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Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212

DOI 10.1007/s00542-012-1480-6


Battery-and wire-less tire pressure measurement

systems (TPMS) sensor
Noaman Makki • Remon Pop-Iliev

Received: 9 September 2011 / Accepted: 8 March 2012 / Published online: 30 March 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract This paper focuses on the design and devel- allow the sensor to enter sleep mode when the vehicle is
opment of a tire pressure measurement systems (TPMS) stationary and conserve battery power (Velupillai and
sensor powered by on-the-go piezoelectric energy har- Guvenc 2007; Shaw and August 2006). Moreover, 57 % of
vesting. The prime research motivation was to achieve the battery power is consumed by the sensor during pow-
replacement of a limited capacity power source such as a erdown mode and thus wasted (Löhndorf et al. 2007). By
battery with an on-the-go power generation method in harvesting energy from the tire itself using piezoceramic
order to enhance TPMS lifespan and simplify the design, (PZT) bender elements, power management methodologies
with the former having greater priority. Very low cost and as well as motion sensing mechanisms are eliminated
highly flexible piezoceramic (PZT) bender elements are resulting in cost reduction, design simplification and smaller
used to generate power inside the automobile wheel and lighter sensors.
assembly thereby replacing the battery and eliminating the Various power generation techniques have been devel-
need for a motion sensing mechanism and/or circuitry since oped over the years including electromagnetic current
PZT harvesters only produce power during wheel rotation. generator (Volpi 2003), tensile strain piezoelectric har-
A fully operational sensor configuration which proves the vester (Gu and Livermore 2010), impact based energy
feasibility of PZT based energy harvesting as a substitute harvesting using PZT materials (Manla et al. 2009), pres-
for a permanent power source is discussed in detail. sure-change based harvester (Roundy et al. 2007), vibration
based PZT harvester (Wu et al. 2009), and piezoelectric
benders (Tyndall 2006; Mancosu et al. 2006; Khamendei-
1 Introduction far and Arzanpour 2008). Furthermore, a few methods that
rely on the transfer of electric power from the chassis to the
An automotive tire pressure measurement system (TPMS) tire have also been devised utilizing RFID technology
is intended to enhance driver safety by providing advanced (Dixon et al. 2006; Ho et al. 2009). This paper presents two
warning about low tire pressure. Even though tire pressure methods of energy harvesting utilizing PZT benders as well
sensors have been around for a while they still utilize a as a novel method based on variable compression of PZT
limited capacity battery which necessitates the incorpora- plates for the operation of the tire pressure monitoring
tion of power management techniques to achieve maxi- sensor.
mum possible sensor life (Velupillai and Guvenc 2007).
Power management requires use of expensive highly effi-
cient components as well as motion sensing mechanism to 2 Power harvesting

In order to successfully eliminate the battery from TPMSs

N. Makki  R. Pop-Iliev (&) housed inside the tire, sufficient power must be harvested
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science,
from the tire to intermittently power the TPMS to allow
University of Ontario Institute of Technology,
2000, Simcoe St N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, Canada transmission of the pressure reading. Furthermore, the
e-mail: frequency of transmission must be at least equal to that of a

