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Standard Operating Procedure

Building Construction
D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D. Building Construction
An EZ Unit Investor, planning to construct factory building(s) in the EZ, is required to obtain necessary
permission/approval of building construction, firefighting floor plans (NOC) and environmental clearance
24thSept 2018
certificate through BEZA-OSS Center. The required procedures to be followed are summarized below
according to the stages of construction:

Step 1: Preparatory stage for starting building construction

After receiving Investment Clearance from BEZA-OSS Center and Certificate of Corporation issued by RJSC
through BEZA-OSS Center, an EZ Unit Investor may apply for approval of building construction, firefighting
floor plan (NOC) and environmental clearance certificate to start the construction works of the factory
building(s) following the sequence as mentioned below:

a) At first, the EZ Unit Investor shall obtain approval of Land Use Plan from BEZA-OSS Center in order
to confirm that the land use plan has been prepared according to the required standard following the
master plan of the EZ approved by BEZA.
b) After obtaining approval of Land Use Plan from BEZA-OSS Center, the EZ Unit Investor shall apply
for approval of Building Construction and Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC), and also obtain
environmental clearance* from BEZA-OSS Center.

c) The BEZA-OSS Center reviews and examines all the submitted documents and drawings prepared
following the applied laws and regulations such as, the Bangladesh Economic Zones (Construction of
Building) Rules, 2017, Fire Prevention and Extinction Rules 2014, Bangladesh Environmental
Conservation Rules 1997 (Amendments-2010) and Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)

d) If the submitted documents and drawings are confirmed their conformity, BEZA-OSS Center shall issue
a Building Permit upon approval of the Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC) and the Building Construction
Plan and issuance of environmental clearance certificate and hand it over to the EZ Unit Investor
e) After receiving the Building Permit, the EZ Unit Investor may commence their construction works.
* If the proposed industry falls under red category (following the list of DOE), the EZ Unit Investor requires approval of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report before commencing factory building construction works. On the other hand, for
category Green, Orange A and Orange B; ECC is required for starting of construction works.

Step 2: Construction stage

a) Before appointing a Contractor for construction of the building (s)/factory(ies) of which Building Permit
is obtained from BEZA-OSS Center, the EZ Unit Investor shall submit a formal request along with
required information about the Contractor to BEZA-OSS Center for registration.
b) Within seven (7) days after the commencement of construction works, the EZ Unit Investor shall submit
prescribed Project Information Sheet duly filled-in to BEZA-OSS Center informing them about the
responsible person(s) assigned for the construction of factory building such as Project Manager/ Site
Supervisor /Site Engineer.

c) During the construction period, the designated official(s) of the BEZA-OSS Center conducts following
Intermediate Inspections to monitor the compliance of approved construction plans and firefighting
floor plan (NOC) as well as progress of construction works:
(i) First Inspection: at the stage of Foundation Works
(ii) Second Inspection: at the stage of Structure Framing Works

d) It should be noted that the Intermediate Inspections will be made aiming to confirm whether the
D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

construction work is done in line with the approved plans of Building Permit and Fire Fighting Floor
Plan. However, such inspections by BEZA official does not aim to assure the safety of the building (s)/
24thSept 2018
e) The EZ Unit Investor shall ensure that the building construction plan and related structural designs and
drawings are prepared by the qualified and competent professionals registered with respective
professional bodies in conformity with the national rules and regulations and BNBC 2006/2015.
Furthermore, for supervision of construction work the EZ Unit Investor shall engage the same engineering
firm, who were engaged in design in order to ensure safety.

f) As for Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) works the EZ Unit Investor shall submit Mechanical,
Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Plans along with required documents and drawings to the BEZA-OSS
Center, prepared by a professional engineering consultancy firm and obtain necessary approval before
starting the Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) works.

g) When the Mechanical, Electrical, plumbing works are completed, the EZ Unit Investor shall request
BEZA-OSS Center for inspection. If the EZ Unit Investor passes the inspection, BEZA-OSS Center
issues an approval of Electricity Connection and Plumbing.

h) In case of natural gas connection, the EZ Unit Investor shall submit Natural Gas Connection Plans
along with required documents and drawings prepared by a professional engineering consultancy firm
and obtain necessary approval from BEZA-OSS Center.

Step 3: Completion stage of construction

a) After completion of all construction & installation works, the EZ Unit Investor shall request BEZA-OSS
Center to conduct Final Inspection on the followings:
Building work: Inspection for the conformity of the actual building work with the
documents and drawings attached with Building Permit
Fire safety: Inspection for the conformity of the actual fire protection system
with the documents and drawings attached with Fire Safety
Mechanical, Inspection for the conformity of the actual MEP works with the
Electrical & documents and drawings approved by BEZA-OSS Center.
Plumbing (MEP):
Natural gas Inspection for the conformity of the actual gas connection works
connection: with the documents and drawings approved by BEZA-OSS Center
b) When the EZ Unit Investor passes the Final Inspection, BEZA-OSS Center arranges issuance of Fire
License and thereafter, the EZ Unit Investor is provided with an Occupancy Certificate.
c) After obtaining the Occupancy Certificate, the EZ Unit Investor can use the building(s) / factory (ies).

Step 4: Operation Stage

1. Once occupying the factory building, the EZ Unit Investor shall ensure renewal of the relevant
permission/approvals at certain intervals as required by the building, fire safety, electrical & natural gas
related rules and regulations. Accordingly, the EZ Unit Investors shall time to time request BEZA-OSS
Center to conduct necessary inspections as required to renew licenses including Fire License.
2. When the EZ Unit Investor passes the inspections, BEZA-OSS Center renews the Fire License and
electricity safety certificate.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Other Procedures:

1. Design Modification 24thSept 2018

If the EZ Unit Investor wants to change the design of the building(s)/ factory (ies), or interior of the
office(s), at first, the Investor shall consult with BEZA-OSS Center. BEZA-OSS Center shall decide
whether a new application for Building Permit/Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC) will be
required or not. For any kind of modification, the unit investor requires obtaining approval from BEZA-
OSS Center.
2. Partial Use of Building
If the EZ Unit Investor wants to start using the building(s)/ factory (ies) partially during installation of
machinery and equipment and/or for conducting training of employees, etc. before obtaining Occupancy
Certificate, the EZ Unit Investor shall submit an Application for Partial Use of the building /factory
along with required documents and drawings such as plan for safety construction work, evacuation route
in case of fire, fire protection plan to BEZA-OSS Center. Before submitting such application for partial
use, the unit investor must consult with the BEZA OSS Center. However, such permission for partial use
is time bound.
3. Application for Gas Connection
For gas connection at the factory, at first the Applicant has to download the prescribed application form
from the website of BEZA OSS Center and submit the filled up prescribed form along with required
documents. Therefore, the Applicant needs to construct internal gas pipeline for gas supply from the
service line inside the zone.
The respective gas company will request the Applicant to construct internal gas pipeline and other
installations. The Applicant needs to select the enlisted contractor (category 1.2) of the respective gas
company. After internal gas pipeline construction and installation, Gas Company will start gas supply to
the applicant factory.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D1-1. Land Use Plan Permit

Required a) Application Form (FORM-BP-01-A).
Documents b) Location and plot map of EZ. 24thSept 2018
c) Land Use Plan (which is showing position of building, internal road, green
area, setback line, gate and gate house, Fence and other facilities)
d) Utility Connection Plan (connection route of Electricity, Water, Sewage,
Rainwater, Fence & others).
e) Other documents and drawings required by BEZA-OSS Center.
Legal Basis a) The Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010.
b) The Bangladesh Economic Zones (Construction of Building) Rules, 2017.
c) BNBC 2006/ 2015.
Actual a) The Applicant will visit BEZA-OSS web site and fill out online application
Procedures form and submits above mentioned required documents.
b) BEZA-OSS Center reviews the submitted documents.
c) If submitted documents are confirmed their conformity, BEZA-OSS Center
issues Land Use Plan Permit and provides it to the Applicant in both soft/hard
copy signed by authorized officers at BEZA-OSS Center.
Time Frame Within 7 Working days after officially receiving the application.
Application Fee Free of Charge
Remarks - If the EZ developer has own “Internal Regulations for land use and
construction”, approved by BEZA, the Applicant shall obtain an evidence of
confirmation from the EZ developer and attach to the application documents.
- Submit one (1) original for review then two (2) originals for approval later:
BEZA (1), EZ (1), Investor (1) and set of pdf data by CD.

