Service Quality (Questionnaire Shodhganga)

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Customer Questionnaire

PART – I (General Information)

Please provide the correct information for each of the following. All information will be used
strictly for research purposes.
1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Sex :
4. Occupation : Business Service Agriculture
Housewife Student
5. Monthly Income : Under 20,000 20,000 - 40,000

40,000 - 60,000 60,000 - 80,000

80,000 and above

6. Please choose your Life Insurance Company from below:

(Please use a separate questionnaire if you are a customer of more than one Life Insurance

i. LIC ii.HDFC Standard

iii. ICICI Prudential iv. Bajaj Allianz
v. Birla Sunlife vi. SBI Life

7. For how long have you been a customer of your present Life Insurance Company?
i. Less than 3 years ii. 3-6 Years
iii. 6-9 Years iv. Above 9 years

8. What type of life insurance policy(s) do you own from the following?
(Kindly use separate questionnaire if you have more than one product policy)
Endowment Plan
i.. Traditional Plans
Money Back Plan
ii. Unit Linked Plans (ULIPs)

9. What is your purpose of buying the insurance policy?

(Rate from 1-5 according to your reason for buying “1” meaning the most important reason and “5”
meaning least important.)
i. Insurance
ii. Saving
iii Protection of Wealth
iv Tax Saving
v. Pension
PART – II (Expectations Section)

Please check your extent of agreement or disagreement with the feature described by each statement related
to the Life Insurance Companies that would deliver excellent quality of service.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
E1 Will have modern equipments and will support latest
E2 Will have physical infrastructure which is visually
E3 Employees and agents will be smart and have an
attractive appearance
E4 Materials associated with the services provided will
be visually appealing and will cover all associated
terms and conditions.
E5 Promise to do something in a specified time will be
E6 Whenever any problem is encountered by customers,
sincere effort will be put in to solve it.
E7 Will always perform the right service at the first
E8 Will always provide error free records.

E9 Will enjoy goodwill and sound financial foundation.

E10 Will give prompt services to customers and tell

customers about the exact time frame in which
services will be performed.
E11 Will always be delighted to help the customers.

E12 Will always be willing to respond to customers'

needs and requests.
E13 Will continuously communicate with customers by
using the methods that suit best to the needs of
E14 Will use latest internet based communication tools to
effectively reach the customers.
E15 The behavior will enhance the level of confidence in
E16 Customers will feel fair and safe in conducting
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
E17 Will be professionally competent enough to provide
services to customers.
E18 Will give precise and detailed representation of
products and services.
E19 Will give individual attention to customers.

E20 The operating hours will be convenient to all the

E21 Will have a clear understanding of the specific needs
of their customers.
E22 Will receive complaints and criticisms from
customers and responds to them positively.
E23 Will organize periodic consumer need based
awareness programs to have greater understanding
with the customers
E24 Will make ethic based policies and commit to ethical
E25 Will offer products and services specialized
according to customer needs and having best quality
among competitors.
E26 Will offer a wide range of policies and products.
E27 The pricing of the products and services will be
highly competitive vis-à-vis competitors.
E28 Will provide guarantee through various provisions to
ensure highest quality of products and services.
E29 Will have a clear line (Unique Selling Point) to
differentiate their products and services.
E30 Will have clear and transparent terms and conditions
specified in the policy at the time of issuance.
E31 Will settle customers' claims without any
unreasonable paperwork and delay.
E32 The formalities of buying a policy will be easy.
E33 Will have consistent and easy to understand process
of underwriting policies.
E34 Will have simplified terms for renewal of policy.
E36 Will offer promotional schemes to attract the
customers from time to time.
E37 Will offer easy modes (Electronic Clearing System,
Internet etc.) for payment of premium.
E38 Will offer additional packages in terms of riders
(such as accidental rider, disability rider etc.) to
combine with policies.

