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Lesson Plan: The Wonder Tree

Simmons Student: Carrie Johnson Date: 8 Dec. 2014

Learners: AA, SZ, ZB Name of Lesson: The Wonder Tree
Grade: 2

1. Curriculum Frameworks/Common Core Addressed

Area: ELA (resource guide p. 15)

Strand: Reading - Literature
Standard: RL.2.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from
diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
Entry point: Retell events from a literary text

Area: Mathematics (resource guide p. 26)

Spiraled back: Grade 1
Strand: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Represent and solve problems
involving addition and subtraction.
Standard: 1.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word
problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together,
taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using
objects, drawing, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to
represent the problem.
Entry point: Combine objects to demonstrate addition (“plus,” “combined
with,” “more,” “join”)

Area: Science and Technology (resource guide p. 8)

Strand: Earth and Space Science
Standard: Energy and the Earth System: 4. Recognize that the sun supplies
heat and light to the earth and is necessary for life.

SPED Objectives for Learners:

 AA: Indicate and Name Pictures – Across 2 people and 2
settings, using multiple exemplars, student will indicate and
name pictures in 89% of opportunities for 3 consecutive
sessions with 12 pictures.
 ZB: Indicate and Name Pictures – Across 2 people and 2
settings, using multiple exemplars, student will indicate and
name pictures in 89% of opportunities for 3 consecutive
sessions with 15 pictures.
 SZ: Name Actions – Across 2 people and 2 settings, student will
name actions shown on picture cards in 90% of opportunities for
3 consecutive sessions.

2. Lesson Objective/ Purpose

 Learners will put 4 pictures in order to reflect the storyline with 80%
accuracy across 1 teacher and 1 setting.

3. Teacher Actions/ Pacing

Parts of the lesson

a. Introduction (5 min)

 Fake date tree (attention grabber) with real dates and some
chocolate/candy dates
 T. introduces tree, has students look at/touch it, introduces dates
 Offers dates/chocolate dates/edibles to students
 Go over rules (earning trade in)
 Go over schedule

b. Body of Lesson (12 min)

 Introduction to characters (present pictures, have students label

o Zuleika
o Sheikh Bin Nedi
o Fairy
o Zuleika’s family
o Throughout the powerpoint each time a new character is
encountered, match it with the picture
 Story powerpoint
o Slide 1 – where do dates come from? (refer to tree from
o Does anyone know how the trees came to the desert?
o Let’s read a story to find out!
 Stop in story to look at the sun
o Go look out the window at the sun
o Is the sun hot or cold?
o Is the sun dark or light?
 Stop to count the presents from all other members of Zuleika’s family
(give mini present manipulatives – maybe candy? – to each student)
 Put all presents in a small container and push to front of table out of
students immediate reach
 Continue with story, stop when the tree first appears and it is
explained as Zuleika’s present
o Give an additional candy/fake present to each student and have
them count out the total number of “presents” (they can eat the
candy now if they want to)
c. Review key concepts from lesson (6 min)
 Cut and paste activity: have 4 scenes from the story to cut out
 Demonstrate cutting out one square, instruct students to cut out all four
squares and then put their scissors down (collect scissors as students
finish, give praise/tokens/edibles for following rules), students can
request help with cutting if needed
 Demonstrate gluing scenes on an organized sheet to show the order
they happened in (from top to bottom)
 Distribute gluesticks and have students organize their scenes in order
 Leave model out for students to reference/direct their attention to it if
they have questions/seem confused
 Orally review order of events
 Collect worksheets

d. Evaluation procedure for lesson objective (3 min)

 Provide each student with a laminated/vecro board and pictures of

scenes from the story (similar/identical to review activity but pictures
will be in color)
 Instruct students to put the pictures in the correct order (give time to
 Take data on performance and then go over model worksheet and help
students make changes/corrections as needed

e. Lesson Closure (4-10 min)

 Review order of events on screen

 Re-present date tree “now we all know where dates come from!”
o Offer another date to each student
 Show video of the story from tiny tapps
 Re-distribute gluing worksheets and have students color pictures/trace
words on worksheet if time allows (extension activity)
 Review student behavior/if they earned a trade in with each student
individually – have them stand up and push in their chair

4. Adaptations

 Condensed version of the folk tale to make it shorter and easier to

 Sequencing pictures instead of orally retelling the story
 Schedule and rules to give visuals for expectations
 Opportunities to earn many edible reinforcers to keep students motivated

5. Materials
 Story powerpoint
 Glue
 Sequencing worksheets
 Sequencing pictures
 Laminated sequencing boards and pictures
 Date tree
 Dates / chocolate dates
 Scissors
 Pictures of each character
 Story video
 Colored pencils/crayons
 Clear cups/containers for “presents”

6. Possible Problems

 What problems might you run into due to materials, behavior, etc?
 How can you plan to be prepared for these problems?
 For each problem there must be a possible solution.

Possible Problems Solutions

Student is non-compliant Teacher removes materials and

represents materials per
management guidelines.
Student has difficulty completing Teacher will provide least to most
parts of the lesson verbal/gestural/physical assistance
Student uses lesson materials Refer to class rules, remove
inappropriately/at inappropriate times materials if necessary
Student engages in aggression, Remove all materials and follow
environmental destruction, or self- student specific behavior
injury management guidelines. Have
student leave the lesson if necessary
and rejoin once appropriate behavior
is exhibited
Running out of time to complete Cut out the sequencing pictures for
lesson the students so the only have to glue
them, no movie in review
Too much time is left at the end of Allow students to watch full
the lesson movie/color worksheet
Data Sheets

Textures Test Data Sheet

Objective: Learners will put 4 pictures in order to reflect the storyline with 80%
accuracy across 1 teacher and 1 setting.


Texture Data
(+/-)* Texture Data
P1 in first spot (+/-)*
P1 in first spot
P2 follows P1
P2 follows P1
P3 follows P2
P3 follows P2
P4 follows P3
P4 follows P3
Correct Independent Responses:
/4 Correct Independent Responses:


Texture Data
P1 in first spot

P2 follows P1

P3 follows P2

P4 follows P3
Correct Independent Responses:
Student Specific Data Sheets

Student Name:
Staff Initials:

Objective: Naming pictures

Picture Data (+/+p/-/-p)

Student Name:
Staff Initials:

Objective: Naming pictures

Picture Data (+/+p/-/-p)

Student Name:
Staff Initials:

Objective: Naming actions

Action Data (+/+p/-/-p)

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