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Chapter 27: Glomerular Filtration, Renal Blood Flow, and Their Control  Separated by gaps called slit pores

 Separated by gaps called slit pores through which the

glomerular filtrate moves
Glomerular Filtration—The First Step in Urine Formation Composition of the  Also have negative charges that provide additional restriction to
Glomerular Filtrate filtration of plasma proteins
- Glomerular capillaries are relatively impermeable to proteins - Filters several hundred times as much water and solutes as the usual capillary
o Glomerular filtrate is protein-free and devoid of cellular elements membrane
- The concentrations of other constituents of the glomerular filtrate are similar to the
concentrations in the plasma
o Exceptions: a few low-molecular-weight substances, such as calcium and
fatty acids – not freely filtered because they are partially bound to the
plasma proteins Filterability of Solutes Is Inversely Related to Their Size

GFR Is About 20% of the Renal Plasma Flow

- GFR is determined by
o Balance of hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces acting across the
capillary membrane
o Capillary filtration coefficient (Kf), the product of the permeability and
filtering surface area of the capillaries.
- High glomerular hydrostatic pressure and large Kf of the glomerular capillaries = Negatively Charged Large Molecules Are Filtered Less Easily Than Positively Charged
much higher rate of filtration than most other capillaries Molecules of Equal Molecular Size
o In the average adult human, the GFR is about 125 ml/min, or 180 L/day - For any given molecular radius, positively charged molecules are filtered much more
o The fraction of the renal plasma flow that is filtered (the filtration fraction) readily than negatively charged molecules
averages about 0.2 o negative charges of the basement membrane and the podocytes provide
 About 20% of the plasma flowing through the kidney is filtered an important means for restricting large negatively charged molecules
through the glomerular capillaries - Minimal change neuropathy: In certain kidney diseases, the negative charges on the
basement membrane are lost even before there are noticeable changes in kidney
Filtration fraction = GFR/Renal plasma flow histology
Glomerular Capillary Membrane o As a result, some of the lower-molecular-weight proteins, especially
- Has three major layers: albumin, are filtered and appear in the urine
o Endothelium of the capillary = proteinuria or albuminuria.
 Perforated by thousands of small holes called fenestrae
 Endothelial cells are richly endowed with fixed negative charges Determinants of the GFR
that hinder the passage of plasma proteins The GFR is determined by:
o Basement membrane - Sum of the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces across the glomerular membrane,
 Consists of a meshwork of collagen and proteoglycan fibrillae which gives the net filtration pressure
that have large spaces through which large amounts of water o Theses forces include:
and small solutes can filter  Glomerular hydrostatic pressure (PG), which promotes filtration
 Effectively prevents filtration of plasma proteins, in part because  Hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule (PB) outside the
of strong negative electrical charges associated with the capillaries, which opposes filtration
proteoglycans  Colloid osmotic pressure of the glomerular capillary plasma
o Epithelial cells proteins (πG), which opposes filtration
 Have long foot-like processes (podocytes) that encircle the outer  Colloid osmotic pressure of the proteins in Bowman’s capsule
surface of the capillaries (πB), which promotes filtration
 Considered zero under normal conditions due to very
low concentration of protein in the filtrate
- Glomerular capillary filtration coefficient, Kf. - In certain pathological states associated with obstruction of the urinary tract,
Bowman’s capsule pressure can increase markedly, causing serious reduction of
Expressed mathematically, GFR
GFR = Kf x Net filtration pressure
= Kf x (PG – PB – πG + πB) Increased Glomerular Capillary Colloid Osmotic Pressure Decreases GFR
- Approximate normal forces favoring and opposing glomerular filtration in humans: - As blood passes from the afferent arteriole through the glomerular capillaries to the
efferent arterioles, the plasma protein concentration increases about 20%
o 1/5 of the fluid in the capillaries filters into Bowman’s capsule 
glomerular plasma proteins that are not filtered are concentrated
- Two factors that influence the glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure:
o Arterial plasma colloid osmotic pressure
  arterial plasma colloid osmotic pressure = glomerular
capillary colloid osmotic pressure =  GFR
o Fraction of plasma filtered by the glomerular capillaries (filtration fraction)
  filtration fraction =  plasma protein concentration =
glomerular colloid osmotic pressure
  GFR or  renal plasma flow =  filtration fraction
 Changes in renal blood flow can influence GFR
independently of changes in glomerular hydrostatic

