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A major objective of a system is to produce an output that has value to its user. Whatever the
nature of the output (goods, services, or information), it must be in line with the expectations of
the intended user. Inputs are the elements (material, human resources, and information) that enter
the system for processing. Output is the outcome of processing.

A system feeds on input to produce output in much the same way that a business brings in
human, financial, and material resources to produce goods and services. It is important to point
out here that determining the output is a first step in specifying the nature, amount, and regularity
of the input needed to operate a system. For example, in systems analysis, the first concern is to
determine the user’s requirements of a proposed computer system – that is, specification of the
output that the computer is expected to provide for meeting user requirements.


The objectives of ouput design are

 To develop output design that serves the intended purpose and eliminates the production
of unwanted output.

 To develop the output design that meets the end users requirements.

 To deliver the appropriate quantity of output.

 To form the output in appropriate format and direct it to the right person.

 To make the output available on time for making good decisions.

Before designing output, several questions need to be asked:

-What is the purpose of the output?

-Who wants the information, why it is it needed, and how will it be used?

-What specific information will be included?

-Will the output be printed, viewed on screen, or both?

-What type of device will the output go to?


1. Internet-based information delivery (Websites, Blogs, etc.)

2. E-mail
3. Instant Messaging
4. Wireless Devices (Handheld Computers, smart cellphones, etc.)
5. Digital audio, Images, and Video
6. Podcasts
7. Automated facsimile systems (Faxback systems that allow a customer to request a fax
using emails, via the company website, or by telephone.)
8. Faxback systems
9. Computer output microfilm (COM)
10. Computer output to digital media (CDs, DVDs, etc.)
11. Printed and screen output
a. Reports – Detail reports

EXCEPTION REPORTS: These reports are useful when the user wants information only on
records that might require action.

SUMMARY REPORTS: Reports used by individuals at higher levels in the organization

include less detail than reports used by lower level employees.

The next stage for the systems analyst is to determine the most appropriate medium for the
outputs. This will involve consideration of a wide range of devices, including line printer, graph
plotter, typewriter, visual display unit, magnetic media and microfilm.
The choice of output medium will be affected by all kinds of considerations but the main ones
will be:
1. The suitability of the device to the particular application;

2. The need for hard copy (and number of copies required);

3. The response time required;

4. The location of the users;

5. The software/hardware available;

6. The cost.

Once the medium has been chosen the output can be specified in detail appropriate to the device
to be used.


Before actually implementing the new system into operation, a test run of the system is done for
removing the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the
whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test
data. The output of the test run should match the expected results. Sometimes, system testing is
considered a part of implementation process.

Using the test data following test run are carried out:

1. Program test
2. System test

PROGRAM TEST: When the programs have been coded, compiled and brought to working
conditions, they must be individually tested with the prepared test data. Any undesirable
happening must be noted and debugged (error corrections).

SYSTEM TEST: After carrying out the program test for each of the programs of the system and
errors removed, then system test is done. At this stage the test is done on actual data. The
complete system is executed on the actual data. At each stage of the execution, the results or
output of the system is analyzed. During the result analysis, it may be found that the outputs are
not matching the expected output of the system. In such case, the errors in the particular
programs are identified and are fixed and further tested for the expected output.

When it is ensured that the system is running error-free, the users are called with their own actual
data so that the system could be shown running as per their requirements.


It is the review of system or software products and its documentation for assurance that system
meets the requirements and specifications.


The objectives of conducting quality assurance are as follows −

 To monitor the software development process and the final software developed.

 To ensure whether the software project is implementing the standards and procedures set
by the management.

 To notify groups and individuals about the SQA activities and results of these activities.

 To ensure that the issues, which are not solved within the software are addressed by the
upper management.

 To identify deficiencies in the product, process, or the standards, and fix them.


There are several levels of QA and testing that need to be performed in order to certify a
software product.

Level 1 − Code Walk-through

At this level, offline software is examined or checked for any violations of the official coding
rules. In general, the emphasis is placed on examination of the documentation and level of in-
code comments.

Level 2 − Compilation and Linking

At this level, it is checked that the software can compile and link all official platforms and
operating systems.

Level 3 − Routine Running

At this level, it is checked that the software can run properly under a variety of conditions such
as certain number of events and small and large event sizes etc.