D1-2. Building Permit

Required a) Application Form (FORM-BP-02-A)
Documents b) Architectural Drawing
i) Project Description (refer to FORM-BP-02-A no.1), Floor area ratio
ii) Approved Master Plan of EZ, identifying individual Plot
iii) Recent Photographs of the site (not more than 7 days before)
iv) Digital Survey Report identifying Plot size and dimensions. (with soft
v) Site Layout Plan (with soft copy)
vi) Floor Plans (every floor and roof plan with soft copy)
vii) All Elevations and Sections (min.3 nos. major section with soft copy)
viii) 3D View indicating building names (Axonometric view of plot)
ix) Sewage Treatment Plant & Effluent treatment plant with capacity
x) Hazardous storage/ Fuel Tank / CNG Tank plan
xi) Machinery Installation Plan
xii) Chart of BEZA rules 2017 (Building) (FORM-BP-02-C)
xiii) Building materials and typical finishing materials list (name &

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

c) Structural Analysis
i) Structural Drawings (certified by structural engineer)
ii) Soil Investigation Report
iii) Calculation Report (for the purpose of reference) 24thSept 2018
d) Electrical Plan
e) Mechanical and Plumbing Plan
f) Approved Fire Safety & Firefighting floor Plan
g) Information of Licensed Engineers/ Architects (FROM-BP-02-B)
h) Engineer’s confirmation on compliance of BNBC Code
i) Letter of allotment
j) Copy of ECC (Green & Orange-A, B category)
k) Copy of EIA approval (Red category)
l) E-data of all documents and drawings by PDF format
m) Other documents and drawings required by BEZA-OSSC
Legal Basis a) Building Construction Act, 1952.
b) BNBC Code 2006/2015.
c) The Bangladesh Economic Zones (Construction of Building) Rules, 2017.
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant will visit BEZA-OSS website and fill out online application
form and submit above mentioned required documents with required
application fee.
b) BEZA-OSS Center reviews the submitted documents.
c) If submitted documents are confirmed their conformity, authorized BEZA-
OSS officer issues the electronic letter of approval to applicant as well as
hard copies signed by authorized officers at BEZA-OSS Center.
Time Frame Within 30 working days after officially receiving the application
Application Fee
Floor area up-to (m2) BDT
*BEZA needs to 100 400
set up the own 500 1,500
fee. 1,000 4,200
3,000 30,000
5,000 72,000
10,000 96,000
20,000 150,000
30,000 240,000
30,000 over 420,000
Remarks - The application shall be submitted by the EZ Unit investor; however, in
case of situation where Investor entrusts to the Contractor, the Investor
needs to prepare a Power of Attorney and attach to the application
- If the EZ developer has own “Internal Regulations for Building
Construction”, the Applicant shall obtain an evidence of confirmation of
the building construction plan from the EZ developer and attach to the
application documents.
- Building Permit shall not be issued until the Fire Safety Plan is approved
by BEZA-OSS Center.
- Submit one (1) original for review then two (2) originals for approval later;
BEZA (1), EZ (1), Investor (1) and set of pdf data by CD

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D1-3. Submission of Project Information Sheet

Required Documents a) Project Information Form (FORM-BC-01)
b) Temporally Facilities Location Plan 24thSept 2018
c) Construction Safety Plan
d) Construction Schedule by Chart
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant will visit BEZA-OSS web site and fill out online
Project Information Form and submit above mentioned required
documents by seven (7) days prior to the commencement of
b) BEZA-OSS Center reviews the submitted documents
c) If submitted documents are confirmed their conformity,
Authorized BEZA-OSS officer stamps “RECEIVED” to the
Project Information Sheet and returns to the Applicant
Required Processing Time 01 working day
Application Fee Free of Charge.
Remarks Submit two (2) originals; BEZA (1), EZ (1)

D1-4. Registration Form of Contractor

Required Documents a) Registration Form of Contractor. (FORM-BC-02)
b) Copy of Company Registration Certificate of Contractor.
c) Company Profile (including organization chart) of Contractor and
Mother company
d) Project Experience in Asia (5 years) of Contractor and Mother
e) Financial Statements (3 years) of Contractor and Parent Company
f) Letter of Confirmation for Appointment, if any
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant visits BEZA-OSS web site and fills out online
application form and submit above required documents
b) BEZA-OSS Center reviews the submitted documents
c) If submitted documents are confirmed their conformity,
Authorized BEZA-OSS officer issues the Contractor Registration
Certificate to applicant.
Required Processing Time 01 working day, if the all required documents are submitted
Application Fee BDT 50,000 /-
Remarks Submit two (2) originals; BEZA (1), EZ (1).

D1-5. Intermediate Inspection

Required Documents a) Application Form (FORM-BP-03-A)
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant will visit BEZA-OSS web site and fill out online
application form at least 14 days prior to the requested inspection
b) The Applicant pays application fee through BEZA-OSS online
c) BEZA-OSS Center informs the actual date of Intermediate

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Inspection and the name of Inspector to the Applicant within 5

days after the receiving the application.
d) The Inspector (Architect/Engineer) conducts the Intermediate
Inspection at the Project Site. 24thSept 2018
e) The Inspector prepares the Inspection Record.
f) If receiving any comment or instruction by the inspector for
improving construction works, the Applicant will take necessary
actions and submit the implementation report with photos to
BEZA-OSS Center.
g) BEZA-OSS Center gives a stamp “Approved” to the Inspection
Record and return it to the applicant within 3 days.
Required Processing Time One working day for inspection.
Application Fee BDT 1,000 /- for one inspection

Remarks - First Intermediate Inspection at the stage of Foundation Work

- Second Intermediate Inspection at the stage of Structure Framing
- BEZA Engineers can also visit the site any time to see the
progress of construction works
- Submit two (2) originals; BEZA (1), EZ (1)

D1-6. Building Completion Certificate

Required Documents a) Application Form (FORM-BP-04-C)
b) As built drawing (pdf version)
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant submits the application form for Final Inspection
to BEZA-OSS Center at least 14 days prior to the requested
inspection date.
b) The BEZA-OSS Center informs the actual date of Final
Inspection and the name of Inspector to the Applicant within 5
days after the receiving the application.
c) The Inspector (Engineer/ Architect) conducts the Final
Inspection at the Project Site.
d) The Inspector adds result of Inspection on the Final Inspection
Record and returns original to the Applicant.
e) When Applicant passes the Final Inspection, authorized BEZA-
OSS officer issues “Occupancy Certificate” to the Applicant.
Required Processing Time 07 working days, if no objections.
Application Fee BDT 2,000 /- (for one inspection)
Remarks Occupation certificate is issued by BEZA-OSSC after “Fire License”
and other necessary licenses are issued.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D 2-1. Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC):

Required Documents [One (1) Original (FSCD) and three (3) Copies (BEZA, EZ
Developer, EZ Unit Investor) with Four (4) sets of Soft24thCopies
Sept 2018
PDF by CD should be Submitted BEZA OSS Center.]
a) Application Form (FORM-FL-01).
b) Copy of Letter of Allotment (LoA) issued by BEZA/Zone
c) Google Map
d) Fire Safety Plan. (sample form is available at OSS)
e) Drawings
i) Architectural Drawing of which “Layout Plan”, “Finish
Schedule”, “Floor Plan”, “Elevations and Sections”
ii) Means of Escape (plan)
f) Fire Fighting Floor Plan
i) Exit Signs and Emergency Lighting.
ii) Fire Alarm and Fire Detecting System.
iii) Emergency Generator, Transformer, Switchgear &
Boiler (if any).
iv) Fire Hydrant [indoor hose reel with 65 mm landing &
pressure reducing valve (class-III standpipe System),
Outdoor Hydrant)].
v) Fire Pump system and Water Tank.
vi) Fire Extinguisher.
vii) Sprinkler (if necessary)
viii) Lightning Arrester
g) Detailed description of the Raw Materials to be used by the
factory (type and volume of flammable inputs to be stored,
its pattern of use/processing/purchase/ sale, etc.)
h) Other documents and drawings required by BEZA-OSS
Legal Basis a) Fire Prevention and Extinction Act 2003
b) Fire Prevention and Extinction Rules 2014
c) BNBC -2006.
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant should visit BEZA-OSS web site and fill out
online application form and submit along with required
b) BEZA-OSS Center should check the application and forward
to Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence.
c) After reviewing the document, Fire Safety Civil Defence will
assign an inspection team who will fix the date of inspection
and inform the list of items to be inspected.
d) BEZA OSS Center will inform the schedule time and required
item to be inspected to the Applicant as well as Zone
Developer. (if appreciable)
e) The inspection team will conduct the inspection on the
schedule time & prepare Inspection report and forward to the

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Approval Committees (BFSCD)

f) If everything is found satisfactory the Fire Service & Civil
Defence will issue “Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan
(NOC)” and forward it to BEZA OSS Center. 24thSept 2018
g) If any remedial & correction are required, BFSCD will issue a
letter to the Applicant for “Notification of mistakes of
application for clearance and corrections thereof”
h) After Corrective measure done, the Approval Committee will
review all the document again and issue “Approval of Fire
Fighting Floor Plan (NOC)” & forward to BEZA OSS
i) Receiving the “Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC)”
BEZA OSS Center will handover it to the applicant.
Required Processing Time Within 30 days, if no objections
Application Fee BDT 1000 /-
Remarks - If the EZ developer has own “Internal Regulations for fire
safety”, the Applicant shall obtain an evidence of
confirmation of the Fire Safety Plan from the EZ developer
and attach to the application documents.
- BNBC-2015 is Under the approval process.

D2-2. Final Inspection and Fire License:

Required Documents [One (1) Original (FSCD) and three (3) Copies (BEZA, EZ
Developer, EZ Unit Investor) Should be Submitted BEZA OSSC.]
a) Application Form (FORM-FL-06)
b) Form (Form-FL-07) for Fire License.
c) Copy of letter of allotment issued by BEZA/Zone Developer
d) Copy of approved Fire Fighting Floor Plan (A2/A3 size).
e) Detailed description of the Raw Materials to be used by the
factory (type and volume of flammable inputs to be stored, its
pattern of use/processing/ purchase/ sale, etc.)
f) Structural Drawings and Analytical Report.
g) The contractor’s “Self-inspection and Test Report” on Fire
Safety Equipment
h) Other documents and drawings required by BEZA-OSS
Legal Basis 1. Fire Prevention and Extinction Act 2003
2. Fire Prevention and Extinction Rules 2014
3. BNBC 2006.
Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant should visit BEZA-OSS web site and fill out
online application forms of both Final Inspection and Fire
License and submit to the above-mentioned documents at least
15 days prior to the requested inspection date.
2. BEZA-OSS Center should review the submitted documents
and inform the actual date of Final Inspection and the name of

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Inspector to the Applicant within 7 days after the receiving the

3. The Inspector will conduct the Final Inspection at the Project
Site. 24thSept 2018
4. The Inspector will prepare the Final Inspection Record.
5. If receiving any comment or instruction by the Inspector for
improving construction works, the Applicant should take
necessary actions and submit the implementation report with
photos to BEZA-OSS Center.
6. Authorized BEZA-OSS officer will give a stamp “Approved”
to the Inspection Record and issue Fire License to the
Required Processing Time Within 15 days after submitting full set of application for Fire
Application Fee 300/- to 450,000/- BDT depends on nature/volume of hazardous
material. Refer to the first list on “Fire Prevention and Extinction
Rules 2014”
Remarks BNBC-2015 is under the approval process.