Increased Glomerular Capillary Filtration Coefficient Increases GFR

- The Kf is a measure of the product of the hydraulic conductivity and surface area of
the glomerular capillaries
o Estimated experimentally by dividing the rate of glomerular filtration by net
filtration pressure
 Total GFR for both kidneys ≈ 125 ml/min
 Net filtration pressure = 10 mm Hg
 Normal Kf = 125 ml/min ÷ 10 mm Hg = 12.5 ml/min/mm Hg of
filtration pressure
 When expressed per 100 grams of kidney weight, it
averages about 4.2 ml/min/mm Hg
o about 400 times as high as the Kf of most
other capillary systems of the body
- Chronic, uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes mellitus gradually reduce Kf by
increasing the thickness of the glomerular capillary basement membrane and,
eventually, by damaging the capillaries so severely that there is loss of capillary Increased Glomerular Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure Increases GFR
function - Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure under normal conditions ≈ 60 mm Hg
o Changes in this pressure serve as the primary means for physiologic
Increased Bowman’s Capsule Hydrostatic Pressure Decreases GFR regulation of GFR
- Estimate for Bowman’s capsule pressure in humans under normal conditions ≈ 18 - Pressure determined by three variables:
mm Hg o Arterial pressure
- hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule =  GFR

  arterial pressure =  glomerular hydrostatic pressure =  Renal Blood Flow
GFR - Average 70-kilogram man: combined blood flow through both kidneys ≈ 1100
o Afferent arteriolar resistance ml/min or 22% of the cardiac output
  resistance =  glomerular hydrostatic pressure =  GFR o High flow to supply enough plasma for the high rates of glomerular
o Efferent arteriolar resistance filtration that are necessary for precise regulation of body fluid volumes
  constriction of efferent arterioles =  resistance =  and solute concentrations
glomerular hydrostatic pressure =  GFR slightly (as long as 
in resistance does not reduce renal blood flow too much) Renal Blood Flow and Oxygen Consumption
 Severe constriction of efferent arterioles (more than a - On a per gram weight basis, the kidneys normally consume oxygen at twice the rate
three-fold increase)   in colloid osmotic pressure of the brain but have almost seven times the blood flow of the brain
greater than  in glomerular capillary hydrostatic o Renal oxygen consumption varies in proportion to renal tubular sodium
pressure caused by efferent arteriolar constriction  reabsorption
 net force for filtration   GFR
- Primary cause of the eventual decrease in GFR: Determinants of Renal Blood Flow
o As efferent constriction becomes severe and as plasma protein
concentration increases, there is a rapid, nonlinear increase in colloid
osmotic pressure caused by the Donnan effect
o The higher the protein concentration, the more rapidly the colloid osmotic
pressure rises because of the interaction of ions bound to the plasma
proteins, which also exert an osmotic effect

Renal blood flow = (Renal artery pressure – Renal vein pressure)

Total renal vascular resistance

- Renal artery pressure is about equal to systemic arterial pressure

- Renal vein pressure averages about 3 to 4 mm Hg under most conditions
- Total vascular resistance determined by the sum of the resistances in the individual
vasculature segments, including the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and veins
o Most of the renal vascular resistance resides in three major segments:
interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles, and efferent arterioles

 Controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, various
hormones, and local internal renal control mechanisms HORMONAL AND AUTACOID CONTROL OF RENAL CIRCULATION
  resistance in any of the segments =  renal blood flow
  resistance =  renal blood flow, if renal artery and renal vein Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Endothelin Constrict Renal Blood Vessels and
pressures remain constant Decrease GFR.
- Autoregulation: The kidneys have effective mechanisms for maintaining renal blood - Norepinephrine and epinephrine released from the adrenal medulla constrict
flow and GFR relatively constant over an arterial pressure range between 80 and afferent and efferent arterioles   GFR and renal blood flow
170 mm Hg o Parallel the activity of the sympathetic nervous system
- Endothelin: also a vasoconstrictor; peptide that can be released by damaged
Blood Flow in the Vasa Recta of the Renal Medulla Is Very Low Compared with Flow in vascular endothelial cells of the kidneys as well as by other tissues
the Renal Cortex o May contribute to hemostasis when a blood vessel is severed
- Renal cortex receives most of the kidney’s blood flow o Plasma endothelin levels also are increased in certain disease states
- Blood flow in the renal medulla accounts for only 1 to 2 per cent of the total renal associated with vascular injury, such as toxemia of pregnancy, acute renal
blood flow failure, and chronic uremia
o Supplied by the vasa recta
 Descend into the medulla in parallel with the loops of Henle and Angiotensin II Constricts Efferent Arterioles
then loop back along with the loops of Henle and return to the - Angiotensin II can be considered a circulating hormone as well as a locally
cortex before emptying into the venous system produced autacoids
o formed in the kidneys as well as in the systemic circulation
Physiologic Control of Glomerular Filtration and Renal Blood Flow -  levels =  glomerular hydrostatic pressure and  renal blood flow
- Determinants of GFR that are most variable and subject to physiologic control: -  angiotensin II formation usually occurs in circumstances associated with
glomerular hydrostatic pressure and the glomerular capillary colloid osmotic decreased arterial pressure or volume depletion, which tend to decrease GFR
pressure o Helps prevent decreases in glomerular hydrostatic pressure and GFR
o Influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, hormones and autacoids - Angiotensin II–induced constriction of efferent arterioles increases tubular
(vasoactive substances that are released in the kidneys and act locally), reabsorption of sodium and water
and other feedback controls intrinsic to the kidneys o Helps restore blood volume and blood pressure

Sympathetic Nervous System Activation Decreases GFR Endothelial-Derived Nitric Oxide Decreases Renal Vascular Resistance and Increases
- All the blood vessels of the kidneys are richly innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers GFR
o Strong activation of renal sympathetic nerves  constrict renal - Endothelial-derived nitric oxide: autacoid that decreases renal vascular resistance
arterioles   renal blood flow and GFR and is released by the vascular endothelium throughout the body
o Sympathetic nerves seem to be most important in reducing GFR during - Basal level of nitric oxide production important for maintaining vasodilation of the
severe, acute disturbances lasting for a few minutes to a few hours, such kidneys
as those elicited by the defense reaction, brain ischemia, or severe - Allows the kidneys to excrete normal amounts of sodium and water
Prostaglandins and Bradykinin Tend to Increase GFR
Hormonal and Autacoid Control of Renal Circulation - Prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGI2) and bradykinin cause vasodilation and increased
Hormone or Autacoid Effect on GFR renal blood flow and GFR
Norepinephrine  o May dampen the renal vasoconstrictor effects of the sympathetic nerves
Epinephrine  or angiotensin II
Endothelin  o Prostaglandins may help prevent excessive reductions in GFR and renal
Angiotensin II  (prevents ) blood flow
Endothelial-derived nitric oxide 
Prostaglandins 
Autoregulation of GFR and Renal Blood Flow Decreased Macula Densa Sodium Chloride Causes Dilation of Afferent Arterioles and
- The major function of autoregulation in the kidneys is to maintain a relatively Increased Renin Release
constant GFR and to allow precise control of renal excretion of water and solutes - Decreased GFR  slow flow rate in the loop of Henle  reabsorption of sodium
- In general, renal blood flow is autoregulated in parallel with GFR, but GFR is more and chloride ions in the ascending loop of Henle   sodium chloride at the
efficiently autoregulated under certain conditions macula densa cells  initiates a signal from the macula densa that has two effects:
o Decreases resistance to blood flow in the afferent arterioles, which raises
glomerular hydrostatic pressure and helps return GFR toward normal
o Increases renin release from the juxtaglomerular cells of the afferent and
efferent arterioles
 Renin released from these cells then functions as an enzyme to
increase the formation of angiotensin I, which is converted to
angiotensin II
 Angiotensin II constricts the efferent arterioles 
increase in glomerular hydrostatic pressure and return
of GFR toward normal

