The Role of HR in Resolving Conflict in The Organization PDF

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The role of HR in resolving conflict in

the organization
There can and will be conflicts among workers, between subordinates and their superior, and
between employees and the employer. However, the conflict or the causes for it are not as
important as how quickly and effectively the conflict gets resolved.

Human Resources (HR) has a major role to play in resolving any conflict arising in the organization.
HR professionals require a thorough understanding of human behavior and relationship to resolve or
manage any conflict professionally. Conflicts are seen and perceived differently by individuals.
Therefore, it is important for HR professionals to first define a given conflict so the concerned parties
are on the same page. The next step is participation, discussion and then coming up with a solution
that can resolve the conflict amicably.

Conflict Resolution and Management

There are no universal rules to manage and resolve a conflict. Every conflict has a unique solution.
The HR professionals need to take into confidence the parties involved in a conflict and ensure their
active participation for a resolution. Within a company cordial work relationships are very important
for a productive environment. Therefore, the parties involved in a conflict make efforts to spend
time to listen and understand the opposition’s view with the help of the HR professionals. The
parties need not agree with each other’s viewpoints but must acknowledge and accept their
feelings. The goal is to build a common ground to arrive at an acceptable solution for the conflict

The HR has to determine the appropriate approach rather than the best approach to resolve the
conflict. Often everybody involved in a conflict has a solution to the conflict and how it should be
handled and there is no dearth of people claiming to be capable of resolving a conflict. However,
what is really required is an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the situation that leads to the
conflict and the possible outcomes that can help resolve the conflict.

Sometimes conflicts cannot be resolved using the above approach. In such cases, the goal is to
reduce the conflict or manage the conflict till suitable options show up on their own with passage of
time and eventual change in circumstances.

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