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This is to certify that roll number

………………… has completed the

project entitled young’s double
slit experiment under my
supervision in the time stipulated
by CBSE .

Mrs. Kriti dawar

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude
to our principal Mrs. Nishi Manglik ma’am who
gave me the golden opportunity to do this wounderful
project on the topic young’s Double Slit Experimenent.
which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I
came to take this opportunity to thank my physics
teacher Mrs. Kriti dawar ma’am for encouraging and
guiding me in the project . I also thank our lab
assistant Mr. sudhir rai sir who helped me with the
setup for the project and gave valuable practical
insights. Whout thanking my parents for their
unwavering support this acknowledgment would be
I am really thankful to all of them .



Interference Patterns




Merits and demerites


To observe the interference pattern

by performing Double Slit
To derive the expression for fringe
To draw the intensity vs. path
difference graph.
The sources of light, which emit
continuous light waves of the same
wavelength, same frequency and in the
same phase difference are called coherent
Conditions to obtain coherent light :
1. Two sources should be single source or
by same device.
2. Two sources should give
monochromatic light.
3. The path difference b/w light waves
from 2 sources should be small.

It is the phenomenon of redistribution of
light energy in a medium on account of
superposition of light wave from 2
coherent sources. There are 2 types:
1. Constructive Interference.
2. Destructive Interference

Young’s Double Slit Experiment

Set up the apparatus as in the Figure 1.
The appearance of bright and dark fringes on screen
can be explained on the basis of interference of light.
According to Huygens principle, the monochromatic
source of light illuminating the slit S sends out
spherical wavefronts. Let the solid arcs represent the
crests ant the dotted arcs represents the troughs.
These wavefronts reach the slits A and B
simultaneously which in turn, become sources of
secondary wavelets. Thus the 2 waves on
superposition produce interference.
The dots (.) represent the positions of constructive
interference, where crests of one wave falls on crests
of the other and trough falls on trough. The resultant
Amplitude and hence intensity of light is maximum at
these positions. The lines joining the dots lead to
points C, E, G on the screen.
Similarly, the crosses (x) represent the positions of
destructive interference, where crest of one wave falls
on trough of the other and vice-versa. The resultant
amplitude and hence intensity of light is minimum at
these positions. The lines joining the crosses lead to
points D, F on the screen.
Thus we have Bright Fringes at C, E, and G and Dark
Fringes at D and F.
These bright and dark fringes are placed alternatively
and they are equally spaced. These are called

Let the waves from 2 coherent sources of light be
represented as
y1 = a sinωt (1)
y2 = b sin (ωt + θ) .(2)
where a and b ate the respective amplitudes of 2 waves
and θ is the constant phase angle by which second wave
leads the first wave.
According to superposition principle, the displacement y
of the resultant wave at time t would be given by
y=y1 + y2 = a sinωt + b sin(ωt + θ)
= a sinωt + b sinωt cosθ + b cosωt sinθ
y = sinωt(a+b cosθ) + cosωt.b sinθ (3)
put a + b cosθ = A cosФ .(4)
b sinθ = A sinФ (5)
Therefore y = sinωt.AcosФ + cosωt.AsinФ
= A(sinωt cosФ + cosωt sinФ)
y = A sin (wt +Ф) (6)

Thus the resultant wave is a harmonic wave of amplitude

Squaring (4) and (5) and adding
We get,
A = √a2 + b2 + 2ab cosθ (7)

As resultant intensity I is directly proportional to the

square of the amplitude of the resultant wave
Thus I α A2 i.e. I α a2 + b2 + 2ab cosθ (8)

Conditions for constructive and

Destructive Interference,
Constructive Interference

I should be maximum, for which

Cosθ = max = +1 so, θ = 0,2 π,4π,…..
i.e. θ = 2nπ ; where n = 0, 1, 2……
if x is the path difference, then
x = λ (2n π)/2π i.e. x=nλ