D 2-3. Renewal of Fire License:

Required Documents 1. Application Form (Form-FL-08)
2. Original copy of Fire License.
3. Other documents and drawings required by BEZA-OSS.
Legal Basis 1. Fire Prevention and Extinction Act, 2003
2. Fire Prevention and Extinction Rules, 2014
Actual Procedures a) The Applicant should submit the application form for Final
Inspection to BEZA-OSS at least 15 days prior to the requested
inspection date.
b) The BEZA-OSS Center will inform the actual date of Final
Inspection and the name of Inspector to the Applicant within 7
days after the receiving the application.
c) The Inspector will conduct the Final Inspection at the Project
d) The Inspector will prepare the Final Inspection Record.
e) If receiving any comment or instruction by the Inspector for
improving construction works, the Applicant should take
necessary actions and submit the implementation report with
photos to BEZA-OSS.
f) Authorized BEZA-OSS officer will give a stamp “Approved” to
the Inspection Record and issue Renewal Fire License to the
Required Processing Time Within 15 days after inspection
Application Fee 300 to 450,000 BDT /- same amount as first Fire License

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D3-1. Approval of Plans, Drawings and Specifications for Electrical Installation Works (NOC)

Required Documents a) Application Form (FORM-EC-01).

b) Letter of Allotment (LoA) issued by BEZA/Zone24 Sept 2018
c) Transformer capacity & its specification.
d) Specifications of HT& LT Switchgears, PFI Plant and
Lightning Arrestor.
e) Single line diagram of substation.
f) CT and PT specification for metering and protection.
g) Layout Plan of incoming power cable from tapping point to
h) Layout Plan of low-tension distribution line from transformer
secondary to Main Distribution Board (MDB) and Sub
Distribution Board (SDB).
i) Layout plan showing locations of substation, electrical room
and generator room following BNBC (Bangladesh National
Building Code).
j) Detailed drawings of switchgear panel with its specification.
k) Technical specification of over current and earth fault relay.
l) Calculation and Analysis of Harmonics and Voltage Flicker.
m) Schedule of installation works including power energizing date.
Legal Basis 1. The Electricity Act 2018.
2. The Electricity Rules 1937 and subsequent amendments (Section-
3. The Electricity Regulations 1961 (Regulations made under
Section-48(1) of the Electricity Rules 1937) and subsequent
Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant will visit BEZA-OSS website and downloads
prescribed Application Form.
2. The Applicant submits the filled-in Application Form along with
required documents to BEZA OSS Center.
3. BEZA OSS Center checks the application and forwards to the
Office of the Chief Electric Inspector (OCEI).
4. The assigned Inspector reviews the documents and recommends
issuance of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Plans, Drawings
and Specifications for Electrical Installation Works if the other
documents are in order.
5. OCEI issues NOC and forwards to BEZA OSS Center.
6. Upon receiving BEZA OSS Center handovers it to the Applicant.

Required Processing Time 7(seven) working days

Application Fee
Remarks If the EZ Developer has its own internal "Regulations for Electrical
Installation Works", the Applicant shall obtain an evidence of
confirmation of the Electricity Installation Plan and attach to the

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D3-2. Inspection of Electrical Installation and Approval for Electric Connection

Required Documents a) Application Form (FORM-EC-02) 24thSept 2018

b) Documents related to substation:
i) Single line diagram of electrical substation (4 copies).
ii) Layout drawing with dimensions of electrical substation.
iii) Transformer manufacturer’s test certificate.
iv) Manufacturer's specification of HT & LT Switchgears, PFI
plant, Dropout Fuse & Lightning Arrester.
v) Drawing of substation earthing system.
vi) Transformer oil test report (test should be performed by an
authorized entity/laboratory).
vii) Insulation and earth test report of substation.
c) Documents related to Inspection of Internal Wiring
i. List of equipment.
ii. Drawing of machine layout.
iii. Complete single line wiring diagram.
iv. Drawing of internal wiring earthing system.
v. Insulation and earth test report of internal wiring.
d) Document related to Inspection of Generator
i. Layout drawing.
ii. Generator specification.
iii. Generator control system specification and drawings.
e) Declaration of Electrical Supervisor and Electrical Contractor stating
that all electrical works has been done and all tests has been
performed complying with the essential requirements of the relevant
electrical rules and regulations.
Legal Basis 1. The Electricity Act 2018.
2. The Electricity Rules 1937 & subsequent amendments (Section-
3. The Electricity Regulations 1961 (Regulations made under Section
48(1) of the Electricity Rules 1937) and subsequent amendments.
Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant visits BEZA OSS website and downloads prescribed
Application Form for Inspection of Electrical Installation for
Approval of Electrical Connection.
2. The Applicant submits the filled-in Application Form along with
required documents to BEZA OSS Center.
3. BEZA OSS Center checks the application and forwards to the
Electrical Adviser and Chief Electric Inspector
4. After reviewing the documents, OCEI assigns an Inspector who
fixes the date of inspection and informs the list of items to be
5. BEZA OSS Center informs the scheduled time and required items
to be inspected to the Applicant as well as the Zone Developer (if
6. The Inspector conducts the electric inspection on the scheduled date
in presence of the Electrical Contractor and the Applicant or his
7. Then the Inspector prepares the Electrical Inspection Report and
submit it to the Chief Electric Inspector.
D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

8. If everything found satisfactory the Chief Electric Inspector issues

“Approval Letter for Electrical Connection” and forwards it to
BEZA OSS Center.
9. If any remedial or corrective measures are required, the 2018
24thSept Inspector
issues letter to the Applicant on behalf of the Chief Electrical
10. After remedial or corrective measures done, the Inspector further
inspects and prepares the Electrical Inspection Report and submits
to the Chief Electrical Inspector for issuance of approval letter for
electrical connection.
11. Receiving the “Approval Letter of Electrical Connection”, BEZA
OSS Center handovers it to the Applicant
Required Processing Time 10 working days if no objection is raised during inspection
Application Fee As fixed by the Electricity Rules 1937 and subsequent amendments.
Remarks All electrical works to be done by the authorized
Electrician/Supervisor/Contractor licensed under the Electricity
Licensing Board in compliance with the Electricity Rules 1937 and
subsequent amendments.

D3-3. Renewal of Electricity Safety Certificate

Required Documents 1. Filled-in Application Form (FORM-EC-04).
2. Other items such as the Periodical Monitoring Report (PMR) for
electricity prepared by the Applicant.
3. Other documents and drawings required by BEZA-OSS.
Legal Basis 1. The Electricity Act 2018
2. The Electricity Rules 1937 and subsequent amendments (Section
3. The Electricity Regulations 1961 (Regulations made under Section
48(1) of the Electricity Rules 1937) and subsequent amendments.

Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant visits BEZA OSS website and downloads prescribed
Application Form for Renewal of Electrical Safety Certificate.
2. The Applicant submits the filled-in Application Form along with
required documents to BEZA OSS Center.
If the Electrical Inspection is necessary

3. BEZA OSS Center checks the application and forwards it to the

Chief Electric Inspector at Office of the Chief Electric Inspector.
4. After reviewing the documents, OCEI assigns Inspector who fixes
the date of inspection and informs the list of items to be inspected.
5. BEZA OSS Center informs the scheduled time and required items
to be inspected to the Applicant as well as the Zone Developer (if
6. The Inspector conducts the Electrical Inspection on the scheduled
date in presence of electrical contractor and the applicant or his
7. Then the Inspector prepares the Electrical Inspection Report
(FORM-EC-03) with comments and suggestions.
8. Once the Electrical Inspection Report is passed, then the authorized

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Inspector issues “Renewal of Electrical Safety Certificate” and

forwards to BEZA OSS Center.
9. Receiving the “Renewal of Electrical Safety Certificate”, BEZA
OSS Center handovers it the to the Applicant. 24thSept 2018

If the Electrical Inspection is not necessary

1. OCEI issues “Renewal of Electrical Safety Certificate” and sends

it to BEZA OSS Center.
2. BEZA OSS Center handovers it to the Applicant.
Required Processing Time 14 working days
Application Fee As fixed by the Electrical Rules 1937 and subsequent amendments.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

D4-1. Application for Design Modification

Required Documents 1. Application Form (FORM -BC-03)
2. Design change/ notification by Unit investor 24thSept 2018
3. Documents and approved drawings before the modification
4. Documents and drawings after the modification (Signed by
5. Fire safety drawings before and after the modification.
6. Structural Drawings and Calculation Report (the structural
design modification and Engineering certificate)
Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant consults with the BEZA-OSS Center.
2. The Applicant will visit BEZA-OSS web site and fill out
online application form and submit above mentioned required
3. BEZA-OSS Center reviews the submitted documents
4. If submitted documents are confirmed their conformity,
BEZA-OSS Center issues the electronic letter of approval to
Applicant as well as hard copies signed by authorized officers
at BEZA-OSS Center.
Required Processing Time Within 7 Working days if no objection
Application Fee BDT 20,000/- (or same as Building Permit application)
Remarks - Before the submission of Application for Design
modification, the EZ Unit Investor is required to consult with
BEZA-OSS Center on the design change to confirm whether
the new Application for Building Permit/Approval of Fire
Safety Plan is required or not. If it is not required, the EZ Unit
Investor can submit Application for Design Modification to
BEZA-OSS Center.
- Submit one (1) original for review then two (2) originals for
approval: BEZA (1), EZ (1), Investor (1)

D4-2. Application for Partial Use of the Building

Required Documents 1. Application Form (FORM-BC-04)
2. Safety Plan for partial use*
3. Planned Drawings for partial use**
4. Fire Safety Drawings for partial use***
5. Construction Schedule for partial use****
Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant consults with the BEZA-OSS Center.
2. The Applicant visits BEZA-OSS web site and fill out online
application form and submit above mentioned required
3. BEZA-OSS Center reviews the submitted documents
4. If submitted documents are confirmed their conformity,
BEZA-OSS Center issues electronic letter of permit to
Applicant as well as hard copies signed by authorized officers
at BEZA-OSS Center.
5. When the Applicant is ready for Partial Use, the Applicant

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

undergoes Inspection by the BEZA-OSS Center.

