7000 cells/mm3. A radiosensitivity compared to those reports blame removal of osseointe-
person with levels between 1000 and with more rapid turnover (marrow, grated fixtures on psychiatric fac-
2000 cells/mm 3 requires broad- skin, gastrointestinal cells). Typical tors.23,24 Addictions to alcohol and
spectrum antibiotic coverage.14 Those head and neck radiation, however, other drugs, however, lower resistance
with less than 1000 cells/mm3 require makes the periodontal apparatus prone to disease, increase possibility of in-
immediate medical consultation and to injury. Osteocytes of outer lamellar fection, retard healing aggravated by
cannot receive dental implantation. and haversian bone in the direct path malnutrition, cause incoherence, and
In order to sustain health and ho- of ionizing radiation die, and blood result in poor oral hygiene.25 Alcohol
meostasis, the normal CD4⫹ T-cell vessels of the haversian canals may be abuse in particular induces hepatic dis-
count measures above 600 cells/mm3; obliterated. Mucositis and xerostomia ease and subsequent platelet disorders,
values below 500 cells/mm3 are con- resulting from radiation damage to hypertension, distress infarction, an-
sidered immunosuppressed. 14 At mucosa and salivary glands, respec- eurysm, and insidious hemorrhage. A
present, there is not a definitive lower tively, contribute also to a poor oral patient who abuses alcohol or drugs
limit of CD4⫹ lymphocytes that pre- environment. Patency and hemopoietic may suffer from an inability not only


Table 2. Types of Bisphosphonates
Drug Administration Treats Notes
Etidronate Oral Paget’s, hypercalcemia of malignancy, Not popularly used now, as it causes
IV osteoporosis (with alendronate) osteomalacia with prolonged use
Pamidronate IV Refractory Paget’s, hypercalcemia of
malignancy, osteoporosis
Zolendronic acid IV Hypercalcemia of malignancy
Alendronate Oral Osteoporosis Good for long-term use
Tiludronate Oral Paget’s
Risedronate Oral Paget’s, osteoporosis

cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw in the

mandible or in both jaws.
The medical establishment re-
sponded to this information, and the
International Myeloma Foundation
conducted a survey in 2004. Ten per-
cent of 211 patients on zoledronic acid
and 4% of 413 patients on pamidr-
onate developed osteonecrosis of the
jaw within 36 months of therapy ini-
tiation.31 Like the previous case re-
ports, the majority of victims had a
history of dental infection or extrac-
tion. Due to this and other literature,
Novartis (Basel, Switzerland),32 the
manufacturer of pamidronate (Aredia威)
and zoledronic acid (Zometa威), pub-
lished an addendum to drug guidelines
warning of a potential risk of osteone-
Fig. 1. Bisphosphonate mechanism of action. crosis of the jaw beginning September
2004. The corporation suggested to
dentists to follow this protocol: (1)
to recognize or accept realistic treat- use (i.e., pamidronate and zoledronic examine cancer patients prior to IV
ment outcomes but also to heal. acid) to osteonecrosis of the jaw. In bisphosphonate initiation, (2) avoid
2003, Marx26 found 36 cases of osteo- “invasive” dental procedures during
INTRAVENOUS BISPHOSPHONATE necrosis of the jaw in cancer patients the period the patient is on such treat-
TREATMENT receiving such a treatment regimen. ment, and (3) report any serious ad-
Twenty-five percent of the cases oc- verse effects to Novartis or the Food
Recently, a number of clinicians curred spontaneously, the rest post-
published links between intravenous and Drug Administration.
extraction. Eighty-one percent had The American Dental Association
(IV) bisphosphonate use to osteone-
mandibular involvement. That same and the American Academy of Peri-
crosis of the jaws. Bisphosphonates
year, Migliorati27 as well as Wang et odontology reiterated those posi-
inhibit bone resorption, and, thus, treat
osteoporosis, hypercalcemia of malig- al28 described 3 and 5 mostly mandib- tions. 33,34 Only initial data exist,
nancy, and Paget’s disease. They tend ular osteonecrosis of the jaw cases, however, and there are no studies on
to dwell in the bone for long periods of respectively, in IV bisphosphonate us- osteonecrosis of the jaw risk after drug
time. There exist both oral and IV ers. The only drug used by all patients discontinuation. Nevertheless, a pa-
routes of administration for bisphos- was a bisphosphonate; both authors tient considering IV bisphosphonate
phonates (Table 2). The mechanism stated that it directly caused osteone- therapy requires a thorough oral exam-
of action is unclear, though it is pro- crosis. The largest case report de- ination, and must attain dental and
posed to work in the manner shown scribed 63 cases of osteonecrosis of periodontal stability before drug insti-
in Fig. 1. Bisphosphonates also may the jaw in cancer and osteoporosis pa- gation. Elimination of any active in-
inhibit osteoclast precursors and tients on pamidronate, zoledronic fection, whether it is periodontitis,
cholesterol synthesis, as well as pro- acid, or both.29 Again, most patients gingival abscess, or caries, is a prereq-
mote osteoclast apoptosis and osteo- experienced mandibular necrosis uisite. If any issue warrants oral sur-
blast proliferation. (62%) and had recent dentoalveolar gery, healing must be complete prior
A rash of recent case reports sug- procedures performed on them (86%). to bisphosphonate use.35 The patient
gest a link between IV bisphosphonate In 2005, Bagan et al30 published 10 already taking pamidronate or