Level 4 − Performance test

At this final level, it is checked that the performance of the software satisfies the previously
specified performance level.


After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the implementation phase begins.
Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice.

The major steps involved in this phase are:

1. Acquisition and Installation of Hardware and Software

2. User Training
3. Conversion
4. System Documentation


The hardware and the relevant software required for running the system must be made fully
operational before implementation.

The following factors should be considered in the choice of computer hardware

1. The ease with which the computer configuration fits in with the user’s requirements
2. Processing speed and storage size must be sufficient for current and foreseeable
requirements, i.e it should be expandable
3. Reliability: The hardware should be durable and have low breakdown rate. There should
also be backup facilities to minimize disruptions when the system is down
4. Simplicity: Anybody should be able to easily learn and use it.
5. Ease of communication between hardware and the user.
6. Scalability: The hardware should be able to meet new requirements as they emerge
7. Security: The hardware should have facilities to keep unauthorized users away from
using it.
8. Cost: The cost should be reasonable.
9. It should have features to improve memory
10. It should be compatible with peripheral devices.

The following factors should be considered in the choice of computer software

1. Compatibility with users requirements
2. User- friendliness: Availability of graphical user interface, menu, on-screen prompts and
help facilities
3. Adequate security control features such as password, data validation checks, accounting
controls and reconciliation.
4. Provision for updating/ modifying the software
5. Compatibility with existing hardware system
6. Fast processing and response time
7. Cost effectiveness

After loading the system, training of the user starts. The essence of training is to
familiarize the users with the skills necessary to operate the information system to
perform specific tasks. The training must be designed to meet specific need of every level
of staff. Main topics of such type of training are:
A. How to execute the package
B. How to enter the data
C. How to process the data (processing details)
D. How to take out the reports
After the users are trained about the computerized system, working has to shift from
manual to computerized working. The process is called ‘Conversion’.

The conversion is also one of the most critical and expensive activities in the system
development life cycle. The data from the old system needs to be converted to operate in the
new format of the new system. The database needs to be setup with security and recovery
procedures fully defined. During this phase, all the programs of the system are loaded onto
the user’s computer.


System Documentation refers to descriptions of how an information system works from both
a technical and end-user’s standpoint. It is a collection of documents that describes the

system, its components, the data, and records of changes made to the system. They are aids
provided for understanding the structure and intended uses of an information system or its
components such as flowcharts, textual material, and user manuals

Comprehensive documentation will include the requirements, capabilities and limitations,

design, operation and maintenance guides for the system.

System Evaluation is the process of assessing the strength and weakness of any system. It is a
formal review process conducted after a system has been put into operation to determine how
well it has met its original objectives, that users accept it and that its performance is satisfactory.
It should establish whether the objectives and targeted performance criteria have been met, and if
not, why not, and what should be done about it.

System Maintenance is used to describe the process of modifying a system after it has been
implemented and is in use, to correct errors and provide new facilities. When systems are
installed, they generally are used for long periods. The average life of a system is 4 to 6 years,
with the oldest application often in use for over 10 years. However, this period of use brings with
it the need to continually maintain the system. Because of the use a system receives after it is
fully implemented, analysts must take precautions to ensure that the need for maintenance is
controlled through design and testing and the ability to perform it is provided through proper
design practices. It is important for system designers to build in mechanisms that identify when
maintenance is needed, and to start the process of updating the system.


It consists of actions carried out in response to a problem or system failure. It is carried
out to correct faults in hardware and software
It is a form of maintenance carried out to improve the performance, maintainability,
overall effectiveness or other attitudes of a system. It may be prompted by the availability
of new techniques, or by request for enhancement from the users for example, an increase
in the volume of data storage, the replacement of Ms Word 2007 for Ms Word 2010.
This is the type of maintenance carried out to take account of anticipated changes in
processing environment, e.g new taxation legislation might require changes to be made in
payroll software

This is a maintenance that is carried out in advance of a problem occurring. It is like
having a car serviced regularly in order to reduce the risk of breakdown. More preventive
maintenance means less corrective maintenance. Examples of Preventive maintenance
include; covering of computer hardware with dust cover to prevent dust, controlling the
use of computer resources so that malicious unauthorized users do not have access to
them, making back-up of data and programs.

If a major change to a system is needed, a new project may have to be set up to carry out the
change. The new project will then proceed through all the above life cycle phases.


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