6. The Inspector adds result of Inspection on the Record of
Inspection and returns one original to the Applicant
7. When Applicant passes the Inspection, the BEZA-OSS 24thSept 2018
issues Applicant can start to use the building partially.
Required Processing Time Within 7 Working days, if no objection
Application Fee To be confirmed (Free)
Remarks Safety Plan for partial use*:
- To explain proposed plan how take measures on work safety,
fire safety including evacuation route and other proposals on
safety during the partial using of building in both areas of
construction work and partial use.
Planned Drawings for partial use**:
- To show the partial using area on the approved drawings such
as Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations and Sections
Fire Safety Drawings for partial use***:
- To show the fire safety measures on the approved drawings
such as fire alarming, firefighting, and evacuation route in
both areas of construction work and partial use.
Construction Schedule for partial use****:
- To explain the construction schedule and show the duration of
partial use, connection date of utilities, final inspection date
and the date of start operation
- Submit one (1) original for review then two (2) originals for
approval: BEZA (1), EZ (1), Investor (1) and set of pdf data
by CD

D4-3. Application for Gas Connection

Required 1. Passport size attested photographs (3 copies)
Documents 2. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation (in
case of Registered Company)
3. The proof document of Land Ownership (plot no)
4. Factory layout plan
5. Design drawings of the proposed internal gas pipeline (4 copies)
6. Technical catalogue of installable gas equipment (If applicable)
7. Environmental Clearance from DOE (if applicable)
8. Receipt of the application fee
9. Letter of contractor appointment
Legal Basis Gas Act-2010
Gas Distribution Rules-2014 (Industrial/Commercial)
Actual Procedures 1. The Applicant collects application form from BEZA OSS Center website
2. The Applicant submits the filled-up form and send the required documents to
3. BEZA OSS Center forwards the application form and documents to
respective gas company
4. The gas company assigns engineer for the inspection

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

5. After approval of the design drawings, the Applicant submits a demand note to
Gas Company (including pipeline construction, commissioning fee, appliance
6. The gas company gives an primary approval for gas supply 24based
th on2018
Sept inspection
report and design drawings
7. The Applicant will deposit the estimated cost to the respective bank
8. Upon receiving bank receipt of deposited amount, the materials and appliances
will be supplied to the Applicant from the nearest warehouse of respective gas
9. Then the appointed contractor will construct internal gas pipe line and
Regulating and Metering Station (RMS)/ Customer Metering Station (CMS)
10. The gas company conducts pressure test after the construction
11. The contractor submits task closing report including As-built design signed
by both Contractor and Applicant
12. The gas company conducts the final inspection and issues the approval letter
13. The gas company conducts commissioning and then informs the date and the
time of gas connection to both BEZA OSS Center and the Applicant
14. The Applicant receives meter card from the gas company after installation of
meters for RMS/CMS on the prescheduled date and starts receiving on the
same day
Time Frame 7 days

Application fee: BDT 300

Application Fee Commission fee:
BDT 3,000/- below 4,000 cubic feet/hour
BDT 5,000/- 4,000 cubic feet/hour or above
Remarks After receiving application, the assigned officer from gas company will assess the
following issues:

➢ To assess the load of the proposed burner/installation basis on highest

➢ In case of different type of gas connection (industry, captive power,
domestic) in same factory for different purposes with more than one
run/sub-meter, then separate contract for each category is required with
the same User
➢ 1.2 category contractor shall be appointed for constructing internal gas
➢ The Applicant select the registered contractor from the list of registered
contractors stating in website of concerned gas company to construct and
internal pipeline and other installment.
➢ Applicant will appoint 1.2 category contractor for drawing design (The
design drawing shall state location of main gate, RMS/CMS room and its
entrance and short brief of gas plant, capacity etc.)

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

List of FORMS
Form No. Name
FORM-BP-01-A Application for Land Use Plan Permit 24thSept 2018
FORM-BP-01-B Land Use Plan Permit
FORM-BP-02-A Application for Building Permit
FORM-BP-02-B Information of Licensed Engineers/Architects
FORM- BP-02-C Chart of BEZA rules 2017 (Building)
FORM-BP-02-D Building Permit
FORM-BP-03-A Application for Intermediate Inspection
FORM-BP-03-B Record of Intermediate Inspection
FORM-BP-04-A Application for Final Inspection
FORM-BP-04-B Record of Final Inspection
FORM-BP-04-C Occupancy Certificate
FORM-FL-01 Application for Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC).
Notification of mistakes of application for clearance and Corrections
FORM-FL-03 Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC).
FORM-FL-04 Application for Occupancy Certificate.
FORM-FL-05 About issuance of Occupancy Certificate.
FORM-FL-06 Application of Fire License
FORM-FL-07 Fire License Form
FORM-FL-08 Application of Renewal of Fire License
FORM-BC-01 Project Information Sheet
FORM-BC-02 Registration form of Contractor
FORM-BC-03 Application for Design Modification
FORM-BC-04 Application for Partial Use Permit
FORM-BC-05 Record of Inspection for Partial Use
FORM-EC-01 Application for Electricity Installation Plan
FORM-EC-02 Application for Electricity Inspection
FORM-EC-03 Record of Electricity Inspection
FORM-EC-04 Application for Renewal of Electricity Certificate
FORM-GC-01 Application for Gas Connection

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

24thSept 2018
Application for Land Use Plan Permit
Date: ____/_____/201_
1 Applicant
Name of Applicant:
Present Address:
Usage type of Proposed Building □ Industrial □ Residential □ Others
Contact: Tel No.: ____________ Email: ______________
2 Building Information
Location / Plot No./ Name of EZ
□New Construction □ Extension □Renovation
Purpose of Construction:
□Reinforced Concrete □Steel □Pre-Fabricated □
Type of Structure
Storey: / Max Height: storey / m
Number of Building
Land area (sqm): sqm
Building area (sqm): sqm
Ground Coverage (%) %
Total Floor Area (sqm) sqm
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
3 Construction Schedule
Date of Commencement
Date of Completion
4 Attached Documents and Drawings
□ Master Plan of Economic Zones Identifying the Plot
□ Individual Plot Layout Plan
□ Utility connection (connection route of Electricity, Water, Sewage, Rainwater, others)
□ Other items
We hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.


Name ________________________
Signature: _____________________

OSS/BEZA record:
Received: ____ /_____/_201_ Checked: ______/______/_201_ Approved: ______/_____/_201_
Name: __________________ Name: ____________________ Name: ___________________
Signature: _______________ Signature: _________________ Signature: ________________

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Land Use Plan Permit

Our Ref: xx-LUP-xxx
Reference: Land use Plan Permit (Application No. xxx) submitted by (Company Name) on (Date)

Attention: (Company Name)

In reference to the above-mentioned application, BEZA-OSS Center reviewed and examined all the
documents and drawings submitted by (Company Name) and checked the conformity. Consequently, BEZA-
OSS Center hereby approves the Land use Plan to (Company Name) for constructing the factory in (Name of
Economic Zone);

(i) This Land use Plan Permit shall be valid only for the factory construction as under;

Name of the Economic Zone : ……………………………………

Plot Number : ……………………………………
Land Area(sqm) : ……………………………………
Building Area(sqm) : ……………………………………
Total Floor Area(sqm) : ……………………………………
(ii) In case you make any modification by adding /extending /deducing or in any other form to the
construction design or plan approved under this Land use Plan Permit or if you intend to construct a
factory in any place other than Plot No., xxx, (name of Zone, BEZA), you shall be required to apply
for a new Land Use Plan Permit to BEZA-OSS Center.
(iii) This Land Use Plan Permit is issued based on the details furnished by you in your Land Use Plan
Permit Application No. xxx.