1202 Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212

conventional battery powered module if not higher. Latest ceramic disc diameter of 25 mm at 0.1 mm thick and have
trend has been to generate power from the tires inherent been experimentally tested to have high repetitive end-to-
motion by utilizing piezoelectric material’s ability to pro- end bendability of over 10 mm (‘‘0.4’’) without any
duce charge when subjected to strain in the form of physical damage or output degradation.
deformation (Schwartz 2009). Two different types of PZT Properties of PVDF were taken from the technical
elements are used in two different power generation manual provided by Measurement Specialties (2009).
approaches. The first approach to power generation makes Properties of PZT material were taken from American
use of PZT bender elements bonded to the tire’s inner Piezo website (American Piezo 2011). Electromechanical
surface. As the name suggests, the elements produce a coupling factor is important since it determines how much
charge when subjected to bending deformation. Thus, use of mechanical energy applied to the piezoelectric element
of elements that can be bent considerably without can be converted into mechanical energy and vice versa, in
mechanical failure is required. The second approach uti- essence determining its efficiency. As evident, PZT are
lizes smaller and stiffer elements that produce a charge three (3) times more efficient than PVDF and should the-
when a sudden compressive force is applied on them. oretically produce more charge, which was proven in
another study presented at the CANSMART conference in
2.1 Piezoelectric material November, 2011. Furthermore, PZT elements are capable
of generating charge in bending as well as compressive
A few commercially available PZT and PVDF piezoelec- loading modes and thus were selected for use in the TPMS
tric elements were compared for the practicality of their modules.
use inside the tire. Table 1 lists a few properties of such as
service temperature range, flexibility, cost and power out- 2.2 In-wheel based power harvesting method
put capacity based on piezoelectric charge constant, d31,
piezoelectric voltage constant, g31, and electromechanical This method utilizes the cyclic deformation of the tire
coupling factor, k31, which were determined to be most during vehicle movement. The weight of the vehicle
relevant. Piezoceramic benders outperform PVDF in every deforms the tire at the tire-road interface creating what is
category except for piezoelectric voltage constant and called the tire contact patch. As the tire rotates during
flexibility; PZT being brittle can undergo only minimal vehicle movement, a new section of the tire’s treadwall
deformation. However, PZT elements typically used in deforms within the contact patch resulting in a cyclic
buzzer elements manufactured by CUI Inc. (2006) are deformation and relaxation pattern. Figure 1 shows the
available in very thin brass reinforced formats with a deformation of the tire due to the load of the vehicle acting

Table 1 Comparison of relevant properties of PZT and PVDF elements for use within automotive wheel assembly
Material Service temperature (°C) Flexibility Cost Charge Voltage Electromechanical
constant constant coupling factor
(d31) (g31) (k31)

PZT High (up to 130) Limited $2 per element 125 11 0.35

(25 mm diameter; area = 491 mm2)
PVDF Low (up to 80) Highly flexible $330 per 216 9 280 mm sheet 23 216 0.12
($2.71 per 491 mm2)

Fig. 1 a Non-deformed tire b deformation of the tire under load and the formation of a contact patch

Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212 1203

Fig. 2 a PZT bender elements stacked one on top of the other b PZT benders attached to the tire side-by-side

Fig. 3 Result of capacitor charging from tire bonded PZT harvester. a 47 lF capacitor requires 17 revolutions to reach a threshold of 10 V,
while b 22 lF capacitor requires nine revolutions

on it. The tire contact patch is clearly visible in Fig. 1b stacked on top of each other as shown in Fig. 2a and (2)
where the tire flattens to adhere to the road surface which four benders attached to the tire side by side in two rows. It
has been simulated in the experimental setup with a con- has previously been shown that the power generation from
veyer belt. Attaching PZT bender elements to the tire thus stacking is the same as the power generation from the non-
allows the harvesting of energy from this innate motion of stacked configuration (Makki and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b).
the tire (Tyndall 2006; Mancosu et al. 2006; Khamendeifar High flexible rubber adhesive was used for the bonding the
and Arzanpour 2008). Since the deformation of the tire can bender elements to the tire.
be quite high especially when it goes over bumps and road Power harvested from piezoelectric sources needs to be
surface imperfections, the PZT benders must be highly rectified and temporarily stored in a capacitor (Kymissis
flexible. Moreover, the THUNDERÒ PZT bender previ- et al. 1998; Sodano and Inman 2005; Ding and Kaajakari
ously used costs in excess of $100 resulting in an expensive 2009), which is then discharged as needed. The size of the
replacement of the battery (Face International). Very low capacitor determines the duration for which a certain load
cost (\$2) and highly flexible PZT elements are bonded to can be supported (Kymissis et al. 1998; Makki and Pop-
the tire with a suitable adhesive for power generation Iliev 2011a, b). Conversely, capacitors of different sizes
(Makki and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b). Figure 2 shows the PZT will require different time to be charged from the PZT
bender elements with circular ceramic discs reinforced harvesters. Thus, a 22 and 47 lF capacitor were charged
with brass to allow enhanced deformation. The total from tire bonded PZT harvesters at a tire rotational speed
thickness of the element is less than 0.3 mm and can of 80 RPM to determine charging time, results of which are
undergo an end-to-end deformation of over 8.89 mm presented in Fig. 3. The 22 lF capacitor requires nine tire
without damage. rotations to be charged to a predetermined threshold of
For power harvesting, four PZT benders were attached 10 V while the 47 lF capacitor requires 17 rotations to
to the tire in two different configurations: (1) two benders reach the same voltage.

