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Department of Mathematics
College of Arts and Sciences
Central Mindanao University

November 29, 2019

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The Wronskian

Let f1 , f2 , . . . , fn be differentiable at least n−1 times, and consider the

equation c1 f1 (x)+c2 f2 (x)+· · ·+cn fn (x) = 0. Successive differentiations
yield the system of equations

c1 f1 (x) + c2 f2 (x) + . . . + cn fn (x) = 0

c1 f10 (x) + c2 f20 (x) + . . . + cn fn0 (x) = 0
(n−1) (n−1)
c1 f1 (x) + c2 f2 (x) + . . . + cn fn(n−1) (x) = 0

on the unknowns c1 , c2 , . . . , cn .

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The Wronskian

The determinant of the coefficient matrix is called the Wronskian

of the functions, and is given by

f1 (x) f2 (x) ··· fn (x)

0 f20 (x) ··· fn0 (x)
f1 (x)
W (x) =


(n−1) (n−1) (n−1)
f1 (x) f2 (x) · · · fn (x)

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The Wronskian

Theorem 6
If, on the interval a ≤ x ≤ b, b0 (x) 6= 0, b0 , b1 , . . . , bn are continuous,
and y1 , y2 , . . . , yn are solutions of the equation

b0 y (n) + b1 y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 y 0 + bn y = 0,

then a necessary and sufficient condition that y1 , . . . , yn be linearly

independent is that the Wronskian of y1 , . . . , yn differ from zero at least
one point on the interval a ≤ x ≤ b.

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The Wronskian

Find the Wronskian of the functions ex , cos x, sin x. Then determine
if the given functions are linearly dependent of linearly independent.

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential
Theorem 7
Let {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn } be a linearly independent set of solutions of the
homogeneous linear differential equation

b0 (x)y (n) + b1 (x)y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 (x)y 0 + bn (x)y = 0 (1)

which is valid on some interval a ≤ x ≤ b. Suppose further that the

equation is normal on a ≤ x ≤ b. If φ is any solution of (1), valid on
a ≤ x ≤ b, there exist constants c¯1 , c¯2 , . . . , c¯n such that

φ = c¯1 y1 + c¯2 y2 + · · · c¯n yn . (2)

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential
Theorem 7
Let {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn } be a linearly independent set of solutions of the
homogeneous linear differential equation

b0 (x)y (n) + b1 (x)y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 (x)y 0 + bn (x)y = 0 (1)

which is valid on some interval a ≤ x ≤ b. Suppose further that the

equation is normal on a ≤ x ≤ b. If φ is any solution of (1), valid on
a ≤ x ≤ b, there exist constants c¯1 , c¯2 , . . . , c¯n such that

φ = c¯1 y1 + c¯2 y2 + · · · c¯n yn . (2)

If the coefficient functions b0 , b1 , . . . , bn and the function R are

continuous on an interval I and b0 (x) is never zero on I, then equation
(1) is said to be normal on I.
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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

We define the general solution of equation (1) to be

y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn , (3)

where c1 , c2 , . . . , cn are arbitrary constants.

To find the general solution of an n-th order linear homogeneous
differential equation, it suffices to find n linearly independent solutions
y1 , y2 , . . . , yn and write the general solution in the form

y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn ,

where c1 , c2 , . . . , cn are arbitrary constants.

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

Find the general solution of the homogeneous differential equation
y − y = 0 by first showing that y1 = ex and y2 = e−x are linearly
independent solutions.

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

Verify that in each of the following, the given functions are linearly
independent solutions of the given homogeneous differential equations.
Use this to find the general solution.

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

Verify that in each of the following, the given functions are linearly
independent solutions of the given homogeneous differential equations.
Use this to find the general solution.
1 y − y 0 − 12y = 0; e3x , e4x

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

Verify that in each of the following, the given functions are linearly
independent solutions of the given homogeneous differential equations.
Use this to find the general solution.
1 y − y 0 − 12y = 0; e3x , e4x
2 y (4) + y = 0; x, cos x, sin x

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

Verify that in each of the following, the given functions are linearly
independent solutions of the given homogeneous differential equations.
Use this to find the general solution.
1 y − y 0 − 12y = 0; e3x , e4x
2 y (4) + y = 0; x, cos x, sin x
00 0
3 x2 y − 6xy + 12y = 0; x3 , x4

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The General Solution of a Homogeneous Differential