(Authorized officer)

Copy forwarded to:
Chairman of BEZA,

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Application for Building Permit
Date: ____/_____/_201_
1 Applicant 24thSept 2018

Name of Applicant:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Usage type of Proposed Building
(Kind of Manufacturing):
Contact: Tel No.: _____________ Email: __________________
2 Building Information
Location / Plot No. Name of EZ
□New Construction □ Extension □Renovation
Purpose of Construction:
□Reinforced Concrete □Steel □Prefabricated □
Type of Structure
Storey: / Max Height: storey / m
Number of Building
Land area (sqm): sqm
Building area (sqm): sqm
GF: ___________ 1F: _________ 2F: __________
Floor area (sqm)
3F: __________ 4F: _________ 5F: __________
Total Floor Area (sqm) sqm
Ground Coverage (%) %
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
3 Construction Schedule
Date of Commencement
Date of Completion
4 Attached Documents and Drawings (including Engineer’s/Architect’s statement on compliance of BNBC)

□ Site Layout Plan (with soft copy) □ Structural Drawings (certified by structural
□ Finish Schedule and Specific quantity
□ Soil Investigation Report
□ Floor Plans (every story with soft copy)
□ Calculation Report (for purpose of reference)
□ All Elevations and Sections (min. 3 nos.
□ Fire safety & Fire Fighting Floor Plan
major section with soft copy)
□ Electro-mechanical & Plumbing Plan
□ 3D View indicating building names
□ Letter of allotment
(Axonometric view of plot)
□ Copy of ECC(Green & Orange A,B category)
□ Sewage Treatment Plant & Effluent
□ Copy of EIA approval (Red Category)
treatment plant with capacity
□ Information of Licensed Engineers/Architects
□ Machinery Installation Plan
□ Digital Survey report identifying plot size
□ Hazardous storage/fuel/ CNG tank Plan
and dimension (with soft copy)
□ Chart of BEZA rules2017(FORM-BP-02-C)
We hereby certify that the above information is true and correct. The Authority may cancel the construction
approval in future due to giving incorrect information or discrepancy.
Licensed Architect; Licensed Engineer; Applicant;
Name ______________________ Name: ___________________ Name: __________________
Signature: __________________ Signature: ___________________ Signature: ______________
Professional No.: Professional No.: Professional No.:
BEZA-OSS record:
Received: ____ /_____/_201_ Checked: ______/______/_201_ Approved: ______/_____/_201_
Name: __________________ Name: ____________________ Name: ___________________
Signature: _______________ Signature: _________________ Signature: ________________

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

24thSept 2018

Information of Licensed Engineers/Architects

Date: _____/ ___ / 201

1. Licensed Engineer’s Information

Name: ____________________________________________________________--
License No.: ______________________________ Year: ___________________
Licensed by: _____________________________________________________________
Company Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Tel /e-mail/NID: _____________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________--
License No.: ______________________________ Year: ___________________
Licensed by: _____________________________________________________________
Company Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Tel /e-mail/NID: _____________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________


Name: _________________________________________________________
License No.: ______________________________ Year: ______________________
License issued by: __________________________________________________________
Company Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Tel /e-mail/NID: _____________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________

2. Documents to be attached for each Engineer:

- Curriculum vitae:
- Copy of license of Engineer:
- Documents of Experience:
- Copy of License of Company:

We hereby inform that the above Engineers will take necessary responsibility to design of the building under
the Bangladesh National Building Code.

Company Name: _____________________________________
Representative: _____________________________________
Signature: _______________ ______________________ Stamp

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Chart of BEZA rules 2017 (Building) 24thSept 2018

BEZA Following Unallocated

Description Provided Area Legend
Rules Area

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority




Our Ref: xx-BCP-xxx

Reference: Building Permit (application No. xxx) submitted by (Company Name) on (Date)

Attention: (Company Name)

With reference to the above-mentioned application, BEZA-OSS Center reviewed and examined the all
documents and drawings submitted by (Company Name) and checked the conformity with the BEZA Act
2010, the Bangladesh Economic Zones (construction of Building) Rules, 2017 and the Bangladesh National
Building Code 2006/2015. Consequently, BEZA-OSS Center hereby grants a Building Permit to (Company
Name) for constructing its factory in (Name of Economic Zone) as under;
I. Terms and Conditions for Approval:
i) This Building Permit shall be valid only for the factory construction as under;

Name of the Economic Zone : ……………………………………

Plot Number : ……………………………………
Land Area(sqm) : ……………………………………
Building Area(sqm) : ……………………………………
Total Floor Area(sqm) : ……………………………………

ii) In case you make any modification by adding /extending /deducing or in any other form to the
construction design or plan approved under this Building Permit or if you intend to construct a
factory in any place other than Plot No., xxx, (name of Zone, BEZA), you shall be required to
apply for a new Building Permit to BEZA-OSS Center.

iii) This Building Permit shall become invalid unless the construction work on the permitted site
commences within one (1) year from the date of issuance, or if the construction work permitted on
the site is suspended or abandoned for a period of one (1) year after the construction work has
commenced. For the extension of the validity period of this Building Permit, a request letter shall
be submitted to BEZA-OSS Center with justifiable cause demonstrated.

iv) This Building Permit is issued based on the details furnished by you in your Building Permit
Application No. xxx.

v) When a Contractor for the factory construction permitted under this Building Permit is appointed,
you shall submit “Request for Contractor Registration” with other required documents to BEZA-
OSS Center.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

vi) The construction works permitted under this Building Permit shall be implemented in compliance
with the Bangladesh National Building Code 2006/2015.

vii) The construction works permitted under this Building Permit shall be implemented in compliance
24thSept 2018
with the terms and conditions and/or restrictions provided for in the Fire Fighting Floor Plan
Approval No. xxx-xxx dated (Date) issued by the FSCD.

viii) The construction permitted under this Building Permit shall be implemented in compliance with
the terms and conditions of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for orange A,B Category
or EIA approval for Red Category Project.No. xxx-xx-xxx issued by the DOE on (Date).

ix) You shall submit “Project Information Sheet” with other required documents to the BEZA-OSS
Center by seven (7) days prior to the commencement of construction work.

x) You shall submit the application form with other required documents for the Inspections to
BEZA-OSS Center and receive their inspections at each stage described below.;
1) First Inspection : at the stage of foundation work
2) Second Inspection : at the stage of structure framing work
3) Final Inspection : at the stage of completion of construction work

xi) If you plan to import construction materials, you shall proceed with necessary import procedures
in accordance with the provisions of the Bangladesh Economic Zone Act 2010 and orders made

xii) You shall abide by the provisions of Bangladesh Economic Zone Act 2010 act and orders made

xiii) If you fail to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated herein, this Building Permit shall be

xiv) All future correspondence in terms of this Building Permit shall be addressed to BEZA-OSS

II. Particular Conditions and/or Restrictions for Approval:

(Authorized officer)
Copy forwarded to:
Chairman of BEZA,

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

24thSept 2018
Application for Intermediate Inspection

Attention: BEZA-OSS Center

We hereby submit “Request for Intermediate Inspection” for the building works of the following
construction project.

Project Name
Approval No of Building Permit
□ Inspection for Foundation Work
Inspection Request
□ Inspection for Structure Framing Work
(*Select one)
□ Inspection for Other Work
Request Date and Time for


Company Name _____________

Address (Plot No.) ____________

Applicant Name _____________

Signature ______________________

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


24thSept 2018
Record of Intermediate Inspection

1. Project Name:
2. Plot No., Name of EZ:
3. Inspection for □Foundation Work □Structure Framing Work □Other Work
4. Date and Time of Inspection:
5. Name of Attendants for Inspection:
Name Position Signature

6. Instructions for Inspection:

Inspection Issues Instructions

Name of Inspector: Name of Investor

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Application for Final Inspection
24thSept 2018


Attention: BEZA-OSS Center

We hereby submit “Request for Final Inspection” for both building works and fire protection system of the
following construction project.

Project Name
Approval No. of Building Permit
Approval No. of Fire Fighting
Floor Plan Approval Certificate
Approval No. of TOR for EIA
Request Date and Time for

Signature ______________________
Name ______________________
Address ______________________

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


24thSept 2018
Record of Final Inspection

1. Project Name:
2. Plot No. / Name of EZ
3. Date and Time of Inspection:
4. Name of Attendants for Inspection:
Name Position Signature

4. Instructions for Final Inspection:

Inspection Issues Instructions
1. Building Works

2. Mechanical and Electrical


Name of Inspector: Name of the Investor

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority





Our Ref: xx-BCP-xxx

Reference: Building Permit : No dated on
Fire License : No dated on
Environmental Certificate : No dated on

Attention: (Company Name)

With reference to the above Permit and Certificate, BEZA-OSS Center of (Name of EZ) conducted the Final
Inspection on the day of _________ and confirmed the building works approved under such Permit and
Certificate have been completed in accordance with the approved plan and specification and the applied
Building Code. Consequently, BEZA-OSS Center issue the Certificate hereby to (Company Name) situated
at the Name of (Economic Zone) as under: -

I. Terms and Conditions for Approval:

i. This Certificate shall be valid only for the following building;
a. Name of Economic Zone : ……………………………………………
b. Plot Number : ……………………………………………
c. Building Information : ……………………………………………
1) Land Area(sqm) : ……………………………………………
2) Building Area(sqm) : ……………………………………………
3) Total Floor Area(sqm) : ……………………………………………
4) Nature of Facility : ……………………………………………
5) Kind of Construction : ……………………………………………
6) Major Structure /storey : ……………………………………………
7) Number of Building : ……………………………………………

ii. In case you make any modification by adding/extending/reducing or in any other form to the approved
design or plan of the building under this Occupation Certificate, you shall be required to apply for a new
Building Permit and Fire License to BEZA-OSS Center.

(iii) This Occupation Certificate is issued based on the result of Final Inspection for building works on
the day of _______________ and the issuance of Fire License No. _______________ issued by the
FSCD on the day of _______________.

(iv) You shall submit “Fire Safety Plan” with other required documents to BEZA-OSS Center within
thirty (30) days from the issued date of this Occupation Certificate.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

(v) You shall obtain “Approval of Commercial Operation” from the BEZA-OSS Center before
commencement of operation of the factory under this Occupation Certificate.
(vi) All future correspondence in terms of this Occupation Certificate shall be addressed to BEZA-OSS
Center. 24thSept 2018

II. Particular-Conditions and/or Restrictions for Approval:


(Authorized officer)
Copy forwarded to: BEZA-OSS Center
Chairman of BEZA,

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


24thSept 2018
To: Director General,
Fire Fighting and Civil Defence Department
Quazi Alauddin Road, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC).

1. Name of the Applicant……………………………………. Address………………………………


Fax No. …………………………………………………Email No……………………………….

2. Name of the owner of proposed land or Plot ……………………………………………………


3. Location and size of proposed land or plot:

(a) Name of the Economic Zones: ………………………………………………………………….