PART – III (Perceptions Section)

Please check your extent of agreement or disagreement with the features depicted by each statement related to
your perceptions about quality of services provided by your life Insurance company.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
P1 Has modern equipments and will support latest
P2 Has physical infrastructure which is visually
P3 Employees and agents are smart and have
attractive appearance
P4 Materials associated with the services provided are
visually appealing and will cover all associated
terms and conditions.
P5 Promises to do something in a specified time are
P6 Whenever any problem is encountered by
customers, sincere effort is put to solve it.
P7 Performs the right service at the first instance.
P8 Provides error free records.
P9 Enjoys goodwill and sound financial foundation.
P10 Give prompt services to customers and tell
customers about the exact time frame in which
services will be performed.
P11. Delighted to help the customers.
P12 Always willing to respond to customers' needs and
P13. Continuous communication with customers by
using the methods that suit best to the needs of
P14. Uses latest internet based communication tools to
effectively reach the customers.
P15. The behavior enhances the level of confidence in
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
P16 Customers feel fair and safe in conducting
P17 Are professionally competent enough to provide
services to customers.
P18 Give precise and detailed representation of
products and services.
P19 Give individual attention to customers.
P20 The operating hours are convenient to all the
P21 Have a clear understanding of the specific needs of
their customers.
P22 Receives complaints and criticisms from
customers and responds to them positively.
P23 Organizes periodic consumer need based
awareness programs to have greater understanding
with the customers.
P24 Make ethic based policies and commit to ethical
P25 Offer products and services specialized according
to customer needs and having best quality among
P26 Offer a wide range of policies and products.
P27 The pricing of the products and services are highly
competitive vis-à-vis competitors.
P28 Provides guarantee through various provisions to
ensure highest quality of products and services.
P29 Has a clear line (Unique Selling Point) to
differentiate their products and services.
P30 Has clear and transparent terms and conditions
specified in the policy at the time of issuance.
P31 Settles customers' claims without any
unreasonable paperwork and delay.
P32 The formalities of buying a policy are easy.
P33 Has consistent and easy to understand process of
underwriting policies.
P34 Have simplified terms for renewal of policy.
P35 Provides simplified procedures for alterations such
as change in address, nominee etc. in the policy.
P36 Offers promotional schemes to attract the
customers from time to time.
P37 Offers easy modes (Electronic Clearing System,
Internet etc.) for payment of premium.
P38 Offers additional packages in terms of riders (such
as accidental rider, disability rider etc.) to combine
with policies.

The following table relates to your perception of the overall service quality of the services provided by your
company. Please tick the no. that best reflects your assessment.
1 2 3 4 5

Poor quality Excellent

Inferior Superior

Low High
Standards Standards
One of the One of the
worst Best

Kindly rate the following statements from 1-5, “1” if you think that the feature is “Least likely” and tick “5”
if you think that the feature is “Most likely”.

I will 5 4 3 2 1

1 say positive things about the company to other people

2 recommend the company who seeks my advice

3 encourage friends and relatives to buy products from the

4 do more business with the company in next few years

5 consider the company as first choice to buy various services

6 do less business with the company in the next few years

7 take some of my business to a competitor that offers better

products at more attractive prices
8 continue to do business with the company even if its prices
increases somewhat
9 I am ready to pay higher price than the competitors charge
for the benefits I currently enjoy from the company
If I experience a problem with the company’s service I
10 switch to a competitor

11 complain to other consumers

12 complain to external agencies such as ombudsman and

grievance cell
13 complain to company’s employees

1. Do you have a ULIP policy? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ then:
(a) From where did you come to know about ULIP?
i. Advertisement ii.Agent/ Employee
iii. Friend/Relative iv. Any other source
(b) Please tick from the following options about which you are aware of regarding ULIP:
i. How and where the money will be invested
ii. Risks involved with the investment
iii. Agent’s commission
iv. Maturity amount
v. Flexible policy options(Switching, top ups, partial withdrawls)
(c) Please tick if you are aware of the following features related to premium payment of ULIP:
i. Regular fund value statements
ii. Possibility of on line tracking
iii. Fund switching
iv. Premium redirection
v. Premium relocation
(d) Did you receive advisory regarding the following from the employees of your company?
i. Suggestion about fund switching
ii. Fund value/ NAV
iii. Mailers about new products
iv. SMS / Reminder letters
v. When to enter/exit a product
vi. Premium allocation
vii. Any other (please specify)
(e) How satisfied are you regarding the adequacy of information you received regarding ULIP?
1 Highly Satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Neutral
4 Dissatisfied 5 Highly Dissatisfied
2. How much amount did you receive in the specified period as conveyed to you by the agent/employee
of the insurance company after surrender?
i. Less than 50% ii 50% - 80% iii. Full amount iv. Not Applicable
(a). How satisfied are you with the time taken for surrender?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
(b) How satisfied are you with the role played by the agents/employees of your company during the
process of surrender?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
(c) What is your opinion regarding the no. of documents and other formalities required by your
company during the process of surrender?
Very High High Average Low Very Low
4. Did you ever use any influence to settle the claim at the time of maturity/Death? Yes No
If yes, (Please specify):
(a) Whom did you need to contact?
1 Employee (s) of the company Senior officer Agent
4 Politician 5 Any other (Specify)
(b) How many visits did you make to the office before receiving the claim?
1-2 visits 3-5 visits More than 5 visits