Verify that in each of the following, the given functions are linearly
independent solutions of the given homogeneous differential equations.
Use this to find the general solution.
1 y − y 0 − 12y = 0; e3x , e4x
2 y (4) + y = 0; x, cos x, sin x
00 0
3 x2 y − 6xy + 12y = 0; x3 , x4
4 y − 2y 0 + 5y = 0; ex sin 2x, ex cos 2x

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Linear Differential Operator of Order n
Let D denote differentiation with respect to x, D2 differentiation
twice with respect to x, and so on; that is, for positive integral k,

dk y
Dk y = .
The expression

A = a0 Dn + a1 Dn−1 + · · · + an−1 D + an

is called a differential operator of order n. It may be defined as that

operator which, when applied to any function y, yields the result

dn y dn−1 y dy
Ay = a0 n
+ a 1 n−1
+ · · · + an−1 + an y..
dx dx dx
The coefficients a0 , a1 , . . . , an in the operator A may be functions of x.
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Linear Differential Operator of Order n


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Linear Differential Operator of Order n

Two operators A and B are equal if Ay = By for all functions y.

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Linear Differential Operator of Order n

Two operators A and B are equal if Ay = By for all functions y.
The sum of two operators A and B is obtained adding their
corresponding coefficients. It can be shown that
(A + B)y = Ay + By.

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Linear Differential Operator of Order n

Two operators A and B are equal if Ay = By for all functions y.
The sum of two operators A and B is obtained adding their
corresponding coefficients. It can be shown that
(A + B)y = Ay + By.
The product of two operators A and B is defined by ABy = A(By)

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Linear Differential Operator of Order n


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Linear Differential Operator of Order n

1 Let A = D + 2 and B = 3D − 1. Find AB and BA.

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Linear Differential Operator of Order n

1 Let A = D + 2 and B = 3D − 1. Find AB and BA.
2 Let G = xD + 2 and H = D − 1. Find GH and HG.

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The Fundamental Laws of Operation

Let A, B, and C be any differential operators.

The commutative law of addition: A + B = B + A

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The Fundamental Laws of Operation

Let A, B, and C be any differential operators.

The commutative law of addition: A + B = B + A
The associative law of addition: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C

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The Fundamental Laws of Operation

Let A, B, and C be any differential operators.

The commutative law of addition: A + B = B + A
The associative law of addition: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
The associative law of multiplications: (AB)C = A(BC)

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The Fundamental Laws of Operation

Let A, B, and C be any differential operators.

The commutative law of addition: A + B = B + A
The associative law of addition: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
The associative law of multiplications: (AB)C = A(BC)
The distributive law of multiplication with respect to addition:
A(B + C) = AB + AC

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The Fundamental Laws of Operation

Let A, B, and C be any differential operators.

The commutative law of addition: A + B = B + A
The associative law of addition: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
The associative law of multiplications: (AB)C = A(BC)
The distributive law of multiplication with respect to addition:
A(B + C) = AB + AC
If A and B are operators with constant coefficients, then they also
satisfy the commutative law of multiplication AB = BA.

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Some Properties of Differential Operators

Property 1
Let k be a positive integer and let m be a constant. We have

Dk (emx ) = mk emx

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Some Properties of Differential Operators

Property 1
Let k be a positive integer and let m be a constant. We have

Dk (emx ) = mk emx

Property 2
Let f (D) = a0 Dn + a1 Dn−1 + · · · + an−1 D + an where the ai ’s are
constant. Then we have

f (D)emx = a0 mn emx + a1 mn−1 emx + · · · + an−1 memx + an emx ,

f (D)emx = emx f (m).

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Some Properties of Differential Operators

The equation f (m) = 0 is called the auxiliary equation of the
differential equation. It can be observed that if m is a root of the
auxiliary equation, then y = emx is a solution of the homogeneous
equation f (D)y = 0.

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Some Properties of Differential Operators

The equation f (m) = 0 is called the auxiliary equation of the
differential equation. It can be observed that if m is a root of the
auxiliary equation, then y = emx is a solution of the homogeneous
equation f (D)y = 0.

Find the general solution of the equation y − 3y 0 + 4y = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

A linear differential equation of the form

b0 y (n) + b1 y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 y 0 + bn y = 0,

is homogeneous with constant coefficients if each bi is a constant. Each

such equation can be written in the form f (D)y = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

A linear differential equation of the form

b0 y (n) + b1 y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 y 0 + bn y = 0,

is homogeneous with constant coefficients if each bi is a constant. Each

such equation can be written in the form f (D)y = 0.