(b) Zone /Sector No: …………………………... (c) Road Name & No: ……………………….
(d) Plot No: ……………………………………. (e) Fire Station: ………………………………
(f) Police Station: ……………………………… (g) Upazila: ………………………………….
(h) District: …………………………………...... (i) Total Land: ………………………………
Details of existing houses or structure on the land/plot……………………………………………….

Name of main road adjacent to plot…………………………Width…………………………Metre

Length of plot connecting road……………………Meters, Width ………………………Meters.

Length of Proposed internal road ………………….Meters, Width (including turning


Description of the surroundings of plot/land:


4. Detailed description of proposed plot and building:

Building Classification for use: ……………. Height of building………………. Meter, Number of

Floors……………, Number of Basement Floor…………………., Number of Mezzanine Floors:
…………, Size of each floor…………………………sq. Meter, Size of each Mezzanine
floor………..…..sq. Meter, Size of Basement Floor………………….sq. Meter, Total area of all
floors…………………. sq. Meter.

5. For Residential Building, total residences/apartments and flats: ……………………………

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

6. For mixed category use the description of floors that will be used for each
category…………………………… …………………………………………………………...

7. Is there any high voltage electric line above the plot and both vertical and horizontal distance
24thSept 2018
from the plot………………………………………….

8. Name, Address and Enlistment Number of Engineer and Architect of construction company:

a) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
IAB Number…………………………………

b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
IEB Number………………………………….

9. Description of design and related documents submitted with the application:

a) Photo copy of Letter of Allotment issued by Zone Developer…………. …….4 copies

b) Document of the land or plot if allotted by the government, and photocopy of the permission
certificate: ……….4 copies

c) Site Plan: ……………………….4 Copies.

d) Layout Plan: …………………….4 Copies.

e) Fire Fighting floor plan/floor wise design (A-2, A-3 Size) ………………4 copies.

f) Main Copy of the Fees voucher 2014 ……1 copy

I/we hereby certify that the above information’s have been given in accordance with the Fire
Prevention and Fighting Rules, 2014 and to the best of my/our knowledge the information’s are
correct. If any false information or irregularity is found after approval of the license or if any
government requirement arises, the Director general can cancel the clearance permission if he so
desires. Aside from this I/we shall be bound to provide any information or document under this Rules.

Dated: ……………………… Applicant’s Signature …………………….

Name ( )

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Memorandum No: - FS and CD/Fire/ ……………………………Dated: ……………………

24thSept 2018

To: ………………………………………………….

Subject: Notification of mistakes of application for clearance and Corrections thereof.

Reference: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

In the light of above subject and reference it is to inform you that, after detailed examination of
information/ firefighting floor plan attached in your application, following mistakes have been detected for
which we are unable to accord approval of clearance.
You are requested to correct the following mistakes/omissions and re-submit the same in the form mentioned
in Schedule 14 by next 30 days. In case of failure to re-submit the application within the time frame, the
application for clearance will be considered as not approved.

Schedule of Proposed Land or Plot:

(a) Name of the Economic Zones: ………………………………………………………………………….

(b) Zone /Sector No: …………………………... (c) Road Name & No: ………………………...
(d) Plot No: ……………………………………. (e) Fire Station: ……………………………….
(f) Police Station: ……………………………… (g) Upazila: …………………………………...
(h) District: …………………………………...... (i) Total Land: ………………………………...

Mistakes: -
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Director (Admin and Finance)

Memo No/FSOCD/Fire/……………………… Dated: ………………………

Copies to:
1 ……………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………….
3 ……………………………………………………………….
4 ……………………………………………………………….

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Memorandum No: - FS and CD/Fire/ …………………………. Dated: …………………………

24thSept 2018
To: ………………………………………………….

Subject: Approval of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC).

Reference: ………………………………………………………………………………………

In the light of above reference and subject, after due consideration of your application for clearance
dated ……………for construction of …………. storied ……………..category building under the mentioned
schedule of land and after the submitted fire fighting floor plan was found correct as per the Fire Prevention
and Fighting Rules 2014, Clearance for construction of building is hereby accorded with following terms
and conditions. A countersigned copy of the approved floor plan is attached with the Clearance Certificate.
You are requested to acknowledge the receipt of the clearance.

Terms and Conditions:

1. The construction of the building has to be completed within 36 months of receipt of approved firefighting
floor plan and clearance certificate. As per the rule, application for extension of time frame will not be
considered in case of failure to apply for extension within the stipulated time. And the clearance will be
deemed considered as cancelled.

2. The Department will have to be informed in writing within 15 (fifteen) days of starting the construction
work, and during construction of the building authorized officer will have the rights to inspect the
construction work, and the construction authority shall be bound to rectify any mistakes or omissions
detected during inspection.

3. Without the approval of Director General or authorized officer no amendment, addition, and change can
be made in the firefighting floor plan. If such actions are taken without clearance of Director General or
authorized officer, the clearance certificate will be considered as cancelled and the Department will have
the rights to take legal action against the concerned construction firm or applicant.

4. After according this clearance, the authority shall have the right to impose any condition on mandatory

5. In case of violation of any terms and conditions of the clearance letter or of the floor plan or in case of
intentional submission of any false information, or hiding of any information, the clearance shall be
considered as cancelled.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

6. Within 15 (fifteen) days of completion of construction the Fire Department shall have be notified in
writing including an application for issuance of Occupancy Certificate.

Schedule of Proposed Land or Plot: 24thSept 2018

(a) Name of the Economic Zones: ………………………………………………………………………….

(b) Zone /Sector No: …………………………... (c) Road Name & No: ………………………...
(d) Plot No: ……………………………………. (e) Fire Station: ……………………………….
(f) Police Station: ……………………………… (g) Upazila: …………………………………...
(h) District: …………………………………...... (i) Total Land: ………………………………...

Director (Admin and Finance)

Memo No/FSOCD/Fire/……………………… Dated: ………………………

Copies to:
1 ……………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………….
3 ……………………………………………………………….
4 ……………………………………………………………….

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority



To: Director General,
Fire Fighting and Civil Defence Department
Quazi Alauddin Road, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for Occupancy Certificate in favour of Newly Constructed Building.

1. Name of the Applicant…………………………………….. Address……………………………


Fax No. …………………………………………………Email No……………………………….

2. Name of the owner of Newly Constructed land or Plot


3. Schedule of Newly Constructed Land or Plot:

(a) Name of the Economic Zones: …………………………………………………………………..

(b) Zone /Sector No: …………………………... (c) Road Name & No: ……………………
(d) Plot No: ……………………………………. (e) Fire Station: ……………………………
(f) Police Station: ……………………………… (g) Upazila: ………………………………
(h) District: …………………………………...... (i) Total Land: ……………………………

4. Detailed description of Newly Constructed plot and building:

Building Classification for use: ……………..Height of building………………. Meter, Number of

Floors……………, Number of Basement Floor……………………..Number of Mezzanine Floors:
…………, Size of each floor……………………………………sq. Meter, Size of each Mezzanine
floor………..…..Sq Meter, Size of Basement Floor………………….sq. Meter, Total area of all
floors…………………. Sq Meter.

5. Name, Address and Enlistment Number of Engineer and Architect of construction company:

Architect: …………………………………………………………………………………………
IAB Number…………………………………

Structural Engineer …………………………………………………………………………………

IEB Number…………………………………

Equipment Engineer ………………………………………………………………………………

(Electrical/ Mechanical Engineer)
IEB Number…………………………………

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

6. Description of design and related document Submitted with the application:

(i) Copy of Letter of Allotment (LoA) issued by BEZA/Zone Developer ….1 Copies
24thSept 2018
(ii) Approval Copy of Fire Fighting Floor Plan (NOC)……..1 copies

(iii) Declaration of Fire Safety Engineer & Fire Safety Contractor starting that all fire related works
has been done and all test has been performed complying with the essential requirement of the
relevant Fire rules & regulations ……1 copies

I/We hereby certify that, the newly constructed building is designed according to approved Fire Fighting
Floor. Now we are waiting for your inspection & permission for use the building. If any false information or
irregularity is found after approval of the occupancy certificate or if any government requirement arises, the
Director general can cancel the clearance permission if he so desires. Aside from this I/we shall be bound to
provide any information or document under this Rules.

Dated: ……………………… Applicant’s Signature …………………….

Name ( )

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Memorandum No: - FS and CD/Fire/ ……………………………………

Dated: ……………………… 24thSept 2018

To: ……………………………………………



Subject: About issuance of Occupancy Certificate in favour of Newly Constructed Building.

Reference: ……………………………………………………………………………..

In the light of the above reference your application dated ………………..was examined with
due consideration and as the building mentioned in the schedule below was constructed in accordance
with approved fire fighting floor plan and all other conditions applicable for Clearance Certificate,
and as other arrangements were examined to be satisfactory, you are hereby accorded the Occupancy
Certificate with following conditions:

Schedule of Newly Constructed Land or Plot:

(a) Name of the Economic Zones: …………………………………………………………………..

(b) Zone /Sector No: …………………………... (c) Road Name & No: ……………………
(d) Plot No: ……………………………………. (e) Fire Station: ……………………………
(f) Police Station: ……………………………… (g) Upazila: ………………………………
(h) District: …………………………………...... (i) Total Land: ……………………………


1. About the use of the building a notice board or a notice plate with the following - “This building
has received Occupancy Certificate from Fire Service and Civil Defence Department vide
FSCD Memo No……… Dated………….”’ Duly signed by the building authority and hung at
such a place or on the wall of the building which is clearly visible to all.

2. All fire fighting and related machineries placed at the building/installation must at all time remain
in serviceable condition.

