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Ayurvedic Skin and Hair Treatment by its Type

Ayurveda defines skin and hair types in its own distinctive manner to ensure that
the traditional science of skin and hair proves beneficial.

Skin Type by Ayurveda

First let us understand the different skin types according to Ayurveda and how the
holistic science of healing provides unique measures of Ayurvedic skin
Vata Skin Type

This type of skin is usually dry and delicate with low thickness staying vulnerable to extreme
weather conditions especially dry weather. The best remedies for vata type skin care include:

• Organic milk, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains work to provide internal nutrition
and nourishment
• Luke warm water is an added benefit to vata type skin to help support internal hydration
• Sweets and juicy fruits also help in internal cleansing
• A warm oil massage provides a youthful skin
Pitta Type Skin

This type of skin is fair, sensitive, soft, and warm with medium thickness. It is susceptible to
freckles, moles, rashes, acne, and sunspots. The best remedies for pitta type skin care include:

• Do not use any kind of harsh or synthetic cosmetics

• Avoid eating hot, fried, and spicy food items
• Sweets and juicy fruits delivers the required coolness to skin
• Gentle massage with natural skin care cream leads to cleaning and nourishment
• Cooking food with spices like fennel and licorice that are cool proves beneficial
• Try maximum to keep yourself away from sunlight and harmful radiations
Kapha Type Skin

Kapha type of skin is oily, soft, and pale with high thickness. It takes longer to age and form
wrinkles as compared to vata and pitta type of skin. The best remedies for kapha type skin

• Avoid eating fried and sweet foods

• Ensure to eat food and undergo a daily exercise regime to ensure improved blood
• Include vegetables and fruits to increase the cleansing effect
• Warm spices like ginger and black pepper in your daily recipes works to prevent
accumulation of ama
• Body massage with warm oil also keeps the skin refreshing and nourishing
Hair Type by Ayurveda
Now, let us understand the hair types defined by Ayurveda and how Ayurvedic hair treatment
comes into categorization.

• Normal Hair: Natural hair is good with no excessive oil accumulation or dryness. For
natural hair regular washing at an interval for four to five days works well. A tulsi
shampoo and a hydrating conditioner make hair healthy and shining with ease to manage.
• Dry Hair: Dry hair is because of deficiency of important hair proteins and vitamins. For
dry hair, massage your hair with warm oil at regular intervals followed by shampoos
made of herbs like lavender or rosemary. These shampoo along with olive based
conditioner work to provide the lost moisture to scalp while making hairs look healthy
and shining.
• Oily Hair: Oily hair is a representation of excessive fat and starch within the body. For
oily hair, regular shampoo at an interval of one or two days is essential and that too with
herbal formulations like Amla, Shikakai, and Bramhi.
• Combination Hair: Hair is not dry and needs shampooing and conditioning every few
days with herbal extract formulations or protein based shampoo that work to strengthen
and nourishes hair.

Even if get in touch with the best skin specialist in Nagpur or any other city across the country,
Ayurveda has the best answer. No doctor irrespective of his or medical field can deny the
influence of food, exercise, lifestyle, skin type, and hair type on your skin and hair. If you belong
to Nagpur and looking for best skin and hair care packages for long term then you can get
through many options for skin treatment packages in Nagpur.

It works well on all age groups and gender.
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