The following are homogeneous equations with constant coefficients:

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

A linear differential equation of the form

b0 y (n) + b1 y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 y 0 + bn y = 0,

is homogeneous with constant coefficients if each bi is a constant. Each

such equation can be written in the form f (D)y = 0.

The following are homogeneous equations with constant coefficients:
1 y − 2y 0 − 3y = 0

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

A linear differential equation of the form

b0 y (n) + b1 y (n−1) + · · · + bn−1 y 0 + bn y = 0,

is homogeneous with constant coefficients if each bi is a constant. Each

such equation can be written in the form f (D)y = 0.

The following are homogeneous equations with constant coefficients:
1 y − 2y 0 − 3y = 0
2 y (3) − y − 2y 0 = 0

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

The general solution of an n-th order homogeneous linear differential

equation is expressible in the form

c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn

where ci ∈ R and the yi ’s form a linearly independent set of n solutions.

From Property 2 of differential operators,

f (D)(emx ) = f (m)(emx )

where f (m) = 0 is the auxiliary equation, it follows that y = emx is a

solution of f (D)y = 0 whenever m is a root of the auxiliary equation.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

Case 1: f (m) = 0 has distinct real roots: If the auxiliary equation

f (m) = 0 has n distinct real roots, say m1 , m2 , . . . , mn . Then the
y1 = em1 x , y2 = em2 x , . . . , yn = emn x
are linearly independent solutions. Hence, the general solution of
f (D)y = 0 is y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn .

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

Case 1: f (m) = 0 has distinct real roots: If the auxiliary equation

f (m) = 0 has n distinct real roots, say m1 , m2 , . . . , mn . Then the
y1 = em1 x , y2 = em2 x , . . . , yn = emn x
are linearly independent solutions. Hence, the general solution of
f (D)y = 0 is y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn .
Case 2: m is a root of multiplicity k: For each root m of
multiplicity k, the functions

y1 = emx , y2 = xemx , . . . , yk = xk−1 emx

are k linearly independent solutions of the equation f (D)y = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients


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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

1 Solve the equation y (3) − 4y + y 0 + 6y = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

1 Solve the equation y (3) − 4y + y 0 + 6y = 0.
d2 x
2 Solve the equation 2 − 4x = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

1 Solve the equation y (3) − 4y + y 0 + 6y = 0.
d2 x
2 Solve the equation 2 − 4x = 0.
3 Solve the equation (D4 − 7D3 + 18D2 − 20D + 8)y = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

f (m) = 0 has complex roots

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

f (m) = 0 has complex roots

Case 3: If m = a + bi is a root of the auxiliary function, then so is
its conjugate m̄ = a − bi.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

f (m) = 0 has complex roots

Case 3: If m = a + bi is a root of the auxiliary function, then so is
its conjugate m̄ = a − bi.
The functions y1 = eax cos bx and y2 = eax sin bx are linearly
independent solutions of the equation f (D)y = 0.

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

f (m) = 0 has complex roots

Case 3: If m = a + bi is a root of the auxiliary function, then so is
its conjugate m̄ = a − bi.
The functions y1 = eax cos bx and y2 = eax sin bx are linearly
independent solutions of the equation f (D)y = 0.
If m = a + bi is a root of multiplicity k > 1, then the solutions

eax cos bx, xeax cos bx, . . . , xk−1 eax cos bx,

eax sin bx, xeax sin bx, . . . , xk−1 eax sin bx,
are linearly independent solutions .

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

Find the general solution of each of the following equations:

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

Find the general solution of each of the following equations:
1 (D3 − 3D2 + 9D + 13)y = 0

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Homogeneous Equation With Constant Coefficients

Find the general solution of each of the following equations:
1 (D3 − 3D2 + 9D + 13)y = 0
2 (D4 + 8D2 + 16)y = 0

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Method of Undetermined Coefficients

1. The auxilliary equation is m3 − 3m2 + 9m + 13 = 0. Its roots are
m = −1, 2 + 3i, 2 − 3i. The 3 linearly independent solutions of the
given de are y1 = e−x , y2 = e2x cos 3x, y3 = e2x sin 3x. Thus, the general
solution of the given de if y = c1 e−x + c2 e2x cos 3x + c3 = e2x sin 3x.
2. The auxilliary equation is m4 + 8m2 + 16 = 0, that is,
(m2 + 4)2 = 0. Its roots are m = ±2i of multiplicity 2. The 4 linearly
independent solutions of the given de are
y1 = cos 2x, y2 = x cos 2x, y3 = sin 2x, y4 = x sin 2x. Thus, the general
solution of the given de if
y = c1 cos 2x + c2 x cos 2x + c3 sin 2x + c4 x sin 2x.