3. After one month of receipt of Occupancy Certificate a fire fighting and management committee
comprising of the occupants of the building will have to be formed. Training on Fire fighting,
rescue, first and emergency extrication to at least of 20% of able bodied occupants of the building
have to be imparted from FSCD, and this will have be ensured by the building authority

4. In the first two years of living in and using the building, a fire fighting exercise every three
months will have to be arranged in collaboration with Fire Service and Civil Defence Department.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

The exercise should include emergency exit, rescue, and fire extinction. Participation of all
residents of the building has to be ensured.
5. The list and location of all firefighting equipment’s and accessories placed in the building must
be preserved by fire command station. 24thSept 2018
6. Every three months the serviceability of firefighting arrangement including fire extinguisher,
smoke and heat detector and other detectors, alarm bell, manual call point, strobe, riser, sprinkler,
hose reel, hydrant, panel board, PA system, blower machine that creates positive pressure , fire
and smoke vent, fire lift, auto enclose, emergency light, exit sign, and all other related accessories
must be checked very sincerely. In case any equipment is found defective, their
repair/replacement has to be arranged during inspection. And the inspection report must be
written in a register.

7. Inspection by at least one diploma engineer of each and every electric installation, wirings, and
fittings once in every year have to be ensured, the inspection results must be recorded in a register.

8. At least one FSCD trained leader/sub-officer/station officer or equivalent retired officer must be
employed to ensure appropriate use, effectiveness, and maintenance of the firefighting
equipment of the building or installation.

Director (Admin and Finance)

Memo No./FSOCD/Fire………………………….
Dated: ………………………….

Copies to:
1. ………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………..
3. ……………………………………………………..
4. …………………………………………………….

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

License Form as per the provisions of Section 4 of Fire Prevention and Extinguish Act, 2003
1. Name and address of firm applying for license :
24thSept 2018
2. Duration for which License is applied :
3. Address of Shop/ware house/Factory :
4. Detailed description and annual amount of what type of inflammable :
materials will be stored/processed and stored (attach separately if detailed
description will be given)
5. Size of the Shop/Warehouse/Factory :
6. Annual price of Warehouse/Factory :
(The annual price fixed by city corporation/municipality Annual price will be
taken as annual price. In case it is not possible to know the annual price
of a particular holding, amount of money equivalent to 10 months rent
as per Taxation Rule of concerned City Corporation/Municipality will be con-
sidered the annual price of the holding. If the holding is outside of Municipal
area, 7.50 % of the current market value of the holding will be the annual
7. Details of fire prevention and security arrangement of :
warehouse/ factory : Should be shown in separate list and design.
For small structure 1”=8’ and for industrial factory, multi-storied
Commercial building 1”=32’ scale to be followed and 2 copies of
Design to be attached.
8. If the applicant is a firm, the type of firm, name, status and address of :
its board of directors/Partners/managing committee (may be attached
separately if detailed description is required)

Date Applicant’s Signature

Place (including the company/applicant’s seal)
Inquiry Report:

Warehouse Inspector
Comments of Deputy Assistant Director

Deputy Assistant Director

Fire Service and Civil

Comments of Licensing Authority:

Deputy/Assistant Director
Fire Service and Civil Defence

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Serial No: ONIBEPRO 003

24thSept 2018
First Edition 2012

Fire License
License No:

As per the Section 4 of Fire Prevention and Extinguish Act of 2003, and according to the terms and conditions
mentioned, Fire License is hereby issued.

1. Name, status and address of owner/user/authority of the warehouse/factory:


Phone: ……………………… Fax…………………………. e-mail: ………...………………………...

2. Location of warehouse/factory
(a) Name of the Economic Zones : …………………………………………………………………………..
(b) Zone/ Sector No: …………………. (c) Road Name & No …………………………………………..
(d) Plot No: …………………............... (e) Fire Station …………………... (f) Post Office…………
(g) Police Station……………………... (g) Upazila ………………………... (h) District: …………....

3. Classification of the building utility:

4.Construction Category of the building and its size:

Cat-2 Cat-2 Cat-3 Length Width Height Floor Area (in square Meter)

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

5.Name and stock details of inflammable material: 24thSept 2018

6. Type of Business:
7.Scale of Fire Risk: (a) Light -1 (b) Light -2 (c) Normal -1 (d) Normal-2 (e) Normal-3 (f) Extreme
8.Classificaton of Fire Risk (Based on total floor area ratio): A……...% B……..% C…….. %
D……...% K……..% ,

Deputy Director /Assistant Director / Assistant -Deputy Director

Fire Service & Civil Defense, …………………………………...

Terms and Conditions of License

(1) The fees for license renewal have to be deposited as advance license fee before 30 June of each year.
(2) The license given is not transferable and it will be applicable only for serial 2,
(3) The authorized officer of the Department can, at any week day inspect the warehouse or factory to
see whether license terms and conditions are being observed properly. During inspection the
concerned authority is bound to show license as asked for.
(4) It is to be ensured that the overall fire prevention arrangement is done in keeping with the appropriate
rules of Bangladesh National Building Code and Fire Prevention and Extinguish Act 2003.
(5) According to the Fire Prevention and Extinguish Act 2003 violation of any of the terms and
conditions given in the license will be considered as punishable offence.

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

(Year of Finance)
Date Invoice No. Duty Seal with Name
1 Jul-30 June
24thSept 2018

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Date Invoice No. Duty (Year of Finance) Seal with Name

1 Jul-30 June
24thSept 2018

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Renewal Fire License Form as per the provisions of Section 4 of Fire Prevention and
Extinguish Act, 2003
24thSept 2018

Organization Information :

1. Organization Business Types of Organization

Owner /Managing Director Name :

National Identification Number Passport (for Foreign citizen’s) Mobile Number

Owner Address :
Divisions : District: Police Station/Upazila

2. License Number Year of issue of License

The license renewal period

3.Organization Location/Address:

Division District Police Station/ Upazila

The nearby fire stations: Economic Zone Name:

Zone/ Sector No: Road Name & No:

Plot No.
D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Plot/ Holding no
24thSept 2018

Latitude Longitude

4.Detailed description and annual amount of what type of inflammable materials will be stored/processed and

Quantity Unit

5.Building Information

Volume of Is There any Own

Building Number of Useable building
the Building Mezzanine
Types Storied Floor owned /
(Sq. Feet) Floor?

6. Annual price of Warehouse/Factory (BDT)?

Ten-month rental of rented buildings

7. Fire safety and safety management of the organization (The design of the building and the fire-fighting
plan will be displayed to the inspection officer & (One copies will be given to the visiting inspection

8. If the applicant is a firm, the type of firm, name, status and address of its board of
directors/Partners/managing committee:

9. The width of the road to enter the farm (Enter the details of how many feet)

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Boundary of the building

24thSept 2018

10. Whether there is a fire-fighting related clearance for multi-storied / commercial buildings from fire
service and civil defense? *

 Yes  No  In Process
11. Invoice Information

Invoice Date Invoice No Amount of Money

Bank Name Branch Name

Applicant Information

Name of The Applicant

Email No: Mobile Phone:

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Project Information Sheet
24thSept 2018

Project Name:
1. General Information
Project Name
1) The Applicant
Company Name:
Company Address:
Person in Charge:
E-mail Address:
Tel No.:
2) The Supervisor
Company Name:
Company Address:
Name of the Supervisor:
License No.:
E-mail Address:
Tel No.:
3) The Contractor
Company Name:
Company Address:
Name of the Site Engineer:
E-mail Address:
Tel No.:

2. Construction Schedule
Commencement Date:
Completion Date:

3. Approval No.
Building Permit xxx-BP-xxx (Date of Issue: )
Fire Safety Plan Approval xxx-FSC-xxx (Date of Issue: )
TOR for EIA xxx-EP-xxx (Date of Issue: )

4. Attached Documents
Construction Schedule Chart


Received Date

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Registration Form of Contractor
24thSept 2018
1. Project Outline
1) Project Name:
Name of Applicant:
Address of Project Site:
Construction Schedule:
2. Contractor’s Information
1) Name of Contractor:
Telephone/ Fax:
Web-site, if any:
2) Legal Representative:
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
ID (Passport) Number No: (Place of Issue: country, Date of Issue: (dd/mm/yy)
3. Mother Company of the Contractor if any
1) Name of Parent Company:
Telephone/ Fax:
Web-site, if any:
2) Legal Representative:
Full Name:

4. Attached Documents
Information of Contractor Information of Mother Company
□ Copy of Contractor’s Company Registration □ Copy of Contractor’s Company Registration
□ Company Profile (including organization chart) □ Company Profile (including organization chart)
□ Project Experience in Asia (5years) □ Project Experience in Asia (5years)
□ Financial Statement (3 years) □ Financial Statement (3 years)
□ Letter of Confirmation for Appointment, if any □ Other documents, if any
( ) ( )

We hereby certify that the above information is true and correct. The Authority may cancel the construction
approval in future due to giving incorrect information or discrepancy.
Date: Signature of the Contractor
Name in Block Letters

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Application for Design Modification

Sept 2018

1. Project Information
1) Project Name:
2) Name of Applicant
Address of Project Site
Contact Number / E-mail
3) Information on Existing Building
Building Permit xxx-BP-xxx (Date of Issue: )
Fire Fighting Floor Plan Approval xxx-FSC-xxx (Date of Issue: )
ECC/EIA Approval xxx-EP-xxx (Date of Issue: )
4) Estimated Construction Schedule
Building Floor Area (m2)
Modification Floor area (m2)
Name of Contractor
Name of Supervisor
10 Contact Number / E-mail
2. Contents of Design Modification
1) Modified Design for □Building Permit □Fire Safety Certificate □Interior Modification
2) Description of Modification:
Area Extension
□Change in Floor Area、□No Change in Floor Area
Type of Modification