1204 Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212

weight of the vehicle flatten outs the tire at the contact

patch, as described earlier, as a result of which the portion
of sidewalls directly above the patch bulges out, exerting
an additional force on the tire bead and rim interface just
above the bulge area, FSIDEWALL. Thus a greater force
exists at this portion of bead rim interface directly above
the contact patch compared to the rest of the section and is
equal in magnitude to the sum of the constant pressure
force and the extra force from the sidewall:


Fig. 4 Power delivered from tire bonded PZT harvesters into various As the tire rotates, a PZT element placed at the bead-rim
interface as shown in Fig. 6b, c experiences a force that
fluctuates between FCONS and FT and thus produces a
Figure 4 shows the power delivered to various load charge due to the net difference in the applied force.
resistance by the PZT harvesters. Evidently, a maximum Figure 7 shows the result of charging a 22 lF capacitor by
power of 6.5 mW is deliverable to a 42 kX load. Power this method. At 80 RPM, it takes 200 s to reach the 10 V
calculations were done by attaching various resistance threshold, much higher compared to the 9 s time required by
values across the rectified output of the harvester (Makki the primary method described in the previous section.
and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b). Nonetheless, power can be harvested by this method and
with further improvements possibly utilized for use in TPMS.
2.3 Rim-wheel based power harvesting method Figure 5b shows a schematic model showing the various
factors that affect the piezoelectric power output as well as
An alternative method of power harvesting from the the interrelation between different factors. The vehicle
automobile wheel is explored by placing very thin brass weight acting on the tire determines the magnitude of
reinforced PZT elements at the tire bead and rim interface FSIDEWALL i.e. a greater load will result in a greater force on
(Makki and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b). On a typical tire of size the rim exerted by the tire. On the other hand, a higher
185/65R14, the bead-rim interface has a dimension of pressure would negate the effect of greater load by making
8 mm all around the rim so the PZT elements must be the overall tire stiffer. The effect of the sidewall bulging
really narrow and/or of a small overall size. The idea is out actually exerts a pressure force on the section of bead-
similar to the previous method except that the PZT ele- rim interface contained within dashed lines in Fig. 1b; the
ments operate in pure compressive mode rather than Force, FSIDEWALL, is constant on the area of the rim con-
bending i.e. the acting force is perpendicular to the PZT tained within those dashed lines. Thus, if this entire area is
element and compresses it to produce a charge output. The covered by PZT material it would result in a higher power
air pressure inside the wheel forces the tire against the rim output per revolution. Finally, the effect of vehicle speed
exerting a constant force, FCONS, as shown in Fig. 5a, factors in simply because of higher frequency of FSIDEWALL
causing the PZT to operate in a prestressed mode. The application at higher vehicle speed.

Fig. 5 a Forces experienced by

PZT harvesters at the tire-bead
and rim interface b schematic
model showing the various
factors affecting the
piezoelectric power output

Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212 1205

Fig. 6 a Compressive PZT harvester from tire-bead rim interface, b PZT harvester installed on a 185/65R14 tire, and c graphical representation
of PZT harvester placement