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40. General Solution of a Nonhomogeneous Equation

Let f (D)y = R(x) be a nonhomogeneous differential equation with

constant coefficients, and let f (D)y = 0 be the associated homogeneous
differential equation.
The general solution of the equation f (D)y = 0 is called the
complementary function and is denoted by yc .

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40. General Solution of a Nonhomogeneous Equation

Let f (D)y = R(x) be a nonhomogeneous differential equation with

constant coefficients, and let f (D)y = 0 be the associated homogeneous
differential equation.
The general solution of the equation f (D)y = 0 is called the
complementary function and is denoted by yc .
A particular solution of f (D)y = R(x) is denoted by yp .

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40. General Solution of a Nonhomogeneous Equation

Let f (D)y = R(x) be a nonhomogeneous differential equation with

constant coefficients, and let f (D)y = 0 be the associated homogeneous
differential equation.
The general solution of the equation f (D)y = 0 is called the
complementary function and is denoted by yc .
A particular solution of f (D)y = R(x) is denoted by yp .
The general solution of f (D)y = R(x) is of the form y = yc + yp .

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40. General Solution of a Nonhomogeneous Equation

Consider the equation

D2 (D − 1)y = 3ex + sin x.

Solution: The auxilliary equation of D2 (D − 1)y = 0 has roots

m = 0, 0, 1 and so the complementary function is

y = c1 + c2 x + c3 ex .

On the right-hand side, m0 = 1, ±i and so yp = Aex + B cos x + C sin x.


Dyp = Aex − B sin x + C cos x

D2 yp = Aex − B cos x − C sin x
D3 yp = Aex + B sin x − C cos x.

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40. General Solution of a Nonhomogeneous Equation

Solution: (con’t)

D2 (D − 1)yp = (D3 − D2 )yp

= D3 yp − D2 yp
= Aex + B sin x − C cos x − (Aex − B cos x − C sin x)
= (B + C) sin x + (B − C) cos x.


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Finding yp : The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Let f (D)y = R(x), and let R(x) be a solution of another

homogeneous differential equation g(D)y = 0, i.e. g(D)(R(x)) = 0.

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Finding yp : The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Let f (D)y = R(x), and let R(x) be a solution of another

homogeneous differential equation g(D)y = 0, i.e. g(D)(R(x)) = 0.
The equation g(D)f (D)y = 0 contains yc , and hence is of the form
y = yc + yq .

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Finding yp : The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Let f (D)y = R(x), and let R(x) be a solution of another

homogeneous differential equation g(D)y = 0, i.e. g(D)(R(x)) = 0.
The equation g(D)f (D)y = 0 contains yc , and hence is of the form
y = yc + yq .
If yp is a particular solution of f (y) = R(x), then it is also a
solution of g(D)f (D)y = 0. Thus, yp = yc + yq for some choice of
coefficients of yc and yq .

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Finding yp : The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Let f (D)y = R(x), and let R(x) be a solution of another

homogeneous differential equation g(D)y = 0, i.e. g(D)(R(x)) = 0.
The equation g(D)f (D)y = 0 contains yc , and hence is of the form
y = yc + yq .
If yp is a particular solution of f (y) = R(x), then it is also a
solution of g(D)f (D)y = 0. Thus, yp = yc + yq for some choice of
coefficients of yc and yq .
Since f (D)yp = f (D)(yc + yq ) = f (D)yq , we have yp = yq for
appropriate coefficients of yq .

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Finding yp : The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Let f (D)y = R(x), and let R(x) be a solution of another

homogeneous differential equation g(D)y = 0, i.e. g(D)(R(x)) = 0.
The equation g(D)f (D)y = 0 contains yc , and hence is of the form
y = yc + yq .
If yp is a particular solution of f (y) = R(x), then it is also a
solution of g(D)f (D)y = 0. Thus, yp = yc + yq for some choice of
coefficients of yc and yq .
Since f (D)yp = f (D)(yc + yq ) = f (D)yq , we have yp = yq for
appropriate coefficients of yq .
Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation
f (D)y = 0.

