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How does the 5*50 initiative alter the roles and responsibilities of the knowledge management
Ans: The 5*50 initiative may not alter the roles and responsibilities of Knowledge Management
(KM) function, but it may increase them. When the 5*50 initiative took place, Mindtree started
more progressively enhancing itself to help and support the 5*50 initiative as its success
critically depended upon KM function. Some of the ways it increased its roles and
responsibilities were that it would help ideation process and provide critical IT systems support
through Neuron. The experts modified neuron, so it becomes harvesting and tracking mechanism
for thousands of ideas. Neuron would also be linked to the company’s new enterprise content
management system so that Mindtree’s partners such as customers, academic institutes could
work with employees to develop ideas. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) will allow
Mindtree minds to work together seamlessly with stakeholders, facilitating discussions, sharing
and collaborating. The innovation council which the KM function had setup was also expected to
play an important role by bringing together idea nurturers from every functional area to discuss
and help develop the top few ideas. The KM function will also provide essential data for mini-
MBA program. Thus far KM had focused on building culture of ideation and improving delivery
process, now with 5*50 initiative it will start facilitating direction. This will assist in business
planning and take on a route to quantitative contribution as well.
5. What changes if any would you propose?
Ans: According to me, I would propose the following changes-
 Knowledge Management function should restrict not only to idea lifecycle tool or lots of
ideas instead they should make things better taking comment or suggestions of ideas from
people inside and outside the company.
 Knowledge management function can make a little change that when any idea is shared
on the neuron, the relevant information and discussions relating to it can be linked to it so
that the leader of the idea has sufficient knowledge about it and also can know whether
such things already exists or not, or they are similar and how are they performing, and
also can get practical help from internet sources from people who have done such things

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