1.1 Interdiciplinary V1

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Communication Arts Program

Assignment/Activity Title- First Interdisciplinary: Article


Portfolio Competeney-Social Awareness

Skill()-Researching, Writing, Reporting

The projectI am doing for this cover-sheet is the first interdisciplinary where I had to write anarticle that focused
on a dystopian through a local lens. I decided I would do mine on Montgomery County incinerators. The goal was

to be able to produce a well written and interestingarticle in a set amount of time.One had to figure out a topic, research
that topic, and then write anarticle in a
way that would inform theaudience while also keeping them interested. Theend
product wasaninformativearticle about an interesting subject, and along the way, one would have learned how to plan,
research, and execute a newsarticle ready to publish.
In order to successfully complete this project, one had to know how to brainstorm, research, write in a non-essay
format, and be creative with wording. In order to think up something to writeabout,youhadto be able to brainstorm and
build off ideas. Without that skill, it would have been impossible to find atopicthat could connect on all the levels needed
(ideological, local, big issues) for this article to be successful. You also needed to know how to research and get all the
information you needed to be able to write awell-informed article. Without this research, there would be no substance to
what you were writing, and your articlewould not be as credible. Finally, you had to know how to write something in
non-formal language and get creative with your wording.
Since this assignment was a news article, the format was very different than what I was used to writing in the
CAP program, and in my entire school career. It was both fun and challenging to get to write in this more loose style, as

the format was less strict, but the word choice and sentence flow had to be a lot better. Over all, there were a bunch of
skillsthat went into writing this article, all ofwhichpull on different facets ofthehumanities.
My reasoning behind putting it in the social awareness competency was my articlewas all about how our county
perceivesthese incinerators. By writing this article, I became moreaware of thepolitical and activism scene in
Montgomery County, something that I am not very familiar with. As I was doing this research,I actually learned a ton

about how our countymanages waste, our incineration facilities, and the arguments surrounding them. I have always been
passionate about the environment, and reading up on this topicmade me want to get involved somehow. Ithinkthe

incinerators, while virtually noone knows much about them, are a really big part of the way our county is run and life
without them be very different (at least waste management would). This project has made me want to immerse

myself in local politics, something I have never wanted to nor have done before. It wasa cool way to delve into the inner
workings of thecounty I live in, andmade me realize while national politics are roiling right now, we have turmoil of our
own right here in MoCo. Idon't know ifIwillbe able to do anything substantial at my current age, but Ithink this project
has been a gateway for me into the world of localpolitics and the debates that surround the thingsI see and hear about(in
some cases don'tseeand hear about)that affect myday to day life. Without this project Idon't thinkI would have seen

Student Signature (Print here: MaRINA DEANE GONZA LEZ Date2/ 9/1con6

Teacher Signature Date

Nam MinA ea -om7lPd:- Date: o/2>/11 _CAP 10Journalism- Ms. Lyons

News Article Rubric

Needs ProgressinE Proficient

troduction -lede provides key details followed by an effective hook ma ziaa
wotgraph - summarizing paragraph(s) provide a heart to the story

Art-relevant artwork must have a capton

context, tluidly integrated and relevant to the story; 3 5
Quotes quotes are set up with
articleincludes quotes from subjects interviewed by the
is included that readers
Background/context-enough background intormation

new tothe story have allthefacts needed to understand the issue 12

Conclusion -article closes neatly
tense is used
Tense-is consistent throughout. Literary present

Transitions-each sentence and paragraph connects to the one

before and afterit

Organization-the article flows consistently

AP Style-article follows APguidelines,with properspelling and grammar; dateline,
byline, hed and subhed are provided


Works Cited

Needs Progressing Proficient

Source information is orderedcorrectly and is complete. . 2 5|
and is double 1
1.5 2
Formatting- Works Cited page is on own page, alphabetized,
its is .5

all others are.

paced throughout.Thefirst line of each source is notindented,

S_/5-Works Cited

Annotated Articles

Needs Progressing Proficient

Connections Made- connections
between 1984 and our society are clearly defined S 1 1.5 2.53.55
and analyzed.
Thorough Annotations - ample annotations
include the use of propaganda
techniques, persuasive appeals and rhetorical devices.
All of the article has been 5 1
15 25 35
annotatedand analyzed, notjust parts.

/9-Annotations 6.50 Total

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