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Finding yp : The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Let f (D)y = R(x), and let R(x) be a solution of another

homogeneous differential equation g(D)y = 0, i.e. g(D)(R(x)) = 0.
The equation g(D)f (D)y = 0 contains yc , and hence is of the form
y = yc + yq .
If yp is a particular solution of f (y) = R(x), then it is also a
solution of g(D)f (D)y = 0. Thus, yp = yc + yq for some choice of
coefficients of yc and yq .
Since f (D)yp = f (D)(yc + yq ) = f (D)yq , we have yp = yq for
appropriate coefficients of yq .
Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation
f (D)y = 0.

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Summary: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation

f (D)y = 0.

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Summary: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation

f (D)y = 0.
Find an equation g(D)y = 0 for which R(x) is a particular

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Summary: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation

f (D)y = 0.
Find an equation g(D)y = 0 for which R(x) is a particular
Find the general solution y = yc + yq of the equation
g(D)f (D)y = 0.

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Summary: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation

f (D)y = 0.
Find an equation g(D)y = 0 for which R(x) is a particular
Find the general solution y = yc + yq of the equation
g(D)f (D)y = 0.
Solve for the coefficients of yq such that yq = yp by solving
f (D)yp = R(x).

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Summary: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Find the general solution yc of the homogeneous equation

f (D)y = 0.
Find an equation g(D)y = 0 for which R(x) is a particular
Find the general solution y = yc + yq of the equation
g(D)f (D)y = 0.
Solve for the coefficients of yq such that yq = yp by solving
f (D)yp = R(x).
Form the general solution y = yc + yp of the nonhomogeneous
equation f (D)y = R(x).

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Method of Undetermined Coefficients


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Method of Undetermined Coefficients

1 Solve the equation (D2 + D − 2)y = 2x − 40 cos 2x.

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Method of Undetermined Coefficients

1 Solve the equation (D2 + D − 2)y = 2x − 40 cos 2x.
2 Solve the equation (D2 + 1)y = sin x

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Method of Undetermined Coefficients

1 Solve the equation (D2 + D − 2)y = 2x − 40 cos 2x.
2 Solve the equation (D2 + 1)y = sin x
3 Determine y so that it will satisfy the equation
y − y 0 = 4e−x + 3e2x with the conditions that when
x = 0, y = 0, y 0 = −1, y 00 = 2.

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Method of Undetermined Coefficients
(3) Note that m = 0, 1, −1 and m0 = −1, 2. Thus,

yc = c1 + c2 ex + c3 e−x

yp = Axe−x + Be2x .

yp0 = A(−xe−x + e−x ) + 2Be2x

yp00 = A(xe−x − 2e−x ) + 4Be2x
yp000 = A(−xe−x + 3e−x ) + 8Be2x .

4e−x + 3e2x = yp000 − yp0 = 2Ae−x + 6Be2x .

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Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Solution: (con’t.)
Hence, 2A = 4 and 6B = 3, that is, A = 2 and B = . Now, when
x = 0,
0 = c1 + c2 + c3 +
−1 = c2 − c3 + 3
2 = c2 + c3 − 2

and so c1 = − , c2 = 0, c3 = 4. Therefore, the final result is
9 1
y = − + 4e−x + 2xe−x + e2x .
2 2

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Solution by Inspection
(b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x).
A particular solution yp can be found when R(x) is of a particular
form. We consider the following cases:
Case 1: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn 6= 0. Set yp = .

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Solution by Inspection
(b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x).
A particular solution yp can be found when R(x) is of a particular
form. We consider the following cases:
Case 1: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn 6= 0. Set yp = .
Case 2: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn = 0. In this case, let Dk be
the lowest power of D such that the coefficient bn−k 6= 0. Set
R0 xk
yp = .
bn−k k!

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Solution by Inspection
(b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x).
A particular solution yp can be found when R(x) is of a particular
form. We consider the following cases:
Case 1: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn 6= 0. Set yp = .
Case 2: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn = 0. In this case, let Dk be
the lowest power of D such that the coefficient bn−k 6= 0. Set
R0 xk
yp = .
bn−k k!
Case 3: R(x) = Aemx where A is a constant. In this case, set
yp = cemx and solve for c.

