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Muscoskeletal Ÿ Swelling can occur and affect distal

Ÿ Bones store calcium, phosphorous, and fat neurovascular function

cells, Ÿ Should see calous on xray w/I 3 weeks
Ÿ Osteo” “ blasts=bone forming, Healing factors
cytes=mature bone cells, clasts=break bone Ÿ Age
down Ÿ Did it get set
Ÿ Cartlage = avascular, cover opposing ends of Ÿ Blood supply to area
bones w/I the symposia joint, function = Ÿ Immobilization
biomechanical Ÿ Implants
Ÿ Isotonic = shortening w/ active movement Ÿ Infection BAD!!!
Ÿ Isometric = muscle contraction w/o Assessing
shortening Ÿ Bilaterally compare
Ÿ Is kinetic = muscle contractions w/ Ÿ Swelling
resistance Ÿ Ecchy mosis
Ÿ Calcium = req. for muscle contraction Ÿ Deformity (length, possible rotation)
Ÿ Ligaments = bones to bones Ÿ Distal neurovascular function ; pain, pallor,
Ÿ Tendons = muscle to bones paresthesia (numb tingle), pulses,
Ÿ Facia = separates muscle, smooth gliding paralysis (any loss of motion
and muscle action Ÿ Ability to take deep breath
Ÿ Bursae = sacs of connective tissue, lined w/ Ÿ Limb temp
synovial membranes and containing Ÿ Decreased movement
synovial fluid, a cushion
Ÿ Muscle spasm
Ped development
Ÿ Guarding
Ÿ Ossification starts in embryo, ends age 18-
21 Ÿ Rom
Ÿ Eriostemon thicker, fractures stable, less Ÿ Tx already received?
diplacement Ÿ Past med hx and meds (pathological?, hx of
Ÿ Highly vascular zed (speeds healing) cancer?, sft tissue injury?)
Immediate treatment
Ÿ Flexible bones
Ÿ Epiphysis plate injury affects growth
Ÿ Immobilization (check pulse b4 and after)
Ÿ Can have underlying injury w/o fracture
Geriatric bone Ÿ Elevation
Ÿ Increased bone resorption Ÿ Ice
Ÿ Lower density (decreased osteoblastic) Ÿ Cover open wound sterile solution/sterile4*4
Ÿ Joints, tendons and ligaments harden, not Ÿ Pain meds
flexible, stiffen Sub care
Ÿ Bone density = osteoporosis Ÿ Xray
Fracture Ÿ Lab tests
Ÿ Open = sft tissue wound over fracture Ÿ Cbc, pt, ptt
(compound) Ÿ H&H(femur, pelvis, multiples, blood
Ÿ Cosed = in tact sft tissue (simple) thinner)
Ÿ Edema (restricts circulation), pain and Ÿ Ct if plane film do not view enough
tenderness, Immobilizing
Ÿ Muscle spasm can displace fracture, give Ÿ Splint - early to allow edema
pain med and muscle ralaxer Ÿ Casts - dnt cast a fresh fracture
Ÿ Deformity must be fixed, ecchy mosis is Ÿ Bivalving - cut cast in half, allows tissue to
normal, swell, see affected area, dnt pinch the
Ÿ Important to use it again patients skin
Fracture pathophys Ÿ Cast syndrome = condition occurs if the
Ÿ Splint the fracture body cast is applied to tightly and
Ÿ Muscle contraction can pull bones out of compresses the superior mesenteric artery
alignment against the duodenum.. Pt has ab pain, ab
pressure, nausea, vomiting, decreased bowel
Ÿ Bleeding into sft tissue is common
sounds, window over umbilicus, tx w/
gastric deompression w/ a ng tube and integrity of bone structure aeb limited rom,
suction, pos removal of cast, decreased inability to purposefully move
blood can cuase ischemia in ab area, assess Ÿ Ineffective therapeutic regimen management
pain r/t lack of knowledge aeb questions
Post cast care Ÿ Risk for peripheral neurovascular
Ÿ Educate s/s of neurovascular compromise dysfunction r/t vascular insufficiency and
Ÿ Exercise joints above and below the cast nerve compression secondary to edema
Ÿ Ice directly over fracture site for first 24 Ÿ Acute pain r/t edema, movement of bone
hours fragments aeb pain descriptions, crying etc
Open Reduction Nursing implementation
