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Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis, 2003, 51, 105–109

PL ISSN 0004-069X


From Inflammation to Sickness: Historical Perspective

B. Plytycz and R. Seljelid: From Inflammation to Sickness


1 2
Department of Evolutionary Immunobiology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, Institute of Medical
Biology, University of Tromso, Norway

Abstract. The concept of the four cardinal signs of acute inflammation comes from antiquity as rubor et tumor
cum calore et dolore, (redness and swelling with heat and pain) extended later by functio laesa (loss of function).
The contemporary understanding of this process we owe to 19th-century milestone discoveries by Rudolph
Virchow, Julius Cohnheim and Elie Metchnikoff. In the 20th century, the development of potent technological
tools allowed the rapid expansion of knowledge of the cells and mediators of inflammatory processes, as well as
the molecular mechanisms of their interactions. It turned out that some mediators of inflammation have both local
and distant targets, among them the liver (responding by the production of several acute phase reactants) and
neurohormonal centers. In the last decades it has become clear that the immune system shares mediators and their
receptors with the neurohormonal system of the body; thus, they form a common homeostatic entity. Such an
integrative view, introduced by J. Edwin Blalock, when combined with Hans Selye’s concept of stress, led to the
contemporary understanding of sickness behavior, defined by Robert Dantzer as a highly organized strategy of
the organism to fight infections and to respond to other environmental stressors.

Key words: local inflammatory response; acute phase response; sickness behavior; immune-neuroendocrine

Basic Concepts et dolore” meaning “redness and swelling with heat

and pain”. It was not until the 19th century, that Ru-
Most people have personal experience with inflam- dolph Virchow extended this definition by “loss of
mation: a red, swollen, hot and painful finger with pus function” (“functio laesa”), which occurs in more
formation from a thorn prick, or very similar symptoms severe instances. Microscopic observations performed
after a mosquito bite; in more serious cases of trauma for the first time by R. Virchow and, independently, by
and/or infection, fever and general malaise. Thus, in- one of his most famous pupils, Julius Cohnheim,
flammation is a rather stereotypical response to a var- allowed an explanation of the cardinal signs of inflam-
iety of stimuli, such as tissue injury and/or infection, mation in scientific terms. The redness and heat reflect
and involves both localized and systemic effects. an increased blood flow, the swelling is connected with
The hallmarks of a localized acute inflammatory re- the exudation and accumulation of cells and fluid, and
sponse were described in the medical section of a large pain follows36.
encyclopedia almost 2000 years ago by the Roman The next great contribution to our understanding of
writer Cornelius Celsus as “rubor et tumor cum calore inflammatory processes came from Elie Metchnikoff’s

* Correspondence to: Prof. Barbara Plytycz, Department of Evolutionary Immunobiology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena 6, 30-060 Kraków, Poland; fax: +48 12 634 37 16, e-mail:
106 B. Plytycz and R. Seljelid: From Inflammation to Sickness