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Solution by Inspection
(b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x).
A particular solution yp can be found when R(x) is of a particular
form. We consider the following cases:
Case 1: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn 6= 0. Set yp = .
Case 2: R(x) = R0 is a constant, bn = 0. In this case, let Dk be
the lowest power of D such that the coefficient bn−k 6= 0. Set
R0 xk
yp = .
bn−k k!
Case 3: R(x) = Aemx where A is a constant. In this case, set
yp = cemx and solve for c.
Case 4: R(x) = R1 (x) + R2 (x). Let y1 be a particular solution to
f (D)y = R1 (x) and let y2 be a particular solution to
f (D)y = R2 (x). Then yp = y1 + y2 .
Differential Equations () Lesson 1 November 29, 2019 31 / 52
Solution by Inspection

A particular solution yp can be found when R(x) is of a particular

form. We consider the following cases:
Case 5: The powers of D in f (D) are all even and either
R(x) = A cos kx or R(x) = A sin kx. Since the derivatives are all
even, set yp = c cos kx or yp = c sin kx, respectively.

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Solution by Inspection

A particular solution yp can be found when R(x) is of a particular

form. We consider the following cases:
Case 5: The powers of D in f (D) are all even and either
R(x) = A cos kx or R(x) = A sin kx. Since the derivatives are all
even, set yp = c cos kx or yp = c sin kx, respectively.
Case 6: The powers of D in f (D) are all odd and either
R(x) = A cos kx or R(x) = A sin kx. Since the derivatives are all
odd, set yp = c sin kx or yp = c cos kx, respectively

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation
1 (D2 − 3D + 2)y = 16

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation
1 (D2 − 3D + 2)y = 16
d5 y d3 y
2 + 4 =7
dx5 dx3

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation
1 (D2 − 3D + 2)y = 16
d5 y d3 y
2 + 4 =7
dx5 dx3
3 (D2 + 4)y = e5x

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation
1 (D2 − 3D + 2)y = 16
d5 y d3 y
2 + 4 =7
dx5 dx3
3 (D2 + 4)y = e5x
4 (D2 + 4)y = sin 3x

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation
1 (D2 − 3D + 2)y = 16
d5 y d3 y
2 + 4 =7
dx5 dx3
3 (D2 + 4)y = e5x
4 (D2 + 4)y = sin 3x
5 (D3 − 5D)y = 4 cos 3x

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Solution by Inspection

Solve the equation
1 (D2 − 3D + 2)y = 16
d5 y d3 y
2 + 4 =7
dx5 dx3
3 (D2 + 4)y = e5x
4 (D2 + 4)y = sin 3x
5 (D3 − 5D)y = 4 cos 3x
6 (D2 − 9)y = 3ex + x − sin 4x

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Solution by Inspection

Solution: Recall: (b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x)

(1) Note that m = 1, 2. Then

yc = c1 ex + c2 e2x .

By Case 1, R(x) = R0 = 16 is constant. Thus,

R0 16
yp = = = 8.
bn 2
Hence, the general solution is

y = c1 ex + c2 e2x + 8.

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Solution by Inspection

Solution: Recall: (b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x)

(2) The auxilliary equation is m5 + 4m3 = 0 and its roots are
m = 0, 0, 0, ±2i. Then

yc = c1 + c2 x + c3 x2 + c4 cos 2x + c5 sin 2x.

By Case 2,
7x3 7x3
yp = = .
3!4 24
Hence, the general solution is

y = c1 + c2 x + c3 x2 + + c4 cos 2x + c5 sin 2x.

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Solution by Inspection
Solution: Recall: (b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x)
(3) The auxilliary equation is m2 + 4 = 0 and its roots are m = 0 ± 2i.
Then yc = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x. By Case 3, set yp = ce5x . Now,
(D2 + 4)(ce5x ) = D2 (ce5x ) + 4ce5x
= D(D(ce5x )) + 4ce5x
= D(5ce5x ) + 4ce5x
= 25ce5x + 4ce5x
= 29ce5x .
Then solve for c, that is, e5x = 29ce5x and so, c = . Thus,
1 5x
yp = e and so the general solution is
y = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x + e5x .
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Solution by Inspection
Solution: Recall: (b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x)
(4) The auxilliary equation is m2 + 4 = 0 and its roots are m = 0 ± 2i.
Then yc = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x. Since the power of D is even, by Case 5,
set yp = c sin 3x. Now,

(D2 + 4)yp = (D2 + 4)(c sin 3x) = D2 (c sin 3x) + 4c sin 3x

= D(D(c sin 3x)) + 4c sin 3x
= D(3c cos 3x) + 4c sin 3x
= −9c sin 3c + 4c sin 3x
= −5c sin 3x.