PART- VII (Only for LIC policy holders)

If you are a LIC policy holder for more than 9 years, then please tick at the appropriate response
stating your opinion on the following:

Highly Improved Remained Deteriorated Badly

Improved Same Deteriorated

1 Improvement in the over all working of your

2 Improvement in product quality offered by
your company?
3 Improvement in the behaviour and efficiency
of employees/agents
4 Pricing of policies
5 Improvement in the overall ambience and
6 Formalities required to get a life insurance
7 Flexibility and need based suitability of the
products offered
8 Level of information being provided by the
employees/agents to the customers
9 Effectiveness of the various promotional
activities in arriving at the final decision
10 Change in time taken to settle a claim
11 Formalities required to settle a claim

(l) Any other impact of privatization on your company (Please specify)

Any other suggestion:

(Thanks for your cooperation)

Questionnaire for Agents

Personal Information:
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Regular / Part Time:
4. Name of Company:
5. Income from selling insurance:
i. Less than 5,000 ii. 5,000- 10,000

iii 10,000 – 15,000 iv. 15,000 and more

6. Why did you choose this company to work as an agent?
i. Your personal relations with the Manager
ii. Policies of the company
iii. More financial support as compared to other companies
iv. Any other reason
Please specify your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding the following statements:
Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied
Use of modern equipments and support latest
technology by your company.
The physical infrastructure of your company.

Financial training/ updates from your company.

Materials provided to you regarding the products

and services provided by your company.
Behavior of the staff of your company.

Financial support from your company.

Promotion policy offered by your company.
Training provided by your company

Range of policies and products.

Formalities and time taken to issue a policy.

Paper work associated with selling and

maintaining a policy.
Information provided to you regarding new
products, policies and changed regulations
introduced by regulator.
Process of underwriting policies.

Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

Satisfied Dissatisfied
Pricing of the products and services vis-à-vis
Clarity and transparency of terms and conditions
specified in the policy at the time of issuance.

Procedure for renewal of policy.

Use of ethic based policies.

Conduct of periodic consumer need based

awareness programs to have greater
understanding with the customers
Direct support from your company to retain old

Please answer the following:

Upto Large Upto Some Rarely Never Can’t

Extent Extent Say
Do you use modern communication tools to
effectively reach the customers?
Do you undertake the financial planning of the
Do you tell the customer about the positive and
negative points of a product vis-à-vis the other
Do you receive complaints and criticisms from
customers and responds to them positively
Do you give prompt services to customers and
tell customers about the exact time frame in
which services will be performed.
Do you give precise and detailed representation
of products before selling them?
Do you give individual attention to customers?
Do you adjust the operating hours so that they are
convenient to the customers?

1. Rate the overall service quality of your company vis-à-vis other companies.
Very High High Average Low Very Low
2. Do you need your company to introduce new and competitive products?
Yes No Can’t Say
3. Do you want any change or simplification in the procedures adopted by your
company regarding training?
Yes No Can’t Say
4. Do you want any change or simplification in the procedures adopted by your
company regarding procedures adopted for issuance of policies to customers?
Yes No Can’t Say
5. Do you want your company to change the present promotional policies? Yes No
6. If ‘Yes’ Please specify
7. Which of these modern technology features do you want your company to
introduce for interacting with the customers and the company?
Mobile alerts e-mail Internet
Electronic Illustrations Any other (please specify)
7. How often does your Manager accompany you on sales calls?
Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always
8. Does your manager impress upon you to sell a particular type product or policy?
Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always
9. What percentage of your sales call includes your natural market (friends, relatives,
acquaintances etc.)?
< 25% 25%-50% 50%-75% >75%
10. What percentage of your sales call includes open market (persons not known to you
<25% 25%-50% 50%-75% >75%
11. Does your manager inform you about prospective buyers (sales lead)?
Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always
12. Are you aware of the role of ombudsman? Yes No
13. Have you suggested any of your customers to use the services of ombudsman?
Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always
14. Are you and your customer satisfied by the time taken by the ombudsman to solve the
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
15. Are you and your customer satisfied by the solution given by the ombudsman to solve the
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
16. Any other information or experience you wish to share, Please specify.

(Thanks for your cooperation)

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