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34. American Dental Association. Os- 36. Nase JB, Suzuki JB. Osteonecro- Reprint requests and correspondence to:
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2006. Available at: treatment. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006;137: Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics
resources/topics/osteonecrosis.asp. Ac- 1115-1119. Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine
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35. Ruggiero S, Gralow J, Marx Council on Scientific Affairs. Dental man- 1011 North University Avenue
RE, et al. Practical guidelines for the agement of patients receiving oral Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment bisphosphonate therapy: Expert panel rec- Phone: (734) 763-3383
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with cancer. J Oncol Prac. 2006;2:7-14. 137:1144-1150. E-mail address:

Abstract Translations
SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Medizinische Kontraindikationen,
GERMAN / DEUTSCH Zahnimplantate, Versagen eines Implantats, Rauchen,
AUTOR(EN): Debby Hwang, DMD*, Hom-Lay Wang, Osteoporose
DDS, MSD**. *Ehemalige Assistenzärztin, Abteilung für
Orthodontie und Oralmedizin, zahnmedizinische Fakultät,
Universität von Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Zur Zeit
privat praktizierende Árztin, niedergelassen in Fairfield, CT, SPANISH / ESPAÑOL
USA. **Professor und Leiter des Graduiertenkollegs für AUTOR(ES): Debby Hwang, DMD*, Hom-Lay Wang, DDS,
Orthodontie. Abteilung für Orthodontie und Oralmedizin, MSD**. *Antiguo Residente, Departamento de Periodóntica
zahnmedizinische Fakultät, Universität von Michigan, Ann y Medicina Oral, Facultad de Odontologı́a, Universidad de
Arbor, MI, USA. Schriftverkehr: Dr. Hom-Lay Wang, Pro- Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, EE.UU. Actualmente en práctica
fessor und Leiter des Graduiertenkollegs für Orthodontie privada, Fairfield, CT, EE.UU. **Profesor y Director de
(Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics), Abtei- Periodóntica para Graduados. Departamento de Periodón-
lung für Orthodontie und Oralmedizin (Department of Peri- tica y Medicina Oral, Facultad de Odontologı́a, Universidad
odontics and Oral Medicine), zahnmedizinische Fakultät der de Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, EE.UU. Correspondencia a:
Universität von Michigan (University of Michigan School of Dr. Hom-Lay Wang, Professor and Director of Graduate
Dentistry). 1011 North University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich- Periodontics, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medi-
igan 48109-1078, USA. Telefon: (734) 763-3383, Fax: (734) cine, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, 1011 North
936-0374. eMail: University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078, USA.
Implantierungsbehandlungen und ihre medizinischen Ge- Teléfono: (734) 763-3383, Fax: (734) 936-0374. Correo elec-
genanzeigen: Teil I: Absolute Kontraindikationen trónico:
ABSTRACT: Um den Erfolg einer Implantierungsbehand- Contraindicaciones médicas a la terapia de implantes: Parte
lung zu garantieren, müssen die Patienten sorgfältig auf das I: Contraindicaciones absolutas
Bestehen eventueller lokaler oder systemischer Gegenanzei- ABSTRACTO: Para poder asegurar el éxito del implante, es
gen zur bevorzugten Therapiemethode hin ausgewählt wer- esencial seleccionar pacientes que no posean contraindicacio-
den. Daher zielt die vorliegende Arbeit darauf ab, diejenigen nes locales o sistémicas a la terapia. Por lo tanto, el propósito