comparative observations of phagocytic cells from local endothelium) and from potent plasma enzymatic
a variety of animals, including unicellular amebas, sev- systems, such as the kinin, the clotting, the fibrinolytic,
eral invertebrate species (e.g. transparent starfish larvae and complement cascades. These early alarm signals
and a tiny transparent crustacean, Daphnia), and repre- induce pain (bradykinin acts on prostaglandin-sen-
sentatives of various vertebrates: fish, amphibians, rep- sitized nerve endings), profound vascular changes (in-
tiles, and mammals. He concluded that “the purpose of creased permeability and expression of a variety of sig-
inflammation was to deliver phagocytes to a site of in- nal molecules on endothelial cells), and deliver several
jury”. In his book “Comparative Pathology of Inflam- chemotactic factors (complement components, arachi-
mation”, METCHNIKOFF39 offers the following definition: donic acid metabolites, chemokines, and some of the
“Inflammation is a local reaction, often beneficial, of other cytokines). Vascular permeability plus the orches-
living tissue against an irritant substance. This reaction trated actions of newly induced epithelial molecules
is mainly produced by phagocytic activity of the me- and chemotactic factors leads to extravasation of blood
sodermic cells. In this reaction, however, may partici- plasma and leukocytes, the latter being related to the
pate not only changes in the vascular system, but also extensive cross-talk between the blood leukocytes and
the chemical action of the blood plasma and tissue endothelial cells, with participation of their membrane-
fluids...”. -bound cell-adhesion molecules, such as selectins and
With minor modifications, this definition is still integrins. The early wave of neutrophils, ultimately
valid today. It introduces the main components of an dying in the focus of inflammation, is accompanied by
inflammatory reaction: a) “the irritant substance”, and then followed by a longer-lasting influx of mono-
which we now know to be, in most cases, microorgan- cytes (transforming into the highly active macrophages)
isms, dead or injured cells, or products of an adaptive and, in some cases, lymphocytes. These exudatory cells
immune reaction; b) “the mesodermic cells”, which we are the main source of new waves of cytokines, with
now call tissue macrophages, mast cells, blood-borne a switch of proinflammatory (TNF-α, IL-1, IL-8, IL-6,
granulocytes and monocytes; c) “the vascular system”, IFN-γ) to anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-4, IL-10,
more specifically the endothelium of small venules and IL-13, TGF-β). These and other local anti-inflamma-
capillaries; and d) “the chemical action of the blood tory agents (such as cytokine antagonists and soluble
plasma and tissue fluid”, including present-day entities cytokine receptors) lead to resolution of the acute in-
such as cytokines, complement, arachidonic acid meta- flammation and tissue healing32, 46. In the last few years
bolites, enzymes, and many more. it has been demonstrated that the exudatory cells syn-
Inflammation is also part of the adaptive immune thesize and release opioid peptides participating in local
response as a nonspecific but very effective ally in rec- analgesia13, 15, 18, 35.
ognizing and destroying selected targets. The cost is Modern molecular technology has forced a reinter-
when the immune response reacts excessively to inno- pretation of dogmas concerning the so-called “immune-
cent targets (such as pollens which cause allergy and, -privileged sites”, such as the eye, brain, and others
in extreme instances, anaphylactic response) or selects (testis, ovary, the pregnant uterus, and adrenal cortex),
inappropriate targets (such as normal tissue in autoim- where histo-incompatible tissue grafts could be placed
mune disease, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, when chronic with little or no threat of immune rejection. According
inflammation develops). Chronic inflammation is an to MEDAWAR38, who was the first to define immune-pri-
entirely different entity both in terms of pathogenesis, vilege sites, antigenic materials placed into them are
time course and clinical manifestations, and will only sequestered from the immune system due to the ab-
be touched upon briefly in this text. sence of lymphatic draining and the existence of
blood/organ barriers38. However, the phenomenon of
immune privilege is much more complicated. STREILEIN
Local Events during Acute Inflammatory et al.51 stated recently: “As we learn more about biol-
Reactions ogy, absolutes almost never exist...” and “... studies
over the last 30 years have indicated that active pro-
Several reviews have attempted to cover the rapidly cesses... govern the creation and maintenance of im-
explanding knowledge of the course of acute inflamma- mune privilege”. In particular, the results of Streilein’s
tion26, 31, 32, 36, 44–46. Put most simply, may be said that and other groups of scientists (e.g. 25, 28, 51, 52) have
in response to an inflammation-inducing agent several firmly established that the immune privilege of the
mechanisms are triggered in parallel, coming both from anterior chamber of the eye depends upon immuno-
cells (mainly resident mast cells, macrophages and modulatory factors present in the ocular microenviron-
B. Plytycz and R. Seljelid: From Inflammation to Sickness 107

