Elementary Test

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Cambridge College


Name _____________________________________________________________________

Results _______________%

Rules: 1- No cheating 2- No Cell Phones

3- No talking 4- No notes Date: / /

Good Luck!

Oprah: The TV star Billionaire

Oprah was borno n January 29th, 1954, Kosciusko, Mississipi. Her parents were very
poor. Her father, Vernon, worked in a coal mine and her mother, Vernita, cleaned
houses. They couldn’t
Look after Oprah, so she lived with her grandmther, Hattie Mae. Oprah was clever. She
could read before she was three. When she was 17, she received a scholarship to
Tennessee State University, where she studied drama. She also started Reading the
news at the local radio station.

Read and Answer the following questions based on the comprehension of the text.
1. Is Oprah Winfrey rich?
2. Where was she born?
3. When was she born?

4. What were her parent’s names?

5. Where did her father work?

7. What did her mother do?

8. What could she do before she was three?

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple
1. My granddad____(be) born in 1932. He ____(die) in 2009.
2. My parents_____(meet) in London in 1983. They____(get) married in 1985.
3. I_______(arrive) late for the lesson. It______(begin) at 2 o’clock.
4. I______(catch) the bus to school today. It______(take) just 40 minutes.
5. I_____(have) a very busy morning. I_____(send) 30 emails before 10 o´clock.
6. Our football team______(win) the match 3-0. Your team____(lose) again.
7. My brother______(earn) a lot of money in his last job, but he_____(leave)
because he_____________(not like) it.
8. I_________(study) Chinese for four years, but when I_____(go) to Shanghai,
I___________(can not) understand a word.

2. There a lot of different words for good and bad. Write 5 adjectives for good and 3
adjectives for bad.
Adjectives for good Adjectives for bad

3. Write in full each ordinal numbers that is presented to you.







Describing feelings.
Translate these words in Portuguese.
1. Annoyed
2. Bored
3. Excited
4. Interesting
5. Tired
6. Worried

In less than 8 lines write what you like most in English classes.
Student Speech Assessment

Level ____________________________
Name ________________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________

Marks Comment

Confidence /4 Very confident / Not

Pronunciation: /4 Clear pronunciation / Not
clear pronunciation
/4 Good use of vocabulary
Use of Vocabulary

/4 Good use of grammar / Not

Use of Grammar very good use of grammar

/4 Clear/ Not clear


/20 %

Teacher: Eurico P. Sapalo

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