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ME 111-03 : Fluid Mechanics

December 5, 2019

Aung Thu Htet

Ahmed Aryobi

Brandon Fong

Ehsan Adidi

Yujia Su

One of the essential elements in the field of physics is the concept of force. The manipulation of

energy is the crux of a variety of mechanisms. For example, a lever works by manipulating force

applied to reduce the effort required. These mechanisms intend to manipulate the force applied to

perform a function. Siphons generally function on the same concept. The common examples of

siphoning can be seen in fish tanks, pools, toilets, lawnmowers and cars. The main theory behind

siphoning is the cause of the flow of liquid to uphill against gravity without relying on pumping

and other forces. During this process, the atmospheric pressure tends to transfer the liquid from

the upper container to the lower container with reduced pressure. The central scientific literature

in this operation of the siphon is based on Bernoulli’s equation. As the siphon transfers liquid,

there is no excess of energy. Allowing air, falling levels below the amount and equaling the level

of the container will break the siphon.

Research Question 1: Where can we apply the science behind siphoning? State how one

common analysis problem can work with other siphoning applications?

Hypothesis 1: Siphon can drain water from a pool and transfer water from a large container to a

smaller container.

Hypothesis 2: With the Energy Equation, Reynolds Equation and Colebrook Equation, we can

calculate the common siphoning application.


Fluids tend to balance itself on its container's surface. Siphoning works by inserting a pipe into

the liquid, and sucking the fluid through the hose. The flow created will then force the fluid

through the hose. The force of gravity on the fluid, paired with the surface area of the fluid

allows the fluid to traverse the pipe. One of the crucial considerations is that the pressure of the

liquid should push the fluid level above the highest point of the tube. The end of the pipe outside

the container must be lower than the fluid level of the container one intends to drain. This

function allows the water pressure to force most of the fluid out as the water tries to balance

itself inside the container and pipe.

Draining water from a pool

Draining water from a pool presents a unique challenge. Being a body of water with a relatively

flat surface around it, it would present a problem. However, the fluid's surface area would

provide an advantage during the effort to drain it. The water will provide a significant amount of

force, significantly more than that in the pipe. The cause of this effect is the difference in the

surface area of the two containers. It will, thus, allow the water to move from the pool to the
target container. The deeper the pipe is placed inside the pool, the more force will be generated

from the weight of the water. As such, the water level in the pipe will be higher than in the

shallower ends. Therefore, to maximize the siphoning capabilities and efforts, placing the pipe in

the deepest will siphon as much water from the pool as possible, mainly due to the difference in

water pressure created by the difference in depth. Also, the water flowing from the shallower end

will mean the water will accumulate in the deeper end; as such more water will be siphoned out.

Transferring Water from a Large Container to a Smaller Container

Siphoning is an exciting concept, and can move water in a variety of ways. For example, as seen

in the discussion of the pool, water can be moved from a large collection to another through the

manipulation of water pressure. Once again, a large container will have a large surface area,

which will generate enough force to raise the water level in the pipe significantly. Since the

technique works best when the draining pipe is lower than the water level of the container that it

intends to drain, one alteration could be to lower the smaller container and allow the pipe to flow

into it.

Approach Analysis of Applications about Siphoning

Now that we know a bit about siphoning, there are many applications that can be understood.

Flush toilets are very common. The way it is set is that the siphon is below the reservoir tank and

the bowl is initially fill on the inlet half of the siphon. When the toilet level is triggered, water is

added to the bowl, causing it to fill the siphon, initiating the siphon. It continues until the bowl is

emptied, making the sucking noise. Then the reservoir fills the bowl back up to the initial level,

filling half of the siphon to start the cycle over again.

With the given controlled experiment that was conducted, an analysis can be done with the data
that we collected. Translating that data into more understandable terms was easily achievable

with the governing equations regarding conservation of energy and pipe-flow. First and foremost,

let us calculate the pressure differential via the energy equation which states:

2 2
 1  z1   2  z 2   hL
 2g  2g

However in order to successfully solve this equation, we must determine f , the friction factor. In

addition, we are neglecting minor losses. Velocity within the tubing was calculated with a set

length, 93.1”, and the time traveled from point A to B:

Velocity 
𝑉 = 2.9 , Length = 93.1”

𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 32.1 𝑠𝑒𝑐

Next Reynolds number was determined, from our textbooks:

 water = ft 3

lb  s
2.34 x10 5
 water = ft 2

Re 

𝑅𝑒 = 9934.45

From our calculated the Reynolds Number, our flow conducted in this experiment netted a

turbulent flow. Working with the Colebrook Equation:

1  / D 2.51 
 2 log  
 
f  3.7 Re f 

∈= 1.7𝑥10−5 𝑓𝑡
𝐷 = 0.04132 𝑓𝑡 𝑓 = 0.0315

Thus going back to the energy equation, we can now solve for the pressure difference.

