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1.0 Introduction

People nowadays are living shorter than ever before and chronic diseases

are on the rise as well. In today’s health care climate, reduced insurance coverage,

constrains on access to care, and increased cost of perception and services are the

norm. Because of that people are becoming increasingly interested in preventing

strategies and holistic approaches to health, such as eating a nutritionally good

foods, being physically fit and reducing the stress. The interest in natural treatment

and products continue to grow (Roth etal,2004).

Herbal medicine serves as a reference for pharmacists, doctors, nurses and

other healthcare professionals, assisting them in the provision of these medicines to

members of the public. The term “herbal medicines” or herbal medicines product” (or

less frequently, herbal remedy) is used to describe a marketed product, whereas

“herbal ingredient” refers to an individual herb that is present on a herbal medicine


Herbal medicine continues to be a popular healthcare choice of the general

public not only for health maintenance and well-being, minor ailments, chronic
conditions and serious chronic disease, but also for the enhancement of function or

process, such as the ginkgo biloba products for memory enhancement.

One of the changes that individuals have made is the medical world. A lot of

individual use medicine rather than herbs today as compared to the past. Many

individuals view the drugs as being more effective than the herbs. In cases this view

can be true while to other it might not be true.

Through this study, we will be able to provide you an informative information

about the usefulness of herbals in our daily lives. And as an initial step, there is a

need to develop a database on medicinal plant utilization and documentation.

1.1 Background of the Study

The system is capable for storing data and is responsible for quick

accessibility and easy retrieval of data and information of herbal plants and medicinal

usage. Prior to the development, the system was designed with search menu options

that allows user to view and search information using the herbal name. As it was

consulted from the end-user, the herbal plants contain information which includes its

corresponding name, local name, scientific name, herbal information. The system

presents images in each herbal with assigned label of photo description. It also

provides information and basic set of features to add and update certain information

available on the database system.

Herbal information is a special type of information dealing with medicinal

herbs. It also covers nomenclature of medicinal plants in scientific methods. Common

names both in English and local names of herbs and plants. A set of images of herbs

is a source of sharing knowledge about herb identity.

This system gives an efficient way of managing data for easy retrieval and

quick accessibility of information. It also provides an effective means for the

compilation of relevant uses; it provides guidance and supports decision to prevent

errors and in effectiveness of services

The goal of the researchers in this study is to create a web-based system

about the usefulness of herbal plants. Providing a web-based system will help the

client determine what kind of herbal plants is applicable towards someone’s illness.

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