ment and are expressed on the surface of ocular paren- pression of a central motivational state that reorganizes
chymal cells. This makes it possible for the eye to re- the organism’s priorities to cope with an infectious pa-
ceive immune protection against pathogens while thogen22, 23.
avoiding damage to the delicate visual axis (which Due to their commonality, sickness symptoms were
allows sharp light images to fall on the retina) from ignored for centuries as uncomfortable, but rather
destructive, intense inflammation with edema and cell- banal, components of pathogen-induced debilitation.
ular infiltration51. Only the imaginative curiosity of Hans Selye linked
these symptoms with both infection/inflammation and
the neurohormonal system of the body, which opened
Systemic Effects of Acute many new avenues of scientific research19.
Inflammatory Reactions Already as a young student of medicine, H. Selye
made the simple observation that patients suffering
From the biological point of view, there is a full from different diseases exhibited identical signs and
spectrum of inflammatory reactions, from the small- symptoms: they simply “looked sick”. This observation
-scale local phenomena accompanying our everyday was the first step towards the concept of “stress”47, 48.
life, to life-threatening pathological conditions such as Then, additional terms were introduced, according to
appendicitis, peritonitis, and so on. Most of the former which stress may be either “spice of life or kiss of
reactions are resolved locally. However, in more severe death”34, 49. Thus, “eustress” (i.e. good stress) arises in
instances, certain parenchymal organs, mainly the liver response to a variety of everyday stimuli, initiating re-
and neuroendocrine centers, are “informed” about the sponses beneficial to the human’s or animal’s comfort,
ongoing inflammatory processes and can participate in well-being, and/or reproduction. In contrast, “distress”
them. One clear indication of the systemic response is initiates a response that may interfere with the animal’s
the increase in the synthesis and secretion of several comfort, well-being, and/or reproduction, with possible
plasma proteins by the liver with simultaneous de- pathological consequences20. Infection and clinical syn-
creases in others, triggered mainly by IL-6. These dromes of inflammation evidently belong to the latter
acute-phase proteins function in a variety of defence- category. Organisms respond to infection with complex
-related activities, such as limiting the dispersal of in- adaptations involving bidirectional communication be-
fectious agent, repairing tissue damage, the killing of tween the immune and neuroendocrine systems, as
microbes and other potential pathogens, and restoring these share mediatory molecules and their receptors13.
the healthy state3, 4, 46, 50. On the other hand, IL-1 acti- We owe this contemporary knowledge to the efforts
vates the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis leading to of many scietific groups (e.g. see 1, 5–8, 11, 21, 24, 29, 30, 40),
the resolution of inflammation by the anti-inflammatory but the milestone concepts came from J. Edwin Bla-
action of glucocorticoids, but this also induces sick- lock, who already in 1984 considered “the immune sys-
ness9, 53. At the molecular level, the sickness symptoms tem as a sensory organ” and, 10 years later, referred to
develop due to the brains response to proinflammatory it as “the immune system: our sixth sense” which de-
cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF-α. Peripherally re- tects antigenic molecules, otherwise undetectable by
leased cytokines act on the brain via the fast trans- the conventional senses10, 12, 17. In the review from
mission pathway, involving primary afferent nerves in- 1995, concerning the association between the neuroen-
nervating the bodily site of inflammation, and a slow docrine and immune systems, WEIGENT and BLALOCK54
transmission pathway, involving cytokines originating wrote: “It is our hypothesis that the relay of information
from the choroid plexus and circumventricular organs to the neuroendocrine system represents a sensory
and diffusing into the brain parechyma by volume function for the immune system wherein leukocytes
transmission22, 23, 37. recognize stimuli that are not recognizable by the cen-
Everybody has experienced the non-specific symp- tral and peripheral nervous systems (i.e. bacteria, tu-
toms of infection and inflammation collectively mors, viruses, and antigens). The recognition of such
referred to as “sickness behavior”, which include fever noncognitive stimuli by immunocytes is then converted
and profound physiological and behavioral changes. into information and a physiological change occurs”.
Sick individuals experience weakness, malaise, listless- There is now overwhelming evidence that cytokines,
ness, and an inability to concentrate. They become de- peptide hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as
pressed, lethargic, show little interest in their surround- their receptors, are endogenous to the brain, endocrine
ing, and stop eating and drinking. According to and immune systems. These shared ligands and recep-
a contemporary view, such sickness behavior is the ex- tors are used as a common chemical language for com-
108 B. Plytycz and R. Seljelid: From Inflammation to Sickness

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