2 2
 1  z1   2  z 2   hL
 2g  2g

Rearranging and substituting in known values we get,

2 2
P2 V P1V
  1  2  z1  z 2   hL
  2g 2g

The velocities cancel each other out, because they are the same in the tube.

l  91.12 ft
 l V  2
lb D  0.04132 ft
P    z1  z 2  f   water  62.4
 D 2 g  ft 3 g  32.2 2
z1  1.98 ft
z2  3.80 ft

P  4.84
in 2

Furthermore, we calculated the mass and volume flow-rates of the system.

Q  AV

A D 2  1.34 x10 3 ft 2
 ft 3
Q  .00388

m  Q
m  .00754

In essence, our assumptions were correct that we would get a negative pressure difference. This

is due to the fact that “siphoning” is caused by a vacuuming effect. This process was then

repeated at a higher elevation and with a different fluid (cooking oil) to determine the viscous

effects of the two. Using piping of too great a diameter and then throttling the flow using valves
or constrictive piping appears to increase the effect of previously cited concerns over gases or

vapor collecting in the crest which serve to break the vacuum. Once the vacuum is reduced the

siphon effect is lost.


Most mechanical inventions manipulate force or energy to reduce the effort required. Siphoning

manipulates a variety of forces, to automate fluid transference. It is an intriguing concept, with

applications in a variety of areas. Backyard pools are often drained in this manner, saving a lot of

time and effort. There may also be a variety of other uses. For example, it is not absurd to think

of siphoning gas from a car. Siphoning may offer the only solution to certain problems,

understanding how it works could thus prove vital.

Research Question 2: Which methods can we use to siphon gasoline from cars and can we

calculate the amount of time we need to withdraw gasoline from cars?

Hypothesis 1: There are three common methods of siphoning gasoline from cars such as using a

gas siphon pump, adding air pressure to the tank and mouth siphoning.

Hypothesis 2: We can calculate the amount of time we need to withdraw gasoline from cars

using the Bernoulli equation.


Siphoning gas is one survival skills we should know especially when we drive cars. The most

important case is when the car is out of gas in the middle of nowhere. People need to get help

and siphon gas from another vehicle in order to get enough gas to the next gas station. The

second reason is that winterizing when the most extreme cold temperatures can freeze gasoline.

For harsh winters, siphoning is a wise choice for any length of time. Not only for cars, is

siphoning useful for lawn mowers over the winter.

Method 1- Using A Gas Siphon Pump

Step 1 - Place the gas-can on the ground below the gas tank. In order to have gravity on your

side, the container must always be below the gas tank. Connect the siphon pump tube between

the gas tank and the gas-can.

Step 2 - Start pumping and then let gas flow. Stop pumping when the gasoline is transferred.

After the whole process, raise the end of the siphon above the tank to stop the flow and return

any excess gas into the tank.

Method 2- Adding Air Pressure to the Tank

Step 1 - Insert the longer length of tube into the gas tank to submerge in gasoline. Blow into the

tube and listen for bubbles.

Step 2 - Place the smaller length of tube into the gas tank with the longer one. Seal the space

with a wet rag.

Step 3 - Set the gas-can on the ground below the gas tank and join the other end of a long tube

into it. Blow air into the short tube with mouth instead of lungs. This step is to raise the air

pressure inside the tank.

Step 4 - Observe the flow which runs in the longer tube. The air you blow into the tube will force

the gasoline transfer into a gas-can. Remove the long end from the gas-can and cover the end
with your thumb to stop the flow. Uplift the tube above your head and release your thumb to

send the excess gas to the tank.

Method 3 - Mouth Siphoning

Step 1 - Insert one end of the tube submerged into the gas tank. Place the gas-can on the ground

below the gas tank.

Step 2 - Suck the end of the tube like a straw to lift the gasoline from the tank. Test the level of

rising gas by compressing below the tip with you hand.

Step 3 - As the gas comes six inches from your hand, press it quickly to stop the gas flow.

Transfer the hose end from your mouth to the gas-can.

This method is not recommended because it can cause death and lung damage by accidental

swallowing or inhaling of liquid or vapor gasoline into the lungs.

Finding minimum time and pressure

When a siphon is used to draw gas out of a car, there is the common difference in pressure

between 2 points. The first point is located at the surface of gasoline in the tank while the second

point is set up at the outlet of the tube. The density of gasoline is 750 kg/m3. From this problem,
we are going to solve the minimum to withdraw 6 liters of gasoline from the car tank to the gas

can and the pressure at point 3.