Hence, condition for constructive interference at a

point is that phase difference b/w the 2 waves
reaching the point should be zero or an even integral
multiple of π.
Path difference b/w the 2 waves reaching the point
should be 0 or an integral multiple of full wavelength.
So Amax=(a+b)

Destructive Interference

I should be minimum, for which

Cosθ = min = -1 so, θ = π ,3π,5π,…..
i.e. θ = (2n-1)π ; where n = 1,2,3……
if x is the path difference, then
x = λ ((2n-1) π)/2π
Hence, condition for constructive interference at a
point is that phase difference b/w the 2 waves
reaching the point should be an odd integral multiple
of π.
Path difference b/w the 2 waves reaching the point
should be an odd integral multiple of half the
wavelength. So
Amin= (a-b)

Expression for Fringe Width in Inerference
Looking at Figure 2,
The intensity of light at the point on the screen will depend
on the path difference b/w the 2 waves arriving at that
point.the point C is at equal distance from A and
B.therefore, the path difference b/w 2 waves reaching C is 0
and the point C is of maximum intensity. It is called
Consider a point p at a distance x from C. The path
difference b/w 2 waves arriving at P,
= BP – AP…….(9)
Let O be the mid point of AB, and
AB = EF = d, AE = BF = D
From the figure,

PE = PC – EC= x-d/2
and PF = PC + CF = x+d/2
By Pythagoras and Binomially,
BP= D[1 + (x + d/2)2/2D2]……..(10)
and AP= D[1 + (x - d/2)2/2D2]………(11)

Putting these values in (9), we get, path difference

BP-AP= D[1 + (x + d/2)2/2D2 - 1 - (x - d/2)2/2D2]
BP - AP= xd/D……………..(12)
For Bright Fringes
Path Difference = xd/D = nλ where n= 0,1,2…
or x=nλD/d ……..(13)

For Dark Fringes

Path Difference = xd/D = (2n-1)λ/2 where n=1,2,3…
or x=(2n-1)λD/2d ……..(13)

Comparison shows that dark interference fringes are

situated in b/w bright interference fringes and vice-versa

Separation b/w the centers of 2 consecutive bright fringes is

the width of dark fringe.
β = xn – xn-1 = nλD/d- (n-1)λD/d
β= λD/d……….(14)
Similarly, separation b/w the centers of 2 consecutive bright
fringes is the width of dark fringe.

Β’ = x’n – x’n-1 = [(2n-1)λD/2d]-[(2(n-1)-1) λD/2d]

β = β’= λD/d……….(15)
So, all bright and dark fringes are of equal width.

S.No. Wavelength Distance of Slit Fringe

λ (cm) screen & source Distance Width
D (cm) d (cm) β (cm)

1. 7 x 10-5 25 0.1 0.175

2. 7x 10-5 50 0.1 0.35

3. 7x 10-5 100 0.1 0.7

Physics investigatory project

Sumited by : Shirish singh

Roll no.
Intensity Vs Path Difference

Angular separation of the fringes is just (λ/d). It is

independent of the position on the screen.

Further, at sites of constructive interference,

Imaxα R2max α (a+b) 2 = constant
Hence all bright interference bands have same

At sites of destructive interference,

Imaxα R2max α (a-b) 2 = constant = 0 (at a=b)
Hence all dark interference bands have same
(zero) intensity.
Figure 3 represents the intensity of double slit
interference pattern as a function of path
difference θ b/w the waves of the screen.
Formation of dark and light rays due to
constructive and destructive interference shows that
light exhibit wave natue.
Fringe width increases wth increase in distance
between screen and source .

(For Sustained Inerference)

The 2 sources of light must be coherent i.e.

they continuous light waves of same
wavelength or frequency, which have either
same phase of constant path difference.
The 2 sources should be strong with least
The amplitudes of waves from 2 sources
should preferably be equal.
The 2 sources should preferably be
The coherent sources must be very close
to each other.
The 2 sources should be point and narrow

 Pradeeps Physics Practical
 Physics N.C.E.R.T textbook.
 Comprehensive Chemistry Practical.

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