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Lecturer’s Name:

Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 3
Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Time Management ........................................................................................................................... 3
Referencing ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Critical Thinking ................................................................................................................................ 4
Academic Writing ............................................................................................................................. 5
Reflective Writing ............................................................................................................................. 6
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 6
References ............................................................................................................................................ 8

The purpose of this report is to conduct an analysis of academic skills that I have and need to
develop in the future in order to be a successful and an independent student. An academic
skill is defined as a study skill which is applied to learning. These skills are necessary for
acquirement of good grades, succeeding in the school/college/university, and learning
throughout the life. In other words, these skills are useful for achievement of academic goals
(McGuinness, 2005). This report will focus on five skills, including time management,
referencing, critical thinking, academic writing, and reflective writing. It will explain ways of
development of each skill and tool used by me. Finally, it will conclude the overall significance
of report’s findings by highlighting important points and central issues.

Time Management
Time management is defined as working smarter so that productivity can be enhanced
(Bie et al., 2015). I am developing the time management skill during this semester by taking
several actions. First of all, I always make a schedule by writing down a list of tasks to do. I
use calendar and planner in my smartphone for remembering my daily duties. I often set
schedule alerts for keeping a timely track of each task. During studying for any class test of
exam, I categories my study sessions into smaller set of periods. Secondly, I focus on getting
rid of distractions, such as TV, smartphone, laptop or any relaxing activity while studying. I do
so by removing clutter from my study table, turning off my smartphone, finishing projects on
time, and disabling my social media accounts temporarily. This helps me to focus on my
Thirdly, I focus on completion of most urgent and important tasks first. In this way, I
have time left for relaxation. By focusing on urgently due projects, I exert my utmost potential
in completing them before their deadlines. Next, I mostly study during my spare time. I scroll
across my class notes so that I can take advantage of the available time. This helps me to
prepare well for my exams and improve my memory. Most importantly, I sit on a chair at table
or desk instead of a bed or a sofa in order to remain alert, concentrate, and be productive
instead of lazy.
Finally, I use an online time tracking tool ‘Harvest’ to keep a track of my time. It is an
online tool that tracks time by offering reports related to expense tracking, invoicing, and time
(Forbes, 2018). I use Harvest in order to get an idea of time consumed in doing any project.
Whenever I start and finish a task, I merely click the button in Harvest that counts and specifies
time allocated for each task or project. In this way, time tracking via this tool improves my time
management skill.

I am developing the referencing skill by continually learning and citing references while
doing my class work and homework, and writing assignments, presentation slides, and
reports. Referencing is crucial while writing work for personal study or academic paper. It is
useful in terms of validating arguments, enabling the reader in following up original content,
giving credit to the original author for his/her personal work and ideas, enabling the reader to
identify out-datedness of the information, avoiding plagiarism, and proving the extensive
research conducted by the researcher (Avanzini et al., 2012). I am good in using different
referencing styles, such as Harvard, MLA, APA and Chicago.
I am developing this skill in numerous ways. First of all, I have established to record
bibliographic information whenever I use any source. This saves my time as I do not have to
recheck the details later. Secondly, I ensure consistency by applying same format throughout.
Thirdly, I avoid the issue of plagiarism by separating my own ideas and notes from those
quoted or paraphrased from other sources. I often use a highlighter pen for this purpose. Next,
I add references within a separate page in an alphabetical order. While doing that, I always
cross check and make sure that every entry in the reference list has a corresponding in-text
citation. Moreover, I always saves considerable time for adding references, and minimize
mistakes by proofreading the reference list prior to submission of any assignment.
Finally, I use an online referencing generator ‘Cite This For Me’ while applying the
referencing skill. This tool helps me in creating fully-formatted in-text citations and reference
list within few seconds (Cite This For Me, 2018).

Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is defined as an ability of clear and rational thinking, and developing
an understanding of the logical link between notions (Wright, 2002). I am developing this skill
in five ways. First of all, I have become a self-critic of my personal actions and opinions. I often
enquire my beliefs by breaking down my thoughts. By doing so, I can easily seek clarity within
my thoughts via objective assessment of the information, and seeking a logical reasoning for
my beliefs. In this way, self-critic nature based on critical thinking helps to acknowledge my
personal weaknesses, biases, strengths, and personal preferences (Bie et al., 2015).
Secondly, I have become an empathetic and active listener which is crucial basis for
critical thinking. I listen to arguments, notions and criticisms of other people instead of
considering my personal reaction and response to them. In this way, I can better assess the
information. Thirdly, I analyse the information by breaking it down, clearly understanding it,
dissecting and examining arguments, assessing effect of decisions on readers, and deducing
the bottom line. In this way, I am better able to adopt an objective viewpoint while analyzing
any argument.

Next, I try to identify a valid logic in others’ arguments. By doing so, I try to
communicate productively and peacefully. Non-violent communication allows me to observe
others, collaborate with them, and be compassionate with them. In this way, compassionate
behavior supports personal critical thinking based on a peaceful outlook (Bie, Wilhelm and
Meij, 2015). As a result, I neither assess nor judge others’ arguments, and hence, successfully
detach my feelings from any perception. Furthermore, I am developing my critical thinking skill
via development of foresight. Foresight is defined as an ability of prediction of effects of a
decision in the future (Wright, 2002).
Finally, I used two tools to develop my critical thinking, such as joining Book Clubs and
journaling. I focus on daily reflection via maintenance of a journal, which allows me to revisit
my daily activities and explore ideas. Though writing, I find myself motivated to expanding
interlinks and thoughts. Journaling saves me from hectic schedules as I focus on few days at
a time. Likewise, I have joined book clubs which help me in understanding and analyzing
books. This also helps me in deeply understanding and thinking about complex questions.