Figure 1

(a) The minimum time to withdraw 6 liters (1 L=10-3 m3) of gasolinefrom the car tank to the

gas can

Let point 1 be the free surface of gasoline in the tank in order to have P 1 = Patm, (open to the

atmosphere), V1 ≅ 0 (the tank is large relative to the tube diameter), and z2 = 0 (Taking point 2

as datum level). Also, P2 = Patm (outside the pine and it discharges into the atmosphere). Then we

apply to the Bernoulli equation, which is simplified to

𝑃1 𝑉12 P2 𝑉22
+ + z1 = + + z2
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔 ρ 2𝑔

→z= 2𝑔
Soving for V2,

V2 = √2𝑔𝑍1 = √2 ( 9.81 m/s2 ) ( 1.75 m ) = 5.86 m/s

The cross-sectional area of the tube and the flow rate of gasoline are

A = πD2/4 = π (5 x 10-3 m)2/4 = 1.96 x 10-5 m2

- The volume flow rate is

(5.86 m/s) (1.96 x 10-5 m2) = 1.15x 10-5 m3/s =0.115 L/s

Then the time needed to siphon 6 liter of gasoline becomes

𝑉 6𝐿
Δt = 𝑉̇ = 0.115 𝐿/𝑠 =52.17 s

(b) the pressure at point 3. The density of gasoline is 750 kg/m3.

Due to the concervation of mass, we can determine V2 = V3 , Z2 = 0 and P2 = P atm

P2 𝑉22 𝑃3 𝑉32
+ + z2= + + z3
ρ 2𝑔 𝜌𝑔 2𝑔

P2 P atm 𝑃3
= = 𝜌𝑔 + z3
ρ ρ

Solving for P3 ,

P3 = Patm – ρgz3

1𝑁 1 𝑘𝑃𝑎
= 101.3 kPa – (750 kg/m3 ) ( 9.81 m/s2 ) ( 4.75 m ) ( 𝑚 )( 𝑁 ) = 66.35 kpa
1 𝑘𝑔∙ 2 1000 2
𝑠 𝑚

After the analysis of calculating this problem, we can conclude that siphoning 6 liters of gasoline

takes around 52 seconds. Using Bernoulli’s equation, we can figure out how siphoning gas also

relates to the theory behind the pressure of the gasoline and the level of gasoline in a tank. No

matter which method we use to siphon gas, the gas-can should be below the gas tank to allow

gravity supports the siphoning process. Siphoning gas is fundamentally useful for car drivers,

engineers, and mechanics. But there are still people who tend to siphon gas as crimes either. To

protect these cases, there comes anti-siphon and anti-leak technology in new cars. So when it

comes to siphoning, older cars are much easier.

Research Question 3: Is it possible to prevent siphoning? What applications does this have?

Hypothesis 1: It is possible to prevent siphoning by halting the flow with a valve.

Hypothesis 2: It is possible to prevent siphoning by adding a volume of air to the system.


Back siphoning is an issue in most pressurized systems. Aquarium tanks run pumps that may

break if water is forced backwards through them. Pesticide dispersion lines that fail can lead the

pesticides back into the main water supply and risk the health of animals and people that use the

water. Refueling vessels that don’t maintain a height difference can risk valuable time and risk

fire if siphoning happens in reverse. Solutions to most back-siphoning problems tend to

be inexpensive due to the exploitable nature of siphoning.

Siphoning can be stopped in multiple ways. Intuitively, the simplest is to stop the flow with a

valve. The fluid cannot move if it is physically blocked. Another way is by adding air to the

system to prevent siphoning at all. Since siphoning can only occur in a properly pressurized

system, opening the tube carrying the fluid will allow air to enter and the system will break.

Backflow prevention devices are a common way of halting the flow. These devices tend to be

variations of a one-way valve, which only allows flow in one direction, or a “vacuum breaker”,

which introduces air into the system to prevent siphoning. One application of this principle is

shown when filling pesticide tanks. By including an air gap, there is no functional way for

pesticides to be tracked back into the main water supply.

Figure A: Proper setup to prevent back Figure B: Improper setup allows for
siphoning. The gap makes it very difficult for siphoning. Fluid shown can enter the hose
siphoning to occur. given proper conditions.

Another application of the vacuum breaker is shown in a U.S. patent for a fuel delivery system

for a boat. A boat refilling apparatus exists to fuel the motor of a boat. If the carburetor ever falls

below the tank, back siphoning can occur. This proves to be dangerous in the event of leaking,

which becomes more probable the longer refueling occurs. Leaks can lead to fire and explosions,

so necessary precautions are taken to prevent back siphoning.

Figure C: A patent image of a boat refueling system.

Fig.2. Shows a one-way valve that introduces air into
the system if back siphoning occurs.

The options explored in research mostly exploited the need for maintained pressure to prevent

siphoning. Siphoning works by gravity pulling the taller column of fluid (the lower side of the
tube) down, creating a reduced pressure at the top that pulls fluid from the higher reservoir. A

precise balance of forces drives siphoning, and introducing air into the system halt the flow of

the fluid.


Siphoning can be stopped by halting the flow with a valve or by introducing large amounts of air

into the system. In practical applications, these methods become cheap solutions to prevent

siphoning. The addition of a valve that opens when flow starts to reverse direction is simple

method to prevent back-siphoning. Using a valve to stop flow entirely was shown to be a less

useful tool since it requires input to stop and restart the siphon.


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