Ÿ Through surgical incission Ÿ Skin prep in vital to decreased risk for
Internal fixators infection prior to surgery
Ÿ Higher risk of infection and complications Ÿ Neurovascular checks q2hr
r/t anesthesia Ÿ Proper alignment
Ÿ Allows quicker use Ÿ Wound drainage devices
Ÿ Earlier ROM Ÿ Dressing changes as needed
Ÿ Faster reconstruction of cartlidge and Ÿ Turning q2 hrs (monitor skin)
healing Ÿ Fluids to avoid renal calculi, constipation
Ÿ Post traumatic arthritis less common and uti
Ÿ Decrease comp assoc w/ immobility Ÿ Pain meds before pt
External fixators Ÿ Cpm assistance
Ÿ Limb lengthening procedures too Ÿ Pin care
Ÿ Pins turned Ÿ Isometric eercises
Ÿ ORIF - open reduction internal fixation Expected outcome
Traction Ÿ Normal peripheral neurovascular status
Ÿ Immobilizes the joint Ÿ Tolerate pain
Ÿ Reduces muscle spasms Ÿ No evience of wound infection
Ÿ Treats path joint conditions Ÿ No evidence of skin breakdown
Ÿ Apply pulling force on a fractured extremity Ÿ Safe use of assistive devices
Ÿ Realigns Ÿ Loses minmal muscle bulk
Ÿ Assess ropes, pins, weight position, 5 ps , Ÿ Performs adls indepently
infection signs and skin breakdown Ÿ No s/s of dvt
Ÿ Weights should never be on the floor! Discharge planning
Bucks Traction Ÿ Signs of peripheral vascular dysfunctions
Ÿ 48-72 hrs short term Ÿ Signs of infection
Ÿ Decreases muscle spasms Ÿ Activity limitations and time limits
Ÿ Broken pelvis Ÿ Cast of wound care
Skeletal Traction Ÿ Review meds
Ÿ Longer time Preventative teaching
Ÿ Wires and pin into bone Ÿ Safety equipment
Ÿ Larger amt of weighted traction Ÿ Aviod safety hazards
Ÿ Align bones, treat joints, congenital hip Ÿ Avoid alcohol
dysplasia Complications of fractures
Ÿ Critical assessment of infection and pin Ÿ Shock - treat pt not just the obvious injury
loosening Ÿ Hemmorrhage = t with o2, iv, immobilize,
Ÿ Infections s/s = exudates, erythematic, elevate, ice,
tenderness, pain Ÿ Neurovascular compromise
Ÿ Pin care = half strength hydrogen peroxide Ÿ Compartment syndrome = earliest sign is
with normal saline, one swab per pin pain that is out of proportion to the injury
Ÿ Risk for infection, impaired skin integrity, and unrelieved by meds
impaired immobility Myglobinuric
Nursing dx Ÿ Myoglobinuric renal failure = halmark sign
Ÿ Impaired physical mobility r/t loss of crush syndrome
Ÿ Myoglobinuria = reddish brown urine, Ÿ s/s fever, night sweats, chills, nausea,
hypocalcaemia malaise, bone pain unrelieved by rest
Ÿ Tx elevate above heart, remove cast worsened with activity, swelling, tender,
Ÿ Cut skin (fasciotomy) warm. Late sign is drainage from sinus tract
Ÿ Amputation or fracture site
DVT Ÿ Chronic last longer than 4 weeks
Ÿ Diagnosed by Doppler Ÿ Periods of exaerbation
Pulmonary Embolism Ÿ Granulation turns to scar
Ÿ Sudden dyspnea Ÿ Abx dnt work
Ÿ Tachypnea Ÿ Bone scan
Ÿ Chest pain Ÿ Bioby
Ÿ Pallor Ÿ Mri ct
Ÿ Decreased mental statis Ÿ Cbs, elevated sed rate, s7s
Ÿ Agitation Nonunion and Malunion
Ÿ Fear and anxiety (doom) Ÿ Bone doesn’t heal
Fat embolism Ÿ May rebrake and set
Ÿ Pulmonary hypertension develops in 24- Colles Fracture
48hrs Ÿ Fracture of distal radium and styloid process
Ÿ Long bone fracture of ulna
Ÿ Pulm emboli symptoms w/ hight fever and Ÿ FOOSH injury
petechial rash around neck and anterior Ÿ Women over 50
chest wall Ÿ Pronounced swelling, pain
Ÿ Change in loc Ÿ Dinner fork deformity
Ÿ Conjunctiva of the eye Ÿ Reduced by md
Ÿ Tx is at prevention (immobiliazation) Ÿ Comp is vascular insufficiency as a result of
Ÿ Fluids to provent shock edema
Ÿ Replace blood loss Ÿ Carbal tunnel can be later comp.