medizinischen Krankheiten auszuloten, die nachgewiesener- de este trabajo es evaluar las enfermedades que se saben
maßen eine konventionelle Zahnimplantierung ausschließen. impiden el tratamiento convencional con implantes dentales.
Zu den absoluten Kontraindikationen einer Wiederherstellungs- Las contraindicaciones absolutas a la rehabilitación con im-
behandlung durch Implantierung gehören vorangegangener plantes incluyen un infarto reciente del miocardio y accidente
Herzmuskelinfarkt sowie zerebrovaskuläre Unpässlichkeit, cerebrovasccular, cirugı́a para colocar una prótesis valvular,
chirurgischer Einsatz einer neuen Herzklappe, Immunsupp- inmunosupresión, cuestiones de sangramiento, tratamiento
ression, Blutungsprobleme, aktive Malignitätsbehandlung, activo de malignidad, abuso de drogas, enfermedades psiqui-
Drogenmissbrauch, psychische Erkrankungen und die Ein- átricas ası́ como el uso de bisfosfanato por vı́a intravenosa.
nahme von IV-Bisphosphonaten. Jede der oben genannten Cualquiera de estas condiciones, excepto cirugı́a oral elegida
Gegenanzeigen stellt einen Hinderungsgrund für eine elektive y requiere una monitorización sensata del médico ası́ como el
Operation im Mundraum dar und bedarf der genauen dentista. El incumplimiento del protocolo sugerido podrı́a, en
Überwachung durch sowohl den behandelnden Arzt als auch el peor caso posible, resultar en la mortalidad del paciente.
den Zahntechniker. Wird das vorgeschlagene Protokoll nicht
befolgt, kann dies im schlimmsten Fall sogar zum Tod des PALABRAS CLAVES: Contraindicaciones médicas, im-
Patienten führen. plantes dentales, falla de un implante, fumar, osteoporosis


RESUMO: A fim de assegurar o sucesso do implante é
PORTUGUESE / PORTUGUÊS essencial selecionar pacientes que não possuam contra-
AUTOR(ES): Debby Hwang, Doutor em Medicina*, Hom- indicações locais ou sistêmicas à terapia. Daı́, é objetivo deste
Lay Wang, Cirurgião-Dentista, Mestre em Odontologia**. artigo revisar as doenças médicas que notadamente impede o
*Ex-residente, Departamento de Periodontia e Medicina tratamento convencional de implante dentário. Contra-
Oral, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Michigan, indicações absolutas à reabilitação de implante incluem
Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Atualmente em clı́nica particular, Fair- infarto do miocárdio recente e acidente cerebrovascular, ciru-
field, CT, Estados Unidos. **Professor e Diretor de Peri- rgia de prótese valvular, imunossupressão, questões de san-
odontia Graduada. Departamento de Periodontia e Medicina gramento, tratamento ativo de malignidade, abuso de drogas,
Oral, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Michigan, doença psiquiátrica, bem como uso de bisfosfonato IV.
Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Correspondência para: Dr. Hom-Lay Qualquer dessas condições impedem a cirurgia oral eletiva e
Wang, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics, exige monitoramento criterioso pelo médico, bem como pelo
Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of fornecedor dentário. O não-cumprimento do protocolo
Michigan School of Dentistry. 1011 North University Avenue, sugerido pode, no pior caso possı́vel, resultar em mortalidade
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078, USA. Telefone: (734) 763- do paciente.
3383, Fax: (734) 936-0374. e-mail:
Contra-indicações Médicas à Terapia de Implante: Parte I: PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Contra-indicações médicas, implantes
Contra-indicações absolutas dentários, falha de implante, tabagismo, osteoporose





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