Fig. 7 22 lF capacitor being charged from the tire-bead and rim PZT harvester

3 Testing dynamometer (MCU) which then sends the results to the onboard receiver
via a low power wireless transmitter (TX). The main dif-
In order to measure the charge output capacity of various ference between a conventional TPMS and PZT energy
PZT harvesters mounted in different configurations on the harvesting TPMS lies in the power source and conditioning
wheel assembly a lab-scale custom designed developed and circuitry i.e. the battery is replaced by a PZT harvester,
built dynamometer was used (Makki and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b). rectifier and an appropriately sized storage capacitor. A
The basic idea was to spin the tire on a conveyer belt that is silicone controlled rectifier (SCR) is also required to pre-
driven by a DC motor to allow different wheel rotational vent premature discharging of the capacitor before it
speeds. In order to create a tire contact patch, vehicle weight reaches the predetermined threshold value of 10 V. A
is simulated onto the tire using a 80 mm bore pneumatic linear voltage regulator, MAX666 is used to deliver a
piston. A constant contact commutator-like assembly is used stable 3.0 V output required to power the sensing compo-
to maintain electrical connections from the spinning tire to nents. The TPMS block diagram showing its various
the oscilloscope. Detailed description of the dynamometer as components is presented in Fig. 8.
well as various electrical connections has already been dis-
cussed in earlier publications (Makki and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b). 4.1 Sensor operation algorithm

As the vehicle moves, the tire rotates increasing the voltage

4 Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) sensor of the storage capacitor, C1, with each revolution as shown
in Fig. 3. The SCR prevents C1 from draining before its
The TPMS consist of regular sensing circuitry comprising voltage rises to 10 V as determined by the 9.0 V Zener
of a pressure gauge that is read by the Microcontroller diode, Z1, at the gate of the SCR and the voltage drop

1206 Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212

Fig. 8 TPMS block diagram

Fig. 9 TPMS system schematic

across the SCR itself. Once the threshold is reached at the After data transmission completes, the MCU stays on
gate of the SCR, it connects the ground (GND) of the until the capacitor voltage drops below 3.0 V at which
regulator to the negative terminal of C1 allowing it to point the regulator ceases operation dropping the load. This
conduct. The regulator supplies 3.0 V to the MCU turning sharp reduction in the load causes the SCR to undergo
it on while leaving the TX and the pressure gauge disabled, natural commutation and break the GND path from the
which are in turn powered by the MCU. This is done to regulator to perform energy storage into the capacitor. The
permit power management of the TX and pressure gauge capacitor then recharges from the PZT harvester until 10 V
minimizing power consumption by allowing them to be threshold is reached and the cycle repeats itself.
disabled when not needed. The pressure gauge is directly
supplied by the MCU as shown in the schematic in Fig. 9, 4.2 Electrical performance
while the TX is mainly supplied by the regulator but has a
power down (PDN) pin which can be pulled up to 3.0 V to The use of higher data transfer rates of 4,800 bps allows
enable it or pulled down to GND disabling the TX. 2 byte (16 bits) of data to be exchanged between the MCU and
The entire process from the start of the sensor to the TX in a short span of 3.33 ms theoretically. The actual time
completion of data transfer is depicted in Fig. 10. As soon required to transmit 2 bytes of data is about 8 ms as evident
as the MCU powers up it enables the pressure gauge, which from Fig. 11. This is because of the required computing time
requires between 10 and 15 ms to stabilize its output. for the MCU itself as well as the fact that 2 bytes are sent to the
While the pressure gauge stabilizes, the MCU is pro- TX 1 byte at a time further increasing the processing time.
grammed to configure the rest of its ports and communi- The serial communication mode set as default on the
cation modules. Then the MCU converts the pressure MCU uses ‘high’ output to indicate no data or ‘‘0’’ and
gauge value into a digital signal via its analog-to-digital sinks low for a ‘‘1’’ bit. The transmission pin goes high,
converter (ADC). At this point the data is ready to be Fig. 12, as soon as serial communication is enabled on the
transmitted to the onboard receiver for which the TX needs MCU and stays high until the time of first transmission.
to be powered on while the pressure gauge is no longer Even though only 15 ms are required by the pressure
needed. The MCU disables the pressure gauge, enables the sensor to deliver a stable reading, a time delay of over
TX and sends the data. 30 ms is used to minimize measurement errors.

Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212 1207

Fig. 11 Time required to transmit 2 byte of data at 4,800 bps


Fig. 12 A 16.9 lF capacitor being discharged into the TPMS. Total

TPMS run time is 55 ms

MCU also needs to transmit a 1-byte long unique address

to distinguish the sensor from other sources of data e.g.
other pressure sensors. The total time of sensor operation
from powering up of the system to the end of transmission
Fig. 10 Flow of operation of TPMS module
is the sum of time duration of all the processes. Micro-
controller takes 2 ms to initialize and power the pressure
sensor. The pressure sensor requires 15 ms to stabilize
4.2.1 Storage capacitor sizing followed by 2 ms for ADC conversion and then the dura-
tion required to send the 2 bytes of address and data to the
The analog pressure gauge consumes 1.5 mA at 3 V sup- TX, which sends bytes as it receives. At a data transmission
ply. It takes 15 ms to stabilize from the moment power is rate of 4,800 bps it takes 8 ms to transmit 2 bytes of data
supplied to it and returns the actual pressure reading. The from the MCU to the TX as shown in Fig. 11. Thus the
MCU reads the sensor value as an analog signal and con- total time of sensor operation is 31 ms (2 ? 20 ?
verts it into a 10-bit digital reading between 0 and 1,024 2 ? 5 ? 2). This is 3 times as short the duration of 90 ms
which is then transmitted wirelessly to the receiver. The previously reported (Makki and Pop-Iliev 2011a, b). The

1208 Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212

time given in Table 1. Since a 22 lF capacitor can support

the TPMS load for 80 ms, average power draw can be
calculated from the capacitor energy storage equation:
1 1 22
E ¼ CV 2 ¼ ð10Þ2 ¼ 1:1 mJ ð2Þ
2 2 1; 000; 000
This is the total energy stored in the capacitor. Since
power is rate of usage of this energy, power consumption is
given as:
E 1:1 mJ
P¼ ¼ ¼ 1:375 mW ð3Þ
time 0:08 s
13.75 mW of power consumed at a regulated voltage of
3.0 V gives average total current consumption of 4.58 mA.
However, the TPMS does not use all of the 13.75 mW
since power is also lost in the linear regulator. The
Fig. 13 A 22 lF capacitor being discharged into the TPMS. Total efficiency of linear regulator is given as:
TPMS run time is 80 ms
Powerloss ¼ ðVin  Vout ÞðLoadcurrentÞ ð4Þ
The higher the input voltage, VIN, the higher the power
capacitor needs to be sized appropriately to allow the
dissipation in the regulator and less efficient the overall
operation of the entire sensor for at least 30 ms.
system. One method of reducing this loss is to use a higher
It has been experimentally determined that a 16.9 lF
capacitance ([47 lF) with a lower threshold voltage
capacitor allows adequate time for the transmission of one
instead of 10 V e.g. 6 V. A better approach would be to
pressure reading. Three capacitors: 10, 4.7 and 2.2 lF were
substitute the linear voltage regulator with a more efficient
connected in parallel to achieve the required capacitance
switching Buck regulator.
and the results were verified through the oscilloscope,
Fig. 12, as well the wireless transmission. However, to
4.2.3 Pressure gauge
allow for more address bytes for unique identification of
each TPMS module a larger capacitance value of 22 lF is
Honeywell CPX100G pressure gauge is used for pressure
selected as an appropriate size as it allows the sensor
measurement (Honeywell 2004). The sensor can measure
operation for more than 80 ms as shown in Fig. 13. The
pressures up to 100 pounds per square inches (PSI) and
capacitor values decrease from 10 V down to the minimum
outputs an analog voltage between 0 and 295 mV rated at
while the TX line of the MCU goes high as soon as the
an excitation voltage of 5.0 V. Lower excitation voltages
transmission is enabled. In Figs. 12, 13, the TX line goes
are possible whereby the maximum output threshold needs
low (0 V) during data transmission and rises to the 3 V
to be adjusted according to the following equation:
level upon completion.
max output voltage = 0:295  ð5Þ
4.2.2 Power consumption 5
The sensor has been tested to operate with an excitation
Power consumption of various components was noted from voltage of 3.0 V with a maximum output voltage of
their respective datasheets. ATMEGA328P consumes 177 mV as calculated from Eq. 5. Since the sensor has a
2.5 mA current at a 3 V supply voltage (Atmel 2009) while range of 100 PSI, the change in output voltage per PSI
the Linx Technologies LR series transmitter 3.4 mA on pressure is about 1.77 mV neglecting temperature
average (LINX 2010). The pressure gauge has a maximum adjustments.
consumption of 1.5 mA at 3.0 V (measured) resulting in a
total consumption of 7.4 mA. The MCU runs throughout 4.2.4 Microprocessor—pressure gauge interface
the TPMS operation while pressure gauge and TX run in a
mutually exclusive manner. The total theoretical power Since the pressure gauge is read directly by the MCU
consumption while MCU and pressure gauge operate is without any amplification, the resolution of the MCU’s
about 4 mA while that during TX and MCU operation is ADC needs to be taken into account. Atmega328 MCU has
about 5.9 mA. a 10-bit ADC allowing 1,024 distinct steps (210). The MCU
The actual average power consumption of the TPMS is powered from a 3.0 V regulated source resulting in ADC
module can be determined from the capacitor discharge resolution of 2.93 mV. Comparing this resolution to mV

Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212 1209

per PSI change in pressure sensor output of 1.77 mV, a significantly reduced. Theoretically predicting the effects
minimal pressure change of 2 PSI can be detected limited of PZT elements reduction from 4 to 1 should reduce the
only by the resolution of the MCU’s ADC. frequency from every 6 s to every 24 s (ratio of 1 to 4),
which would still be very acceptable.
4.2.5 Frequency of operation
4.2.6 Elimination of motion detection circuitry
Table 2 entails the number of tire revolutions to charge
capacitors of various values as well the duration for which Piezoceramic harvesters, whether bonded to the tire or
the TPMS load can be supported respectively. The 22 lF placed at the bead-rim interface, produce power only when
capacitor requires nine revolutions to charge to a threshold the tire rotates during vehicle movement. This means that
of 10 V initially. However, since the capacitor only dis- no power is produced when the vehicle is sitting idle and
charges down to 3.0 V instead of 0 V, less revolutions are the TPMS does not operate. Moreover, since a permanent
required to charge it back to 10 V from there on. Since limited power source is replaced with on-the-go energy
only six revolutions are required between transmission of harvesting motion detection circuitry which is a vital
pressure data this results in a high transmission frequency component of battery powered TPMS is eliminated
that is unmatched by any battery powered TPMS. The resulting in a simpler design through reduction of required
frequency of TPMS operation is shown in Fig. 14. Even for circuit components. The overall weight of the sensor may
a vehicle travelling at linear speed of 10 km/h the TPMS also be significantly reduced as long as the PZT elements
can transmit every 6 s. As the speed increases, the trans- weight less than the battery. The flexible benders bonded to
mission frequency increases as well as expected to every the tire weight less than 10 g which is less than typical
second for 6 km/h and less than every 750 ms for 100 km/ Lithium coin cell batteries weighing 20 g (drillspot battery
h. store).
Since such high frequencies may not be required for
TPMS, the size of the PZT harvesting patch can be 4.3 Mechanical performance

The adhesive used to bond the PZT element to the tire is of

Table 2 Charging and discharging time of various capacitor sizes utmost importance since it is responsible for keeping the
Capacitance # of revolutions # of revolutions Discharge PZT bender from falling off, prevent the formation of
(lF) to charge from 0 to charge from 3 time TPMS localized stiff region compared to the surrounding tire tread
to 10 V to 10 V load (ms) and tolerate the frequent change in temperature. Rubber
100 32 23 300 cement typically used for tire repair and patchwork is used
57 20 16 193 to bond the PZT element to the inner treadwall of the tire
47 16 12 170 and provides excellent adhesion. The centripetal forces
22 9 6 80 generated during tire rotation pushes the element against
16.9 7 5 55
the tire (instead of pulling it away) assisting the adhesive in
keeping the element in place. The only failure mode for the