Ÿ Coughing and deep breathing Ÿ Tx closed manipulation and immobilization
Ÿ Little repositioning Ÿ Ice for edema
Ÿ O2 therapy Ÿ Freq neurovascular assessment encourage
Infection active movement of the thumb and fingers
Ÿ BAD movement of the shoulder
Gas Gangrene Humerus Fracture
Ÿ Clostridium Ÿ Common in young
Ÿ Low h/h Ÿ Displacement of humerus shaft, shortened
Ÿ High wbc extremity, abnorm mobility and pain
Ÿ Fever Ÿ Complication is a frozen shoulder
Ÿ Rapid pulse Pelvis fracture
Ÿ Pain Ÿ Highest mortality rate
Ÿ Local puffiness Ÿ Can cause intra abdominal injury,
Ÿ Foul smelling watery exudate hemorrhage, laceration of the urethra,
bladder, colon
Ÿ Crepitus r/t gas under tissue
Ÿ Local swelling, tenderness, deformity,
Ÿ Tx surgically open and debride, irrigate w/
unusual pelvic movement and ecchy mosis
anti-infective, amputaion may be needed
on the abdoment
Ÿ Use extreme care when handling pt
Ÿ Can cause limb length discrepancies,
deformities, or amputation Ÿ Turn only when ordered
Ÿ Sever bone infection Ÿ Assess bowel and urinary tract function and
distal neurovascular status are important
Ÿ MRSA most common type
Ÿ Avoid weight bearing on the affected side
Ÿ Tissue necrosis, and holes in bones hide
until healing is complete
Hip Fracture
Ÿ Island surrounded by pus
Ÿ Older adults
Ÿ More in women union has been accomplished
Ÿ 80 1 in 5 will have this Ÿ Assess for spinal cord trauma by vitals,
Ÿ External rotation (cardinal sign), muscle bowel bladder function, motor, sensory
spasm, shortening of the affected extremity status of perifpheral nerves distal to the
and severe pain and tenderness in the region injured region
of the fracture site Ÿ Report promply neurovascular status
Ÿ Fem neck fractures cause serious disruption deterioration
of the blood supply to the fem head, causes Ÿ Tx with support, heat, traction, relax muscle,
avascular necrosis of the femoral head (dead decrease edema,
head) Ÿ Upright position and turning of the torso not
Ÿ Tx by bucks traction allowed
Ÿ Monitor vitals, I and o, incentive sperometer Facial fractures
Ÿ Fem head prosthesis measures to prevent Ÿ Establish and maintain airway
disloction must always be used Ÿ Provide ventilation by removal of foreign
Fem head prosthesis material and blood
Dnt Ÿ Suctioning
Ÿ Force hip into greater than 90 degree of Ÿ May need alternative airway
flexion (sitting in chairs or toilet seat) Ÿ Should be treated as a cervical injury untill
Ÿ Force hit into adduction r/o
Ÿ Force hip into internal rotation Mandible Fracture
Ÿ Cross legs Ÿ Focus on patent air way, oral hygiene,
Ÿ Put on own shoews or stockings until 8 communication, pain management , nutrition
weeks after surgery w/o adaption device Ÿ Post op airway obstruction and aspiration of