Academic Writing
Academic writing is considered as an important skill in communication of ideas clearly,
elegantly, and powerfully (Mallia, 2017). I am developing, enhancing and polishing my
academic writing skill in numerous ways. First of all, I always make plans for my writing tasks.
Secondly, I read scholarly texts and critically assess them for drawing related content, which
I later use in my academic writing. Thirdly, I always be critical and ensure intertextuality by
linking different texts, and thus, apply my understanding on them. Next, I use careful
arguments for making a structure of substantial claims and arguments. Besides these, I focus
on writing clearly. I always proofread to ensure usage of correct punctuation and grammatically
correct sentences.
I am using numerous tools for developing my academic writing skill. For instance, I
have downloaded the latest licensed version of MS Word in my laptop. I have also initiated my
personal blog on Wordpress, DropBox and GoogleDocs, which help me to collaborate with
others. Moreover, I ensure avoidance of any grammatical error, typos and bad sentence
structure by using various sentence correction tools and grammar checkers. These include
MS Word spelling and grammar checker, online sites for checking grammar, Grammarly,
WhiteSmoke, and ProWritingAid (, 2018). By using these tools, I not only write
good English, but also provides good content. Being a non-native English speaker, the usage
of these tools have gradually made me proficient in English grammar, vocabulary and usage.

Reflective Writing
Reflection is defined as a processing stage in which a person learns and thinks, and
gives repose to situations, new information, experiences or events (Cisero, 2006). I am
developing the reflecting writing skill in different phases. First of all, I start with myself. It means
that I focus on identification and assessment of my own thoughts instead of examining notions
and words of others. I do so via reconsideration of my past knowledge and experience related
to the explored topic. While doing so, I also focus on ways and reasons of my thinking. In this
way, assessment of my personal values, assumptions, beliefs and attitudes leads to formation
of my own understanding. I am also developing this skills by identifying that I am playing a key
role in bringing important knowledge to each experience. Thus, it assists me in identification
and clarification of key interlinks between my current learning and pas knowledge.
Consequently, I am becoming a mindful, active and critical learner in the class.
The development of this skills is offering me benefits in numerous ways. First of all, it
allows me to respond to viewpoints, new knowledge, experiences and events. I can now better
respond to feelings and thoughts. Use of this skill also allows me to explore my current
learning. I not only gain an opportunity of enhanced self-knowledge, but also have a better
and clear understanding of my current learning. Moreover, I get a chance of reinforcement
and development of my writing skills.
Furthermore, I use online journals and MS excel as key tools for developing my
reflective writing skill. I record online journals in both audio and text formats. Online reflections
allow me to share and get feedback from wider people. I have a personal blog for this purpose
on Wordpress and Blogger. I also share my reflections in audio format on websites, including
YouTube and Vimeo. Moreover, I have developed a structured spreadsheet on MS excel.
Excel spreadsheet is a simplified way of recording personal reflections, which motivate a
person in answer several prompts (Cisero, 2006). For example, I have a made a spreadsheet
which include entries, such as notes, date, topic, strengths, weaknesses, and ways to improve.
I have made another spreadsheet with key entries, including potential hurdles, strategies,
useful or not, and possible achievements.

This report has analyzed my key five academic skills that I have and need to develop in the
future in order to be a successful and an independent student. It has focused on five skills,
including time management, referencing, critical thinking, academic writing, and reflective
writing. It has explained ways of development of each skill and tools used by me. As per
conclusion, I am good in all of these skills based on using relevant tools and continually
seeking ways to further develop them. Attainment and development of these skills have made
me efficient in terms of acquirement of good grades, succeeding in the

school/college/university, and learning so far. I can now better apply them in my learning in
class, and they will also assists me in achievement of academic goals in the future.

Avanzini, F., BERTELE, V., PISTOTTI, V., MANNUCCI, P. and GARATTINI, S. (2012). Solicited
self-referencing undermines the credibility of researchers and journals. Journal of Thrombosis and
Haemostasis, 10(3), pp.481-482.
Bie, H., Wilhelm, P. and Meij, H. (2015). The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment: Toward a
Dutch appraisal of critical thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 17, pp.33-44.
Cisero, C. (2006). Does Reflective Journal Writing Improve Course Performance?. College
Teaching, 54(2), pp.231-236.
Cite this for Me | Free Reference Generator – Harvard, APA, MLA, Chicago... (2018). FREE
Harvard Referencing Generator Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov. 2018].
Forbes, P. (2018). 18+ Effective Time Management Tools to Boost your Productivity [+tips]. [online]
Shoplo Blog. Available at: [Accessed
27 Nov. 2018].
Mallia, J. (2017). Strategies for Developing English Academic Writing Skills. SSRN Electronic
McGuinness, D. (2005). Language development and learning to read. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press. (2018). Academic Writing Tools and Research Software – A Comprehensive
Guide – Ref-N-Write: Scientific Research Paper Writing Software Tool – Improve Academic English
Writing Skills. [online] Available at:
research-software-a-comprehensive-guide/ [Accessed 27 Nov. 2018].
Wright, I. (2002). Challenging Students with the Tools of Critical Thinking. The Social Studies,
93(6), pp.257-261.

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