Fig. 14 Frequency of pressure

transmission using tire bonded
PZT harvester

1210 Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212

Fig. 15 a TPMS transmitter and b receiver modules

Fig. 16 a TPMS sensor module

mounted on the tire with a foam
layer protection the rigid
electronics board from
deformation. b Electronics
board mounted onto the rim
while piezoelectric elements are
placed either on the tire or at the
bead-rim interface

adhesive is through repetitive stretching during cyclic TPMS sensor module configuration has very high trans-
deformation of the tire. Extensive life cycle testing has not mission frequencies compared to conventional battery
been performed to determine the number of kilometers powered modules and even a 29 reduction in frequency of
before the adhesives gives way, partly because of the operation would be more than adequate.
identification of a better alternative energy harvester that
can entirely be mounted onto the rim rather than the tire. 4.3.1 TPMS sensor module
The deformation of the tire at the contact patch requires that
a 40 mm long PZT element attached to it be able to undergo Figure 15a shows the TPMS transmitter module. The left
2.5 mm of end-to-end deflection. The PZT elements half comprises of TX IC along with the low profile chip
employed for energy harvesting in the TPMS module are antenna while the right half consists of the TQFP MCU
capable of withstanding 10 mm of end-to-end deformation package along with the pressure sensor and the voltage
without physical damage, which is far greater than the regulation circuitry near the top. Figure 15b shows the
requirement ensuring a long life for the elements themselves. receiver module that consists of the wireless receiver
At high speeds during highway driving, the tire tem- connected to a microcontroller. The transmitter has a
perature may rise up to 70 °C (Todoroki et al. 2003). CUI footprint of 44.5 mm by 89 mm, which can be reduced
Inc. (2006) provides test data for CEB44D06 PZT bender down to one-forth through tighter packaging.
element demonstrating no effect in the performance of PZT
elements at temperatures up to 80 °C while the depolar- 4.3.2 Sensor mounting options
ization temperature for PZT is the neighborhood of 130 °C.
Even if the charge output from the PZT element reduces The FR4 epoxy substrate on which the electronic compo-
over time due to physical damage or wear through repeti- nents are mounted is not flexible and cannot be directly
tive deformation it will not disable the TPMS sensor mounted onto the tire. For experimental purposes, a thick
entirely rather just result in lower transmission frequencies. layer of foam was added between the flexible PZT bender
However, it has already been demonstrated that current and the rigid substrate, whereby the foam absorbs the

Microsyst Technol (2012) 18:1201–1212 1211

deformation allowing the entire sensor to be mounted on conversion. The latter has been reported to be able to
the tire (Fig. 16a). The rigid FR4 epoxy substrate can be achieve multifold increase of the efficiency of power har-
substituted with a highly flexible polyimide polymer sub- vesting (Taylor et al. 2001).
strate such as PyraluxÒ offered by Dupont (2011), allowing
the circuit to be bonded to PZT with a very thin layer of Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
of interest.
deformation absorbent material such as rubber.
An alternative option is to mount the electronics onto the
rim within the tire as shown in Fig. 16b. This is more feasible References
for the PZT element mounted at the bead-rim interface due to
American Piezo (2011) Physical and piezoelectric properties of APC
its very close proximity to the rim. Another opportunity it to materials. American Piezo.
package the TPMS electronics on the valve stem much like materials/piezoelectric-properties.html. Accessed Nov 2010
existing designs while replacing the battery with the bead-rim Atmel (2009) ATMEGA328 datasheet. Atmel.
mounted PZT elements requiring minimal changes to the dyn/resources/prod_documents/8271S.pdf. Accessed 30 Aug
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5 Cost Dixon B, Kalinin V, Beckley J, Lohr R (2006) A second generation
in-car tire pressure monitoring system based on wireless passive
SAW sensors. International Frequency Control Symposium and
The cost of the overall sensor is reduced partly through the Exposition, IEEE 2006. doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2006.275414
elimination of motion detection circuitry. Furthermore, Dupont (2011) Pyralux. Dupont.
since power management is not of great significance in US/products/adhesives_films/LF-B/pyralux_LF-B.html. Accessed
10 Nov 2011
case of PZT powered TPMS in contrast to their battery Face International-Thunder Actuators. Face International. http://
powered counterparts, less efficient and inexpensive com-
ponents can be utilized bringing the cost down even more. 36234. Accessed 10 Sept 2010
Apart from this, the PZT benders cost $1 when 100 pieces Gu L, Livermore C (2010) Passive self-tuning energy harvester for
extracting energy from rotational motion. Applied Physics
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