Ÿ Sit on chair w/o arm rails vomit a concern
Do Ÿ Place on side with head elevated
Ÿ Toilet elevator Ÿ Wire cutters
Ÿ Shower chair Dislocation
Ÿ Pillow between legs Ÿ No touching
Ÿ Keep hip in neutral straight position Subluxation
Ÿ Notify of pain, deformity, loss of function Ÿ Some contact
Ÿ Inform dentist for prophylactic antibiotics Ÿ Ligament disruption usually causes
Femoral Shaft Fracture Ÿ Common in elbow, thumb and shoulder
Ÿ Young adults Ÿ Affected limb may be shorter and there is
Ÿ Severe direct force usually some deformity
Ÿ Considerable blood loss Ÿ May be locked into position
Ÿ Marked deformity and angulation, short Ÿ Experience 5 up’s
extremity, inability to move hip knee and Ÿ Longer the dislocation the more likely
pain avascular necrosis is
Ÿ Fat emboli can occur Ÿ Dislocated hip is a medical emergency
Ÿ Stabalize, skeletal traction8-12 weeks Ÿ Closed reduction is usual treatment
Ÿ Isometric exercise Ÿ More likely to happen again
Tibia Fractures Amputations
Ÿ Are often open fractures Ÿ Closed amputation weight bearing limb
Ÿ Often stress fracture Ÿ Disarticulation through joint
Ÿ Complications; compartment syndrome, fat Ÿ Apen amputation leaves surface on limp that
embolism, infection is not covered by skin, control infection
Ÿ Neurovascular q 2 hrs during the first 48 hrs Ÿ Watch for hemmorhage
Ÿ Non weight bearing for 6-12 weeks Ÿ Sterile technique dressing changes
Stable Vertebral Fractures Ÿ Pressure dressings
Ÿ MVC’s, falls, diving, athletic Ÿ Dnt hang leg over bed,
Ÿ Unstable fx puts you at risk for spinal injury Ÿ Initial ambulation should be 5 min at a time
Ÿ Xrays determine stability Prosthetics
Ÿ Goal; keep spine in good alignment until Ÿ Early = allows for earlier ambulation but
can’t see wound Ÿ Bumpy hands
Ÿ Late = aka, aba Ÿ Prone to kidney stones
Ÿ Clean with mild soap, no water on metal or Ÿ Dx uric acid levels above 6, xrays are
leather normal in early stages
Nursing dx Ÿ Tx colchicines and nsaids, weight reduction,
Ÿ Impaired physical mobility avoid alcohol, red an organ meats, sardines,
Ÿ Risk for infection herring, mussels, liver, kidney, chicken,
Ÿ Disturbed body image salmon, crab, veal, bacon, pork, ham
Ÿ Self care defiit Meds for gout
Ÿ Risk for falls Ÿ Take all with food avoid wine/beer, increase
Ÿ Fear fluids to 3000ml day
Ÿ Impaired skin integrity Antimitotic (Colchicine)
Fibromyalgia Ÿ Only taken at the first warning sign of gout
Ÿ Chronic Ÿ Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are toxicity signs
Ÿ Nondegenertive Uric Acid Inhibitor (Allopurinol, Zyloprim,
Ÿ no progressive Uloric, febuxostat
Ÿ Noninflammatorywidespread Ÿ Monitor cbc before therapy and monthly to
musculoskeletal pain detect toxicity
Ÿ Burning pain worsens and improves Ÿ Ophthalmic examination are req.
