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The Moon and Mercury

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Learning goals:

● Specify the general characteristics of

moon and mercury
● Explain the rotation of the moon and
mercury to its orbit.
● Compare the moon interior structure
with that mercury.

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information about the earth’s moon

:It is an astronomical body that orbits Earth as

its only natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest
satellite in the Solar System.
:Distance to earth: 384,400km

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he moon has a very thin atmosphere, so a layer
of dust — or a footprint — can sit undisturbed
for centuries.

temperatures on the sunny side of the moon
reach 273 degrees F (134 C);

on the dark side it gets as cold as minus 243 F
(minus 153 C).

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the moon, with a diameter of about 2,159
miles (3,475 kilometers), is bigger than Pluto.

The moon is a bit more than one-fourth (27
percent) the size of Earth, a much smaller
ratio (1:4) than any other planets and their

This means the moon has a great effect on
the planet and very possibly is what makes
life on Earth possible.

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Orbital characteristics

● Average distance from Earth: 238,855

miles (384,400 km)
● Perigee (closest approach to Earth):
225,700 miles (363,300 km)
● Apogee (farthest distance from Earth):
252,000 miles (405,500 km)
● Orbit circumference: 1,499,618.58
miles (2,413,402 km)

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The two types of eclipses:

From Earth, we can see 2 types of eclipses –

● eclipses of the Sun (solar eclipses),
● and eclipses of the Moon (lunar eclipses).
● These occur when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon
align in a straight or almost straight

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Why does the moon appear
bright at night?

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Why does the moon appear
bright at night?
The Moon gets its light from the Sun. In the same
way that the Sun illuminates Earth, the Moon
reflects the Sun's light, making it appear bright in
our sky.

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How many times moon rotates
around Earth in a year?

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How many times moon rotates
around Earth in a year?

● The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is not an

easy process. The Moon makes a complete orbit
around the Earth approximately once every 28
days. This means that the Moon orbits the Earth
around 13 times in a year.

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phases of the moon

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Parts of the

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The First Person on the
Apollo 11 blasted off on July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong,
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins were the
astronauts on Apollo 11. Four days later, Armstrong
and Aldrin landed on the moon. They landed on the
moon in the Lunar Module

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● it is the closest planet to the sun.

As such, it circles the sun faster
than all the other planets,
which is why Romans named it
after their swift-footed
messenger god.

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mercury’s surface temperature can reach a scorching

840 degrees Fahrenheit (450 degrees Celsius).

However, since this world doesn't have much of a real

atmosphere to entrap any heat, at night temperatures

can plummet to minus 275 F (minus 170 C), a

temperature swing of more than 1,100 degrees F (600

degree C).
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Mercury is the smallest planet-it is only slightly larger
than Earth's moon. Since it has no significant
atmosphere to stop impacts, the planet is
pockmarked with craters. About 4 billion years ago,
an asteroid roughly 60 miles (100 kilometers) wide
struck Mercury with an impact equal to 1 trillion 1-
megaton bombs, creating a vast impact crater
roughly 960 miles (1,550 km) wide. Known as the
Caloris Basin, this crater could hold the entire state
of Texas.

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Parts of the mercury

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Mercury is the second densest planet after Earth,
with a huge metallic core roughly 2,200 to 2,400
miles (3,600 to 3,800 km) wide, or about 75 percent
of the planet's diameter. In comparison, Mercury's
outer shell is only 300 to 400 miles (500 to 600 km)

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There is possibility that the
mercury has a water?

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There is possibility that the
mercury has a water?

As close to the sun as Mercury is, in 2012,
NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft discovered
water ice in the craters around its north pole
where regions may be permanently shaded
from the heat of the sun.

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The southern pole may also contain icy
pockets, but MESSENGER's orbit did not allow
scientists to probe the area. Comets or
meteorites may have delivered ice there, or
water vapor may have outgassed from the
planet's interior and frozen out at the poles.

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why does the moon and mercury
are being compared?

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Both Mercury and the moon have surfaces, or crusts,
composed almost entirely of rock and pocked with
craters. Unlike Earth, which has an element-rich
atmosphere in which incoming meteorites often burn,
Mercury and the moon have thin atmospheres, called
exospheres, that hold little gas and offer little

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The planet Mercury looks a little bit like Earth's
moon. Like our Moon, Mercury's surface is
covered with craters caused by space rock
impacts. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun
and the eighth largest.

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● Thanks :)

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