Fire Safety Equipment

3) Reasons of Modification

4. Attached Documents
□ Building Permit □ Fire Fighting Floor Plan Approval □ ECC/EIA Approval

□ Design Change Notification by Developer

□ Documents and approved drawings before modification

□ Documents and drawings after modification (signed by professional)

□ Structural Drawings & Calculation Report (in case of the structural design modification)

□ Other documents, if any ( )

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Date: 24thSept 2018

Signature of the Applicant Signature of the Contractor

Name of the Applicant Name of the Supervisor
Title Title
Company Name Company Name
Official Seal/Stamp Official Seal/Stamp
Tel. No. Tel. No.
E-mail E-mail



BEZA-OSS record:

Received: ____ /_____/_201_ Checked: ____ /_____/_201_

Name: ___________________________ Name: ___________________________
Signature: ________________________ Signature: ________________________

Comments and Instructions for the Proposed Design Modification

Approved: ______/_____/_201_

Signature: ________________________

Name: ___________________________


D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Application for Partial Use Permit
24thSept 2018


1. Project Information
1) Project Name:
2) Name of Applicant
3) Address of Project Site
4) Contact Number / E-mail
5) Building Permit xxx-BP-xxx (Date of Issue: )
6) Fire Fighting Floor Plan Approval xxx-FSC-xxx (Date of Issue: )
7) ECC/ EIA Approval xxx-EP-xxx (Date of Issue: )
8) Estimated Construction Period
9) Name of Contractor
10) Name of Supervisor
2. Contents of Partial Use of the Building
1) Period of Partial Use From: / / 20 To: / /20
2) Reasons of Partial Use

2. Necessary Documents
Safety Plan for Partial Use Other documents, if any ( )
Planned Drawings for Partial Use
Fire Safety Drawings for Partial Use
Construction Schedule for Partial Use



________________________ ________________________

Signature of the Applicant Signature of the Contractor

Name of the Applicant Name of the Contractor
Title Title
Company Name Company Name
Official Seal/Stamp Official Seal/Stamp
Tel. No. Tel. No.
E-mail E-mail

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Record of Inspection for Partial Use
24thSept 2018
1. Project Name:
2. Inspection Area:
3. Date and Time of Inspection:
4. Name of Attendants for Inspection:
Name Position Signature

5. Instructions for Inspection:

Inspection Issues Instructions

Name of Inspector:

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Application for Electrical Installation Plan
24thSept 2018

1. Name of firm/enterprise………………………………………………………………….

2. Present Address: ……………………………………………………………………….



3. Location of the factory where

Power supply is needed. Plot no……………. Sector………………………………

4. Type of Machineries/Appliances etc. requiring Electric Power.

a) Particular of machines to be installed in the factory with load demand.

Rated Rated Rated No. of Total load

Sl Particular of motors/machines capacity voltage power motors/ required
no in factor machines in KW

(A) Sub-total=

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

b) Other loads like Boiler, Welding m/c, Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Computer,
Heater including light & fans
24thSept 2018
Sl no Particulars of loads Rated Rated Rated power No. of loads Total load
capacity in voltage factor required
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(B) Sub-total=

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

4. Total load immediately required(A+B) ............................................................................... KW

24thSept 2018
5. Total ultimate load requirement ...................................................................................... ...KW
6. Yearly energy consumption (Estimated) .......................................................................... KWH
7. Name and address of the contractor who will do the electrical work (The
Contractor must have valid electrical contractor license from Electricity
Licensing Board, Bangladesh) (if contractor already selected)
a) Particular of the License of the Contractor:
i) Place of registration: ………………………………
ii) License No: ……………
iii) Type of License: …………

I/We undertake to abide by all rules and regulations and other conditions as embodied in this form
and as imposed by BEZA from time to time in respect of electrical service connection. I/We
further undertake to accept electricity tariff as decided by BEZA to pay the electricity charge as
per bill.

Date Seal and Signature of the Authorized

Representative of the Enterprise



D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

24thSept 2018
Application for Electrical Inspection

1. Name of the Applicant/Organization

2. Address / Phone Number
3. Project Name:

4. Approval No. of Building Permit:

5. Inspection requested: (*Make a check in appropriate inspection)

1) Inspection for Electrical Power Connection
2) Inspection for Internal Wiring Safety
3) Inspection for Generator Electrical Safety

6. Probable Date and Time of Inspection:

I/We undertake the responsibility for any delayed approval due to wrong information or
shortage of documents.
Attachment: ……. Pages

Name of the Applicant, Signature and seal

Applicant’s Copy
Serial no………………..
Date of Inspection……………………..
Name of the Inspector………………………. Phone number……………………………………..

Name, Signature and Position of the Receiver of Application

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

24 Sept 2018
Electrical Inspection Report
1. Project Name:

2. Inspection for □New Electrical Connection □Renewal of Electrical Safety Certificate

3. Items Inspected:
□Transformer Electrical Safety □Internal Wiring System □Generator Electricity Safety
4. Date and Time of Inspection:
5. Attendants of the Inspection:
Name Position

6. Comments and/or Instruction by the Inspector:

Issues Comments and/or Instructions

Name of Inspector: Name of Inspectors:

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Application for Renewal of Electrical Certificate

Reference No.:

Attention: Head of Industry Section

: One Stop Service Center

We hereby submit Application for Renewal of Electrical Certificate in 2 sets of the

required documents.
1. Company Name:

2. Electricity Certificate No.:

3. Date of Expiry of the Electrical Safety Certificate:

4. Any change of the electrical system permitted by the existing Electrical Certificate

□ Yes
□ No

Note: If the answer is “Yes”, please submit documents and drawings of Electrical System
before and after the change with this application form to Industry Section of One
Stop Service Center. After checking the documents and drawings submitted, Industry
Section will inform you that whether the Electrical Inspection is required or not for
the changed Electrical System.

Applicant _______________
Signature _______________
Name _______________
Address _______________

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority


Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited

(online form is available)

105, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215

Application for Gas Connection for

Industrial/Seasonal/Captive/CNG/Tea Garden Customer

No. ……… Dated: ………….

1. Name of the Industrial Factory : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. Address :_____________________________
A. Factory : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B. Head Office : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C. Billing Address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Ownership of the Industrial Organization:
3.1 Governmental Quasi-Governmental Autonomous Private-
Partnership Limited Company (Public/Private) Others
3.2 Type of the Industry :_____________________________
3.3 Trade License No. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Expire Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Brief Description of Owners’/Directors’ of the Organization:
Serial Name & Designation Relation with Current Address
No. Father’s/Husband’s Any Other
Name Organization

5. Information Relating to the Location of the Organization:

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

5.1 Location of the Factory:

Name of Mouja Dag No. Khatian No. Area of the Land
5.1.4 Total Area of the Land: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ acre
5.1.5 Ownership of the Land: Private Sole Joint Rented Allocated
5.2 Size of the Land (Length and Width): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.3 Owner’s Name and Address (for rented property): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.4 Name and Address of the Allocating Authority (for allocated property): _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.5 Whether Gas has been or is being used in the land or in any part of it (if known):
Yes No
5.6 Description of the Gas Connection which has been or is being used (if known): _ _ _
5.6.1 Customer Identification No. :___________
5.6.2 Name of the Owner of the Factory or Organization :___________
5.6.3 Name of the Owner of the Organization :___________
5.6.4 Current Status of the Connection:
Active Permanently Disconnected Permanently Disconnected
5.6.5 Updated Bill Clearance Certificate: Attached Not Applicable
5.7 (1) Do the Factory Owner/Partner/Chairman or Any Other Directors Own Any Active
or Inactive Industrial Factory? Yes /No
(2) Customer Identification No. (if yes): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 Information Related to Production of the Organization:
6.1. Annual Raw Materials Used:
Where is It Sold?
Name of the
Annual Production (International
Product (Local Market)

6.2. Production Method: Incessant with Break

6.3. Operating Time of the Factory: From _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hour
7 Information Related to Financial Matters:
7.1. Tax Identification No. (TIN) of the Organization :__________
7.2 VAT Registration No. of the Organization (if applicable) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7.3 Name and Branch of the Bank :__________

8 Information Relating to the Load:

8.1. Gas Appliances and Connected Burners:
For Gas Appliances For Burners
Name Manufacturer Size Production Type Number Orifice Load

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Company Country Capacity Total


8.2. Usage Gas per hour (Cubic Meter) :____________________

8.3 Expected Gas Pressure : From _ _ _ _ _ _ To_ _ _ _PSIG/Bar
8.4 Timeframe as to when additional gas supply shall be required:
________ Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Demand _______ Cubic Meter
________ Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Demand _______ Cubic Meter
________ Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Demand _______ Cubic Meter
________ Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Demand _______ Cubic Meter
________ Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Demand _______ Cubic Meter

9 Name and Signature of the Designated Persons with Powers to sign and to communicate on
behalf of the Company:

Serial No. Name Designation/Relation Sample Signature

10 I/We, solemnly affirm and declare that all the above mentioned information and the
documents attached with this application, is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
We are obliged to comply with the undertakings attached with this application. We further
agree that it will be built as per R.M.S Room Plan and shall not be altered without prior
permission of the Company.

Signature of the Applicant: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Name of the Applicant: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Designation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Attached with the Application:

1. Passport Size Attested Photo (2)
2. Trade License
3. TIN Certificate
4. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation (for
registered company)
5. Documents to Prove Ownership of the Property (Deed/Holding No/Porcha/Tax Receipt
(any one))
6. Rental Agreement (in which information related to gas connection and bill shall be
7. Layout Plan of the Factory

D. Building Construction
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

8. 4 (Four) Copies of the proposed internal pipeline design

9. Technical Catalogue of the Gas Establishment to be installed


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