throughout day Ÿ Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and thiazide
Ÿ Head facial pain tjmj diuretics
Uricosuric Blocks renal tubular reabsorption
Ÿ Nonrestorative sleep
when promotes the excretion of uric acid
Ÿ 11 or more tender points (benemid Anturane)
Ÿ Migranes Ÿ Increase fluids 3000ml/day
Ÿ Depression Osteoarthritis
Ÿ Numbness Ÿ no inflammatory
Ÿ Ibs Ÿ no systemic
Ÿ Increased urinary freq and urgency Ÿ Caused by trauma, mechanical stress,
Ÿ Widespread pain 3 months defined as inflammation, joint instability, neurologic
occurring on both side of the body above disorders, skeletal deformities, hematologic
and below the waiste endocrine disorders, use of selected drugs
Ÿ Tx with pt motivation, analgesicsm nsaidsm Ÿ Ranges from mild discomfort to disability
elavit, flexural, alium, rehab, message, and loss of function
upltrsound heat, cold, limit sugar caffeine Ÿ Dx with bone scan, xray, mri, ct
alcohol Ÿ Manage pain and inflammation, prevent
Chronic fatigue syndrome disability and maintain and improve joint
Ÿ Abnormal immune function function
Ÿ Fatigue Ÿ Nsaids, cortisone injections, hyaluronic
Ÿ r/o other possible causes derivatives, glucosamine, chondroitin, diet
Ÿ Criteria used to dx Ÿ Nurs dx: chronic pain, impaired physical
Ÿ No tx mobility, risk for trauma
Ÿ Nsaids Ÿ Arthroscopy = reconstruction or
Ÿ Tricyclic antidepressants replacement of joint
Ÿ Low dose hydrocortisone Hip Replacement Postoperatively
Ÿ Possible depression Ÿ Large incision
Ÿ Total rest not advised Ÿ Hemovac drain
Gout Ÿ Trapeze
Ÿ Inflammation of the great toes is the most Ÿ Pt w/ gradual activity increase
common initial problem Ÿ Scd’s, ted hose
Ÿ Low grade fever Ÿ Abductor pillow between legs
Ÿ Self limiting in 2-10 days Special Considerations
Ÿ Aspirate joint look for uric crystals Ÿ Avoid internal rotation
Ÿ Avoid greater 90 degree flexion of hip Ÿ Dx DEXA,
Ÿ Will require elevated toilet seat Ÿ High ca foods
Ÿ Need to take abx prophylactic prior to Ÿ Exercise
procedure for rest of life Ÿ Med side effects
Total Knee Replacement Ÿ Stop alcohol and smokes
Ÿ Large midline incision Ÿ Estrogen therapy
Ÿ Compression dressing Ÿ Calcitonin
Ÿ Knee immobilizer Ÿ Biphosphates
Ÿ Jackson pratt/Hemovac drain Ÿ Evista
Ÿ Continous femoral nerve block Biphosphonates =
Ÿ Full weight bearing @ d/c Ÿ take with glass of water
Ÿ Neurovascular function Ÿ 30 min before food or other meds
Ÿ Coughing and deep breathing and incentive Ÿ Upright for 30min after taking
pyrometer training to prevent telecasts Selective Estrogen Receptor (evista)
related to immobility and use of narcotics Ÿ Increased risk for DVT
Ÿ Abx Hormones
Ÿ Dressing changes Teriparatide
Ÿ Anticoagulant education Ÿ Administer at the same time
Ÿ h/h, pt, ptt Ÿ Imp of other tx ca supplements
Ÿ Isometric exercises Ÿ May cuase orthostatic hypotension
Muscoskeletal system disorders meds Ÿ Follow up with bone mineral density test
Ÿ Nsaids = decrease sodium, alcohol, high na, Diagnostic Studies
take with food, Radiosotope studies (bone scan)
Pagets Disease Ÿ Increased uptake is seen in osteomyelitis,
Ÿ New bone larger, disorganized and weaker osteoporosis, primary and metastatic
Ÿ Bone pain malignant lesions of bone and certain
Ÿ Fatigue fratures, decreased uptake is seen in areas of
Ÿ Waddling gait avascular decrosis. Increase fluid after the
Ÿ Shorter, big heads exam
Ÿ Headaches Arthrocentesis
Ÿ Visual deficits loss of hearing, Ÿ Aseptic preparation are used before needle is
inserted into joint and fluid aspirated
Ÿ Can cause spinal cord or nerve root
Ÿ Complication is pathologic fracture
Ÿ Giant cell tumors
Ÿ Alkaline phosphatase are elvated
Ÿ Xray
Ÿ Bone scans
Ÿ Tx; symptomatic and suportive
Ÿ Calcimar
Ÿ Biphosphonate retard bone absorption
Ÿ Ca and d
Ÿ Nsaids
Ÿ Firm mattress
Ÿ Braces
Ÿ No lifting or twisting
Ÿ Pt
Ÿ Vt d, ca, protein
Ÿ Silent thief
Ÿ Low bone mass
Ÿ Increased bone fragility

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