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Pre – baccalaureate maritime is one of the tracks of K to12 program in the

Philippines that focuses on basic, common, and core competencies that the Senior High

School (SHS) Student needed to possess and is designed to enhance the skills,

knowledge, positive attitude, and work values in accordance with workplace standards.

Pre – baccalaureate maritime is a modified Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) strand under academic track. In this specialization, six

specialized subjects of the STEM strand were retained and three were replaced with

maritime-related subjects.

Pre – baccalaureate maritime provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes vital

to the operation of distress emergency equipment. Also, it focuses on the competency

of steering the ship and complying with helm orders in the English language. It aims to

achieve the following competencies: carrying-out a watch routine appropriate to the

duties of a rating forming part of an engine-room watch, and understanding orders and

being understood in matters relevant to watch-keeping duties.

In this study, I’m going to determine how many Senior High School (SHS)

student in Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc (BMMCI) take the pre – baccalaureate

strand and what are the reason they choose this strand. A study by Pampola, Fajardo,

and Labitag (2019) show that majority of Senior High School (SHS) student in Bicol
Merchant Marine College Inc (BMMCI) student take pre – baccalaureate strand and

show how male dominant maritime career.

The importance of the study is that it will serve as an aid to the teachers,

institution, and for the future research by giving them data about the students that make

their job easier in terms of recording the data of the class as well as in the institution it

serves as an aid in identify the profile of the student and how many Senior High School

Student (SHS) student took pre baccalaureate maritime. SY; 2019 – 2020 and also it

will serves as an aid for future researcher who would select this topic

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find number of Senior High School (SHS) student who took

pre-baccalaureate maritime in Bicol merchant Marine College Incorporated. Piot

Sorsogon City for the 2019-2020 and to gather information about why this choose the

strand pre baccalaureate maritime.

Specially it aims to answer the ff. questions

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of:

 Age

 Grade level

 Gender

2. How many of the respondent are in pre bacc maritime transportation & pre

bacc maritime engineering?

3. Who influenced them to take the pre bacc maritime strand?

4. How many pre baccalaureate maritime student will continue or shift course

in college?

5. What possible recommendation could be suggested?

Scope and Delimitation

In this study, I will be focusing on Senior High School (SHS) Student that took

pre-bacc maritime strand in Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc. (BMMCI) for the SY;

2019-2020. I will be conducting a survey and interview on selected pre-baccalaureate

students. The study will take place in the BMMCI Piot Campus for the duration of its 2nd

semester. This will provide a reliable information about the SHS student of BMMCI.

Significance of the study

This study aims to benefits not only the teacher and the institution but also the

future researcher about this topic, teacher will be able to know why there student are

here or what the reason why there student select pre baccalaureate maritime strand

that might lead to the discovery of what the student felt about this strand and it will help

to know the demographic profile of the student, for the institution it will serves as an aid

on how many Senior High School (SHS) Student take pre-bacc maritime strand this SY;

2019-2020 to tell whether pre-bacc maritime student increase or decrease, and for the

future researcher it serves as statistical data to further enhance there research.



This chapter presents the conceptual and research literature and definition of

terms which are related to the present work.

Local literature

Several factors may be considered in selecting school and degree program like

quality education, the people from the environment, personal choice; and accessibility of

the school from students' residences. This study utilized a descriptive type of research

method with Freshman Maritime students as respondents. Findings revealed that it is

the personal choice of the students to enroll in maritime program in Lyceum of the

Philippines University-Batangas (LPU-B) with the support primarily from their parents

wherein quality education through being known as home of board top notchers and its

standards are considered big factor for their decision. Carlos, Laguador, and Deligero


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