1 1
Thus, c = − and so yp = c sin 3x = − sin 3x. The general solution is
5 5
y = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x − sin 3x.
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Solution by Inspection

Recall: (b0 Dn + b1 Dn−1 + · · · + bn−1 D + bn )y = R(x)
(6) The auxilliary equation is m2 − 9 = 0 and its roots are m = 3, −3.
Then yc = c1 e3x + c2 e−3x . Let R1 (x) = 3ex , R2 (x) = x, and
3 1 1
R3 (x) = − sin 4x. Thus, y1 = − ex , y2 = − x and y3 = sin 4x.
8 9 25
3 1 1
Hence, the particular solution is yp = − ex − x + sin 4x and the
8 9 25
general solution is
3 1 1
y = c1 e3x + c2 e−3x − ex − x + sin 4x.
8 9 25

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Exponential Shift

Let a ∈ R. If k is a positive integer, then (D − a)k(eax y) = eax Dk y.

If f (D) is a linear differential operator, then

eax f (D)y = f (D − a)(eax y).

The above equation is called an equation of exponential shift. It can be

used to simplify the process of solving a given equation.

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Exponential Shift

Use exponential shift to solve the equation (D + 3)4 y = 0.

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Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equations by Exponential

When a nonhomogeneous differential equation of the form

f (D)y = R(x) is such that R(x) contains the factor eax ,
exponential shift is a convenient tool to use to obtain the solution.

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Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equations by Exponential

When a nonhomogeneous differential equation of the form

f (D)y = R(x) is such that R(x) contains the factor eax ,
exponential shift is a convenient tool to use to obtain the solution.
This equation is of the form f (D)y = e−ax h(x) or, equivalently,
eax f (D)y = h(x) from which we get f (D − a)(eax y) = h(x).

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Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equations by Exponential

When a nonhomogeneous differential equation of the form

f (D)y = R(x) is such that R(x) contains the factor eax ,
exponential shift is a convenient tool to use to obtain the solution.
This equation is of the form f (D)y = e−ax h(x) or, equivalently,
eax f (D)y = h(x) from which we get f (D − a)(eax y) = h(x).
If f (D − a) contains a factor of the form Dk , then k-fold
antidifferentiation will remove this factor.

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Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equations by Exponential

Use exponential shift to solve the following differential equations:

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Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equations by Exponential

Use exponential shift to solve the following differential equations:
1 (D + 2)2 y = 12xe−2x

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Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equations by Exponential

Use exponential shift to solve the following differential equations:
1 (D + 2)2 y = 12xe−2x
2 D2 (D + 3)2 y = 9e−3x

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Reduction of Order

00 0
Let y + P y + Qy = R be a nonhomogeneous equation with
possibly nonconstant coefficients.

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Reduction of Order

00 0
Let y + P y + Qy = R be a nonhomogeneous equation with
possibly nonconstant coefficients.
Let y1 be a solution of the associated homogeneous differential
00 0
equation y + P y + Qy = 0.

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Reduction of Order

00 0
Let y + P y + Qy = R be a nonhomogeneous equation with
possibly nonconstant coefficients.
Let y1 be a solution of the associated homogeneous differential
00 0
equation y + P y + Qy = 0.
Find a function v such that y = vy1 is a solution of the
nonhomogeneous equation.

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Reduction of Order

00 0
Let y + P y + Qy = R be a nonhomogeneous equation with
possibly nonconstant coefficients.
Let y1 be a solution of the associated homogeneous differential
00 0
equation y + P y + Qy = 0.
Find a function v such that y = vy1 is a solution of the
nonhomogeneous equation.
The method is called reduction of order since it involves
converting the equation to a linear equation of order one.

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Procedure for Reduction of order

00 0
The substitution y = vy1 converts the equation y + P y + Qy = R
00 0 0
into the form v y1 + v (2y1 + P y1 ) = R.

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Procedure for Reduction of order

00 0
The substitution y = vy1 converts the equation y + P y + Qy = R
00 0 0
into the form v y1 + v (2y1 + P y1 ) = R.
Set w = v to convert the above equation into a first order
equation which is linear with respect to w.