Importance of GFR Autoregulation in Preventing Extreme Changes in Renal Excretion

- Renal autoregulation prevents large changes in GFR that would otherwise occur
- Glomerular balance: adaptive mechanisms in the renal tubules that allow them to
increase their reabsorption rate when GFR rises
- Pressure dieresis or pressure natriuresis: changes in arterial pressure that have
significant effects on renal excretion of water and sodium

Role of Tubuloglomerular Feedback in Autoregulation of GFR

- The tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism has two components that act together to
control GFR:
o Afferent arteriolar feedback mechanism
o Efferent arteriolar feedback mechanism.
- These feedback mechanisms depend on special anatomical arrangements of the
juxtaglomerular complex, which consists of:
o Macula densa cells in the initial portion of the distal tubule
 Specialized group of epithelial cells that comes in close contact Blockade of Angiotensin II Formation Further Reduces GFR During Renal
with the afferent and efferent arterioles Hypoperfusion
 Contain Golgi apparatus: intracellular secretory organelles - Administration of drugs that block the formation (angiotensin-converting enzyme
directed toward the arterioles inhibitors) the action of angiotensin II (angiotensin II antagonists) causes greater
o Juxtaglomerular cells in the walls of the afferent and efferent arterioles. reductions in GFR than usual when the renal arterial pressure falls below normal

Myogenic Autoregulation of Renal Blood Flow and GFR
- Myogenic mechanism: ability of individual blood vessels to resist stretching during
increased arterial pressure
o respond to increased wall tension or wall stretch by contraction of the
vascular smooth muscle
 prevents overdistention of the vessel and at the same time, by
raising vascular resistance, helps prevent excessive increases
in renal blood flow and GFR when arterial pressure increases

Other Factors That Increase Renal Blood Flow and GFR: High Protein Intake and
Increased Blood Glucose
- A high protein intake increases both renal blood flow and GFR
o GFR and renal blood flow increase 20 – 30% within 1 or 2 hours after a
person eats a high-protein meal
o Possible explanation:
1. A high-protein meal increases the release of amino acids into the blood,
which are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
2. Because amino acids and sodium are reabsorbed together by the
proximal tubules, increased amino acid reabsorption also stimulates
sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubules
3. This decreases sodium delivery to the macula densa, which elicits a
tubuloglomerular feedback–mediated decrease in resistance of the
afferent arterioles
4. The decreased afferent arteriolar resistance raises renal blood flow and
5. This increased GFR allows sodium excretion to be maintained at a
nearly normal level while increasing the excretion of the waste products
of protein metabolism
- Large increases in blood glucose levels in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus also
increase renal blood flow and GFR
o Because glucose is also reabsorbed along with sodium in the proximal
tubule, increased glucose delivery to the tubules causes them to reabsorb
excess sodium along with glucose
 This decreases delivery of sodium chloride to the macula densa,
activating a tubuloglomerular feedback–mediated dilation of the
afferent arterioles and subsequent increases in renal blood flow
and GFR
- The main purpose of the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism is to ensure a
constant delivery of sodium chloride to the distal tubule, where final processing
of the urine takes place

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