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Procedure for Reduction of order

00 0
The substitution y = vy1 converts the equation y + P y + Qy = R
00 0 0
into the form v y1 + v (2y1 + P y1 ) = R.
Set w = v to convert the above equation into a first order
equation which is linear with respect to w.
Solve for w = v , and use antidifferentiation to find v.

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Procedure for Reduction of order

00 0
The substitution y = vy1 converts the equation y + P y + Qy = R
00 0 0
into the form v y1 + v (2y1 + P y1 ) = R.
Set w = v to convert the above equation into a first order
equation which is linear with respect to w.
Solve for w = v , and use antidifferentiation to find v.
The general solution is y = vy1 .

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Reduction of order


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Reduction of order

1 Use reduction of order to solve the equation (D2 + 1)y = csc3 x.

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Reduction of order

1 Use reduction of order to solve the equation (D2 + 1)y = csc3 x.
2 Verify that y1 = ex is a solution of the second order equation
00 0
(x − 1)y − xy + y = 0. Use this to solve the equation
00 0
(x − 1)y − xy + y = 1.

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Variation of Parameters

Let y1 and y2 be linearly independent solutions of the

00 0
homogeneous equation y + P y + Qy = 0.

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Variation of Parameters

Let y1 and y2 be linearly independent solutions of the

00 0
homogeneous equation y + P y + Qy = 0.
We look for two functions A(x) and B(x) such that
yp = A(x)y1 + B(x)y2 is a particular solution of the
00 0
nonhomogeneous equation y + P y + Qy = R.

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Variation of Parameters

Let y1 and y2 be linearly independent solutions of the

00 0
homogeneous equation y + P y + Qy = 0.
We look for two functions A(x) and B(x) such that
yp = A(x)y1 + B(x)y2 is a particular solution of the
00 0
nonhomogeneous equation y + P y + Qy = R.
A linear system of the form
0 0
A y1 + B y2 = 0
0 0 0 0
A y1 + B y2 = R(x)
0 0
can be obtained, to solve for the values of A (x) and B (x). Then
A(x) and B(x) may be obtained by antidifferentiation.

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Variation of Parameters


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Variation of Parameters


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Inverse Differential Operators

Given a differential equation of the form f (D)y = R(x) we wish to

define the operator such that the function defined by
f (D)
y= R(x) is a solution of the given equation.
f (D)

Differential Equations () Lesson 1 November 29, 2019 49 / 52

Inverse Differential Operators

Given a differential equation of the form f (D)y = R(x) we wish to

define the operator such that the function defined by
f (D)
y= R(x) is a solution of the given equation.
f (D)
The operator is called the inverse differential operator of
f (D)
f (D).

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Inverse Differential Operators

Given a differential equation of the form f (D)y = R(x) we wish to

define the operator such that the function defined by
f (D)
y= R(x) is a solution of the given equation.
f (D)
The operator is called the inverse differential operator of
f (D)
f (D).
We will determine the value y = R(x) for some special cases
f (D)
of R(x).

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Inverse Differential Operators

Case 1: R(x) = eax

We know that f (D)(eax ) = eax f (a).
If f (a) 6= 0, define

1 ax eax
yp = e = .
f (D) f (a)

If f (a) = 0, then f (D) = (D − a)k φ(D), where φ(a) 6= 0. We define

1 ax xk eax
yp = e = .
f (D) k!φ(a)

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Inverse Differential Operators

Case 1: R(x) = eax

We know that f (D)(eax ) = eax f (a).
If f (a) 6= 0, define

1 ax eax
yp = e = .
f (D) f (a)

If f (a) = 0, then f (D) = (D − a)k φ(D), where φ(a) 6= 0. We define

1 ax xk eax
yp = e = .
f (D) k!φ(a)

Use inverse operators to solve the following equations:

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Inverse Differential Operators

Case 2: f (D) = D2 + a2 , R(x) = sin ax or R(x) = cos ax

We can define
1 x
yp = (sin ax) = − cos ax
D2 + a2 2a
1 x
yp = (cos ax) = sin ax
D2 +a 2 2a

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Inverse Differential Operators

Case 2: f (D) = D2 + a2 , R(x) = sin ax or R(x) = cos ax

We can define
1 x
yp = (sin ax) = − cos ax
D2 + a2 2a
1 x
yp = (cos ax) = sin ax
D2 +a 2 2a

Use inverse operators to solve the following equations:

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Thank you!

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